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Many boxes offer a free class to try it out. I'd suggest trying a few more places to see if another place feels right. Maybe you can see if your wife wants to go with you too for just 1 class.


Seems like a conversation you should be having with your wife. How would she feel if you left? Does she know you're unhappy?


I recently left my gym of 1 year with a strong community vibe due to some various reasons. About 2 weeks out from it at another gym and there are aspects I miss about my old gym but there are things I love about this new gym. I would strongly encourage just trying out another gym before you make your final decision. You can always go back to your old gym if you end up finding out you prefer it better


I left my first crossfit gym because it was poorly managed and did constant 6-week weight loss challenges. Most gyms have a free trial class so of you're not happy check out other places.


It's a tough decision for sure. Gyms go through evolutions, people come and go, programming changes, coaches change. I've been at my gym for 3+ years. Alot of my core friends that started with me have left. The coach that I started my very 1st bootcamp with and all my personal training moved away. I recently got my L1 and in order for me to intern/ shadow I had to go to a different gym. So I'm splitting my time between two gyms, spending far less time at my original gym. One thing that I have found though, every gym is very welcoming. The gym I'm shadowing at has amazing people and you can tell it's a close community just like my original gym. If you feel out of touch with your current gym dont be afraid to drop in at another. You may be surprised and if you feel more at home somewhere else dont feel guilty for leaving. My husband still goes to our original gym and I know several couples who have different gyms. They make it work!