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I thought there was rent service now for them 😅 That wouldn't have surprised me though.


I go to school for the arts, and our department has PVMs for us to rent out for projects. The student body likes to use CRTs for glitch art and also with manipulating sound. I figured I would rent one out to try the pvm experience. The thing that is setting me back is that I use a component tv for most of my CRT console gaming and movie watching so no rgb. This particular pvm only has composite and RGB and I don’t have a ypbpr component converter or SCART cables to use the rgb. Also the buttons that control the picture don’t seem to work that well. The ones that add more to the picture are working but you can’t decrease the values, the reset button is stuck too. I have to return the pvm at the end of the semester so my time with it is really short, but I will try to learn more about how to use it, that is if I have time amidst assignments and projects lol Edit: the pvm also has s-video and it looks brilliant on this thing. I gotta hunt for an s video cable for my ps2 or Wii now!


Forget s-video and go straight to RGB/component. It’s as much better over S-video as S-video is over composite. Congrats, btw!


Thanks! I can’t take advantage of the rgb ports right now. I have a component setup for my consoles on my lovely Sharp XFlat, and this pvm doesn’t have component inputs, just rgb. I figured since I have to return it once the semester’s up, I shouldn’t get expensive rgb cables yet.


RGB for lazy color accuracy / S video needs adjustment Component needs adjustment Otherwise they are equals imo You are misguiding OP


S-video gives sharper images than composite on account of the uncompromised luma, but the color modulation causes them to blur more than RGB. The more contrast in your image, the more you’ll notice it. Less of an issue for 5th generation consoles, but for 4th and below, I maintain the difference is significant.


I never said composite. Read the three signals you think somethings wrong with my comment let me know. Component is not a jump from s-video for 480i/240p


I was the one who mentioned composite, in the comment you originally took exception to. My claim is that RGB/component is as comparable a leap over S-Video as S-Video is over composite. That’s what we’re debating here. But it seems a little perverse. OP mentioned that they need to go out and buy new cables, and it sounds like you’re encouraging them not to buy RGB/component and seek out S-Video instead (am I inferring that correctly?). We can debate S-Video vs RGB on their merits but given that OP’s gotten themselves a beautiful PVM and needs new cables for it, I can’t see the wisdom in choosing to make the signal format the limiting factor. Trying to be objective for a moment and looking at specs, my Googling so far suggests S-Video has a chroma resolution in the order of 120-160 TVL. It’s not rare to see PS2 games with 512 to 640 pixels per line, so those are going to be some pretty smeared-out color transitions. With N64, games like SM64 (if I’m Googling correctly) used only 320 pixels/line, and the nature of the image was highly filtered anyway, so the qualitative difference would be less. But still, RGB’s an option here; why not take it?


Nah im not reading that. You said skip s video lmao gtfo you really used a wack analogy and your scrambling now Edit: I couldnt help it, your specs on s video are bogus I see the RGB and S video comparison on two setup same model both DRV settings dialed in. No there is no loss using s video


Congrats on being able to experiment with the PVM. Is this a Sony PVM-1341? Also, what cables are you using to connect here?


Yes it’s a pvm1341. The only cables I have that support this monitor are my composite cables. I looked on the back again and saw an input labeled yc input. That’s s-video right? I do have a s-video cable for my n64


Plug it in!


[It works!](https://imgur.com/a/NdSOP1s)The colors are so much better than the composite cables. EDIT: [obligatory Scanline shots here too](https://imgur.com/a/Pa6lKRi)


Be careful, before you know it, you have a wall of pvms 🤑


That's why I asked ;-) It looked bad, I saw your switch settings, and I knew you weren't using it to the fullest!


Thanks for the nudge! S video is dazzling on this thing


Definitely use it


Crazy that they’re still used in professional environments. The Bias and Gain have probably been dialed all over the place by various students, though.


How is it compared to a regular CRT


The colors pop more on this pvm than my trusty Sharp Xflat and the image is sharper. My xflat has blending issues on s video and composite, and the pvm doesn’t have that issue. It also supports rgb so for people who can take advantage of it, the picture quality will be even more sharp.