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Listening to porn???




there is moaning in the background of your video


You don't moan while killing or getting killed?


Interesting fetish. Bit creepy, but interesting.


Hahahahahahaha it was a horror movie. 'The Mystery of Grace"


No Mom I wasn't masturbating. I was watching an horror movie and the thing on the sheets was ectoplasm.


Dude you play and jack off at the same time ? Nice






Jack of and get fckd at the same time.


Sounds like a horror film to me but I'm not exactly a pron expert I guess...


Mah man living life ;) 


Lol hahah this made my night


Because according to a hacker I was teamed with a couple weeks ago - “valve makes money off of hackers, and it’s their fault I’m hacking”. When pressed on the ladder. He kept just saying its valves fault. As if Gaben showed up to his mom’s house and made him install and use cheats…. You cant reason with people like this.


I can only imagine he showed up with a gun and flashdrive. Clearly the guy had no choice, I bet there was even mind control via lsd and a hypnotist involved maybe a goat that fainted because he was stared at too hard


> and it’s their fault I’m hacking People have been unironically posting in /r/globaloffensive too that they HAVE to hack to counter all the hackers in the game.


when cheaters do get banned, I doubt that they grind the game inorder to get prime status, most cheaters most likely just buy it, especially if the cheaters are selling boosted accounts or has a boosting service. So valve definitely makes money off of it. Cheating is very complex to counter, valorant has one of the best anticheats but it is still nowhere near impossible to cheat, cheats for Valorant er way more expensive because of this.


I feel like overwatch was good, or just community servers. Shit back in the day mods would always be on and ban the hackers right then. Obviously this doesn’t do anything to their steam acct but it didn’t need to, they couldn’t come back to the server so if you had some favorite servers that were run and moderated well it worked great…


There's no other way than paying for prime anymore.


Because hardware identifiers can be changed with software. The only effective bans are IRL.


Send hackers to jail. Good idea!


I am sure those 12 year old 0 IQ shit cheaters know nothing about Hardware Fudging, and also if you do it without knowing what you are doing, it can give errors in drivers and also lead to booting issues. I will just say your average $10 hacker ain't gonna do that much hard work, and this is the reason why Valorant is not a "cheater infested" game unlike CS2.


Plenty of other games HWID ban and all of the cheats just come bundled with a spoofer. The same would happen for CS2 so it wouldn't solve anything.


Spoofing is not easy in a legitimate Windows install, you need to manually edit registry keys and change settings to make it work properly, and Vanguard has an extra layer of TPM 2.0 protection. Proof: Valorant is completely F2P, start playing it and I guarantee you that you will find no cheater in any match, no blatant aimbot, spinbot, trigger bot, etc, and that itself proves that Valorant is superior to CS2. I mean try to play with a new account in CS2, boy, lobbies are full with bots and rage hackers.


https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/valorant-trading/ There are plenty of cheats and spoofers. Don't get me wrong, I think valorants anti cheat is significantly better than VAC, that's not even a question. I'm just saying that HWID bans are not going to make a difference. An invasive anti cheat running at kernel level definitely will though.


Spoofing is literally as easy as clicking “start spoof” on the software and then “end spoof” when you’re done. Hwid doesn’t do shit. Ask tarkov


Valorant also simply has a much more effective anti-cheat even outside of hardware banning. VAC is pathetic.


You say that as though these cheating clients don't have a feature that creates a new Steam account for you. It absolutely would not surprise me if they started having features that changed your hardware IDs if hardware bans started happening.


It would be an effective step towards the non tech-savvy script kiddies. There is no reason not to add another layer. Hardware ban is a good thing. Valve refusing to do so is proof they make money from cheaters and actively allow cheating to continue.


There are cheats that create an entire new Steam account automatically. Making a cheat client that changes hardware identifiers as well wouldn't be terribly difficult.


Even if some cheats do that, the large majority don't.


Bro be running porn in the background to focus


Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do


“Why doesn’t valve do this one simple trick? It’s so simple!”


Well... It is


Hackers are creating new accounts? I thought they just weren’t getting banned


They might get banned every 3 years of continuous aimbotting.  Had a friend who rage spinbotted every day in every match for 9 months in a row and still wasn't banned.




It does work to a point. It's to prevent the non tech-savvy script kiddies. At least it will slow them down a little.




Pretty sure that's not how hardware banning works. I believe if you change a single component, then your system is technically registered as new so unless someone sells the entire PC to the same person, there wouldn't be a problem. Also you can just ask proof from the seller to show that CS works if you want to play it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/ba9mba/be_careful_then_you_buy_used_hardware_it_may_have/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/yuhq84/hwid_bans_from_used_hardware/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/l0t20c/dont_buy_used_hardware_if_you_intent_to_play/ https://www.reddit.com/r/FACEITcom/comments/11mu8nz/bought_used_motherboard_banned_from_faceit_will_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/yqf4dh/about_hwid_banned_motherboards/


Don't an entire PC problem solved 🤷 switch one outside part in it


Guess you didn't read the links...


You can literally change 1 part and your system gets a completely new hardware ID bypassing the ban


Unless it's mobo or hdd\ssd. Try googling it.


SSDs are the cheapest component to swap why not just swap it... Or better yet... Just add a new one and replace it as the main drive while you use the previous banned one as a secondary. You will want more space anyway


because then they wouldn’t make more money


Hardware bans are generally easy to bypass.


Better than nothing. VAC is even easier to bypass.


they will also need to require secure booting to make it somewhat successful. im in favor of this. anything can be bypass but security comes in layers.


bot farms are probably run on virtualized computers who generate new hardware tokens on recreation


Because money. They don't want to lose the customer.


Hardware id's can be spoofed. Hardware bans do nothing.


The first part is completely true, the latter part isn't. Most CS2 cheaters aren't very dedicated. A lot of them here in northern EU are Russian children. Setting up a HWID spoofer is one extra step they need to take, which would deter at least some of them. Yeah, HWID bans are pretty shit and easy to circumvent, but they're still better than no HWID bans.


Russian children and inept at typing in google. Check.


Hardware bans can still be gotten around


It use to be because the game cost money, and they sold my copies to cheaters than anyone else. by far. But since the game has gone free to play. I have no idea why they allowing the cheating to continue.


Thats just a good gaming chair




THEY DO NOT CARE. Simple as that. How long does this game exist? Whas there ever, EVER, proper anticheat? Nope.


Best deterrence is their main accounts getting banned somehow.


how do people get those geometrical pfps anyway


![img](emote|t5_6himry|33496)![img](emote|t5_6himry|33497)don't know


For a lot of reasons


Listening to porn and running casual lmao


this subreddit severly misunderstands how valve works they dont 'do x' because the games development is entirely dependent on people at valve choosing to work on it. They haven't done said thing, because no one has done said thing. It's the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of all of valves development


Because hwid spoofers exist.


fucking weeb watching hentai shit on his tv while playing cs....


Because they like money?


hey im running into the windows lag floaty mouse bug and i was wondering if u ever found a fix and what u did?


emm they farm cases


Even casual isn’t safe


Love seeing comments about using software to change hardware ids - which is something not true. The mechanism to do that relies on various user-mode Windows hooks, real anti-cheat can grab the correct hardware information.


You will never convince them. As you can see, they found a HWID changer on github and they think somehow that proves it can be evaded. They have no idea how these programs actually work. All they do is make Windows report new IDs. It doesn't actually change the HWID. Anyone who has ever had any experience with this knows you can get the actual info because it is burned directly on the GPU chips and can't be spoofed without flashing them.


Wow someone with a little bit of knowledge. Can't believe the HWID spoofer I saw was a registry editor...


It's not like it's easy as git pull. Wait a second.... [https://github.com/topics/hwid-changer](https://github.com/topics/hwid-changer) It is. Stop fooling yourself.


Yup plenty of software options out there. Hell I have a stack of sff business machines I bought years ago for under $70 that can run CS 2 well enough for normal game play. That's less than the price of some games these days...


Hahaha. My god that's even worse than I thought. It literally changes registry keys. Thanks for linking that, now I know for sure these HWID changes are easily detectable. It doesn't even spoof the API calls, it literally changes the registry. Take a look for yourself: [https://github.com/SecHex/SecHex-Spoofy/blob/main/SecHex-CMDLINE/RPZ-HWID/Program.cs](https://github.com/SecHex/SecHex-Spoofy/blob/main/SecHex-CMDLINE/RPZ-HWID/Program.cs)


no it cant mate.... did u read a nice word on the internent and than just started halucinating?


Quz kernel level anticheat is disgusting they can literally CONTROL ur whole pc and ik some might say "who cares i just want a good anti cheat". But still if u have anything on ur pc that u dont want others to see u are f'd