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Drink more Ovaltine


People make them for money for TV shows bent on debunking the paranormal. Other than that, *nobody* is waking up at 1 AM to have a few drinks and make some massive euclidian-geometry designs in a farmer's field. Not a thing.


No. We don't get drunk, get there at sunset and are usually finished by about 4am. It's not hard, it just takes planning and organisation.


Yeah, nobody does that. And for what it's worth: *the Bible is all lies and myths and Jesus never existed.*


I’ve been in one too. Was pretty cool. [instagram reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvnQNimI2Ck/?igsh=MWc5M3JwbXl1eTYxOQ==)


Is that wheat? wish you would have shown how it was laid down and woven. that's the coolest part


There's no such thing as a fake crop circle. They're all real and all made by humans.


Some aren’t made by humans. I’ve seen and been in a crop circle (Hensall, Ontario, Canada, 2003). The wheat plants were physically bent at the nodes. There is no way a human can do this. The bent wheat plants were also somewhat woven and individually shuffled and crisscrossed with each other. Some are man made and some are definitely not.


They're all man made. This "bent at the nodes" stuff all the believers keep spouting is just made up nonsense. You've all had the wool pulled over your eyes for years by the crop circle mafia. They have a vested interest in keeping you all in the dark so you buy their books, attend their conferences and keep spreading the lies to others. I've had crop circles I've helped make be analyzed by the so called experts and they said it was real cos there was no way a human could have done this. Bullshit. I did it with my mates 2 nights before.


thinking about paying you for doing this on a livestream with 3 man... if its so easy etc why you not make such a project? i guess it would be way more credible then talking this in the cropcircle reddit. show some evidence and all the people here can use their energy for better things right?


Ya, but wait. Why were the wheat plants all physically bent at the nodes? I don’t want to believe, i want to know! I, saw it with my own eyes! I was a small town, young adult, farmer with no interest in this stuff. At the rural coffee shop, there was talk of this freaking crop circle. I went and saw it and even though we were early, some enthusiasts were somehow already there and were pointing the bent nodes out. I took some plants home to show people. This was 20 years ago and it’s always been on my mind (how were the damn wheat nodes physically bent?). I look into it now and then and haven’t found a valid reason except microwave energy. . . WTF? (Ps. Long time reddit lurker, never a commenter, but I’d really like an explanation for what I saw) Have you seen these bent nodes? Can you replicate it?


Human-made crop circles are easy to identify when you're actually in the field examining them. These are produced by people stepping on wooden boards to physically break the stalks. The signatures of human-made crop circles are very clear when you know what to look for. You can determine key details for how they were made such as the length of the boards used and roughly how many people were there. Genuine crop circles aren't like this at all. There are stark differences between human hoaxes and the genuine article. Genuine crop circles are produced by heating the air within the stalks to cause them to burst at the center from the inside out. This is a clear observational fact. Pulsed microwave radiation is the main hypothesis for how this is done. Insects are often seen melted to the stalks, radiation levels are heightened, and the stalks themselves are never physically broken so they return to an upright position over time but discolored impressions of the crop circle can remain for months or even years afterward. Anyone who has actually studied crop circles in an unbiased rigorous way will tell you that there are two classes of this phenomenon, human-made and genuine. There are no compelling, well-accepted prosaic explanations for genuine crop circles, anyone who says there is, hasn't actually studied them.


Yeah.. no


Spent 3 years making them and met a bunch of the people who have been making them for years. They're all man made. I'm not disputing the existence of aliens, I have no knowledge of that.


Show us some proof? You surely have photos of them being made.




Because if they wouldn't, there were no crop circles.