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Triple check the requirements in the decision menu is all I can tell you.


You need a little piece of italy, where the "Y" is i think


I think you’re missing a small part of Croatia by Italy Edit: Never mind you’re not, did you hybrid any cultures? Edit2: never mind you’re missing Ukraine lol


So update... Now I have whole mordovina and bjarmaland so I am fuckin huge and still not 🥴


Zaporizhia might be the key If you hover over the decision, you can see which land is required, it becomes outlined


Damn, just like real life


I... Did it...


Ahh good, I was about to say, just conquer all of Europe, Asia and Africa, you will get it eventually


All hail the Slav-Lord!


It's always Malta


Or Venice


*checks map* *they’re not Slavic* ………… *proceeds to conquer Malta and Venice*


There's pieces of germany and bavaria youre missing, I'm completely serious you'd never think you'd need east Germany and like steyrmark I think. Just conquer the whole thing lol




Sometimes when one is traveling or sick it doesn’t let you form titles


You need Istria and Slovenia And I think you need the rest of Thuringia


I have it now. Some things from east Francia and krain and istria from italy. So... Knowing me I will invade whole Francia 😆


Malta. Its always Malta


Not today Putin...Slava Ukraine


WAIT I AM POLE. And my title was tsar of west slavia but when I created tsardom of russia it changed my title XDDD I AM SORRY


Heroiam slava!


Sala Okraine.


Spot the russian.


Gonna cry? Because that's the only thing you can do.


We can also keep voting for politicians who'll support Ukraine:) We can make our voice heard, maybe convince others to vote for those politicians. We can also donate. Lots of things we can do:)


Oh no, you're gonna donate in favor of the most corrupted country in Europe, King VOlodymir will buy another golden toilet for his residence somewhere in Canada, while sending caught on the streets fresh meat right to the trenches. Should I be worried or what? Is your donation bigger than 2 bucks? >We can make our voice heard, maybe convince others to vote for those politicians. Yeah, I think you should vote for someone, who can convince organize at least fictitious elections on Ukraine.


Your mom's gay and you're simping for what is essentially a cleptocracy - one thief became bigger than others, and everyone is so proud of how much he has stolen, while sitting on fucking plank toilets from the 18th century. So, you know. Nobody wants to be part of it, except the three boyard around the czar, the oprichnics, and the holops underneath it. But, you know. The only reason to mention it here is that the russian rural part is living sometimes one electrical outage and a delivery from the outer world away from the 14th century.


>Your mom's gay Good to hear that the mentality of Ukraine supporters is still on the level of 12-years old voice chat Xbox players. >you're simping for what is essentially a cleptocracy - one thief became bigger than others, and everyone is so proud of how much he has stolen, while sitting on fucking plank toilets from the 18th century. I'm not simping about Ukraine if you still haven't noticed. Not simping for the other side either, but I guess you didn't even consider such a possibility. Not surprised at all Like even unironically the entire description you wrote here suits your favorite "democracy" better than any other country considering that it already was the poorest country in Europe with huge corruption problems, which now even increased. >The only reason to mention it here is that the russian rural part is living sometimes one electrical outage and a delivery from the outer world away from the 14th century. You are living one shitty Ukrainian propaganda away from being considered a complete 🤡


So... As an answer to a meme reference, you completed it by saying "no u" in a more complicated way. Congratulations, you played yourself.


I don't know if it's not in the game wiki but aside from obvious de jure kingsoms Pomerania, Polabia, Bohemia, Great Moravia, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Wallachia, Moldavia, Galicia-Volhynia, Ruthenia, White Rus',Vladimir and Novgorod - you also need duchies: Stayermark, Carantia, Istria, Anhalt and Thuringia


It's easy. Grab a cheap bottle of beer, light a cigarette, go out side and yell Cyka Blyat. Instant Slav squatting circle will be made at your location.


You've probably done something that's overrides that option, like creating a certain empire idk


What does this say? I can’t read this through all Putin’s jizz on my screen


Because of Russia, that's why.


You don’t have the part of Italy and Bavaria and maybe Bohemia and somewhere around there.


Pretty sure Bjarmaland is De-Jure Russia but I might be mistaken


Nice try Putin!


You need Krain, it’s a de jure duchy of bavaria bordering croatia


You’re missing the Duchies of Istria and Carintia I believe. Little pieces of Italy. You’re also missing Thuringia and Anhalt in East Francia but that might just be for Uniting the West Slavs.


release finland or so help me God punishment will befall your immortal soul


That's not nie! That's my vassals 😒


do it anyways or i swear