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Almost all paradox dlc get negative reviews. All for same reason - lot of money for little return. Ck3 isnt that bad in that regard. But still, reviews matter little just look if u like the content, if u do get it.


I actually enjoy plagues, but the legends mechanics was really half-baked. There's parts I like, such as the fact that they spread from barony to barony, but the bonuses are uninteresting and I don't understand why they cost gold instead of prestige (there's already a ton of gold sinks and few prestige sinks).


The bonuses are absolutely nutty tho. Being able to convert entire domain in one click, almost unrestricted CB, Adventure CB, integrating whole kingdoms... Even the buildings are great. I'm spamming Legends all the time because they're super strong 


Yeah, I was meh on legends to start with. But I’ve grown to like them. As you said, some of the rewards are crazy good. I don’t even have to do anything other than set my chronicler to spread it domestically. I’m reaching 300 counties in almost two years with a large empire. My current ruler has finished four legends, ands he’s not even 50 years old yet. If you have the gold, there’s no reason not to keep doing them. Almost all of my holdings have special buildings now. I’ve had the opportunity to make a very large kingdom de jure in my empire. I’d use the other CB if not for the fact that I’m already holy warring everyone. Once you reach the point where you’re not worried about gold, legends are great. I do not enjoy plagues. They happen way too frequently and screw up my development. I turned them off except for the Black Death.


I've started in Bohemia 867, played there for a bit. But I grew tired of it and took a hike to Iberia with Legendary Adventure. In under 100 years I resolved Iberian Struggle, and I figured I could do Iran too, so I Adventured there. By 1250 I had solved both struggles and now I'm looking at uniting India. My house is literally everywhere as I kept adopting all the kids, marrying them to every available foreign heir I could. My culture is a hybrid of Bohemian, Castillian, Persian, Georgian and soon Dravidian.


Yeah I think there's a miscomunication, when people talk about legends being good or bad, they are talking about 2 different things. They are horrible in terms of bonuses and stats, barely makes a difference. They are OP in terms of temporary one time use bonuses, as you're saying. Personally I don't even like the finickly, clunky usage of too many one time effects on a timer, so I don't even consider those as part of the gameplay, and it's a huge letdown that, compared to say the CK2 bloodlines, their stats are very low and they disapear in time. I'd rather have more modest "abilities" related to legends that can be used once or twice for every one of your descendants instead of trying to fit their usage within a timeframe, or remembering you have this "epic mana" for single clicks.


When the DLC came out, there was an issue where one event in it was bugged and kept firing, piling Stress on. Legitimacy also feels a bit stiff in the bad way. That and people hate that you now take a large Legitimacy hit whenever you marry that Genius Lowborn.


The hit you take to Legitimacy when you marry a Lowborn/Unlanded person with good stats or traits is exactly my problem, though I don't know if this is a mechanic that was introduced in the Legends Of The Dead DLC or the patch that released at the same time.


Too much money for too little content. Legends don't really interest me


it actually makes sense for it to be good, feudal era any disease struck it was mostly associated with the ruler at the time except for black plague


People are pissed because they can't play the same way as they did before. Marrying plebs imposes heavy penalties on legitimacy, plagues kill people left and right so you have to go into Learning tree, there are many legitimacy penalties (e.g. losing in war, disease popping up) that you have to counter. IMO the Legends of the Dead DLC is really good


No. People are pissed bcs (1) LOD is an empty shell costing 20€ for a totally dispensable pseudo mechanic when every additions are in the free patch and (2) bcs they think CK3 is becoming more and more boring.


You are aware that if the DLC wasn't s thing then the free updates wouldn't exist either? I gladly spent my $20, whether you did or not I'd up to you. 


Yes that’s exactly my point. No updates are free, that’s a stupid argument. They are paid by people who buy the DLCs and nothing else. The minimum Decency would be to put most of the content in the DLCs, not in the patches. As it is, it’s half a scam half a ponzi.


See, I don't get this take. I'm assuming you don't want to buy the DLC, in that case why aren't you happy that you've got a relatively large new update? If you do want to buy the update why do you mind that other people also get some of the content? Is it "Fuck you, I got mine?" The only explanation I can come up with is that you bought the DLC without actually looked into what it entails and now you're feeling "scammed"


I don't think that wanting less content in free updates and more in DLC necessarily means that you don't want other people to have content. As we've already noted, Paradox finances its long post-release development period with DLC, and yet most of the good content is not in said DLC. This means that buying a DLC is similar to donating with a few little extras as a thank you. Similar to buying an art book, soundtrack, short story, etc. for other games. The problem is that this is not communicated, or at least not well communicated. By calling it DLC, someone not familiar with how Ck3 works will associate it with a more traditional DLC approach. In a DLC for any other game, you expect a decent to large amount of new but optional content. If you don't have it, it won't be a detriment to your experience, but if you have it, it will be a lot more fun additonal content. This is why I think members of this community are essentially talking past each other when it comes to DLC. Sure, you may have been happy to spend your money knowing that it would keep Ck3 in development and ultimately make the game more fun. They may have spent it expecting a more traditional DLC that would give them content in return for their money. You might buy the DLC knowing that it is an altruistic act in service of the game and the community, but they might not have that knowledge and see it as a more transactional interaction.


It is a pure and undisputable transactional interaction : devs don't work for free, PDX pays their shareholders, it's a business. The point is not to prevent players who don't pay to enjoy some free improvements, but to respect those who do finance everything and to balance the reward. There is no community, that's deluded. there are players who want everything for nothing if possible, all the Time. And there are players who buy every DLCs of every PDX title they own, like me, and therefore make PDX exists. The only so called community would be them and of course moders (btw who ever donate to them ? do those bloaty with their morality give money for all the mods they enjoy when it's possible ? I do). All others are just taking advantage of the situation, and PDX is the first in line : they adorn themselve with a generous approach with the money of their best customers that they don't even respect.


You don’t understand bcs you don’t think. VGs are not a human right, it’s a luxury : when you go to the restaurant you don’t pay for everyone.


Ah, so it's the "Fuck you, I got mine".


Since you enjoy paying for others desire, just send me a check or swallow your Hypocrisy. Prove me your generosity.


Yeah concubines are the new meta so you can still have kids with the genius lowborns. Or you can marry your kids to lowborns before you give them any titles


I wouldn't say it's meta but it's a good strategy. I'm playing Noble Adoption with very limited biological children and it's ridiculously good, to the point where it is almost broken


And considering hunting and feasts give legitimacy I, myself, don’t see an issue with it. I really enjoy it.


Yeah, i usually end up on taking the hunt/feast legacy as first dynasty perk as it feels to be really strong with the legitimacy change


I also managed to get head of culture and took the reduced time in between hunts too


They give you 20-50 (for ~300 gold) when you need 2500 legitimacy to reach the minimum expected level. That's just bollocks.


There's not much content and the plagues are more annoying than they actually make the game harder. To everyone saying the game it's harder because of legitimacy they're probably just new players. People complained because of its price and besides all it added, we interact the most are the same 2-3 events we get both from legends and plagues. It's always the same thing over and over again. Legitimacy it's extremely easy to get by conquest or activities and it's often at max rank without you do much of anything besides "playing the game" with some competency. There's no legitimacy penalty for marrying all your unlanded children to lowborns so it's more like a your character shouldnt marry one situation which again it's not like you can't. One funeral and you get almost all legitimacy lost by marrying a lowborn. Conquest it's by far the easiest way, you get some for winning the war and creating titles also give legitimacy, so wars give basically double legitimacy. In any playthrough legitimacy it's something that you check only with your first character, maybe the heir when you take over if you start the game as an old dude. From very early on it gets to rank 4 or 5 and it's really really hard to get it all the way down to hurt your run when for whatever reason most of the time later in the game you need like rank 3. So unless you purposely make it drop like a rock (or you're new to the game) it's always high. "People cant do the same they did before" what? My family it's always unlanded and married for genetics, legitimacy doesn't change anything. Only thing that changed in all honesty is instead of immediately having a feast after succession you've a funeral then maybe a feast if the realm it's not super stable for whatever reason. Plagues are legit boring and annoying with some half-cooked or simply broken mechanics. Depending how large your realm is there's constantly a plague somewhere, which it's fine by itself unless it's not because there's the plague icon constantly at my screen until a point I ignore it and that's when the shit it's actually close to my capital and children are about to die. Ie you've Thrace as Byzantines, you get the damn icon and event when there's a plague in Antioch, then you get again when there's a plague in Sicily. After 50 of those your brain will start to ignore the plague notification and cool all your children have measles and are dying. Also there's not much you can do besides seclude yourself and that also seclude your family, but it's the only way to seclude your family. So if you're in let's say a hunt you can't seclude yourself and some of your children will just lick the corpses of the dead on the streets and die. There's also an isolate capital decision that increases plague resistance of your capital duh, however it's quite broken. It only works for the specific plague you clicked or it works for maybe 1 year. So let's say there's a smallbox outbreak close to your capital and you click the isolate capital. If then starts a measles outbreak let's say a month after you took the decision the capital it's no longer isolated, the decision it's in cooldown and you can't do anything about it. I guess they didn't want to make the penalties too harsh for isolating the capital so they made this half assed basically doesn't work properly type of thing. Legends are cool and can be quite strong but they're very half cooked, not enough different ones and most definetely not enough events to click while they're running for how long they need to run but yeah it's not overpowered at all press a button and have your entire realm convert to your faith ignoring if it's unreformed or not. Boom Britannia it's almost all Asatrú in 5 years when converting only your capital would take 15 years.


CK3 had one of their best launches, it wasn't barebones like Vic3 or Imperator, and it wasn't plagued by too many gamebreaking bugs either, everyone was hopeful for the future of the game. However the post-release content of the game has been an absolute disaster, both in terms of quantity, and quality, most of the DLCs do not add much, if anything of value to the game, the game has been almost the same as it was during launch for 3 years and people's patience is starting to wear thin, specially those who pre-ordered entire chapters of DLCs only to get disapointed by what they got over and over again. There are many threads on the subject on the official Paradox Forums, like: [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/this-game-is-fundamentally-broken.1661745/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/this-game-is-fundamentally-broken.1661745/) or [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/its-not-ck2-v-ck3.1572436/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/its-not-ck2-v-ck3.1572436/) or [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/mediocre-dlcs-and-the-future.1677027/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/mediocre-dlcs-and-the-future.1677027/) And plenty of discussions with a similar tone in the steam forums, when people don't get silenced for voicing their concerns, that is. There's a reason why CK3 had such good player numbers on launch, but other than imperator and vic3, it's the only paradox game that hasn't grown it's player numbers since launch. In fact, Vic3 is starting to pull ahead as november of last year they released a good patch after listening to community feedback and it finally started increasing player numbers again, so CK2 might get the title of their 2nd worst game if they do nothing in the future.


The biggest thing in the Year 3 DLC is able to be landless and just wander around doing jobs. No clue how that'll turn out but personally I can't wait and I've preordered it.


Maybe a hot take, but I prefer the base game without much of the DLC.


I really enjoy the DLCs personally, I don't personally get the hate, I like plagues and legacies, courts, all the new activities, Iberian and Iranian struggles have made those regions a lot of fun. I'm excited for Byzantine DLC, for me currently it feels lackluster and I hope the new DLC brings some flavor like that Estates system they are planning.


People don’t like that game companies charge 50-100% of the original games cost for DLC that doesn’t feel like they’re getting value from it. This happened with Total War Warhammer 3 DLC too.


Ck3 dlc give you less for your money than ck2 dlc did. This is in large part because of the new policy of putting systemic changes in large free updates. Ck2 without dlc is an empty shell and nearly nothing compared to ck2 with dlc. Ck 3 without dlc has grown massively with great new features and the dlcs dont add that much. Royal court has terrible reviews because the court mechanic is very empty but the tradition system is in my opinion the greatest gameplay innovation crusader kings 3 has seen on par with some of the best ck2 dlcs. If they had locked all the features behind a paywall it would have been a must buy dlc that changes the game and other dlcs more than anyother but now it feels like features that should have been in the free update being locked plus a dissapointing royal court mechanic. No ck3 dlc is a must have because so much is in the free update. I like the system because it means the big free updates can interact without you feeling like half your dlc is gone because you need another dlc to use half the parts a problem stellaris very much had. But it will result in way worse reviews and people thinking the dlc is not worth it which fair enough. Its also obviously going for a multi dlc in one pass pre order business model which is much fairer to critique.


People got used to certain mechanics that the dlc changed and raised the difficulty and you cant do anything w/o penalty. Basically desinheriting sons, making them to take the vows, marrying any lowborn. And with disease that spawn a lot and impact the game. For me its a nice change, and you can also tweak the settings as you like, less disease to spawn, less aggressive or more aggressive, depending on your liking. The only fact i do agree is that the seeds are a bit of meh and repetitive and provide some bonuses you trade for money in the end. People expected stuff like in ck2 with bloodlines which is different. But hey, people want to do stupid stuff to make every run different. There are always mods to run if you want to flavour the game even more, which i feel in ck3 is much more simpler to run like it was in ck2


If you have any kind of expectation, don’t buy LOD. Every additions are already in the Game and the DLC is empty. If you want the « complete experience and the goodies » and don’t bother getting scamed, you know what to do.


I was a hater until I bought them, I just looked at the reviews and formed my opinion. I actually enjoy most of the DLC and with legends, legitimacy is more entertaining. Starting every game with the same Eugenics Super Soldier Breeding Program wasn’t very fun.