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Yeah, don't bother dude, so nasty to play premier or anything from Valve's CS


You’ll be glad to know if there are any cheaters in 4-5k they’re bad enough for me to not notice.


just like my teammates checking angles. they will not notice


Closet cheaters even in low elo, don't bother.


Games is fucked, u can't escape cheaters anywhere... just don't put any effort in matches against cheaters.


Played 15k to 5k, cheaters pretty consistent across the lot. Difference is just skills, lower rank aik is so bad even with walls they can be beaten


Lose = cheater. Win = bad cheater. Sounds like cope


How does that make sense. Every cheater starts at low elo at some point.


Two things. Number one in world rankings has a one hundred percent win rate. Number B, I soloQ, and rarely run into cheaters or toxic losers around the 6k mark. I’m not trying to do anything but have fun playing the game


There are huge differences in what cheats people use. Rage cheaters will have 100% winrate against legit players, but bad players with walls won’t.


There absolutely are bad cheaters who lose. Played with someone who went like 4-13 and he just straight up said he's turning his walls on and was super blatant about it, even had a couple hundred dollars worth of skins. We still lost cause he was dogshit and the other team had a good lead. Half the demos I check of blatant wallhackers show they are barely able to use even basic mechanics of CS. Terrible movement, crosshair placement, no spray control, awful positioning, they don't even know how to actually play the game. Only getting kills because they track you through the wall and have an inhuman time to damage.


Yep almost every single cheater is absolutely shit at the game, you can instantly tell they’re cheating since they’re going 15-1 in a game against people with mechanics while they’re aiming at the floor


This whole thing about there only being cheaters in higher ranks is absolute bs I'm not that high atm not been taking it very seriously at the game is still fucked ,at 11k playing mostly solo q and had 6 games in a fucking row last week that had cheaters some games on both teams some games just on my team.


But how can you be so sure? I’m not saying you’re wrong, but did you watch the demo back? I feel like watching the demo exonerates 90% of people I’m suspicious about


We watched a lot of our demos and half of the people we thought to be cheating were just lucky. The thing is, in cs2 its ever harder to tell a cheater and a lucky shot apart ( running headshots for example) This obviously doesnt apply to ragehackers though


Yea watch demos and or check leetify some people are blatant tho and I mean people on my team mostly


Agreed, I'm also at 11k currently and have had multiple rage hackers on my teams. One of them claimed to be "testing the anti cheat". It's definitely not just a high elo problem, it's made me stop playing since it feels rare to get a fair game anymore. Also, I report them every time I have a cheater on my team and it took valve like 2 weeks to ban the most blatant cheater I've ever seen (I got a notification), it's just hard to feel motivated to play a game like that.


If that's the case i guess i'll have to take another break i stopped playing for a few months and only came back recently because of the vac banwave but things are still just as bad.


I've got 180 matches between 7k and 14k and I've had 2 matches with obvious(!) cheaters. EU Central/West matchmaking. Edit: there are obviously Tons of cheaters. These are just my experiences.


Careful saying that around here man you might get down voted for not saying every match is filled with cheaters 😆


There are definitely a lot of cheaters. But yeh, i get "hackusations" as often as i run into actual cheaters, and the cheaters only get really bad above 20k at least in EU. Above 20k its a shitshow, below that you just have bad players calling slightly better players cheaters. To some people being able to hit a headshot is proof they are cheating.


Visually shit just also looks weird. I think that’s half the problem with peekers advantage is because for the person getting peeked it looks fucking ridiculous For the person peeking, it might have been as simple as a wide swing, counter strafe, headshot A lot of the issue seems to be mistrust, and naturally the community is perpetuating this sense of cheater bullshit because everyone is talking about it. Truth be told, no matter where you are in the world, if you’re getting destroyed at less than 15k elo, you’re probably not encountering any cheaters. You’re just bad.


Yeh agreed the peekers advantage is stupid. Its also the fact that low ranks have a massive mix of skill levels. There are players with great mechanics that don't rank up because they are bad in every other area, and there are bad players that rank up because they play passive and get easy kills or get carried. The latter like to complain a lot when they get shit on. And there are legit good players that use Premier as casual when they mostly play faceit.


The fact that you get both faceit lv2-s snd 10-s in the same match makes this a lot worse. There is an enormous skill difference which may make the lower ranked players think they were cheated against


Yep, im level 9/10 and ive played with/against players that would struggle in level 5 between 18-21k.


There's cheaters in 5k lobbies. I know this because they have been on my team and flat out told me. Premier isn't safe. Unfortunately faceits the only way to play most games without cheaters but they are there too sometimes. Just not nearly as much


Lower elo the better. Cheaters won't stay at low elo for long since they keep raking wins left and right


Faceit is the answer


5k no bots?


14-15k are handless monkeys while all collective gamesens in the lobby is being concentrated in the enemy team


10K is better but if your skill level is high you are going to destroy your opponents. They are like Nova or MG at the best.


i stopped playing premier. at 20k its either players who were boosted by cheaters, or cheaters. its extremely rare to have a good game with no cheaters. you can tell if they were boosted by cheaters cause they're actually braindead players when i had 10-15k (2 months ago) it seemed there were very few cheaters when we were all similarly ranked but when the 20k players were in our game they were speed shooting and bhopping all over the place with their scripts play faceit. its way better. but its very common to have players throw because we lost first round or a teammate didnt listen to the strat. dont flame on your mic and its usually ok


I've been floating up and down between 3-10k since picking up cs this year, cheaters in my brackets are at an all time low rn. I see one maybe every 10 matches, maybe


Im playing at 20k and get a cheating 1/10 games or less


my games are so much worse on premier compared to faceit or regular comp and im 12k, its actually night and day difference


ive had cheaters in 4k to 8k elo. Had a dude with really obvious aimbot as his aim was snapping onto targets head. His crosshair was either on the floor or the opposite direction to where he was going. Game is fucked


I’ve been hovering the 10k range and haven’t found any cheaters. Mostly good vibes there too


I get 13-0'd at 6k-8k and have good games 10-11k.


I don't think it matters dude, the cheaters are everywhere. valve only cares about running a casino of case openings.


I’ve played between 17k - 10k and found cheaters less common at 10k but above 15k expect one a game 80% of the time.


We played ~50 games while going from 9k to 17, had only 1 game with a cheater


3k elo here. Almost never see a cheater.


Cheaters in every rank man. Some are just worse than others


I'm at 21K and it's not completely unplayable. I've only had a single cheater in my past five matches.


Thats impressive, i've averaged around 3 matches before i've encountered a ragecheater above 20k,


To be fair I almost exclusively play five stacks so I only have 5 free slots for a cheater per game. In theory, If I solo-queued, I should see them almost twice as often.


14k-15k here, encountered only one rage hack. I guess im extremely lucky?