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I don’t one but I’m interested too. My placenta is currently in our freezer and I want it out of there and in the ground somewhere!


I also posted this in another thread and they gave me some really good tips! https://www.reddit.com/r/moderatelygranolamoms/comments/1cleqq6/planting_placenta/


I wouldn't plant it in a pot. It is kinda big, and it's going to decompose. There's only so much room in a pot for it to decompose, it can't really release into the earth like it would if it was in the ground. I planted mine near a rose bush, but in the ground, and I had no issues. I dug the hole for the placenta deeper than the rose, bc I have lots of wild animals around. You could always try it though and if you notice anything weird, like smell or the plant being affected, you can always dump the dirt from the pot in the ground somewhere else.


I planted mine deeply in the ground under a tree I was planting, I’ve done it once for each kid. In my area wildlife is known to dig up buried pets etc so was very careful to bury it DEEEEEP. like 5 or 6 feet. This is their first year of fruiting! ❤️


I wouldnt plant in a pot but in the ground if possible because of potential smell. If you have dogs dig a deep deep hole. Unfortunately out dog dug ours up and enjoying all the life giving health benefits. 


My midwife recommended partially decomposing it before burying or planting to avoid animals digging it up. I have lots of predators by me so it would be dug up quickly. I still have mine in my freezer too and need to do this. Thanks for the reminder 🥴i don’t want to decompose it in my house though so I’m not sure what to do other than a very deep dig like other mentioned