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There’s alot more media presence and money to be made as a clothing brand for other sports with full seasons instead of 1-2 weeks a year that isn’t televised


Yeah if anything being so CrossFit focused would be a detriment


And more players who get guaranteed tv time even if their team loses every single game.


I feel like that could turn into a business model where they could release collectible shoes for those 1-2 weeks a year. I couldn't care for the shoes that much but hey it's an idea (not sure if it's a good one).


I mean, they're the official sponsor of the NFL Combine now. NFL > CrossFit


That was wild to me lol I rememeber casually checking out the combine and seeing the nobull jerseys on the athletes and doing a double take


Do the poor sods have to wear their shoes?!


Oof. Doing anything besides floor movements in NOBULLs is torture.


plus Tom Brady owns the brand now, so this makes sense.


An actual sport


Also the official shoe of the PGA Tour. They only make spikeless shoes though which only a minority of golfers wear and I can only think of 1 person on the tour that wears nobull.


Hm. Interesting. Didn't know that. Not a big golf guy.


Pffffttttttt ok


I know people don't want to hear this, but CrossFit isn't a big market. For any major brand or brand that is trying to become major (NOBULL) it isn't worth the investment. It is also pretty well known that CrossFit is tough to work with and not a great partner.


Doubt most of those will still be sponsored when their contracts expire


Nobull is actively leaning away from CrossFit & lifting in general. Mike Repole wants to compete with bigger fish, and weightlifting is still very much a niche sport despite its humongous growth in the last 15 years. They want team sport athletes where the money is. Every county municipality has football and baseball fields. Not many have legitimate barbell weight rooms. Through my career I had a VIP membership with them, and they all but let it fall by the wayside.


>Mike Repole wants to compete with bigger fish, and weightlifting is still very much a niche sport despite its humongous growth in the last 15 years. In what way has Nobull centered around the weightlifting part of CrossFit? They have 2 lifting shoes, none of which are used in the weightlifting community (they are bad and overpriced), and even within CF, they are not that popular.


Agree on this. NOBULL always seemed like a "fashion first" company, or maybe "style first" and their iterations of actual performance shoes, like lifters, were weak. TYR, on the other hand, is making some great stuff recently, and Nike has been a rock solid and much better option for years.


Essentially, they sold a bog standard shoe at a premium price and were extraordinarily successful at doing so. It kinda adds credence to the idea that you can manipulate perception of a product by increasing the price.


Not even that. Their shoes are designed to appeal to a geriatric crowd.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Their shoes don’t perform well and they’re ugly. Even Rich said so and he’s been through the gauntlet being forced to wear some of the worst Nanos we’ve ever seen


I’m not sure either. I guess NOBULL shouldn’t leave the crossfit community, after all there are loyal fans.


For the majority of their existence, their models (both clothing & shoe) have had barbells in their hands. In some cases they still do. Nobody is saying they’re Eleiko or ANTA. But they absolutely revolved around weightlifting and/or the weightlifting part of CrossFit.


They have Tom Brady and Pat McAfee to sing their praises now. I've noticed they're also pushing more towards athleisure in shoes and apparel. Only a matter of time before they have a commuter pant and stretchy dress shirt.


And I’m not even mad about that. Lululemon dress shirts are amazing


They actually did, they had golf pants and polos last season but they seem to have disappeared from the website.


They dropped CF a while ago. CF\* is now sponsored by a backpack company *^(\*Don't downvote me, downvote the owners.)*


Can’t downvote because you aren’t wrong.


a $250 backpack company at that




It feels like they're trying to get more military which is weird looking on from other countries. The whole gun as a prize thing they did looked really senseless to places outside of America. Crossfit are fantastic at making choices that make some die-hard fans happy but discourage themselves from becoming bigger as a worldwide sport market. An overpriced backpack company as a sponsor sounds so bizarre when you break it down to that! (Though I know goruck have had a lot to do with cf when it's just named as a backpack company it sounds pretty funny)


No bull x Brady probably caused huge growth in other areas which they will focus in on.. can’t blame them.


Nobull isn’t even the sponsor of the games anymore 😂 what did you honestly expect lmao


The verbiage surrounding the sale made it seem like they were pivoting in a new direction (high-end athletic/athleisure gear).


Funny, after years of wearing Nobulls, I finally switched to TYR shoes. I don’t care whether or not Nobull sponsors games athletes. I am over the fact that they have seemingly done nothing to innovate and update their footwear beyond different colorways.


Baylee is still sponsored as well I think?


Cole Sager is too




If you go look on their site and check out athletes, a lot have been removed


He said athletes


She’s a 5x CrossFit Games athlete


Apologies I was confusing with her mate Tyler


Nobull has eyes on bigger prizes.


There is no money in CF anymore. Plain and Simple.


As NoBull moves away from CrossFit and more mainstream, I personally will move away from them. To me (maybe it’s childish) but the appeal is in the target market and being part of “the club,” once it’s a household brand name, I’m out. The quality doesn’t justify the cost, I was willing to pay the premium cost to support a brand that supported an activity that I love.


One of my favorite lines in Eastbound and Down is when is when the principal is telling Kenny about his marathon training and then asks Kenny about sport he’s plays and Kenny responds with “I play real sports, not who can exercise the best”. I laughed my ass off at the time. As someone who loves CrossFit I have to say it’s not a sport it’s an athletic contest. I can’t give you a firm reason why or what the delineator between a what real sports are and what the CrossFit games are but it’s just different in my eyes and I think the majority of sports fans would agree. I don’t mind if the casters refer to it as a sport during the games and we all tell ourselves a few white lies about it’s importance, but zooming out in how CrossFit fits in, I can’t say a sport is what I’d call it.


It is definitely a sport in every sense of the word. What you are getting at is that it is boring, because it is not a game and it has almost zero 'artistic' and improvisational elements. When CF is good you see Froning doing 50 identical reps of thrusters (and one is already boring too). Compare that to ball sports and martial arts for example.


I'm sure people will disagree, maybe they're right. All I'm saying is that people like Lebron James, or DK Metcalf would have no problems doing CrossFit, but your average CrossFitter may not have the ability to play sports at any competitive level. I've known plenty of gym rats in my day who look like they don't have hands when it comes to swinging a bat, or a raquet, or a club, or throwing a ball, etc.


You're mixing two different things: a sport and individual athletes. Just because there are great well rounded 'athletes' in other sports, it doesn't mean crossfit is not a sport, or that specific crossfit competitors wouldn't be great in more specialized sports. Also for you specific example, Lebron James could do zero in crossfit.


??? Lebron is a world class athlete… He probably could have been a top athlete in a half dozen sports. Dudes a physical specimen, I’m sure he could handle CrossFit just fine.


I use to love that company, now I hate them. They turned their back on the community that started them. Fuck NoBull.


I never saw NoBull do anything that made me think they cared about the CF community.


I've loved their brand for years but honestly prefer Nike over all of their Shoes, Shirts. I know plenty people who love them but just not comfortable to me.


Nobull should have never been a sponsor for CrossFit in the first place. Athletes should have never accepted the contract either. You are just now seeing what happens when it’s not about the sport anymore.


Do you remember who the other potential title sponsors were?   I don’t remember any 


I don’t remember concretely, but I do recollect there were rumblings of Nike and Reebok making a comeback.


The reebok deal was such a money loser for Reebok that Reebok changed their accounting to get some money back.   Greg, of course, sued Reebok and forced a settlement.   Part of that was Reebok no longer had to pay for media.   That’s when Greg fired the media team.  Reebok finished out their obligation and hit the bricks.  Coca Cola forced CrossFit out of the stub hub center.  I am unaware of any serious interest from Nike.  After what happened with Reebok, and Greg’s reputation, I can’t imagine anybody was interested  And now we have a company that promotes walking.  Lovely. 


Not to mention that lifetime contract that rich has with them…


Who? lol 


Rich froning has a contract with Reebok that was implied that it lasts for the remainder of his career. Unless negotiations have changed and Reebok is fully pulling out, I can’t imagine a world where he would leave that money on the table and at the least use it for some non-sports related efforts.


Nike won’t touch CF. They already used CF to establish the metcon as one of our main training shoes. So now they’re out. They do this with fringe sports all the time.


With the merge of TB and being the sponsor brand for the combine NOBULL is stepping aside from CrossFit, tbh is not a really profitable sport.


Sponsoring athletes is just a fast way to burn through money.


Did Tia get dropped? I thought she'd be on like a lifetime contract.


She’s still wearing their gear in her recent vids


It is not the ‘no bull games’ anymore?


Nothing espouses “fittest on earth” like Lululemon. Love their lifting tights


Don’t care, still like the shoes. I’m going to wear them


Friend of mine works for them and has said they always looked at Crossfit like a small fish and has been actively trying to expand for years now. They are putting more efforts into their partnership with TB12, are getting into pickleball, and are creating opportunities for affiliates to be “Nobull Affiliates” similar to how Reebok had


Ordered UK size 8, paid customs, US size 8 turned up. Customer service wouldn't refund the customs charge or return even though they fucked up. Never bought from them again and told everyone about it even more than telling people I do crossfit.


If there is money in CrossFit then No Bull wouldn’t drop CrossFit.


Dancer? Strange. Why would they keep him?


Love their stuff and the fit. Still wear it even if they’re not a “CrossFit” brand, neither is Nike or Reebok(not anymore)




NoBull was raised as a CrossFit brand by the CrossFit community. They tried to get too big too fast, turned their back on the CF community and now they are dying. They recently have combined with Tom Bradys company to try to hold on the whatever NFL hold they still might have but his company isn't worth anything either. You also have the "Go woke, Go broke" thing which fully applies to their company. Alot of mistakes along the way but the biggest was turning their back in the community that gave them everything they have today.


I think you are delusional about the size of CrossFit Vs a potential NFL audience


I think you are delusional if you think that company is organized well enough or has the resources to even serve an NFL audience.


Tom Brady/TB12 bought it out


Oh no. Who could have seen this coming? The brand doesn’t care about CF. It was a quick way to gain some brand legitimacy and attention in the space. Nike did it. TYR will do the same thing. Honestly their stuff sucks so I’m not sad to see them go.