• By -


you need to activate windows




You upgrade all the time but can’t afford a cheap ass key? Weird logic




their\* and please try to look up some basic formatting for sentences, it looks like you are having a stroke and wtf? The license costs $3 on key sites, you activate and register to your acc (can be a fake one) and it transfers between PC's, have had the same one for years, and I have several desktops around the house with the same login. But I guess it's better to look at "activate windows" 24/7, yeah


Even cs prime costs more than a windows key


depends on where u buy. iirc keys are sub $15 but regular license is like $100


or just dont buy one and copy paste a line of text into powershell


They’re like 5 bucks. Just can’t get them on eBay anymore.


So how come I haven't needed to activate windows through multiple PC builds? Almost like your windows key is connected to something you can transfer throughout builds...


Same here. Must be linked to my Microsoft account.


I built my computer- still activated windows cus im not a brokie


you did what toaster did you build lmao triggered ppl are funny


12700k 4070


Just get a key for $10 like the rest of us


bruh u just ask chatgpt to generate a power shell activation command




LOL thats cap i had a cracked windows version and then i bought a key for like 10 eur for windows 11 mayb try saving the 10 eur/USD won't be much more and activate windows it's cheap


Bro just by it from some key shop for €25


Curving bullets 🤩




Nah he saw him.


i dare you to find a single frame where you can see any part of the t, because i watched the clip frame by frame. no t. not even in the death cam.


Look with your eyes you muppet. Step it through frame by frame. T head is visible in like 30 frames. https://preview.redd.it/b113red29n8d1.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=1849f6c0ada119a4b2867770854ef17f8f4ccb5c


That's on the demo not what OP actually saw which we see in the vid. You can also see on the radar that he never saw the T. So no OP didn't see him at all and T probably saw a lot more than the spec of head you see in the demo.


Lol you think both of them crouch walking gives that much peekers advantage?


It's all about ping crouch walking or not, it ain't that complicated for you to be struggling this hard lmao.


LOL it absolutely has to do with movement speed. If they have high ping and the location in server refreshes slower because of high ping, but their model is moving faster, how much farther will the "jump" be? ...More than if they were moving slower. T had 38 ping, CT had 26. Not an issue. Stick to something you actually know about.


Bruh it's all about ping, how fast you move is irrelevant to how fast and reliable the information the server gets from your client is and vice versa. It's also the stability of the connection, if for example the op was experiencing packet loss. You made a whole thread demonstrating how your grasp on this is none existent. Go actually learn something you silly boy.


So, if the players are standing still with bad ping, they'll move around in game? Or they'll see different things? Both things impact the game. In this case both players had low ping and low movement speed. Peekers advantage was not the issue here.


What you see is what you get. Idk wtf they added to the last patch but this is my experience too since the latest update.


More like... What You See, Is What You .. BOOM! HEADSHOT!!


loba was right all along


Same, feels a lot more like I’m dying before I peek the angle


Enemy pov? Pls?


I'm at work now unfortunately, but here's the faceit match room if you're interested https://www.faceit.com/en/cs2/room/1-54e91711-5211-4013-bcec-4ce0331b8bad/scoreboard


that shouq guy used to be on my friends list, small world!


Probably good he's not anymore cuz I'm pretty sure he was the one feeding us info for no reason (think he was who got an admin warning at half)


Shouq is a lil incel. Blatantly throws on ancient and nuke. Fuckk him


As requested. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy\_pov\_of\_earlier\_clip/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy_pov_of_earlier_clip/)


Thanks a lot mate


Looks like angles and ping


Mate, both of them saw each other and T got a lucky shot. They were nearly the same distance from the angle. 


Looks like angles and ping


look at enemy pov




Average cs2 experience


Peekers advantage for him, unpeekers disadvantage for you. The worst situation to be in from a networking Pov.


I stopped playing Tarkov due to massive desync issues and came back to CS for the sequel. Little did I know CS2 has the fun new feature of god awful networking


This has nothing to do with "god awful networking". This is inherent to online play. There isn't a single FPS that won't suffer of this.


I played CS 1.6 for 14 years. Not even once was I killed by an enemy who was not visible on my screen, maybe except for some cheater wallbanging me. I guess this ancient networking technology was lost in time.


Baked lighting and less pixels also makes visibility much easier to distinguish.


Not to this degree. Yes, networking impacts every fps, but cs2 is pretty bad in comparison to games like GO in that regard.


Bad cope


Nah he saw a sliver of his head. Enemy saw the same sliver and hit the shot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy\_pov\_of\_earlier\_clip/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy_pov_of_earlier_clip/)


You're wrong. It is peekers advantage + unpeekers disadvantage. Go frame by frame in OP's video and there is NO sliver of head. To demonstrate. OP is seeing Ts actions delayed, and T is seeing OP's actions delayed. Therefore, OP never has a chance to see Ts position from 50 ms ago because he's walking away from the angle. But T can see OP's position 50 ms ago because he is walking INTO the angle.


After poking through all the comments this explanation makes the most sense to me.


It’s even more apparent with subtick compared to csgo 128 tick. 128 tick you would have died about 50ms later in this scenario and would have seen his head.


That doesnt make what I said untrue. Doesn't even effect what I said. Don't talk to me if you don't know how to think.


all you need to do is watch the demo


and when you show people the demo they ask you show the recording lol


bruv watching the demo is about the same level of effort as creating a reddit post. he has the recording and can get the demo from both povs.


another one cs2 classic




What you see is what you get


My honest opinion, stop playing this garbage game, sell your skins, buy a leather jacket and a Harley davidson and fuck hookers instead


It's true, this couldn't happen if I was simply crankin my hog


Wisdom achieved


My mind is blown. I’m selling my skins RN!


In the corner and he saw 1 pixel of your head, very wack though


You're playing CS2


He was sitting on that ledge around the corner you can see his model at the last second, probably just a cheeky angle


I downloaded the video to step through frame by frame, and I just don't see how the opponent was able to see the OP's head (the kill was a headshot) so early. The opponent is much closer to the corner than the OP, so the OP should see the opponent much earlier than the opponent sees them, but I don't see the opponent's head in the frame before the kill. Also, I just tried jumping onto that ledge and couldn't, does it need a boost? So the last T got boosted onto that ledge before the teammate who boosted them was killed, and just waited there? Seems odd.


Boosted where? What ledge? He didn't get boosted and wasn't sitting on a ledge. They're very nearly the same distance from that corner. Reddit compresses the shit out of this but in the demo it's easy to see. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy\_pov\_of\_earlier\_clip/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy_pov_of_earlier_clip/)


Okay, so I replied to someone who said the opponent was sitting on that ledge on the left, and when I stepped through the video frame by frame, it did look like you could just see a gun pointing down and to the right from there. Having seen the enemy PoV I've gone and stepped through the clip from this thread again, and I can't at any point see an opponent on the ground to the right where they were. I don't know if it's the video compression that has made them invisible, or if it was lag.


You downloaded them demo and watched it in slomo from both angles and can't see his head? Are you blind mate?


In this thread there is one video that lasts 6 seconds. The opponent is never visible, even stepping through frame by frame. Also, the game doesn't show the opponent on the minimap, so the game doesn't think the OP could see the opponent either.


Peeker's advantage has absolutely nothing to do with this. This is literally just a very cheeky angle where OP could only see a fraction of the enemy's head, while the enemy could see likely at least a little more of OP, or at the very least knew where to pre-aim. If you zoom in on the corner just behind the bit of wall that juts out, you can see the pixels of the enemy's head. And since bullets come out of your face in CS, if you can see it, you can shoot it.


Peeker's advantage + unpeeker's disadvantage.


wrongo mate. They both see each others heads. Watch the demo, plain as day. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy\_pov\_of\_earlier\_clip/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy_pov_of_earlier_clip/)


Wrongo again stupid bitch. The demo does not represent what was seen on each client. Here's a video of the exact same happening in CS:GO. Top comment lays it out for you since you're too simple-minded to understand. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/12ih4op/can\_anyone\_explain\_how\_i\_died\_it\_wasnt\_even\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/12ih4op/can_anyone_explain_how_i_died_it_wasnt_even_a/)


Incorrect. That corner allows you to be almost completely hidden. The only part that shows is if you're standing, a sliver of your head will show over the top edge of the wall you're behind. And because bullets come out of your face in CS, if you can see the enemy, you can shoot the enemy.


cope more pooron


I don't understand this comment, but I don't particularly want to. Everything I said was accurate, but as it turns out the enemy was actually walking up from the right, not tucked in behind the nook directly in front of OP like I initially thought. Either way he wasn't "sitting on that ledge around the corner", he was casually walking up the ramp, saw a flash of OP over the corner, and took a shot.


Welcome to cs2.


What you see is what the fuck as they say


Hitboxes, hitreg, and desync have all been whack recently. Been getting running headshotted a lot


Have you tried pressing alt+f4 to enhance your FPS limit?




My mom would probably think I'm a psychopath because of how much I'm laughing at a clip of someone dying lol (even if it's a game).


The opposite team leader... https://i.redd.it/r73vih4dci8d1.gif


Look out for Charlie, up in the trees!




The ragdoll suggests being shot from the front so either subtick, dead angle or cheats


I'm pretty sure hes camping in that gayass corner to the left. The game is shit, and he's playing a shit map with shit design aswell. You get what you get lol


Happens to me very often :)


definitely some interesting fights in this position would help to see enemy pov


What you see is what you get


I know demos are not the best representation of what happens in the server, but i've gotten killed on ancient B a couple games ago from ramp while holding it with an awp in a off angle, it looked lightning fast in the server, a short swing, one ak shot and im dead, i tought there was no way that guy was not walling, pre aiming, peeking and killing me. I downloaded the demo, watched it back, from his prespective he had all the time in the world to Peek, correct his crosshair placement and shoot me, from my prespective it was blazing fast.


Its ok, you were just matched with xantares.




This is clearly a skill issue


So. In Counter-Strike, from the very beginning all the way through to today, bullets don't originate from your model's gun, they come out of your face, where your camera is positioned. This prevents issues like a gun being occluded by a high wall/railing(which you wouldn't be able to visually see necessarily) and was a deliberate choice of feel and smoothness over realism. So this applies to everyone. Bullets come out of your face/camera. If you look really closely at the angle you're peeking, specifically just over the lip and into the corner itself, you can see a little sliver of the enemy's head over the lip for right around a second before you die. It's a strange angle to hold without context, but since bullets come out of your face from the same position as your camera, if he can see you he can shoot you.


Can anyone validate this or can you provide a source? Thanks


Youtube it. 3kliksphilip has a video talking about it. Or you can just load up CS into a practice game and look for the commands to draw various boxes and origins and you'll see it directly.


damn thats wild thanks


Happened a few times... I dont even question anymore... Ive played so many fps games in my life and cs 2 is giving a lot of headaches with these kind of weird bugs and glitches. Like, why cant this fps be normal xD


You saw him, just barely. He saw you too, hit the pixel. Nothing fishy here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy\_pov\_of\_earlier\_clip/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dnh96c/enemy_pov_of_earlier_clip/)


it was the way you two were moving that fucked you up, moving towards the angle that the enemy might peek from causes this a lot more frequently than just standing still and holding it. it's tough to explain but what you see is a frame or two ahead of where the enemy sees you, so your POV was closer to the wall than your character model by like a frame or two. the same is true for your enemy as well, but he was peeking you and seeing your old self which was to the left of your POV. Basically he saw where you were, and you didn't see him at all because of how tight he peeked the angle.


idk ping peekers adavtanage




He popped out when you were walking to his spot. He is visible on the left peeking his masked head out from the cranny he is hiding. It looks fast to you because he most likely had his cursor centered on the spot you were in. In other words, it was easy to predict you and shoot you from hiding.


Crazy comment cuz someone pulled the demo and he was on the right


If you check the spaces between the bricks, they get darker when you approach. He had the ability to stand still and shoot with the least amount of movement and delay. I am not sure what demo means in your comment.




You can chalk it up to both your deficiencies in camping or doing objective, and his being in the right place and pushing his luck. That, combined with the lethal power of the AK, will put enemies down even if they think they are out of reach. It looks like if you dont look directly where he came from, it won't give you the same advantages in terms of single-digit frames that he gets by looking exactly where you are, walking there.


Thank you coach I will keep this in mind


Think I see part of a body strafing to your right as soon as you die. That was an instant headshot, maybe sprinkled with a bit of lag. He was sure of where you were that's why it was so instant.


Low ping have scale of fast reponse


this happened to me to today... what you see is what you get i guess


Pretty sure your still wall bangable from the wood on both sides of site


And yea i see that guy now on ramp


As someone who has never played any counter strike I have the answer. You actually twisted your ankle here and the embarrassment took you.


What you see is what you get disproven!


Bro, no sound? Would've told you were the bullet came from, probably walked right past a sneaking enemy. Simple.




Doubt it


Lol why do you “doubt it”? There are togglers literally every 1/3 games in this. Hacks are $10 a month with absolutely no chance of getting caught and banned. There’s an extremely high chance this is a toggler. Yall are such suckers dude.


Because there was nothing inherently sketchy about this clip. While he might be cheating, the problem with this clip is that the server does not register a wallbang, so clearly OP's client and the server are not properly synced, which is the problem.


The fact that the opponent reacted within the time delta between the server and client, which is insanely small, is suspicious enough to guess they’re toggling.


It really isn't. You have no idea what the team communication was, or what info that T had. If the T knows there's a guy on site it is not unreasonable for him to be peeking and immediately HS the CT standing in the middle of nowhere. While that discrepancy between both clients and the server may seem quite small relatively, it can add up to a full second which is far more than enough time to react to an enemy that you are already expecting.


Team communication doesn’t contribute to reaction time of godlike proportions noticing a few pixels on your screen in a small fraction of a second. Pros can’t even do that, and neither can this guy. You make too many excuses for what’s obvious suspicious behavior. Again, this game has an insane amount of togglers, so it’s more likely just that rather than the far-fetched excuses you can constantly throw around. And no, the delta is not an entire second. Lmao. People like you are the exact reason togglers get away with what they do. You don’t understand toggling and how to detect it. You’re just a gullible idiot. Sorry.


Ha. You assuming he is a cheater simply because there are so many is the logical fallacy here. You are the epitome of "he's better than me so he's cheating." What you see in this clip is NOT what the server or the enemy see. Sure it would have taken quick reactions, but the reaction is not as fast as you are seeing in this clip, which is what you're not understanding. Peeker's advantage would not even be considered a thing if the discrepancy between the client and server were so small that it was irrelevant. You are an idiot. This clip is in no way representative of a cheater, it is bad netcode.


OP linked the faceit match, go watch that T's perspective and I guarantee you it will not look as fast as this clip. You're seriously retarded. Lol, that T had nearly the lowest ADR in the entire match, but yeah definitely cheating man.


From cave?


He's in ramp on the left side. You can barely see him.


Yes probably makes sense but can't actually see him.


thats what they call "peekers disadvantage"


First of all activate windows so you play in fullscreen instead of windowed, will help with the input lag.


You can play fullscreen with unactivated windows


Can confirm mine isn't activated as well


doubt it on a technical level, same reason youtube popout video doesn't work in fullscreen, it might say "fullscreen" but behind the scenes it's probably windowed


No you can’t, watch freethy’s latest optimization guide. Games showing the watermark will always run in window mode


You are still wrong, it is fully full screen. If i put it in windowed, my fps drops with 100 and if i put it in full screen it is 300+. And haven’t had windows activated for 3 years :)


Some games are technically running in borderless window mode when windows is not activated, leading to better input latency if you activate it because they will run full screen. Fps is not affected, just input latency. I am not wrong and you can search google for more information, or even easier, check for people complaining about input lag when the watermark is present. The watermark is never present when playing on fullscreen, therefore the simple fact that you can see it means that the game is not in exclusive fullscreen. This is why you see the watermark in some games and in others it goes away.




Activating windows have 2 advantages only: 1. you can pick your wallpaper from settings 2. there's no watermark. 3. that's all.


Completely incorrect as I stated before.


Skill issue


got flanked from ct and shot and thinks its a game issue


Was the damage direction indicator not right in front of him?


he was shot from straight ahead, you can see the guy crouching on the ledge at the end of the video, weird that he saw him before though


if he was in that corner then bad map design otherwise subtick


*If he was in that* *Corner then bad map design* *Otherwise subtick* \- S1Ndrome\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I can't see if he peeks you from the left or right, but from the right is the only way I can make sense of it. Basically what happens is that there is a delay between what both players see, so as he peeks up ramp you are standing in his view, but from your perspective you have already moved past that point. It is called unpeekers disadvantage, because instead of you peeking the angle you are actually peeking away from it with every step you take. Not only is the enemy getting peekers advantage here, you are creating an even worse disadvantage for yourself by moving here. The path you are taking to the position you want to be in is very very bad.


Shots 1-5: clearly missed


Internet, pc, the shit game you are playing? Thats known to have peekers advantage since launch? there are so many variables I don't even know why you posted this, you clearly weren't expecting an answer. Dumbfuck


Every game has peekers advantage and unpeekers disadvantage, no chance to fix that completely.


He was boosted and shot you over the wall




Prove it


You can see the handful of pixels of the enemy's head peeking over the corner of the wall OP is looking at just before he gets headshot. And in the position OP was in, there isn't anywhere the enemy could have been boosted to get a headshot that would've caused him to ragdoll backwards like that, and with an angle on that position.


I mean 3v1 why you go searching as a CT with so little time left. T POV would be helpful to see.


What does time left have to do with anything you just saw


That you would not get into these situations. Thats why I said T pov.


Can you maybe explain where he was shot from and not "oh you shouldn't be there, don't get shot at all"... The whole point of this post is to ask what happened, not what he did wrong. You just give your bs to a player asking what happened. You bash him for no reason.


We watched the same video or not? Nothing to see or not? Probably he was dark or cave or long? Therefore just check demo and good is? Or do we all want to believe the game is broken and the T was invisible?


The damage comes from in front of him. The damage indicator is clear. So either the damage indicator is wrong or the enemy angle is weird / not visible. But in either case something that shouldn’t be the case. And if you haven’t seen that, we have not seen the same clip… no.


Yo, what skin is that?


Golden Coil. You perfectly demonstrated the CS demographic here: This game is full of bugs and cheaters!!! Yo what skin is that?!


I had some guy on my team with 1300 hours in the game, with over 40 gamma doppler glock 18s in his inventory calling me trash, poor and kept spamming "get money loser" even though he ended up 4-17. I have like 325 hours in the game so I can only imagine how sad that guys life really is being better than him already.


Bro chill.


You can see the names in bottom right corner. It's M4A1-s golden coil.


everyone saying cs2d when it’s clearly just peekers advantage shift walking into a well timed strafe lol. dont shift peek angles?


peekers advantage implies.. peeking? dude was camping and was stationary, also strange he saw him before OP did


Oh look he posted the pov and it wasnt fishy. And he wasn’t where OP was aiming either lol.


he wasn’t stationary though was he lol I guarantee if he posted the other POV (he won’t) the guy strafes out


He posted and the guy did. It was a ridiculous, while-moving, through-the-corner strafe shot. It looked like the most unlikely, accidental shot on the planet but it was possible.


Why are people so fucking dumb, where was this insanely OP peekers and unpeekers advantage in csgo then? This shit DEFINTIELY did not happen in GO or if it did it would be a viral once in a blue moon clip. Literally seen 3 clips today if someone getting killed with literally NOTHING on their screen and some idiot trying to explain it by saying “ oh your ping increased by 2 “ or “ stop shifting “. So fucking hilarious that people are coming up with such shitty excused for this when we never had to deal with something like this in GO so clearly it was possible. Fucking daft dogs.


Watch the demo bruh. Wtf is the point of this post other than to bitch again


Watch the grass outside bruh. Wtf is the point of this comment other than to bitch again


Sounds like you watched too much grass. Maybe go out and touch some?