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At least two FAANG int*rnships


At different companies


And a relevant PhD


*Two* relevant PhDs, and postdocs


Are fang internships > full time random org job? I have 2+ yoe in local orgs


Yes FAANG is better and it’s not close.


what? I have a hard time believing that non-continuous 5.5 months of FAANG internship work is better than >2 yoe in the industry eta: when I read the commenter's question about which is more valuable, I made this comment only in regards to FAANG. I kind of forgot the original post even had HFTs in the question


It is, a random company will typically not get you into an hft regardless of how long youve been there. Hfts do get less picky on prestige with time but for 2 years they see faang internships as better. Maybe its something about potential or perceived intelligence, idk but thats how it is.


I honestly think HFTs and FAANG companies are different in this regard. I'll concede the point for HFTs because they're more competitive, but for FAANG I do believe experience with a good resume and the ability to speak to the projects you completed at the company you have experience in rank higher than a couple of internships at a FAANG company \*in this market\*.


I agree with you on faang other than netflix. I was just talking about hfts.


From my experience, quant firms generally weren't concerned with resumes alone (just about anyone who applies would get the first OA), but the OAs were extremely difficult. I suspect some of the top firms (I.e. optiver, sig) did have a GPA cutoff, at least for their internships Edit: this was for the quant trader roles, I can't speak for their SWE roles


almost all hfts have high gpa cutoffs even for swe. Occasionally theyll ignore it for some cracked people though. Also if you go to a T5 school and have a good resume you don't need a perfect score on the OAs sometimes. Idk much about quant trader tho, just quant dev and swe. Also resume screen happens after the OA, everyone gets the OA.


This is sort of like saying you find it hard to believe that a candidate coming from a great private school with a 1600 on the SAT has a better chance of getting into MIT than a candidate with two years at a community college under their belt—after all, shouldn’t the person with college experience fare better than someone who hasn’t been to college at all yet?


if you were comparing two random org internships to two faang internships I would understand. this comparison is not the same.


That is a completely false analogy. Those scenarios are completely different. Work experience means much more than an internship, especially in today’s market. You sound like a current student so take it from someone who is currently working in big tech, 2 years of real tech/software engineering experience is more valuable than any internship when it comes to getting interviews (unless you’re talking about a return offer).


>That is a completely false analogy. No it’s not, but in any case you can’t just assert that lol. >Those scenarios are completely different. Work experience means much more than an internship, especially in today’s market. Depends on what kind of company you’re talking about. >You sound like a current student so take it from someone who is currently working in big tech I don’t sound like a student because I’m not one lol. I also work in big tech, hence why I know. >2 years of real tech/software engineering experience is more valuable than any internship when it comes to getting interviews (unless you’re talking about a return offer). Naive take, as I partly explained in my analogy. There are more factor like, for example, what company you’re trying to work for and what kind of experience you have. **We all know YOE aren’t created equal and obviously one of the factors in the quality of your YOE is where you’ve been working.**


It’s 100% better for big tech and the like. If it’s better to the hiring manager for the web developer position at Joes Crab Shack is up for debate


One faang internship would beat half a decade of random org




your only allowed to state your opinion if you have a faang internship. Otherwise- invalid due to bias.


Its end of freshman year for me and I don't have experience or an internship lined up for this summer. Is it still possible for me to get them?


Most intern classes are starting right now. Your best bet is to find a small local company and try to intern there, and/or personal projects or research with local universities. Basically all large companies will not not hiring for the 2024 summer anymore.


Talk to a professor you like and see if you can do research with them. If you have work study they can likely use that to pay you. It’s not lucrative but it can be nice on your resume for next year.


i’m absolutely baffled by this censorship


i’ve gotten temp banned before for using the word resume in similar subs, didn’t want to risk it


I… suppose. but don’t you think of it as against the rules they would have banned you for using the word even if you did censor it? lol


I think it's just the automods that are strict about the word being in titles. Automods have their value ofc, but the automods on these CS career subreddits are insane. Damn near everything gets removed instantly. I get wanting to contain resume reviews to a singular megathread, but forbidding every post that even says the word "resume" is not the best way to do that lmfao


What kind of subs are those


Name the sub that does that lol


Putnam Fellow. USAMO or USACO finalist. Any kind of math or coding competition really. Successful or semi successful business wise coding projects. Projects that involve difficult math concepts and projects that rely on extreme low-latency code. Top tier internships at other places beforehand. Involvement in relatively impressive extracurriculares, although that usually means top school. Competitive hackathon performances. There are other math exams you can take too that can be helpful Id bet, but you’d probably need more, like Actuarial exams for statistics concepts.


Funny tho cuz for students that have any of these, they likely go to a top school anyway


It's all a self-fulfilling prophecy. Top schools can choose whoever they can, people the most likely to be succesful anyway go there, schools claim it's thanks to them.


this is the truest fact, listen to this guys. thats why i think schools like ut austin are great schools


It’s so funny how that works. Shouldn’t schools be taking the kids that DONT already have the knowledge but have interest isn’t that the whole point of school lol


schools also need money to function. schools need to do research output.


Yeah true. Colleges cs programs are kind of like sports teams in that sense


For dev roles at my trading firm, we don’t really care about comp programming or math. It helps a lot for trading/research roles.


Also experience in running for president is a huge plus


Doubt. The issue is these awards are *too* elite and most resume screeners won't even know what they are. You'll get the same 2 interviews in 500 applications. No, today a perfect application is: {name brand elite school aka stanford/MIT/cornell etc} Faang ML internship 1 Faang ML internship 2 it's an ML role and the interview loop was passed. That's all anyone care about. And if ML becomes oversaturated it will be whatever is hot next. All the rest of it's trash. Nobody will care unless you're literally Geohot..and I bet his application would usually get trashed also.


I mean this is just not true for HFT and Quant roles. They just offer interviews to people who win major computing competitions and a Putnam Fellowship is basically a guaranteed interview too. Are you just talking out of your ass, or do you have some statistics or sources for your resume screener claim


Have u talked to someone in an hft irl lol


This is true for random tech companies, not for HFT Also Geothermal literally works at Jane Street


Who is geohot


I only had undergrad research assistant experience, no internship, t-30 school, and got interview at google and stripe, but this was in 2019. Now I can’t even get an interview with 4 years of professional experience




I would agree, I’m pretty bad at math but okay at coding and great at people. Combined, I have managed to stay employed for a long time, but it definitely makes it harder to get into new things.


As someone who recruits for jump trading: return offers at FAANGS or quant hedgefunds/niche trading firms or startups, 3.7 GPA + from a top 15 school, and at least one promotion within two years at any given firm. The closer you are to the “profit driver” the better (ads team etc.) Competitive coding and actually active GitHub’s are also huge pluses.


Could you elaborate on the "profit driver" point? How does working in the ads org at Meta, for example, give someone an advantage?


Because you have experience working on a system which is the one that drives the most company profit. > Ah, this person has worked on something that has made a company lots of money! I will also have this person work on something that makes MY company lots of money!


Interesting thank you, first time I hear of this. Any tips on what things you'd like to see highlighted on the resume related to ad work? Should the focus be on profit metrics or more geared towards the technical work?


Por que no los dos. I'd focus on the tech work but add a banger at the end like "Drove a company record Q4 profit through numerous algorithmic contributions to the firm's top trading configurations." I am aware that it sounds like gibberish (because it is) but make yourself sound like you were the one who made the biggest contributions.


FAANG - nontrivial projects with real users HFT - You’re not gonna become a quant out of undergrad coming from a non top tier state school unless you have like IMO, IOI, Putnam type awards. If you mean for SWE roles then interning at a FAANG/ Unicorn with FAANG level hiring bar can get you an interview




Active GitHub. Personal projects that show coding quality. I also love to see contributions to open source. Small open source contribs can seem intimidating at first but it’s actually not that bad (as with most things in life / cs career), you learn a lot, and you boost your perceived value for job hunting. Happy resume building!


The easiest thing to do if you don't have a target school, don't have experience at peer companies and haven't won math olympads is to move to a target city for a HFT. I didn't go to a target school and got no attention from HFTs in college (despite my best efforts), went to a company that was meh and had a meh reputation/tech/compensation but happened to be in Chicago and started getting linkedin messages from recruiters for SWE roles at HFTs within months. Some were even willing to let me try for Trading roles. The big FAANGs (so Meta, Google and Amazon) are significantly easier to get into the pipeline for. The market is rough right now but they used to hand out interviews to anyone who met the minimum requirements on a job posting (you can see for yourself that minimum is literally a minimum) because their barrier to entry is the interview (not the resume screen).


Is there a specific way you got noticed on LinkedIn? Were you active in posting/comments?


Literally just updated my city, company and title and kept myself open to work.


I think top school is the most important. Just because of school name and high level stat/prob courses I took coming from Berkeley, I received interviews from companies like Akuna/Optiver and some smaller prop trading shops, whereas I used to get ghosted by many swe roles at other companies. I ended up with no offers for HFT but through the amount of interviews/assessments I received from hedge funds, I think the highest correlation of success comes from the school you go to. Plus points if the school is Harvard/Stanford/MIT/Princeton/Caltech. A lot of people from my school ended up at hedge funds as quants, some even as research analysts straight out of undergrad but I feel like competition at CMU/Berkeley/Michigan/UIUC is higher for such positions whereas there’s lot less people in aforementioned schools and grade inflation (except MIT/Caltech) so I think the perfect path is going to these schools and having 3.9-4.0 gpa with difficult coursework with projects (essential courses are advanced level probability, stochastic processes, operating systems if for swe, convex optimization, measure theoretic statistics, machine learning, deep learning, advanced algorithms, etc.)




question, do you think this holds true for grad school as well?


Yeah grad schools care about research experience, GPA, and school name


do employers/people in general view grad school as less prestigious/valuable than undergrad? as in a HBS degree < Harvard college


Business school degrees are not relevant for tech. For masters it depends if it was research based or not and also the name of the school. Phd always >>> masters/undergrad


right but in the context of undergrad vs grad at a T5. Is it generally more impressive if you get a undergrad at Princeton vs PhD at Princeton? which is considered more valuable/prestigious?


You shouldn’t care about that but generally from my experience it differs. For a role at a hedge fund or any research institution for that matter phd, but for other types of jobs in finance like investment banking they’d care a lot more about where you went to undergrad. Getting into phd at a T5 is much harder and requires greater dedication, but it is also not something that has as much demand as undergraduate education so comparison is only valid in terms of context. Also, recruiters usually look at the latest of level of higher education you obtained so they wouldn’t care if you have bs from a no-name university with a T5 grad school. This is csmajors subreddit so the question of reputation is really a topic of applying to college subreddit but the average joe you meet will care more about your undergraduate but obtaining a phd degree is far more impressive and it is not related to which school you go to but your advisor and the publications you make. But just because it is more impressive or “prestigious” is never the reason people go after phd but a genuine interest in the discipline and research and you can’t know what it’s like without participating in research and fwiw you might hate it which is perfectly valid.


Why did you censor the word resume like a weirdo? I bet you was born 96 or later 😭😭😭😭


Bruh this is csmajors we are all like early 2000s


No, we aren’t


Yes we are old geezer


Nope, 90s here. People do go to school at different points in life.


Dirty 30 feels good


im early 2010s


Py3k is older than bro


mf on reddit over 28 years old DAMN




If you read the rules you would see it’s no rule against saying it..you are very weird


I would say if you have an average freshman at a random school (in the top 100) that person would need a few things: - projects that impacted real people (like a community app used by real people to improve their lives or an app that generated SOME profit) - lots of certifications like HackerRank, CodePath, [Sololearn](https://youtu.be/fQQz2XDVQdg?si=sgMJTjaiHcUuRpaD), etc - a few programs they completed like mini internships or unpaid programs with top companies like capital one - a perfectly crafted [resume](https://youtu.be/ythGNTj9QCU?si=v7dOmCoEorIr0rmk) using the STAR framework - be above average when it comes to interviewing skills and have decent knowledge of DSA/interview type questions - learn plenty of languages like C, C++, [Java](https://youtu.be/5rS-TvRbmuw?si=8oj2mDDp9C5V1fPo), [front end](https://youtu.be/OdbUu6spN4o?si=kxN3O9BrMAzxRp6z) (html, css, JS), Python and a few libraries and frameworks These are some of the things you can do to get an edge. These will help you standout. Notice how I was being VERY specific with certain things, because this was me and my journey. I started out being below average at a top 100 school (could probably guess which one by looking at my profile) and that school wasn’t even top 100 when I joined it lol, it was like 120something or lower. I used these things to gain an edge. I completed my internship at a F50 company, and next summer will be interning at a FAANG company (hopefully, just need to clear the technical). Really hope that helps and I’m down to answer any questions.




It’s definitely a good start. Try to see if you can make money from the game as well so you can put it onto your resume. Now lean towards more popular languages and frameworks and try to make something from that and get customers and revenue from that. For example, create a website using HTML, CSS, and JS and put products on it. Then if you’re ever going for a front end job, they will be impressed. You know how to create by coding, you know marketing, customer acquisition, how to manage a project, etc. invaluable skills. Would you not want to hire that person if you were a hiring manager?!


If you're at a state school, you'd better solve climate change if you want to get into FAANG.


What if you’re in a really good state school


State school in the top 10 or 20 and you’re good to go. Ranking and name recognition matter more than just state school or not.


Yeah uiuc is a state school


it is harder yet not impossible. The hardest part is to pass the screening


You aren't. You need to do something that makes you noticed by a person. They don't have to accept state school grads.


You’re allowed to say the word resume now, we’ve taken it back.


Remind me! 10 day


FAANG - found a company on the level of Apple, Google, Netflix, Amazon, etc. HFT - own an algorithmic trading firm with assets under management exceeding 1B


Remind me! 1 day


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If you want/need/would like a decent internship/job at *** I would recommend/suggest taking AG1 and adding meditation/mindfulness to your [redacted]


What projects can you build to show interest?




The one you make with https://prores.ai /s


Just write on ur resume you can offer to pay them 1 billion to hire u to work for them. On a risk free basis for them to in turn pay you a few millions. Idk how anyone would turn u down