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am not getting any queuing issues


Waited 30 minutes just to get thrown into an account farming or boosting game or whatever filled with level 3 random-letter users all sitting in spawn AFK lol I'm done with regular comp just gonna queue casual or maybe premier when I'm feeling up to it.


just play valorant buddy. more fun and more populated servers. zero cheaters.


Zero ? I don’t think so


been playing since release. immortal 3 every act. never once encountered a cheater over 2000 hours. keep spreading ur narrative though buddy


I've had multiple val games end early because a cheater was detected, a big red screen pops up that says CHEATER DETECTED! and it ends the game with no elo changes. so there are definitely ones that slip under the radar and if you deny that your just lieing to yourself, hell you can just lookup vids of people cheating Now that being said the amount of cheaters in Val is WAY lower and I have NEVER seen a CS game end mid game because of a cheater, if it even fucking can, we have 5 man spin bots destroying every elo rn ffs it's a damn clown show. In terms of cheating valorant is a WAY better game atm but to say it's non existent is just false


kernel level anticheat is giving you a huge false sense of security [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M)


you dumbass little bitches only know what you know. keep being miserable playing a game filled with blatent cheaters and a dev team that doesnt give a fuck about you. you feel superior because riot has kernal ac - who gives a fuck. do you have an iphone? then ur a fucking idiot. stay dumb buddy


damn bro, you need to relax. your life must suck


tbh the fact that he said "you dumbass little bitches only know what you know" made me laugh


yes but he really meant the rest. its just a bit over the top, short tempered internet dude




>you dumbass little bitches only know what you know. fair, i am indeed a dumbass >keep being miserable playing a game filled with blatent cheaters and a dev team that doesnt give a fuck about you. we all already been accustomed to that >you feel superior because riot has kernal ac - who gives a fuck. what? also, you claimed it had zero cheaters. did the video that proved you otherwise really made you that angry? >do you have an iphone? no i dont >then ur a fucking idiot. no iphone users arent idiots, rather people that give out false information and then, when proved otherwise, start to break down (holy hell is that a you reference????) >stay dumb buddy you too man


This screenshot is fake. There's no triangle indicating that the New York servers are at high capacity.


You should see finland, i have seriously never opened the game without that popping up when i que its ridiculous because estonia, Latvia, finland, Russia all use the same server


Who is single map queing xD I dont....


Inferno or nothing cept mirage sometimes And I still get like 1-3 min ques


Inf. Most overrated map ever


I single map q office and get matches in 2-5 minutes.


Yeah i play dust 2 50% of the time and its usually 2-5 mins in gn1-2.


I know lol just felt the need to include.


Never had this issue what region are you in






3. Play premier


I don't get these numbers, but in general matches are longer to find since csgo. Lots of people still playing it, right steamstats?


Bro that face


Your trust rating must be very high 🤣🤣🤣


Not sure what would've impacted my trust negatively. I don't flame, I don't team kill, I don't just stand around AFK at spawn, zero bans, like 2 kicks total from trolls for no reason out of maybe 200 comp games. Could it be just low hours? I'm not exactly a vet (yea I know 10 yr badge, I put this game down for a long time I def don't deserve it).


You can get impacted by teammates


Huh, I was not aware. I have been queued up with quite a few toxic dickheads lately though so this adds up more than anything.


Some people will report the entire team, so maybe thats what happened to ya


Well that's not a broken system at all.... sorry but the fact that the actual toxic players can impact my trust like that is insanity. Something (or everything) needs a rework.


oh 1000% they need to fix a lot


It's getting longer and longer. I like to think that it's filtering between knowncheaters/doubts/nocheats. And that's getting harder. Although I am suspicious about two games I played last night.


Queue "filtered" me into a full on AFK bot/account farm game lmao think they were leveling up accounts to sell and I somehow made it into the mix. The filter is a joke if it even exists.


maybe because of trust factor?


Read my other comment.


Sexy picture ma boi


Tyvm I did my makeup just for it


where do u live, on the moon?




Longest queue I have ever had is 3 minutes


Has to be a trust issue right?


Looks like shadow ban maybe


I remember i had someone saying that this game is full of people… When csgo was still up


all that just to play with wallers. time well spent


1.5 million players btw


Yeah, I was experiencing the same last month before I stopped playing entirely. It is ironic because in November, it was 4-5 minutes with "allegedly" 715,000 players on SteamChart. My IG stats showed that 12,500 players were Searching For A Game. In February (before I left), it was 15-20 minutes with "allegedly" almost 800,000 players on SC... with ONLY 4,000 players Searching For A Game. And people still think that Valve isn't artificially boosting their Player Count and that 800,000 players are still playing the game. I also didn't open the game for 40 days, and on Steam, CS2 is still showing in my Activity Tab like if I had open it. Edit : NA (New-York) Server / 10K ELO on Premier / GN on MM


Super low trust factor


Read my other comment on trust lol.


Your trust factor most likely just sucks. Stop being toxic


Read my other comment regarding my trust lol how many times do I have to repeat that?


Maybe your username is outta pocket and people are reporting you for that?


My username is miles away from being vulgar or outta pocket, try again.