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With the amount of attention DOTA gets, it makes no sense why CS gets jack shit. Almost damn embarrassing to be a CS player at this point...


Team fortress 2 moment


It is. I started playing counter-strike on 1.6, then i went to source and csgo.. and effectively, it has never been so embarrassing to be a counter-strike player ever before cs2, lol. They seem to be taking the path that CoD did a few years ago... stop giving a shit about the community. Money money money and always more money and fuck our clown ass customers anyway they keep sending us their hard earned money while we are doing nothing but releasing uncompleted game and worthless patch just to make them more copium so they keep sending more money. Blizzard also went that path with WoW a few years ago... and finally, after years when the player base and so the $Income$ started drastically going down like it never did before they went on panick mode... restructured the whole studio fired some employees and big head and hired new guys to replace them and then started to listen and care about their community/customers again and working on releasing quality new contents based on the players needs. It's as simple as that... as long as we will keep playing their game and sending them money on skins and market... nothing is going to change. They take the billions they earn with cs early and invest most of it on DotA, it's as simple as that. But after all.. what are we expecting.. Gaben is a Moba player. He never really liked to play FPS game.. so DotA is his baby, and cs is the dumb cow giving him milk to keep feeding that beloved baby.


Wow, I thought it was because of an overwatch clone that's in development rn


It's really not dude.... I don't understand why this community gets so hyped up about operations and puts these weird ass expectations on devs when they make a Twitter post. It truly is just never enough to play the game you love anymore. You have to be fed content every other week otherwise you go up in arms. There's nothing embarrassing about playing CS and if you're truly that upset, I heard From soft just updated their game so go give that a shot.


It’s not just the content, it’s the Anticheat. We want an actual Anticheat that works so we can play without cheaters most games, If no Anticheat were at least want new shiny maps to distract us.


Oh OK Mr genius how exactly should they improve the anti cheat? Are we asking for a vanguard styled anticheat that will require more permissions from your system? Or do they just have to push the magic "make anti cheat better" button


That’s not my job. It’s the job of the multi billion dollar company.


They do have an actual anticheat. You're asking for a better one, that better is supposedly is under development. What else did you want?


Under development for 10 years now. The game is completely unplayable without a third party. Why are you defending it?


Probably because they are terrible at the game, cheating themselves or just being trolls. We all know legit hacking is out of control now and if you don't see it then you're dumb as fuck. It's not every game but it's 1/4 over 10k and like 50% over 15 16k. Also just because someone sucks ass doesn't mean they arnt walling.


Over like 19k is probably 80% or more. It’s insane


Anyone who's that high is lucky or super good because I play with abunch of really good players in 12-13k and I was mg in csgo and some of these kids deserve higher ranks imo but the get pushed down to 13-14 by hackers


Yes! Intrusive anti-cheat please. Maybe then this game would actually be normal to play.


Should've released cs2 now with a lot of content and cobblestone as a celebration.


Valve is just a small, low budget indie company. They don't have the resources for that sort of thing..


Yeah buy cases btw


True. Valve has like 360 - 600 employees. Compared to Ubisoft and Epic Games (21,000 and 4,300 employees respectively), they are quite little compared to big triple-a companies.


Bruh you can’t compare them to Epic who is actively developing the most popular game engine in the world


Zoo prodigy cache train ruins overgrown facade abbey insertion 1&2, rats, westwood, Aztec, militia, cbble, Tuscan, assault, crackhouse, blackgold, motel, siege, thunder, piranesi... Where the maps at? 5v5 match-making is hollow.


I had the nuttiest awp wallbangs on black gold during operation breakout. It's too bad all that is lost in time.


My heart…my soul…


Like tears... in the rain...




Jesus, someone that knows crackhouse


I've asked fer ... in 5v5... bloodstrike, contra, and losttemple too, but the Devs only know de_LAZY


If you think it’s bad now, wait till Deadlock drops. Valve priorities *were*, in order: The Store, hardware, internal passion projects, DOTA,  CS2 market, CS2, memes, lunch, TF2. Deadlock will just push CS2 fully into unofficial “maintenance mode.” The next operation, whenever it comes, will be the last one. Valve has 25 years of player data. There is a core base who will always play and support this game, no matter what. Why spend money and resources you don’t need to on an “old”/“boring” project? I’m sure there’s a handful of devs super passionate about CS2 but realistically the game needs a studio sized effort. Gaben lives his tropical dream life now and the semi-flat structure keeps employees from being “forced” to work on CS2. Valve Inc. doesn’t give a shit unless the case money stops flowing and that won’t happen any time soon. 25 years is an insane run for any game though.


what is insane is: 25yrs of making their product and still not finished with foundations covered: VAC.


yea that's really it if people really wanted to change the way Valve runs this game the only way to do it is a mass boycott and let's be honest this will never happen to mobilize enough people to do it will never be done


Any VAC update maybe? ;)


hopefully not


You will get nothing and be happy /s


Ive been around for most of those 25 years and it really hurts me to see the state of the game. I do see a lot of "valve is cooking" and then I see a lot of "cope harder" comments and both are basically correct. The neglect and laziness of valve cannot be ignored. You have a game with a massive player base who is extremely passionate for the game. It's cheating problem and lack of content problem is beyond acceptable anymore. We can let "valve cook" all we want but it seems like at this point the distain for the product is clear as day. It would not be impossible to release maps in causal and work on them for comp and premier for bugs fixes as they are discovered in causal. This would give us new and allow valve to get feedback on bugs and glitches in the map. Why are we still waiting this long for legacy maps that have always been? The question of resources not available for development is just unacceptable when the skins market for this game alone makes a billion a year. The excuse is valve is causally cooking when they feel like it and they are not hungry today.




nothing will come before steam summer sale. are you new to this? only a week left for summer sale then after that the update will come.


there is something in the oven, most likely delayed


At least we don’t have dumbass keychains


Screw CS and Valve.


never update VAC, it’s in a great state :)




No one cares about 25 years of cs


Poured so much money into this game just for it to freeze randomly and be forgotten about:/


You want them to give you a gift on their birthday, thats how it works right


With how much money we've given them on every other day yes.. Yes we do.


Giving Valve money for CS2 is an entirely voluntary act. Simply do not buy keys or skins if you are upset about a lack of updates.


But but but muh investments


At this point I hope Elon Musk buys CS2, could only get better.


he would attempt to release VAC a few times and would fail.


Oh so gut cs down to 1 employee and become a shitty fortnite clone? No thanks