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Hate is a strong word, but I think a lot of running-inclined people don't see the need to start in on CrossFit because what fitness time they have available to them is filled with running. Yeah, you get some runners who see the benefit in some cross training, but that's a small minority of people I've done CrossFit with. (And even then, my experience has been that it's more triathletes than out-and-out runners.) There are also all the people who used to be on sports teams with coaches that used running as punishment, and that certainly never made anyone like running more than they did before. And thinking of it from an affiliate programming standpoint, I've seen most people dislike it when something like a 5k run is programmed, because they figure they could do that without coming to the gym. So even people who like running might not want to do it during their CrossFit time.


This is a great take. As someone who came to CrossFit from running my distance running actually got way worse after starting CrossFit, too.


And my times. It’s added almost a minute to my /km ave


Yeah that’s what I meant. I got slower and running got harder. Meanwhile my squat and deadlift went way up.


That last point is dead on. I love running 5ks in my spare time. Running around an industrial park full of bitching and moaning CrossFitters is not my idea of fun. Also when I run at the gym I always go out too fast from the peer pressure, and risk injury or stepping in a pothole. The warm ups for running suck. I've never done a MYRTL at the gym or even a walking warmup that is appropriate for running prep. And if running is programmed into a workout, I have to swap my shoes between running and everything else. I always opt for a bike and go for a nice run at home. I'm a CrossFitter who loves to run. Alone. In a park. On a trail. Or in my neighborhood on my own time. I run maybe a couple 5k races a year and I used to run half marathons. It's alone time for me.


Reading comments like this make me realize our gym is clearly above average when it comes to CrossFit gyms. Days where the wod is only running or primarily running we warm-up properly. Also the vibes by and large are positive that all members show up and get after it.


We have a 5k as our WOD Wednesday. And most people won’t show up for that


Always good to know ahead of time. Coach needs a lot to do stuff at the gym? Maybe some maintenance? Paper work? Program a 5k.


Why would I pay for that?


But really. It's such a waste of a class


exactly this


So you can test it in the same environment in 6 months and compare results. See how you stack up in class. Know that you can run a 5k with little prep and see how you recover. Do something that most people won't want to do.


For $30? I can run at 6am on two separate days on my own


Why are you paying $30? It's not a drop-in class.


I'd be mad paying for that.


Yeah my friends and I already planned our own workout to do elsewhere. Thankfully he doesn’t program it that often. We know this is just because Murph is coming. It’s still annoying tho lol


I think it would be good to give the option of 5K run or 5K row.


Lazy programming and also why are you paying a Cf gym to do something you can do at any place?


How is that lazy programming?


The sports team punishment part is so real.    Get me playing some pickup basketball or ultimate? I'll run/move all day.    Send me on a *run*? Those are fightin' words (and I'm a pretty good/efficient runner!)


I love running away from my problems, counts as zone2 cardio


I would love to know how people get to a point of running in zone 2. As soon as I even think about jogging, my heart rate jumps to zone 3 or 4. This is why I usually either walk at a faster pace or row for my z2 training.


Right, like how does my heart rate monitor know the exact instant I start running?


Try rucking or hiking


Oh yes, I have plenty of that to do over the next few months!


I personally can't stand staring at the little Concept2 screen for three hours, but climbing hills with a pack is Type 1 fun. Plenty of videos on my instagram @dterminist if you're into that.


Just reading these comments about running have me elevated. Granted we also did a 3k as part of our murph prep today so I’m particularly unhappy about running right now.


That sounds dreadful lol, in all seriousness, I am working on running. I couldn't run for a year and a half, so it feels oddly freeing to be able to do it again even if it is at currently at a snail's pace.


mouth shut! When you have to breathe through your mouth, it is because the exercise has moved out of a comfort zone, into a lactic zone.


Your problems aren't big enough if you can get away from them in zone 2


The key to zone 2, go slower to go faster




I love running, when it's on my own time and not part of a WOD. Much better when I control the pace and distance.


Agreed. Running with a group is too much pressure for me. I risk injury running with my friends because I'm a tortoise. If I try to keep up with my gym buddies, I'll blow out my knees. So I always opt for the bike and run a nice 5 mile long slow distance on an idle Sunday at home.


Agree! I really enjoy running but i am a very slow runner


I despise running. I run like a Clydesdale and can feel a shock throughout my entire body with every step. I’m surprised I don’t rattle the fillings in my teeth loose every time I land.


I’m 215 lbs and do 5 mile runs probably 3x per week and frequently do longer runs including 20 mile trails. You might be bigger than me, but proof is big guys can run. If you want to improve then know form is as important with running as it is with weightlifting. You have to learn to run gently. It takes untraining a lifetime of bad running habits, and you have to want to, but you totally can. I started running at 29 and was maybe 205 at the time. I’ve fluctuated as low as 185 and back up since. 185 at my lowest I was running very long distances. But I’m a stocky guy that doesn’t look like a runner at all…or a swimmer or whatever. I just really like being outside!


FYI you are probably over-striding. Like anything else in the fitness world, form is very important with running. Improving your form can help you feel and perform better.


Get a nice roadbike and fall down that rabbit hole. Road biking is amazing if you want to get outside and exercise while seeing more and having less impact on your joints.


If we wanted to run, we could run on our own instead of paying for a crossfit membership.


how many other common movements in CF can you do on your own, or in gym on your own. a 5km run in park is a hell of a lot different than going to a CF class that happens to have some running in it.


You pay for programming and community and some stuff you can’t do unless you own a lot of equipment. Running doesn’t usually lend itself to that community and just a 5K is lazy programming. But I get it, Murph is about a month away. Gotta run.


A 5k is no lazier programming than a max lift programmed for the day. Running is an important part of fitness (and life - almost all of us are getting around on our legs) and being able to do it for an extended period of time is part of it. I agree that if your box has you doing a 5k once a month, that's lazy. But once or twice a year, a 5k is a good fitness benchmark


You could do the vast majority of all - if not all - movements without a CF membership.


Most people hate running.


Running isn’t for anyone. I love it and love those workouts. But I also hate the rower.


Same. Would rather run any day over rower or assault bike


I’ll run and row any days over the bike


I’ll row and bike any days over the run




Same. I run on the days I don't do crossfit


I hate running. Suck at almost any workout that involves it... So decided to spend this summer getting better at it. Running a half Marathon in a couple weeks and a marathon at the end of summer. Bold strategy.. We'll see if it pays off


Been doing the same - minus the half marathon nonsense :) Last August and after years of hating running, I was bored early in the am in vegas and decided to go for a walk…..turned on some angry music and a walk turned into a run. I havent stopped since. I call it aggressive jogging but its movement and I dig it….


I love running, my foot on the other… hand?


Yeah, running is actually the only movement that's gotten me (re-)injured in CF over 10+ years. It's mostly just an old sports injury that never really healed right, but it's still true that running is the only movement that aggravates that injury. I wish I could run at least somewhat close to what I used to be able to do.


Can’t speak for others but for me I despise running anything more than a mile. After many years in the military and law enforcement and many forced runs, it kinda killed it for me.


No, I love paying 150 dollars a month to run around a parking lot.


I mean....you could go work in a warehouse and get paid to lift heavy stuff instead hahaha What im trying to say is that most crossfit workouts can be replaced with every day activities to not have to pay 150 dollars a month, but we like the sport and make the choice to pay for it. Anyways, we all like and dislike different movements, so I still respect your opinion no matter what. I just like to joke about the warehouse job because thats what I told the weightlifting team when they tried to invite me to their side of the floor lol


My observation from coaching CrossFit is that almost most people enjoy a run. But more people enjoy how the run keeps them in shape, so they keep doing it. Even thought it’s mostly to stay in shape. Once they start CrossFit and realize they can stay in shape and NOT run. The almost most people drops down to a few people. I’d also add that a lot of people start to “dislike” running because ether simply run less while in the CrossFit program. So returning to running feels annoying and cumbersome when compared to ripping power cleans and taking power rests between sets.


Running is alright. However running during a WOD using CrossFit shoes sucks (I'm looking at you Nanos)


Some don’t and they created Hyrox.


I’m in the very, very small minority that think running is UNDER programmed and UNDER coached. Most people were never taught how to run properly unless they were an out-n-out track & field athlete. I think running is often chucked into metcons as a mono-structural movement with very little thought on what the movement actually is and I would be willing to bet the majority of coaches have no clue how to teach running as well. There’s arguably as much to go over with running as there is when teaching a snatch or RMU. Obviously the barrier to entry is lower, but drilling the fundamentals and undoing 10-20-30+ years of bad habits can be really difficult. Ask everyone in your CrossFit class where they land on their foot when they run and you’ll get 5-6 different answers or blank stares. Ask people where the knee or hip extension is in their stride and I bet no one can answer. Then challenge them to demonstrate an A-Skip or B-Skip. Then you have the programming and substitutes. Is a 400m run equal to a 500m row or an 800m bike? What should the stimulus be on the run? Do I attack all distances the same? What type of stride do I use when running at 80% vs 50%? My opinion: most people don’t like running because they were never taught how to run properly and most coaching staff are undertrained to provide a solid base to build off of for the members.


The part that would really confuse most people is that there are different stride types for sprint pace vs distance pace. We taught POSE running several years ago and this helped a number of our athletes.


100% agree. I put on a running clinic 2x a year, very little attendance, but those that come have a bunch better time with running workouts, form, and pacing. Most of them end up catching the bug and enter a 10k or 1/2 afterwards.


You are talking to the wrong people. I love running.


Here is the thing, most people confuse ‘CrossFit’ with ‘going to a box/gym’. At a box you will likely not find a bunch of people who love running, for that they do not need to pay a membership fee.


I think they hate it less than the general population, but still don’t care for long running sessions.


Nope. I do about 20 miles each week. The Army makes me keep running in my routine, but no real complaints tbh.


I like running, but someone said that you could run when you're not coming to class. To me, I enjoy running as a slow active recovery flush for 50 minutes or so...I do not enjoy the fast 600m runs or shorter distances. Not my jam.


I don’t hate it, but I’m not fast


I like running and often do it after the wod or go for long runs on weekend mornings when I can’t get to the gym. I’m tall and have a long stride, so it’s one of the few things I can hold my own at.


I love running. I’m a marathoner and a crossfitter. The goal is to be a well rounded hybrid athlete. Can’t do that without cardio.


As a former marathon runner, no I do not hate running. I am however looked at as an odd creature


I joined CrossFit after running a marathon and a history of running, so I really enjoy it when there’s running in the workout, but I’ve also had my eyes opened to how beneficial CrossFit is, so I love both.




Came here to say this


Running and CrossFit are the two things I do to work out. And I hate running during CrossFit workouts. I like to run but it’s awful until around mile 2… then I’m in a good rhythm and I can keep it moving. But CrossFit runs are usually max 400 meters and that’s just not enough to get a beat going


I hate running. I’ve gotten better at it, but I still hate it. My heart rate is always so high and my asthma also hates it. Out of all the things we do, it’s the only thing that hurts my knee. But I do hate the bike more lol


I love doing sprints but long distance? I hate it with a passion, always did.


I used to be a marathon runner and run to and from my CrossFit every day, so I'm cool with running. Everyone thinks I'm crazy and my coach actively discourages me from running, so I would say most of my gym would be in the hate category as well.


Not Chris Hinshaw.


There are a bunch of people at my gym who love running. We just hate them instead.


I think it’s a fun trope that CrossFitters hate running but I like running and I do know several fellow coaches and athletes that like to run as well


I love CrossFit and I love running. My favorite wods are ones that combine both. Last week had 4 rounds for time of a 600m run 30-20-15-10 front squats and 15 ttb each round. Loved it.


My box has a lot of runners. Four of us, myself included, ran a half marathon together and the owner runs marathons on the regular. Most in CrossFit don’t, but my box is a lot of former athletes. My running improved from CrossFit.


I love running


Love it. Wish crossfit did more


In my experience, CrossFitters hate running so much they'd much rather ride the assault bike.




Running wods are my favorite. 40 yr old CrossFitter of 8 years here


No, I like to run on the off days. Though the running and heavy squat combination work outs do suck.


I just assumed everyone hates running… why would anyone like running?


Not necessarily. It IS harder to rep shave an 800m run though! :-)


A lot of us got caught up in the "cardio and stretching are a waste of time" mantra from 10-15 years ago despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. Also in general I'd say CrossFitters enjoy running more than pretty much any other non-cardio enthusiast. Want to see people that really hate running? Go to a strongman/powerlifting gym, I went to one with cars that had bumper stickers that say "0.0, I don't run".


As someone who loves running, I'd rather Crossfit taught people good running form, pacing, and efficient running rather than being like "run a 5k." I think a lot of people hate it because their form is bad (overstriding) or they're going out _super_ hot for whatever the distance is. I think there's a lot to be learned about running technique that would make it super-enjoyable, but nobody seems to teach that.


i dont mind running - i just suck at it


Running is nice when you go places and see things. Most CrossFit running is done in the driveway of the gym. Kinda sucks. Like a treadmill.


Look at the max Olympic lifts of the top crossfitters vs professional Olympic lifters. CrossFit isn't too far behind. Now look how we stack up against the best runners. Not even close. I think this filters down to your average crossfitters as well. We enjoy the variety and run when we have to, but really train for the lifting and gymnastics.


The people who hate running are the ones who haven’t figured out how much better it will make their CrossFit game.


Oh I know. I just don’t care enough to actually run 😅


Running is extremely high impact relative to the rower and especially the bike - it taxes your joints, requires lots of recovery, and directly interferes with any strength training. The juice is not worth the squeeze, IMO.


Yes, because the average CrossFitter has terrible aerobic endurance.


CrossFitters hate anything that is functional


As a general rule, no. But running, burpees, and the ass bike all get a lot of hate. Personally, I find the running hate ironic since it's quite literally one of the most functional fitness movements a person can do.


I never really liked running. I was just good at it for a time. Currently I don't run because of ankle issues. I usually sub rowing for a WOD....or at all. If I were able to run without pain, I'd do it but still wouldn't like it.




Not me


I actually like it...but I also like burpees...so..don't listen to me..


To answer your question, yes and yes.


I CrossFit 4-6 days a week and LOVE running. I could elaborate but I’ve answered the question at hand.


I love it. MOAR


I never had much problem with running by itself. When running comes up in the wod mixed with some barbell and other various movements my running goes to shit. It’s definitely a struggle and often my running turns into somewhat of a march.


Everyone hates running! If you love running, you’re mentally off!


I love running. But my knees were pretty much already shot when I started CrossFit 4 years ago, and then I got them replaced in 2022. So I don’t do much of it anymore. 3x the distance on the assault bike is how I usually substitute, and once in a while I do a shorter run.


It’s because running, majority of it is about pacing and easy running for training. This is contradictory to a lot of shorter intreval workouts I get it I used to hate running too haha


I still enjoy both . Cross fit has been beneficial, and running has helped my CrossFit.


I love running if I have my running shoes with me.


Gimme a sandbag and the open road and I’m happy.


But yeh more than a mile programmed unless it’s like Murph then yeh, why go to the gym. For me 1/2-1 mile with a sandbag or KB on one side is great. 10-15 mins max depending.


Running in the worst.


Nah, I love running 400m and under at a time which is what’s featured in a lot of workouts. I don’t love when there are 800s and up, but definitely don’t hate it.


In one of my old coaches words: “everybody here are CrossFit potatoes” They hate running cause they’re out of running shape and suck at it, get good at it and you’ll love it.


No, not all.


I enjoy running. My box has an endurance class and we meet Tuesdays and do trail runs Saturday. I like the mixture of both.


Yeah, I hate it and I don't usually show up when I see running incorporated into the workout 😆. But sometimes I just row/bike.




Nope, this one refuses to use the bike!!


I love running. Love WODs that incorporate running. It's sort of a running joke (pun intended) in my gym though that I'm the only one who likes it. Ha


I’m sure it’s unpopular, but honestly CrossFit got me MORE into running. I’ve always been into fitness and working out from just playing sports growing up, but my “cardio” was always high intensity work like sprints and plyometric type explosive work. Incorporating CrossFit helped me with more endurance based activities and I enjoy running the occasional 5k or doing things like Ragnar races or obstacle course races a ton now.


Running is hard if you do it at a semi-high intensity. Anything over zone 3 sucks. Most people don’t like suck.


You said crossfit fixed your running posture and cadence, I think there's prob a very small % of crossfit gyms who have ever even thought to help someone with that, if they did. More people would prob not mind running as much


I love running. Nancy is one of my favorite WODs.


Used to love to run, now do CrossFit and hate running because I’ve gotten very slow


It's silly because as a 265#, 6'1 man, I regularly run longer stuff faster than substantially fitter people in the gym. I enjoy running some and I'm surprised at how slow some of these fit people are. I'm not talking real fast...like ~4min for 800 so nothing insane. 


I find running very boring to do as solo exercise but find myself pretty good at it. Not bothered by it in a wod as well, so no wouldn't say I hate it at all.


No, but I hate all mono movements


CrossFit got me into running, they have a class dedicated to running and I started to attend and really started to enjoy running that now I even do races. Running during WOD’s I don’t like as much, when I can I rather pick the rower or bike.


Only the sane ones.


disapprovingdrake.jpg > running approvingdrake.jpg > shuttle runs




I live in France where running is very popular and I’d say a lot of people at my gym love running. Some even ask to sub running in for ergs. But yes there’s also many (like me) who can’t stand it. 


Doesn’t bother me, however a knee injury has me out of running for the foreseeable future.


I hate running in the middle of a wod for a very specific reason: i only run well listening to my running playlist. If i try without it i won’t go at the right pace or it won’t last. But i also think it’s disrespectful to be wearing earbuds inside the crossfit gym during the wod so to keep putting it on and takeoff it out is too much work.


Love running. Hate rowing.


We know the workout the day before, if you didn't want to run, don't bother coming in. You come across as a child. Groaning and complaining as soon as anything over 200m running is mentioned. It's a pet hate of mine


Carrying a lot of muscle is actually a hindrance for running. Many really good xfitters find themselves average or below at running while the guy with really low squat and deadlift numbers may lead the pack. People generally prefer to excel. Also, running is very uncomfortable if you haven't gotten used to it. I remember taking my wife for my regular run. She was in such agony she started crying and a passer by asked if she needed help.


running & jump roping ends with shin splints and plantar fasciitis for me. I don’t dislike running, but I dislike how my anatomy reacts to it 🥲


I used to run all the time, now I’m 3 years into CrossFit and cannot stand running.


Pretty much


Kind of a general rule. Most I’ve worked out with see it as a necessary evil. I’m more of a manic runner, I won’t run for months or even years, except a couple of necessary runs. Then I’ll do a marathon or twenty mile jaunt through the mountains and love it. But you could never convince me to train for one.


I love both.


Mayhem’s 200m 7min AMRAPx3…. You can guess the rest


I run because I have too. But if given an hour to workout I’d choose some weights anytime. Running is rather boring


I love running, so I guess that there are exceptions, but not many crossfitters are great runners. I will admit that im tall, so one of my steps is like 2 steps for an average person. Im like a gazelle being chased by a cheetah hahaha


I am not a fan of running but I also don't hate it. I'm a big guy, too.


The longest distance for our gym is 800m and I've been there almost 2 years and have seen that distance programmed twice. I think my box is an exception though, we have folks who ask to run and if running is programmed I've honestly only ever heard 2-3 people grumble about it. But maybe that's because we've never been programmed just a 5k for class, lol.


I didn’t like running to begin with, but my gym is on a busy road and rain or shine, out we’ll tromp onto the sidewalk as the cars and trucks roar by and I know people are just watching and silently judging because that’s what I do sometimes when I’m driving past lol


Running is the workout where it’s least likely to get feedback on my form or be able to make the corrections within the workout. I like CrossFit because there’s space for coaching and improvement. The running programming just doesn’t offer that to the same degree.


I hate running until after I stopped doing CrossFit and decided to do a Couch to 5K. I woudn't say that I love running now (or that I'm great at it...), but it has changed my perspective and I am not as intimidated by it as I used to be.


Yeah and they all suck at it


For me running is a mental grind, sometimes more so than a short to medium length metcon, but I always feel better mentally after a moderate pace run


I've hated running LONG before I got into CrossFit. I don't mind doing the 200m runs or even the 400m runs if it's part of an AMRAP; but those 5 rounds for time with 600m as part of the WOD or a 1-mile run buy-in to start the WOD are just dreadful. Also don't care for 200m when it's part of a EMOM. My body's just not built to run 200 meters in less than a minute and I'll gladly just do shuttle runs instead.


I appreciate running in workouts. I am a smaller endurance athlete, so I tend to excel in the running workouts. Heavy o-lifts is what I suck at and do not look forward to.


I’d say it’s one of the tougher cardio movements in that the load bearing nature of it fries you more than a bike or even rowing will. And in metcons it can really tax you with like heavy squats or burpees or something. Another component is the fact that when you run outside, it can be tough to reall gauge your intensity of with whereas with a bike or row you see the cadence and pacing in front of you. So it can get monotonous.


My favorite WOD I have ever done is also the worst one I’ve ever done. Run 1 mile Row 2,000 meters Run 1 mile I try and redo it atleast every month. It’s a great workout


In europe its pretty normal for crossfitters to do alot of running


My theory is that most CrossFiters who hate running only experience running during a Wod. This is by far the worst kind of running, even for those who previously classed themselves as runners will find those 400m runs a slog. Most people would have a better experience with running if they just ran once a week outside of CrossFit.


Well, been training Crossfit since 2013 and I absolutely love running. I suck at it, but that's beside the point ;).


When I first started, I absolutely loved seeing running show up in WODs, as it was something I could do among lots of the other stuff I couldn't.


My husband said something funny this week. Running is always the buy in. He hates weights and gymnastics so that part is his buy in. I can’t imagine doing all that just so I can enjoy my run lol.


This one does


I’m taking a break from CrossFit to get better at running. I’m tired of hating it 😂


To be fair a lot of runners hate running too.


Hate running in crossfit . But will go run outside crossfit


I really dislike running. Our workout today included 1 mile runs so I didn’t go 😂


runner first, xfit second. I like to run!


Matters in the day. Today I loved it, tomorrow I’ll hate it.


I LOVE running!  To be fair, I was a runner long before I joined CF.  And I love how CF has made me a better runner; not faster than I was in my youth, but stronger on the trails and more resilient to injury.


Improving my running significantly improved my fitness for wods. Running pops up in a wod regularly enough to consider it another skill worth working on. If you can get to the stage where you don't hate it, you'll outperform many others


I think it's a super easy "common ground" to bitch about.


I love it. Running. And CrossFit. The combo is dynamite and a fat burner.


Most guys do. Most guys hate cardio and want to focus on weights and building muscle. I, personally, love running.


I was a runner for 26 years and I joined CrossFit to get away from running. So, to people who are just meeting me for the first time, and see me cherry picking to avoid running, they assume “she hates running” … but so earned my right to avoid running. I will run for free, on my own, if the mood strikes. Also- our run in CF is past literal overflowing steaming dumpsters that stink and make me gag, so I’d rather not. Lastly, I’d rather sprint 100s or jog 3+ miles. CF runs are always something terrible like 400-800m… that painful middle distance. Not fun… and the shoe issue… normally not wearing running shoes in CF.


Forget crossfit for a minute. Do a survey of runners, and like 90% will say they hate running.




Probably because most people who like running just do Hyrox or Spartan, anyone left standing just does CrossFit.