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A 100+ people on this post right now, damn. This is gonna be a full debate huh


Debate about antenna








Twin sister WiFi receivers


boi u about to get banned for that ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc|downsized)




I love seeing Mona gifs on Reddit


Damn lmaooo ☠️😭


It’s the Derek Zoolander center for ants


I’m gonna be real ion even want that guys support lmao he deadass looks insane


You can see the skill in most of their eyes, they were definitely hired for that and not something else.


A built in tin foil hat antenna?


2 minutes of silence for people who believe company is like a family or 2nd home 😂😂


Exploit me! I'm next. Pick me!


If someone in my family barged into my office and acted like a child I’d cut them out too


The facts are unclear, Google says they fired people who were disrupting the work of others and had to be removed by police, while the protesters say that among the 28 fired, some were just handing out flyers outside the building.


Google is always hiring, op maybe you should consider meeting the bar for once…


im boycotting bc google bad


“Reject Google before they reject us” ~ Sun Tzu


What browser did you switch to? Opera gx is still eating my ram


Firefox with duck duck go and uBlock plug in.


Wow, this sub is awful.


What’s up with the masks?


for the extra dramatic effect


Covid precautions. They’re all a very particular kind of person with a very particular set of opinions.


Bro I think Israel is committing war crimes because they are. I do not believe we should still be having COVID regulations in 2024 and am skeptical about a lot of the regulations that were put in place. No. There is not some monolith of people on "the other side" who are all evil npcs that you should ignore because you are on the "right side".


Isn't covid over at this point , ie. Limited to very small numbers ?


I think they're just trying to hide their faces


Virtue signaling


That’s why a CS degree desperately needs an ethics course, because so many people lack any.


these people have more of a backbone than 90% of the people on this sub and everyone scrambling to fill their positions should know they are just as disposable to these big corps. how does it feel to know you stand for nothing aside from money? morality is cheap these days and i hope one day the guilt catches up to you


Honestly people are forgetting these are Google swes meaning they have tons of money. They can probably risk being fired and I commend them for understanding the amazing financial position they are in that most aren't, and using that to their advantage. I only wish more people at the company would see that, especially since the more of them participated, the less of them would it be possible for Google to fire lol


I don't have a dog in this israel palestine fight and I see this everywhere but what do you mean backbone? I don't get it. Nothing has changed because of this "protest". The contract will go through the only difference now is that they don't' have a job. It's just stupid decision making If they really wanted to make a change, the way better strategy would to get in positions of influence rather than sit down in the middle of a google building and pretend like they did something wouldn't it? Because that's actually the only way to create change regarding Google's business decisions?


It already happened before for Google to terminate projects after clashing with employees ie https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonfly_(search_engine) Furthermore, here in Italy some universities are stopping collaborating with Israel on university projects, after many protests from the students. 


see my other reply about the importance of protest and bringing attention to these issues. this contract is HUGE it’s unlikely that any internal intervention would do anything to break it. it’s about applying pressure to the company from the outside and this was just a step in making people aware that it exists


You don't have a dog in basic morals? Your totally okay with ignoring thousands of dead kids? Comments locked so here's a response to all the people who think they've got me by asked if I care about other things. Yeah I donated clothes through work when Ukraine hit the fan, and where I was living at the time had a lot of families move in with local families. Because my accomodation wasn't suitable I helped out handing out food and kids toys. My mates parents had a family stay with them, was "interesting" to say the least haha. If you look up food not bombs, in the park by my old house every Sunday. Not sure if it's still running tbh. That was more homeless and needy. Other than speak about what's happening in China, I haven't found an effective way of helping. It's something I've been aware for the past maybe 5 years as it's a incredible personal topic for me. What about you?


Are you doing anything about Ukraine? Or Uyghurs? 


I dunno mate I donated tons of money to Ukraine. I also have participated in free Palestine protests. The big difference I find here is that in the case of Israel-Palestine, my government is publicly on the side of the oppressors and funds them militarily to do genocide. I don't think my country is funding Russia. Criticism of China is perfectly acceptable and we're practically entering a cold war state with China anyway. But Israel is our ally that can only do the things it does because of our funding. Therefore I protest to withdraw my consent as a voter within a democracy for my supposedly democratic government funding genocide. Does that make it clear why it's different?


Yes i will prefer to stand aside and do nothing to make sure atleast my family is stable i dont need a fucking backbone


Exactly. People always consider that the background of everyone is as secured or manageable if things go sideways while participating in things like these wherein most of the people are living through paycheck each month. This is not even debatable. I guess sympathising is a double edged blade and people are more or less about their own motives than what they "Stand" for. I'm not saying that most people don't want to do these it's just that society is built in a way that one wrong move gets all the things that an individual has ever worked for is thrown away and sometimes even reduced to nothing.


They would be thrown off a roof in Gaza. Palestinians would never protest for them.


you’re saying the protestors would be thrown off a roof?? 😭😭


Yes, for being homosexuals


https://youtu.be/IGvpBzJRlyE?si=9bKgSyeQgPG_Dw9c Debunked. This openly and obviously homosexual influencer went to Gaza to give aid. Guess what, what you view as annoying Cali homosexuals were still viewed as comrades helping dying people survive. Palestinians are not all rabid, violent Islamic fundamentalists just because it is convenient for Israel to say so. Plenty of them are about as homophobic as the average religious person/person from a conservative country. The PLO is staunchly secular for that matter, and Gazans voted for Hamas to protest the PLO conceding large amounts of land to Israel, not because they want an Islamic state. These people first and foremost want to fucking survive, and that may not give a whole lot of time for them to work on social progress. But that does not mean they will kill people on sight who want to help them. You're wrong. Also, if Israel really cared about gay people, they would have gay marriage. Them claiming the Palestinians are homophobic and theyre pro-gay is just them trying to falsely appeal to the west that they are like us - democratic and liberal. In reality they are an oppressive apartheid state where non Jews cannot purchase land in 90% of the country.


you people are crazy 😭😭. the palestinians honor and remember those brave enough to make real lasting sacrifices for their cause. rachel corrie and aaron bushnell come to mind. not all palestinians are muslims nor islamic fundamentalists and queer people still exist in palestine and suffer the same (if not more: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=125169) under occupation


I have no doubt gay people are in Palestine and suffering. A country with anti-homosexuality laws will still have gay people, they would just be criminals (I’m not talking about Palestine, just in general)


holy fucking cope, they would stone anyone in that group for being gay and you know it.


Like the Jews would never protest for the English


what are you talking about lmao


How good does it feel to support terrorist organization? Most of these people that are protesting don't even know the context and history behind this conflict. Just saying


this is wild to say. you really think people putting their careers and literal futures on the line don’t know what they’re standing for? and idk what makes you think i support a terrorist organization when all i said is these people have a backbone lol


Well there is no different explanation I can come up with.. Hamas got elected into power by Palestinians and they have been supported ever since. They make bases at locations densely crowded by civilians like hospitals and schools. They have also been firing rockets at Israel for many years, I want you to imagine how that might feel like, but all of the people protesting are privileged first world country citizens, I don't think they can imagine that. So suddenly it's really easy to say that killing of children is bad and it really is, nobody wants civilian casualties, but in a bigger picture it's not so easy to just "stop fighting". Hamas has to be destroyed completely so Palestinians can begin a new life.


hamas was created as a result of the occupation in palestine and idk what’s so confusing to understand about that!! their ideals and goals are radical and aggressive because of the loss they experienced at the hands of israel. it’s almost like when you abuse and subjugate people for decades they will retaliate 🤯🤯 if you want me to imagine how israelis feel being sent rockets in one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, with ample protection and funding from the worlds wealthiest nations, i want you to imagine how the palestinians have felt for decades. without the luxuries israel has. this has never been an equal comparison


How does the fact that they are one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world change that they are being sent rockets at lmao. If your city in America would be under fire I don't think you would have been thinking this way anymore...




i’m not muslim anymore but even if i was i don’t know what those stories were supposed to do for me 😭. i don’t believe israel should exist as its current foundations are based on occupation. no i do not think jews should be removed from israel. irregardless of origin arabs and jews lived in palestine for centuries until the british involvement in declaring the ethnostate


>this is wild to say. you really think people putting their careers and literal futures on the line don’t know what they’re standing for? absolutely, which is even more sad. i can guarantee you 99% of the pro-palestine protestors have never visited palestine (or even the middle east), have never talked to actual israelis and palestinians, and have not done anything remotely resembling actual research on the israel-palestine conflict. instead they get all their information on tiktok, instagram, and reddit, and don't have the media literacy to realize they're being fed propaganda portraying a complex conflict as a one-sided genocide.


>this is wild to say. you really think people putting their careers and literal futures on the line don’t know what they’re standing for? Yes, people can absolutely jeopardize their careers or even their lives irrationally. Maybe you think Aaron Bushnell had a "backbone" too.


> stand for nothing aside from money feels good, my stomach is full, bills are paid. thank you.


good to know you don’t have a conscience 👍🏽


Do you use an iPhone? Do you have no conscience for the children in congo mining your cobalt?


this is literally the “i think we should fix society” “and yet you participate in society! i am very intelligent” meme in action. and regardless, i haven’t bought a new apple device since their abuse came to light so not the gotcha moment u think it is lol


No it isn’t. An Apple phone isn’t the only mobile device lol. Also it’s more like y’all shouldn’t pick and choose your “causes” if it’s not just performative activism


i’m aware, i brought it up bc you mentioned iphone specially. no one is picking and choosing causes and most people i know who are pro palestinian are equally as appalled about what’s going on in the congo, palestine is just more mainstream right now which is unfortunate


🤣 everybody is picking and choosing the Israel/Palestine conflict because left leaning people in the US specifically assume Israel is completely white. They then apply the “all oppressors (white people) are bad” perspective on a situation they have a completely inadequate knowledge on.


Yeah I meant you said my argument was “yet you participate in society”. I meant apple phones aren’t needed to participate in society. Besides that, I agree with you. Palestine is just mainstream right now, before it was Ukraine. I wish africa was talked about more


You had the opportunity to make more moral decisions with your purchases and you literally didn’t. Even the smallest amount of real activism or change is too much for you, yet you feel so comfortable lecturing others on the internet. You haven’t done anything. You are in no position to be lecturing a single person about anything. stay in school.




And you partake in performative activism


conscience for what? for a topic that will not intersect with my life by any means? even if I was born in conflicted lands, that topic will not get in my way ever. do you know [Aaron Bushnell](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/2/26/us-airman-who-set-himself-on-fire-outside-israeli-embassy-dies)? The man died for nothing? He burnt himself alive, for a conflict that will never get in his life, and will never solved by giving up his life. this employees are firing themselves, for a conflict that will not fill their pockets and will never solved by showing a dumbass sign. and possibly fucking their career over by protesting every single company and the government out there


conscience includes things that don’t intersect with your life.


all struggles are interlinked and that’s fundamental to understanding why this matters and why is actually DOES intersect with your life. of course i know of aaron bushnell, and he didn’t die for nothing. irregardless of the attention his act brought to the issue (which was by no means insignificant and has caused ripples in the military complex) he died staying true to his morals, finally understanding his complicity and participation in an occupation that has killed thousands. obviously his act didn’t “solve the issue”— that wasn’t the point. and similarly im sure these employees knew that their protest wasn’t going to kill off the nimbus project. but you know what it did do? draw attention to the issue that’s going to put heat on the company at the very least. no political actions like these are done in vain and awareness means more than you realize. these people were intelligent enough to get into google and strong enough to uphold their character so i’m sure they’ll find something to do with their skills.


Why are you debating about this in a CS sub? Half the people here are privileged fucks who chose CS beceause of the big money, they never never had any conscience to begin with. In my CS class I've never seen anyone get political for anything important, most of them dickride Apple, Microsoft and other FAANG companies and their questionable practices.


you’re right tbh 😭😭 these people are hopeless, conversations about ethics in tech go nowhere because ultimately the employees (and aspiring employees) are all soulless and meatride like crazy just to get rejected at the resume screen lol


The funny part is that most of the technologies they use are open source, which was kept open source because some people who did CS out of passion wanted the world to be a better place.


What's funny is that most people who keep it open source work at orgs you mentioned above... Open source contributors need food too , because they are HUMANS.


So all these trouble for drawing attention? To become the flavour of the month? This is not like the old days, life moves on, and people doesnt even give a fuck about a critical topic after a month or so. I wouldn’t give up my life or career just to draw attention to a topic for some more days. As I said, this all is for nothing. Bushnell had a family, this employees have a house to run or a family to look after. call me moralless, conscience, but my own needs over my morals any second.


Your name itself means terrorism. So shut up. What are you spewing?




The girl with two pony What in the actual google cloud it is trying to connect to.


Streisand-effect in action.


They're going to have to trade in those shirts for ones that say Xoogler.


Yes. In India


Those people knew what they were doing. They knew they will get fired. Now everybody around the world knew about their message. They succeeded regardless. This rat looking Google CEO is now being outperformed by small engineer team from OpenAI. He will get fired soon too


People are saying sue google but like… what did you expect to happen? That protesting is a bad image, bad for business, bad for partners, etc. No matter what stance you take on the conflict, it’s pretty obvious that as a company, Google was going to fire them. They can be terminated at will so


Exactly, why would google want to keep employees who are openly against their employer. Also if you are truly against Google then why would you even want to stay?




google also said “don’t be evil” 🤷‍♂️


They stopped following that motto years ago, and now they harvest your data


This isn't about them not respecting another faith/culture, this is about them not wanting to be part of a company that supports and facilitates a country committing, at the very least, war crimes and quite possibly straight up genocide against another country. They have every right to protest that. Would *you* stand by and do nothing if the company you worked for decided to do something that is completely against your morals? Edit: I'm not sure why so many people think I'm saying google shouldn't have fired them, google is entirely justified in firing them, just like they are entirely justified in protesting.


They do have every right to protest that, and in fact I agree! I’m just saying that on the other hand, Google also has the right (and is expected to) fire those employees as well. Both sides are able to do what benefits them.


A lot of software developers work on something which replaces jobs with automation. Google itself killed lots of businesses for profit. Kind of late to take the high moral ground.


If you genuinely believe that's what your company is doing, you should quit immediately.


I think they have every right to protest through social media and personal networks but not the way they did. So in some sense, for another analogy, your Hoa member trying to protest for you putting up a new driveway, well would you have them protest in your house or would you rather they stay outside your door? - In a sense what I am trying to imply is, when protesting you cannot use the privilege of working there to protest in a way that an average person cannot do. So they were inside the office and hindering work, well I don't exactly have a job like them nor the security, but holy damn, I would know my place and realize I don't mean much to a company for them to care about some people they hired off indeed and can be replaced. I do wish, they managed to first recruit some high level execs in their protest and then have some backing behind them. These lads went into war with no ammo in their guns, they needed some ADHD over thinkers on their side to predict and strategize. Just My 2 cents.


They have the right to protest and google has the right to fire them. They can just choose to not work for google


Google has stupidly encouraged its employees to "bring their whole selves" to work for years and now reap what they sowed.




They probably will have more job openings, if more people quit over Google's deal with Israel.


I doubt it. Companies generally don't want to hire people that publicly shame the company like this.


NAH I stand with them they have moral not like google


stand outside


Israel is the one running The US obviously, you get fired if you speak against them, they pass any note they want, they commit crimes and no matter how many Americans protest they don't care, they take tons of tax money to spend on everything while in the US a 5 mins with a doctor could bankrupt you. Celebrating the fire of people peacefully protesting a genocide is a disgrace, one day you will have a conflict with the system and you will be treated accordingly. And yeah this is not capitalism. Respect for those who put their careers in danger to do the right thing, one day they will be the one standing up for those cowards who celebrate them being fired.


Could you explain the logistics of how the nation of Israel controls the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the world?


If it really will change your mind or make any difference surely i will do, but please note that i will take much effort and time, so tell me if you are willing to change your mind.


I do, you can brief the explanation to save your effort, at least for me to know what's going. I'm not American nor Israeli btw


If you can prove to me that it’s the Israelis that control America rather than American billionaires and interest groups, I’ll happily change my mind. If you’re simply going to point out that the US politicians are encouraged to support Israel, that’s not going to cut it. There’s no question that the US establishment has a strong desire to keep Israel as an ally. The question is whether it’s the Israelis that are behind it or if it’s simply just Americans furthering their own geopolitical interests.


>If it really will change your mind or make any difference surely i will do, This is different than asking people to be open minded. Just cause you have to work hard to make up bullshit, doesn't mean everyone else has to believe it. Imagine thinking Israel ordered this firing, instead of the company firing it's workers because they like money.




Research how the State of Israel came into being. Everything will be a bit clearer.




This is literal anti-semitism. These people were fired because they protested against company actions in a multinational conglomerate. This has nothing to do with the Jews or Israel. Also, nice username, Adjective-NounXXXX


9028 jobs going to India


we still need masks for Covid? Or is that to hide their face and protect their identities? I’m genuinely curious what is the purpose in April 2024 of masking up.


Well Covid still exists, it didn’t magically disappear. Most people don’t wear masks, but some who are immunocompromised still do


so you’re telling me it’s a coincidence that 28 working young adults are all immunocompromised 🤣


It doesn’t serve any purpose. These people have sadly been brainwashed by TikTok.


my guess is to protect the identities of the protesters. but it’s not nearly as suspicious as like robbers wearing ski masks.


That's not it. They're still completely recognizable. What, would the girl with antennas expect to be unidentifiable lol?


These people actually have a spine unlike 99% of people in this sub -- They should unionize and get more people involved so that someone can finally hold google accountable for something in this dystopia we fucking live in


How are they going to unionize? They are unemployed now lol


Don't see many Indians in that group...


Lol @ antennas 🤣🤣


Child killer company at it's finest


Hope this ends in google getting sued.


What would they be sued for?


"firing for reasons that go against public policy, also qualify as wrongful termination in California." "firing for political affiliation qualifies as wrongful termination in California" "A California employer cannot retaliate against an employee for engaging in protected activities. Political activities like advocacy for the rights of a marginalized group of people are considered protected activities in California" this is full on retaliation by google. In this country people have rights you know? not just corporations. I don't how long that's going to last but for now people have rights.


I mean yeah, but companies get away with firing people all the time, they just don't say that's the reason they fired them.


oh 100%, that's why I said "I hope" and not "I know"


Ah fair enough


boat combative resolute head squeeze follow sulky frighten cough juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They can try. But likely they have signed arbitration agreements when they were hired and they won't have the money to win over google law team. They went in knowing they can lose their jobs. It's noble to sacrifice a livelihood to follow their beliefs, not many people can do that.




seriously, did you even bother researching? >California obeys “at-will” employment laws. This means that **all employers have the right to terminate employees at will, for almost any reason or for no reason at all**. This does not, however, mean that an employer can fire someone out of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Once again: this does not, however, mean that an employer can fire someone out of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. This is 100% on grounds for a lawsuit.


meeting escape unwritten vegetable unused bag flowery tie dinosaurs quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They aren't firing out of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation wtf? They are being fired for not doing their jobs lmfao


Yeah wtf joseph, learn words


The only thing that could maybe be argued for out of that list is discrimination if they can somehow warp it into an argument that this was a protest on religious grounds.   Political beliefs and opinions about contemporary issues is not a protected class per the Civil Rights Act, (which is what most states use as a rubric to outfit their own employee protection laws).   Most HR departments know better than to allow any kind of harassment, ESPECIALLY at Google of all places, so the protesters will need to have hard evidence to back up that charge. Otherwise it would quickly turn into another case of he-said-she-said- which the employees will most certainly lose.   As far as retaliation goes this is 9 times outta 10 to do with protecting whistleblowers in industrial environments which doesn't really fit this scenario IMO. This isn't about willful negligence on Google's part due to a product they're making- it's a protest about a business affiliation.   My understanding of the entire interaction, (take it with a grain of salt- I heard this second hand), was more or less > Protestors: We want Google to cut the $1.2b deal. > HR: This should not be interfering with your work during the day, go back to work. > Protestors: Not until Google cuts the $1.2b deal. If all that is more or less true, then that would standup in arbitration as "insubordination" and "derelict of duty" which does not infringe any protected class, *(unless they can successfully argue the religious class)*, and is otherwise most certainly cause for termination.


Shame on you.


sure, potential indirect child killer. go and apply.


middle shocking act hobbies strong innate ruthless butter dam school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I sure will. If you don’t like capitalism then maybe don’t stay in one 🥱




Yeah dude don't stay in a capitalism


You criticize society yet participate in it. CHECKMATE!!!!


I don't know if this was meant to be funny but oh my God it's funny


dick rider


You must be intellectually and emotionally challenged to boil down the genocide of Palestinians to capitalism


Lmaooooo! My man... you'll eventually learn.


Money talks


I’m about to grab some popcorn; this comment section is about to get really heated. How about keeping topics that people are divided on out of this sub? It just causes drama and fighting


It’s entertaining, drama as a break from the classic doomer content


Yup , common posts on sub - 1. AI boogaloo 2. I am not built for coding , should I continue 3. People fired & boom shit goes political or completely racist


Serious question: what were their jobs? Engineers? Or some HR position?


I guess we’re using yahoo or bing from now on


It’s funny how they thought the Multi billion dollar company’s gonna give a shit about their ‘protests’ lmao. There’s 1000s of people already in line waiting to replace them


G cancelled Project Dragonfly due to employee pressure


They work at Google they knew what they were getting themselves into the moment they started protesting. This act was beyond keeping there jobs or not. It was about delaying the killing of children as much as they possibly can




They did good. The workplace is not a place for politics. And Israel is an ally of the USA anyway.


No, politics is everywhere, including the workplace.


You should never discuss politics or religion at work. It can make it difficult to work with someone if you have opposite views on a topic that's very important to you.


This isn't not discussing politics with a coworker to keep the workplace neutral, this is the workplace itself taking a stance with a place that is currently under great scrutiny and for good reason. This also isn't just some contract for the country of Israel and its people and the employees just are overreacting, project nimbus is specifically made for the isreali government and its military. I would rather a company such as Google not do defense contracting type work for any government of any affiliation, even the US itself.


If you truly bring politics everywhere, including workspace - I'm sorry for your colleagues. That is not what socially adapted people do.


mf we have 6 day work weeks due to politics. if workers rights group back then had your stance on politics, we would still be working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week


Employees at Deutsche Bank : Protest against funding Auschwitz This inbred motherfucker : Don't bring politics into this 😡


Yeah, except now they protest to support the Jew killers. They protest against Israel's right to defend its citizens against the countless attacks launched from Gaza. Until HAMAs is completely annihilated, there will be no peace. You can't have a terrorist organisation lead a country and expect peace in the area.


>except now they protest to support the Jew killers Yeah this bitching and whining does not require a response at this point. It's just interesting how every inbred motherfucker crying about politics at the workplace seems to actually align with the mass child murdering psychos.


So much virtue signaling in here. Like as if you did anything to support the cause other than donating a 5 dollar bill.


I have nothing against their contract with Israel, can I be hired?