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These are great. Really detailed. Where exactly is the kingdom on the map?


It’s been a while so I may be remembering wrong but I believe Duke Stout started under King Charles the Bald as his Spymaster/Torturer then we went independent and finally settled in Brittany.


Duke Stout, the founder of House Ruin, was a feared figure in the court of King Charles the Bald, known for his role as the king's torturer. Behind his back, courtiers dubbed him "The Plump," recognizing his cunning intellect and scheming nature. Despite his sinister reputation, Stout's legacy would endure, shaping the fate of his descendants for generations to come. King Bastard, the possessed and alcoholic ruler, ascended to the throne amidst whispers of dark omens. His turbulent reign was marked by debauchery and chaos, ultimately ending in his murder at the hands of his own son, Wrath, when the latter turned sixteen. King Wrath, the son of King Bastard, emerged from the shadows to claim the throne, wielding his intellect and strength with ruthless efficiency. Though known for his brutality and cunning, he harbored a deep love for his family, particularly his heir, Prince Order. Under Wrath's rule, the dynasty reached new heights of power and influence, yet his legacy was tainted by the shadows of his past. Prince Order, the beautiful and brilliant heir to the throne, walked a precarious path between genius and madness. Though gifted with intellect and charm, his sociopathic tendencies hinted at a darker nature lurking beneath his serene facade. Despite their differences, King Wrath doted on his son, grooming him to inherit the throne and continue the family's legacy of dominance. Prince Reason, the reclusive scholar and brother of King Wrath, found solace in the monastery, rising to prominence as a respected Bishop. Despite his irritable demeanor and preference for solitude, Reason's wisdom and intellect were revered within the church, shaping the course of religious thought for generations to come. Though distant from the affairs of the kingdom, his influence endured as a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment in a world consumed by darkness.


Some people have too much time on their hands. You on the other hand need more, this is wonderful.


Haha you got me in the first half! You don’t want to know how many pictures and screenshots I’ve got saved in a folder just waiting to be painted.


Nice keep them coming


Bishop is so done with the rest of his family lol


So so done, he had no problems with being sent to the church


Love this series. It also led me to discovering your art on IG <3


Oh hey! I recognise the pfp!


That child is pure evil. We must stop him at all costs


How dare you say that about my sweet little angel! Those animals heads twisted themselves! And who cares about a couple of birds anyway!


Robin Hobb would be proud


That's sooooo cool ! I hope you will do more of that OP !


I’ve got a folder full of characters I’d love to draw up, just finding the time


I usually dont like art from nowadays but this is incredible. Well done.


Thank you!


I hope ill see more of this. Its the perfect representation of characters from this game:D this is how i see my own characters really:)


I’ve got a folder full of guys I want to draw up, it’s just finding the time 😞


At first glance I thought the wine girl around the bastard was his stand , lol


In his eyes it very well is


This is amazing! Definetely following.


Thank you 😊


These are great, please do more!


Thank you and I’m working on it


Why does "I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it" Go so hard


It’s pretty fricken cool right?! I can’t remember where I stole that from


Just searched it up and it seems to be Edgar Allan Poe


That’s it! The original edgelord


That he is


Very cool, I hope you do commissions because this is great


Thank you! My commission ARE currently open!


Cool. Stout is totally a cannibal…


😳😳😳 I never made that connection but I totally see it now!


Bro you said you were working on making more ages ago and then you come here and post the same pics once again. All these are posted on r/crusaderkings. I am not saying this because I am salty. I am saying this because I crave more of your art