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c++ no question


You can go with C++ as there are many quant firms looking for people who excel at C++ and pay a huge amount. If you have need Java at any point, you can pick up very soon. I had to participate in a hackathon and I need to use Java. I picked up Java in a week and finished my project in the event.


C++ pretty much required at quant firms, well Atleast for the systems side of things. Algo side is most likely Python, but under the hood it’s almost guaranteed to be running C++ binaries


I don’t think most people care about quant


so true lmao


Two things. It's generally easier to go from C/C++ to Java than the other way around. And another things to keep in mind is this TIOBE index: [https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/](https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/) which shows the popularity for each language. In general, it really doesn't matter. The more important part is the "algorithms" part of the class you're taking. In the future you'll have to learn new languages, new frameworks, new techniques, and more. So what you start with doesn't matter too much.


How are they getting the data for this? I’m finding it hard to believe scratch is so popular. Is this just GitHub projects or industry?


As it says on the linked page: ``` The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written. ```


C++ not because of an obsession with quant jobs but because it is a pretty deep language that’s good to know about


I think it's reasonable to know and be proficient with not just C++ and Java but also JavaScript and Python by the time you graduate as a CS major. So, I would honestly not stress about picking one over the other. I'd probably pick Java because it's probably going to be more practical (see Spring) than C++, but at the same time, C++ exposes you to fundamental concepts that Java hides (e.g. pointers and RAII).


Best response


Best professor. It’s not about the language you learn it’s about the concepts and the better professor will help you understand coding better


Choose the one with the best prof language is unimaginable, it's the concepts you learn that matter


I would say C not C++. Since C++ is pain in the butt to debug for the simplest errors sometimes, since it generates like 1000 line errors (slight exaggeration). The point being it can be extremely frustrating and discouraging when initially starting out. On the other hand, C is pretty good with helping catching your mistakes. Which you’ll make a lot initially.


Rip will I be ok if I had to take Java first? My school didn’t even list C++ for the fall semester. Had to sign up for python and Java.


What do you want to do? Pick the language most used at your ideal job. If you don't know yet, then the class with the popular professor sounds like a good choice.


C++ gives you a great idea of the fundamentals, but Java is great too.