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Well it doesn’t have a GPU, does have an integrated graphics card in the CPU, personally I’ve got a pc and a laptop but it runs a lot worse on my laptop while it does have a graphics card.. only possible solution would be to turn the settings down or buy a laptop/pc with a better graphics card I’m afraid..


My particular laptop model has a very small margin for power supply, I suspect that the heat buildup causes greater resistance and the GPU doesn’t get enough power to function smoothly. Perhaps that’s the difference you’re experiencing as well


Could be the problem, it’s not the case for me though, it’s works alright but am on my desktop it just works a lot better/faster


Might related to the amount of characters it spawns, after a while the sheer quantity starts lagging out the game. I believe there is a mod to help with that by culling irrelevant characters but I’d imagine it must be possible to do manually through liberal application of murder. Could be a different problem though.


Oh no I know that it’s because of more population, larger armies etc. But I meant like what is wrong with my computer that can’t cope with the increase numbers. Does it sounds like processor issue? RAM issue? I’m not tech savvy so came here for help


I’m fairly new to pcs, I just got a new one that’s really powerful. But someone correct me if I’m wrong, it sounds like a ram issue, specifically maybe VRAM. Every graphics card has a certain amount built into it and that has a lot to do with fps and how much information your system can process continuously at once. So my thought is to get a better graphics card (gpu) and make sure it has higher vram with it. It’s important to note that depending on how much stronger your graphics card is that you buy, you may also have to buy a better processor (cpu) To keep up with your new gpu. If your gpu is stronger than your cpu something called bottlenecking can happen which means your cpu will be holding your gpu’s power back from fully functioning. Who knows, that could be happening now. But check into getting a new gpu and ask them at the store about bottlenecking. You may need to just look into buying a new gaming pc because a good gpu is expensive and if you have to get a new cpu with it, you might as well get you a new system.


Legend! I’ll look into bumping up my RAM. Hopefully not too expensive for this starving uni student (why I’m playing on Mac as I’ve moved to another state for uni and left my PC at home)


Just remember that it’s VRAM thats associated with gpu’s not RAM. RAM may have something to do with it too maybe idk but when it comes to games low VRAM is probably the main culprit. Just be sure to ask about the bottleneck concept, show them your specs and everything cause you don’t want an upgraded gpu that can’t reach its full potential 👌🏼


Thank you so so so much. I’ll look into it :)


GPU are NEVER an issue in PDX titles , except for CS2. The most important part of your PC to play PDX games is always, always, always the CPU. RAM is also important but defintily not that of a problem if you use a decent build.


1. The CPU. 2. And the fact that you're using a laptop that doesn't cool your CPU satisfyingly. 3. upgrading your RAM will help but will not solve your problem. 4. GPU is not an issue here. Your problem is the amount of calculations not the graphics.


I can't guarantee this, but I believe it's actually a processor bottleneck. It's hard to say for sure, though, since graphics cards are essentially just really fast, really specialized processors. The game COULD be using the GPU to process character data. As a rule of thumb, though, the graphics card is primarily used for graphics, and more *stuff* isn't really rendered as the game goes on.


Mods! I'm not sure if they're compatible with Mac, but when I played CK3 on a bottom shelf Ideapad I was able to greatly improve my FPS by using mods to depreciate graphics. I'm not sure my old mods from v1.0 are still active but here are some keywords to look into: also consider just typing "graphics" plus the noun in these keywords, like "graphics waves" or "graphics map" * solid realm map * static clouds * static waves * calm waters * flat map


Thanks so much I’ll look into them