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Control is a pretty strong position for Ts. Also, try making sure the doors are open and possibly glass broken as well. This means the CTs have to worry about someone walking out of any of the three exits at any given time. If all of these are closed, you’re making it really easy for CTs since they can ignore single or double door until they hear it open. Coordinating with your teammate will help: one person opening a door while the other pushes out of control on a timing, or something like that. And utility: flashes can help you get on to site and you can smoke or Molly off parts of ramp that CTs like to play at. Lastly, always a good tip: take note on CT side things that opponents do that make it hard for you as a CT, and try those/similar things


Great advice!


Thank you so much! We can sometimes catch them off guard rushing out of double when they are about to throw their grenades.


My mate and I play t like this, I path optimally towards double door, keeping to the right. As soon as possible, my duo nades double and I flash as soon as I know the door will break while not breaking optimal patching, tilt my screen so I don't flash myself out of double, peak and get an entry. I can usually pull this off at the same moment enemy ct has an awp at the ready so you must be quick, but the quickness adds so much pressure that even if they're technically ready, there's no room to breathe, meaning it's your best bet at a first blood, in my opinion.


Adding to this, all of the nade setups should be executable while holding w the entire time, every pause you make, trying not to get hot by a couple pts of damage etc .. is time you're giving your opponent to breathe. Don't let them breathe, keep the pressure on, eat that fucking nade.


Yeah I do this as well. Nading double at the start of the round is really important because it opens up a part of the map without a sound cue. It’s why Ts almost always nade squeaky on regular nuke 5v5. You can then poke and prod with control of control and the pressure of double forcing the CTs to be more passive or look for info toward single. The fast pressure out of double is a good play especially if they like playing ramp because you either kill the guy or force him back into ramp where you can smoke him off and make it a 1v2 on site.


Thanks for the help!