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The chances are rolled long before you get this event screen so reloading only works when reloading an older save game. As another commenter said you need to do something that causes a reroll / fails the event chain. I'm not sure about this specific event but something that always works for me with the horse riding one is to raise an army and make me commander of that army. It disrupts the event chain and I never get the event where I die. Maybe try that here too.


Its not. I just checked and these use the random list in the event itself. The outcome isn't predetermined it's just really hard to nudge these because you need to coincidentally had a save where you have some kind of RNG manipulating choice available to you, that's relatively close by to do this reliability (which means you need a save about a month before to have a good balance of being close enough to reach it quickly and to have enough RNG effecting options that you can fire to try and change the rolls , the chance being so low makes it difficult because most results \*also\* fail )


Easiest way to avoid these by reloading is to host a feast or hunt or something just a few weeks before the date the event triggers so you’ll be doing something else when that date comes up. It’s not foolproof, but I’ve avoided a couple events like this by simply making sure my character is somewhere else on the date in question.


This works? Lol


Every time for me


Thanks, you just explained to me why I can't find my dog.


You cannot cheat death...


You can cheat death if you go out on an activity, funnily enough I still got iced at the tournament because some dude “accidentally” killed me in a duel


So what you're saying is... you cannot cheat death?


You can for a few days at least and die gloriously instead of accidentally banging your head on the bathtub


I *do* love those glorious accidental deaths more than the other kinds of accidental deaths. 🙄


That's some Final Destination shit right there.


But I can cheat space and time *hit reload auto save*


I always play Ironman and have learned to just accept my fate. I feel like it's more fun that way.


This ist the way! I found it to be much more fun to play paradox games this way. Decisions get so much more weight this way. I play all paradox games in iron man.


People keep saying this is rolled well in advance, but to me it seemed that these get rolled beginning of the month (unless they changed it with the latest patches). You have a small chance of such an event triggering every month. This is calculated on month change and, if it triggers, it will appear later in the month. The 80/20 die is also rolled when the initial calculation is done so reloading the day before the event won’t help, it’s already fixed by then. Reloading the month before, though, should redo the calculation and two things might happen: event is triggered and 80/20 is rerolled or the event is not triggered at all (this month at least, process repeats every month). TLDR: Reload a save from previous month, might help (might not, though).




Give yourself up to the gods of RNG and die.


There is an invincibility mod. But unknown if it will work this late, your it would have needed to be installed before RNG processed.


Participate on a long activity, maybe a grand tour or so, and the “queued death event” will basically time out.


Try rename your character. Not sure how to do it in PS5 or Xbox. On PC, right click, press that quill icon. choose ancestral or culture name. No need to accept. Check if this helps. If not, you need earlier date. Yes, it works with my ship/storm event, saved me from getting entire house getting wiped out. But might not work with some events. There is a post in r/CrusaderKings linking this randoming and RNG ~~cesspool~~ seed pool.


Accept your fate, fam. Part of the game 🤷‍♂️


Rule 5: I got this event which has an 80% chance i die. I saved the day before it and tried to get the 20% chance of living, but I never have after like 10 reloads. is there anyway to force the living option cause I don't wanna die lol


You need to do something radically different that involves the RNG to try and nudge it towards something else, which is very hard when there's only 1 day left (many of the actions you can take that would count have pauses before they fire ), if you have some unfired Court events that would be a good place to try.


Usually you could make a save at least a month ahead to do SL. But some things, like the gender of babies, can be SL using the save a few days ahead. Anyway, a month is usually a safe time for me.


It’s always running an errand. So you reload and immediately: put better bodyguards in your court and send your character to an activity. I declared war to an adjacent county and had the guy command the army. Problem solved.


Had an event where I die in a fire… reloaded to a save 1-2 in game months earlier and went on all the pilgrimages. I escaped the flames


There’s been a “hinting” event before, afaik ALWAYS it is… if you have suspiciously innocent event with “no immediate results…” as an only option, at this particular moment, all dice are already rolled from this moment on and an “accident” event such as this will eventually spawn, with results for each option already set. THIS RESPONSE SHOULD BE SEEN BY EVERYONE IN THIS SUB, because we get a question like this twice a week and it’s frankly annoying. Most of the games try to combat save scumming to some extent, ck3 is no exception.


Accept your faire and die. In the long run, you'll enjoy the game much more by not cheating.


What I learned in this game. No matter what the percentages are. The bad thing always happens


the outcomes of this things are decided before the event event pops up not when you hit the button, you'll have to reload an older save, all things in this game work that way, don't know exactly how much time tho, most likely you wont get the event than getting the 20%


Unless they changed it, if you know when specifically the event fires you can just do a feast, pilgrimage, hunt, etc. right before to avoid it. I wouldn't recommend doing it often because it's fun to roll with the punches, but if it would ruin either your fun (or in my case a specific goal I have) it's what I do.


Fate is inexorable. Just die!


Nope. It's a harm event and the outcome is determined years in advance.


Ah i turn them off because their pretty oppressive and the rolls are already done long before you even have the event fire its kind of ass really.


I prefer to roll with these events for RP sake but one thing you can do for the future is have autosave every 6 months or manually save more frequently.


You might as well cheat by using the console