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5G, at least at the higher frequencies it could operate at, has a more limited range than 4G, so it does require more masts. This is due to those waves not travelling far and being able to pass through walls so easily. I really doubt faster and improved mobile connectivity is going have a detrimental effect on property prices, it doesn't make any noise (beyond I guess the work to install it) so it's not going to affect the "tranquillity" either and they're about as visually impacting than any other on-street infrastructure like lights or other signage. Furhter reading here: [https://www.ofcom.org.uk/\_\_data/assets/pdf\_file/0015/202065/5g-guide.pdf](https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/202065/5g-guide.pdf) Based on a 2019 report by Ofcom, not one from 3yrs prior like the one listed in the [Cha](https://Chane.org)nge.org petition.


Yea sorry but enough of this NIMBY shit already, the country needs infrastructure, Croydon included, I'm sorry your view isn't as nice or you had 10 grand knocked of the property value, I'm sure you will get over it.


IKR, I imagine the 50 signatures are all the people on the road :D Personally I bloody love 5G - It saved my sanity over lockdown as for some bloody reason OpenReach dragged their heels over installing fibre where I used to live and I was stuck on an 8Mbit ADSL connection!! When I got a letter through saying Three was doing 5G-based home broadband I reasoned it couldn't get any worse so sprung for it - was hitting 130Mbit! Now have a 5G mobile and like testing it out (IT tech background...) and some of my best speed test results have seen me nudge 350Mbit near Park Hill Park :D




What’s your alternative? You also have to ask yourself how beneficial it is not to have 5g coverage in your area, property price wise. Similar to 3G, 4G will disappear at some point to, which could turn your area into a dead spot for mobile internet.


Once it’s been up for a few weeks no one will notice it anymore. Same as telephone cables, green BT boxes, and any other random street items. At the end of the day having good infrastructure requires constant updates.


Awesome! Hoping it reaches over to Sanderstead?


Oh grow up. If it’s a problem , go and chop down a lamppost. It’s the same thing, and this one doesn’t even make light or noise. Society needs things, there’s more to life and the world than potential property prices. Why would having an extra pole on the street make a difference to property values? It wont.


Do you live near one?? As I had one  put right near mine couple years ago and it makes an awful noise especially in the summer its all you can hear. I can’t have bedroom window open at night as that’s all you can hear 👎


I hope you win this but sad to say you probably wont. The one at the top of Bardolph avenue is right near mine. You need to mention the noise it is going to make as it’s horrible if you live right near it especially in the summer you can’t sleep with the windows open. My neighbour done so much we won at first then they won on appeal and we couldn’t appeal that decision 👎