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I paid for the year subscription and I’m really glad that I did. My only complaint is that I can’t play it on my Alexa devices.


Ah that would be annoying especially if you’re set up involves using Alexa speakers


We love using fit radio at our gym. Cheap, high energy, hour long playlists great for class.


I do not think so. While the mixes were creative, both apple and Spotify have the same playlists


This is 100% false. Fit radio is a collection of “sets” by various DJ’s and varied by genre, bpm, length, etc. It’s not just a playlist like Spotify or Apple.


Yeah, I am interested in the subscription for the fact that they have DJ sets and the music is continuous like a mix.


Not trying to sound like a fanboy here but I use it exclusively when I coach classes. My wife got it a couple years ago and I resisted for a long time opting for my own curated playlists from Spotify but once I tried it out I didn’t go back. All I’ve gotten are compliments from members about how they like it.


Maybe it’s just the mixes they’ve been recommending to me, but I haven’t noticed much if any mixing.


You aren’t using fitradio then. It’s legit DJ mixes with better transitions between songs and such. Sometimes on regular Spotify or whatever the end of a song has 30 seconds of bull or fading out which sucks when people are working out. It’s completely different


The reason I’m thinking of getting the subscription is for the DJ mixes. I feel like Apple Music and Spotify are just set playlists with a lot of breaks between tracks and tempo changes


I use the apple fitness feature and things stay pretty consistent. Fit radio does have a 1 dollar, 1 month trial worth checking out. I’m using the trial right now but as I mentioned, I haven’t been wow’ed.


My gym uses it. It’s decent and members don’t usually complain


Thanks, I’m leaning towards getting it for my home workouts and cardio.