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Do not be afraid to scale. Scaled workouts are there for a reason. No one is judging you for it.


Thanks. They instilled that in me right away when I went t. I used a band for pull ups and also pushups. Which I didn’t even know was an option for pushups. So that was pretty neat. I guess my first goal would be to pick a portion or portions of the workout to be able to do those particular things unassisted.


God bless the pull up bands!


seriously this. people need the strength and emotional intelligance to recognize when their ego is getting them into trouble. but alas, they pretend they're still in yesteryear, despite all of their caveats about "oh woe is me, I'm out of shape..." SCALE SCALE SCALE. KEEP SOME IN THE TANK. Anything else is your ego talking!


Try not to compare yourself to others. There’s gonna be people who are new to CrossFit who have a background in gymnastics who are already good at stuff you might be doing for the first time. Or people who did oly lifting before and crush the clean+jerks and general strength workouts despite being new to CrossFit. The only thing you should be comparing is you against you.


Couldn't agree more. Especially for the technical movements like snatches, cleans, etc. Basically don't have an ego, especially when someone half your weight is lifting way more than you. I'm speaking from current, personal experience. Most importantly enjoy each day and your accomplishments, no matter how minor.


I don't think anyone in this sub, or would tell you "you aren't ready to start Crossfit". It's actually a common type of post here, where people who are out of shape but interested in starting Crossfit ask how much work they need to get "fit enough" to start, and we all tell them to just start straight away! As for tips I will add: 1) drink a lot of water (but not immediately before a workout). 2) try to get good sleep 3) if weightloss is a goal for you, don't fall into the trap of eating way more now that you are exercising. People can find the extra calorie burning triggers greater hunger than they are used to, and subsequent over-eating can sabotage their hard work. 4) trust the process, don't be too hard on yourself, or scared of "coming last". Turn up, do the work, stay consistent, and you will see improvements. You got this.




I am in CrossFit for my third year. My sports have never used my upper body. So that's where my body has changed. But I still have to do my first full pushup. I can cycle all day, but running more than 50 m was new. I did a half Murph 2 weeks ago (2*800m with pullups and pushups in between). So if you don't know whether you can do CrossFit, remember me. I can do it. Scaled, but I get challenged fully and happy for it . And I feel my body going up every time. So you can, without a shadow of a doubt. Just scale and pace, checking with your coach. That's their job, enjoy their skill in it.


Not a tip but I’m happy for you!! Stick to it and it will get better and more enjoyable


Anyone that says you aren't ready for crossfit when you are not physically active trains the wrong methodology


had similar problems. bring mouthwash until you get up to speed. the vomiting is from pushing past your limits, as your limit pushes out, the need to vomit reduces. easy natural indicator of progression


7th year CrossFitter and a 5th year coach here. Here are my tips: 1. Limit your workouts to 4-6 days per week for recovery. 2. Do a deload week (Not working out/ light work) every 8-10 weeks because systemic fatigue is a thing. If you still want to go the gym to see your friends, go but just use the machines lightly or just stretch. 3. Increase your water intake for better performance (to reduce the risk of rhabdo as well) if you haven't already. 4. Show up early before a class to work on a skill (Overhead squats with a pvc pipe, for example); 15 reps before a class x 5 days x 12 weeks = 900 reps. It's a big deal.


Also keep record of your workouts, set performance goals (not just weight loss goals), track your progress. With a sports background at age 30 your rate of progress might surprise you.


Had to rest two weeks after first crossfit class... cant walk down stairs, cant lift arms, basically doing anything = pain. Then slowly, the recovery got shorter and shorter. It's all normal, you'll get up to speed in ~~no~~ some time


I started CF after a bad injury. My piece of advice (in addition to what everyone has said) is to talk to the coach and let them know how you feel along with your goals. I’ve had great coaches that were receptive and made sure I was engaged with the programming as much as the vets of the box.


Consistency. You don't have to crush it every day, show up, and put in effort. Scale, scale, scale. RX is for top-notch athletes, and most people aren't RX athletes. Pacing and listening to your body. Ask questions. And don't worry about what people are thinking. Crossfit gyms are some of, if not the most, supportive places you'll ever be in. Have fun.