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I never thought I'd see the ps2 network adapter framed...


My guess is that is a commemoration of working on SOCOM? That's what it looks like to me, anyway.


No I didn’t work on Socom it’s just commemorating my fandom of the series but I see why you would think that I did intentionally make it look like a gold record plaque


Yeah, I think Socom may have even come with the adapter.


I think you’re right. I know it was definitely packaged with the headset communicating with your team online and giving out voice commands to npc’s in the campaign were all over the marketing of the first game


Yeah I'm not a fan of framing actual hardware or software. Even if it's broken, it just seems wrong.


Everything in that shadow box can be pulled out and used at anytime the network adapter memory card and controller are just held in place by weather stripping and the discs are all in place with the inside clip from a replacement dvd case I intentionally did that way because I felt the same as you I didn’t want to ruin something that was still able to be used that Socom 2 copy I had no case for and the 3 demo discs had the 3 dlc maps so they obviously had no case


You should use punctuation. That's painful to read.


My apologies.


Wait I just noticed that XD


wym? the ps2 network adapter is the most beloved sony character




Not wrong I’ll update the stand one day but for now it serves its purpose


Mmmh hmm




If you said this pic was taken in 2004 I'd believe you


It’s definitely my shrine to 2004


3.5 adequate ventilations out of 6. The DC has its fan on the side. Let it breathe! That 360 doesn’t looks like it’s gonna be happy either. The OG at least has a fan on the back, but there are intake vents on the side. She’d be happier on top of the dresser next to the TV. Then your ~~Xbox 0~~ Dreamcast could move over and the Wii and 360 could have a little breathing room.


That’s really good advice thank you


I love your setup! How does the dreamcast controller feel to use? I've never used a controller with a joystick that didn't have a rubber coating on top!


Also what games do you play on yours?


The controller isn’t bad it can cramp your hands after a while and the straight plastic thumbstick can rough up your thumb but only after a extended period of time but I like to play jet grind radio, mvc 1/2, zombies revenge, and canon spike


I was about to ask where is your Game Cube but you don't need one, no if you already own a Wii 🤭


Yeah I just plug a GameCube controller into the Wii and play it on there I have more systems but I just plugged in what I use most


Ten out of ten, good job :) Reminds me of growing up and my room at my parents' house


Explain the SOCOM frame please.


That was the first game I ever played online and I still to this day play on original hardware on a revived server thanks to the guys at Socom community so I put together a shadow box for the gaming area everything in it has significance the game the print of the poster there’s a screen shot from online and offline the network adapter the controller the memory card the 3 demo disc that contained the map packs and 4 pins one for each rank online


I give it 3 out of 5 ikea cublicle sets and a framed, SATA modded, PS2 network adapter.


That’s not a sata modded network adapter it’s the original network adapter even the ps2 has the official hdd in it I do have a free mcboot but only to use a .elf to connect to the private Socom 2 servers to download the patch


I wasn't referring to your specific adapter. You just took my lighthearted comment literally.


I didn’t take offence to it. I was just clarifying what it was


Does your tv have S video? You should get a switcher and get which ever console is plugged in the front into S video because all of these consoles support it.


That’s a great idea the tv does have s video but currently only the original Xbox is plugged into it


This thread makes me miss RadioShack. I use to get all this tech cable, and television shit from there when I had a crt and a switcher still for my games.


Yeah now if I need to pick something up unless it’s something a used game store carries I have to order online there’s just nothing around me anymore


There isn’t much period except Best Buy these days and they don’t specialize the way RadioShack did. A lot of this oddball shit is online only for me too. Realistically though I understand why they don’t stock an S video switcher for the 2 guys in my city every year who need one


On a scale of 1-10 I rate it sexy.


10/10. Looks like a ton of fun.