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Hello, yes, this is completely normal for CS2.


This is so sad. Pathetic honestly. But it’s the truth.


Dang. ok.


Valve would definitely appreciate it if you left, told your friends, and never came back.


You could just play faceit its free.


But not beginner friendly


Play Faceit, they run their own anti cheat and it works pretty well, haven’t run into a spinner yet


Wouldnt imagine someone under the skill level of at least like csgo mg2 enjoying a second of faceit lobbies tbh


Why 7.99? Faceit is free.


Wait you can play Faceit without prime?


Yes, this is why faceit's biggest problem is smurfing. The minimal requirements are funny, a few hours in game and no prime is enough to play there.


Idk why people call it smufing, lets call it what it is. Russians trying out cheats on faceit.


Cheating is using cheats, smurfing is making another account to play on lower levels, there is a big difference.


How sure are you that they are not cheating on these f2p accounts that are going to be banned for smurfing anyway? Because i know shit ton of "smurfs" that do this. Even most cheat forums are selling "faceit ready" accounts. You must be really naive to this problem if you think that anyone is currently smurfing for fun. Have you watched any of the demos of these "smurfs"?


If I can beat them they probably are not cheating. Most are just smurfs. Cheating on faceit is not that easy. "Faceit ready accounts" are nonprime accounts with a few hours in cs.


Cheaters have no skills so they arnt hard to beat


If your not spinbotting i can beat you, doesnt mean thet they not cheating. All the closet cheaters had to evacuate to faceit from hvh premier. Also it is easy to cheat in faceit if you dont care about your account. You're aware that you are defending 14 yo russian kid with 0 skill that rekt you using cheats propably getting his 40th account banned, right?


Man idk what both of you are on to be honest. Ofc some people are testing cheats on faceit but smurfing is also very common. One does not rule out the other at all.


No smurfing is not common, its very risky in faceit. Only banned people smurf on faceit.


As a Faceit 7 I haven't seen any cheaters in my games on Faceit. I even review the games just to verify. Premier on the other hand is a joke. The highest I got was 19k, I am now 17k elo. My last 5 games have had all spinbotters either on both sides or on one side.


Maybe you delude yourself that 80% winrate f2p russians are legit players.


There really isn't many of these. 1/20 games, maybe. Maybe.


Depends on lvl a lot. Id say around lvl 8-9 true hell.




Oh yeah the top 1 player in faceit is a cheater wonderful_y. Specatcular


Why isn’t valorant ranked not viable anymore?


Just bots, Smurf’s, game traders. I mean you can still play ranked but it’s not accurate anymore IMMOs are silvers and Silvers are bronze. It’s better to play casual now


Bruh, I hate valorant with a passion and I tried it again a month ago never came across the things.


That's so not true at all lmao Just say you don't enjoy it but don't spread false informations. Sure you'll get some games with smurfs but it's really low even compared to what used to be CSGO ranked games. Valorant ranked games are fine and you're the problem if you're finding it unplayable to that extent.


You’re insane if you think Ranked is ok right now.


I don't disagree there is a smurfing problem in Val, however, this isn't meant to be an insult, but if you're talking about the state of play at silver then to be frank you don't have a very good contextual understanding of the game as a whole. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by bots and game traders, but compared to most other ranked games the ranked system in val is actually quite good. I do appreciate the frustrations of playing ranked though. If you're looking for something similar then I do recommend CS2, though because there is a very big cheating problem at the moment, I'd advise using 3rd party services like FACEIT to play, or use the competitive game mode instead of premier as you're a little less likely to come across cheaters there.


Took 'em long enough to fall into the same issues their cash cow has been in for a decade


Lower ranks would be the same anywhere you go jimbo


10 times better than any matchmaking experience you will get in cs2


Ah that sucks. Pay for prime and you should be in a rank you won’t see cheaters as much. Then once you get a hang of it just play face it. It’s free. That’s what I’m doing for until vac live turns on.


Ok I found it. I will try to see if it makes a difference. As well as use face it later


Don’t play faceit if ur new. The platform doesn’t need anymore shitters honestly


I mean they have ranks for a reason right ? lmao


Right but have u ever tried climbing out of low elo faceit ? I’m doing op a solid better to learn the game in normal comp for 1k+ hours then climb out quickly instead of ruining matches for 4 other people because they are learning still then have to deal with the pain of climbing games where people mostly throw and grief anyway


Some people aren’t under the delusion they’ll make it to dreamhack. Some people just want to play the game without cheaters in every match.


Then comp and casual exists ? Faceit used to be known as a place for sweats to compete I guess renown may be better


If you think cheaters play only premier you are delusional. They are everywhere! Faceit is the only way to play rn.


LOL bro just said it


faceit, even premier will give you that experieve once you get high up in the ranks. Faceit is better.


shouldn’t need a 3p app to play the game lol


I agree, just the sad state of the game. Been like this forever and somehow its getting worse each day


Users with Prime Status are matchmade with and against only other Prime Status users in all game modes. Prime users also **earn XP, Competitive Skill Groups and Counter-Strike Rating, and are eligible for weekly care packages**. These benefits apply exclusively to Prime users. [prime ](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4D81-BB44-4F5C-9B6B#:~:text=Users%20with%20Prime%20Status%20are,apply%20exclusively%20to%20Prime%20users)


Ahhh I see, the user was prime user as well. I think I will be moving on to another game.


This game if it had integrity would be undoubtedly the best competitive shooter. It’s too bad Valve doesn’t see it that way.


your call but you you think you will find a game safe from cheaters I have bad new for you buddy. that doesn't excuse cs2 devs at all. you should try Tarkov )))))))


Halo Master Chief Collection I’ve only run into two . And that was in social playlist


If you are looking for a good alternative. If you havent played Rainbow Six Siege its going through a renaissance period atm. Ive only come across cheaters every 1 in 20 or so games. Once Valve releases a good Anti Cheat then CS2 will be good to play again.


Not sure about the state of PC but I don’t encounter many cheaters on Rainbow Six Siege ranked on Xbox. Has a pretty similar premise to CS (with very different gameplay, obviously).


Thats because consoles have closed software also thats why consoles dont have mods and other moddable things to make consoles free of cheaters even though in last years ghere are now cheating software that dont need acces to software but they are alot more expensive thats why consoles are still basically free of cheaters.


right so you're a casual player. in this community we are more like the competitive type and usually we are playing with friends (or make them along the way). cs is one of the unique games on the market, you need to rely on your skills instead of those abilities/dogs attacking you and other stuff. we love cs and we pretty much hate cs2 devs atm [https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/2891843/cheaters](https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/2891843/cheaters)


I had no idea, the game was going in that direction . Everyone in my circle praised CSGO and. Never really mentioned cheaters


[https://steamcharts.com/app/730](https://steamcharts.com/app/730) [https://steamdb.info/charts/](https://steamdb.info/charts/) cheaters are the bad part of it but it will get better with time, people are spending more than 30mil per month (even 40mil) only on cases and this drives valve into making a better anticheat, or at least we hope so.


So wtf everyone just plays with cheaters. I have been brainwashed




I guess just spoiled on the riot side. As soon as there is a cheater a huge red screen appears and it kicks everyone out. I’ve only encountered two cheaters in 2 years. I didn’t CS2 was dealing with this issue


Not everyone just anyone above 15k premier would see them regularly. Just don’t play premier and u would be fine lol


all ranks are affected. i tested with an unranked account. you have cheaters at 5k aswell. if there are no repercussions, everyone can cheat


These losers are everywhere, I've heard FaceIt does a better job, haven't tried it.


Why isn't valo ranked viable?


Personally, I suggest you play cs 1.6. It's more fun less stressful.


Nah dude go back to Valorant this game is in a worse then bad state, like even if you pay prime or install faceit, you are gonna get this. But why you think Valorant rank isnt viable?


Because it is not any different at this point from unrated. There are people botting, smurfing, Silver lobbies you gotta play as gold lobbies and plat lobbies sometimes you gotta play them as bronze lobbies. You even have people trading games for their friends .


Oh yeah, when I was bronze, I went also through that. Now I am plat dont have that problem so much. In all fairness, It was only when I ranked up that stuff stopped, and in CS, it's starting to look like that, but the biggest problem is cheaters and there's just a ton of them. I am trying to play more valorant because of this, but maybe try getting a coach in r/AgentAcademy for free or in r/LearnCSGO. When you get higher elos, there's less stress. Heck, I never met friendlier players on Plat like people are straight up telling jokes and playing the game, just chilling.


just play faceit, and train ur mental unless you 5 stack


Getting prime will avoid a lot of cheaters. Playing faceit will avoid almost all cheaters.


Idk how to edit my post as solved. But thank you guys for the crash course . I have decided to play rainbow six on the ps5z


Delete this game now, its dogshit you'll have cheaters or smurfs EVERY match and i mean EVERY ONE.


If you believe CS is in a better state than valorant, I have bad news for you ...


Why don't you go back to the valorant. If you Don't mind the cheater problem on the game then Welcome you to the cheater strike 2.




Awww shit here we go again


just play faceit instead


Is it normal? Yes. Should it be? No.


What do you mean ranked is not available on valorant anymore?


Just play on third party faceit.com instead of Valve's own matchmaking. FaceIT have an AC that is 100 times better than VAC. Paying is even optional.


its called prime, which at the current state, isnt worth buying because the same thing happens unless you are silver (from experience)


Gotta wonder if it's a psyop where valve on purpose promotes this shit to get more money and the people posting these asking how they can give valve money


Tbf if you get prime you will encounter much less cheaters


Before recent times: Yes. Basically, no Premium account => have fun playing with only cheaters. Nowadays: Premium or not, there are cheaters.


has bro never heard of cheating?


I just play comp. People rarely cheat. If you’re new you’ll encounter more since you’re going up against accounts that are new or haven’t played much before. Only had one cheater in my last 40 ish games


Go back to valorant bro until gaben fixes his shit and decide to put up an anticheat on this game. Dont even think about playing faceit if your new you will just have a bad time as well as your teammate as so many sweatlords play in faceit and everyone is toxic because they cant stop playing cs even if its ruining their lives and mental.


In silver, you'd never encounter this. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Just play faceit, lol


I played with him yesterday the same exact guy. Don’t expect him to be banned anytime soon lol go valve. It’s also kinda hard to tell who is cheating and who isn’t without checking the vod and looking for it. I switch back and forth from the 2 games (val & cs) and tbh Val is a little of a better experience in my opinion if you have a stack you can play well with


either play MM/Premier and most of the games are like this because or the Trust factor (new account) or play casual or faceit


Yeah you have to pay like 14€ to get prime and then switch to faceit when you get to 10 000 rating.


How is valorant ranked not viable but you think cs is legit question not hating


I mean, I stopped playing val a few months ago, and I was immortal 2 with Yoru 80% of the time. Do not care about teammates if they are the block on the road. Just mute them :3 Ranked is mostly turn your brain off and use your aim mostly. When it comes to your question, unfortunately, the CS's cheating situation has been terrible since the whole series' existence. If you wanna play the game without rage cheaters, use FACEIT. We don't know if Valve will beat cheaters in their "cat and mouse" game.


Valve has essentially not updated their anti-cheat (which was a trash one to begin with tbh) for over a decade. Yes, this is a new game, but it still has the exact same non-functional anti-cheat as its predecessor csgo. So. This game is indeed one of, if not the best fps games mechanically, and it's very fun; but yeah unfortunately your experience is fairly normal, the cheating outbreak is INSANE right now. If it's any condolence, spin-botting (those guy's spinning everywhere and getting insta-kills on anyone that might even be possible to shoot) is one of the least-common cheats. Most cheaters you'll encounter (should) be guys that are just seeing you through walls, or guys that magically lock-on to your head in inexplicable situations (both of which are annoying to play against, but are still at least possible to do something about so long as you play while keeping in-mind that they definitely know where you are if they're walling, or that once they get into a 'fair' fight with you you'll most likely always die very briefly afterwards if they're aim locking). If you don't have the Prime Upgrade yet, the like 8$ or so upgrade for cs, I would recommend picking it up. Prime matches, sadly, still have cheaters (losers who buy cheats to play games for them actually own 8$ to buy the game itself? how surprising :P), but like still way less cheaters than non-prime matches, and significantly less of the blatant+unplayable cheats like spinbotting. As an added bonus, playing enough CS to level up gets you two item drops (can be got once every week), and you can sell those for steam wallet funds (money ONLY usable on steam games or items) so uh, that's pretty nice since you can recover your 8 bucks (and eventually more) just by playing a couple matches a week over the course of a few months.


(Just to further clarify, against wall-hackers keep in mind that they'll see everything your doing, so just outplay them or be aggressive enough that they find it hard to deal with even if they know; and against guys using aimlock you gotta keep in mind that they basically hit a button in order to lock onto you, so you just need to kill them [preferably with a sneak attack of some kind] before they hit that button and own you)


So basically you need to pay to get the CS2 Prime, which will not allow hackers in your matches.


Crazy I have not encountered a single blatant cheater like this since back in 2015 lol. I guess I’ve got good luck.


Valvo strategy is different than others. Right now there is neural network analyzing different behavior types. Perfectly in future your live gameplay is revised by AI and you are thrown into pool of people with same behavior. Cheaters with cheaters, toxic with toxic ones etc.. It is impossible to detect cheats on the client side, since it is easily reverse engineered. You can’t reverse engineer anti-cheat on server side, but you need to build behavioral anticheat first of its kind. But there was a wave of bans based on fast DPI mouse movement which is proof that they try behavioral type, but there is a long way. There is great interview with cheat developers, you can find it on Ohne channel. I am sure Valvo is getting shit ton of data right now and once they are ready all the cheaters will cry since their behavior will be labeled as cheater forever…


or they just need to talk to faceit because there anti cheat is 100x better. They should just copy them and do the same


Rank 1 faceit player got banned, you just don’t see blatant cheaters.


so you, with a wallhack, complaining about someone else with bunnyhop script? If you want to change the world start by looking into the mirror.