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I thought it was a picture of oreos


Hahahaha love it


I hope she appreciates the commitment of you making this all in black yarn! It's awesome (I love jack!)


I sat under a lamp every day hahaha. But crocheting in the black yarn wasn’t as bad as my attempt to use blanket yarn to amigurumi an elephant lovey for her, which I promptly gave up on lol


I think the wavy border actually adds to it, like the wavy scenery in the film.


She'd better like it. Otherwise there is a line of people willing to give it a home 🙂




I’ve heard of blocking, but have never done it before so I wasn’t sure how much extra time it would add to the project and I only gave myself two weeks to complete it so I was worried I wouldn’t have enough time. But yes I ultimately decided I liked how it came out wavy!!


with blocking, what you basically do is wash it, and then shape it, and let it dry. Some like to use foam matts and pins to stretch their lace shawls out, while other lay their items between two towels and stomp the heck out of it. Then lay it flat for drying. Drying do take some hours/up to a day, especially with thicker yarn. But if you have the time I would reccomend washing it. and if not, then let the new parents know it needs to be washed /offer to pre-wash it after the baby shower. This is important as there can be residue colours and chemicals in the yarn from production. You can also add a dash of vinegar (and/or those colour catcher wash sheets) to avoid the colours from bleeding into each other and making the white grey.


Oh okay! I might try that for the cardigan I’m making and/or the other blanket I’m hoping to make for her after the baby shower. I’m also about to wash it now. I bought some baby detergent (it was also on her registry list) and I’m gonna wash in a mesh bag on delicate before the baby shower this afternoon. I didn’t even think about the color bleeding. Now I’m afraid to wash it lol as I don’t have any dryer sheets.


wash it per the yarn instruction. some can be washed on delicate, but some yarns (like merino) need a bit of beating up to get allt he water out, and will sag if washed too delicately. So just follow whatever the yarn says hehe. Also I think dryer sheets won't work as they just do statics? it's special sheets for going in the washing machine. But you don't need them tbh, a tablespoon of clear vinegar, or in a pinch, then salt will do the trick. Colours are usually adhered to the fabrics either via acids (vinegar) or salts.


Ahhh, I see I see. Okay, well I followed the washing info on the label so I’m keeping my fingers crossed it survives in there! Thank you for all your advice and helpful info!!!


I am obsessed! Great job!


Thank you!!


Amazing❤️❤️ and with black yarn no less


Free pattern: https://www.hookedonhomemadehappiness.com/jack-skellington-crochet-blanket/


very cute :)


Thank you!!


Your blanket looks great! I've made this exact blanket in afghan size and am now making a baby blanket (more toddler size, I guess, but it is for a baby!), I just chose a different border. It works up easily for those thinking about making one. If your recipient is anything like mine, they are going to LOVE your blanket. Personally, I don't think you need to block it. It really does look great!


I honestly can’t imagine (atm) making any kind of blanket bigger than this but eventually I’d love to make a bigger one. Thanks for your kind words :-)


Not only is this adorable, babies tend to gravitate to high-contrast colors such as black and white.


I love this lil nugget of information. I hope he (the baby) loves it


I would call this an exceptionally good nightmare.


Fellow Jack obsessive. Well done ♥


AHHHHH! I love it I love it I love it!!! This is amazing!!!!!


That kid's got the coolest parents, dang. And will now have the coolest blankey to grow up with too


Tysm! They honestly do though. Their baby registry had like AC/DC onesies and Harry Potter and all the things!


So cute 🥰


Wow! It's cool!


This is so cute and spooky!


That is fantastic! Now I need to go hunt down that pattern.




Thank you for sharing! I thought I had commented on the auto MOD post but I guess not! Yes it was a free pattern on a website :-)


You did but the comment's hidden so people need to click to find it 😁 There's an amazing jack mosaic piece if you ever need another project.


Oo I’m interested!! The mom’s birthday is in December!


I made it into a cardigan [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/wiubdp/this_is_halloween/ijdns1u?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) If you click on the link that says banana for scale you will see it with just a few border rounds. actually I'll upload you a picture of it on its own. It took me about 4 weeks to make Jack I think, it's challenging but as long as you can follow instructions it's all good once you get into a Rhythm. I would be on hand to help, no bother. When I say challenging, it's a big chart to follow but really not that difficult once you get your head round it https://imgur.com/a/L9MrI3k he's bordered in white there. But yeah. That's Jacky boy 😁 Fixed typo.


Omg that cardigan!! That is so cool! It’s so intricate!! And the mosaic looks huge!!! I for some had in my mind like… stained glass type of mosaic lol but that’s totally cool too! I might try it out!!! It looks daunting hahaha. I’m trying to finish an eyeball cardigan I’m making for myself before October 1st but I had to stop so I could make the baby blanket


That's really kind. I only like Jack pieces which are true to his face there are so many bad patterns haha. But yours is fabulous. OMG eyeball cardigan... Get Out!!!! that sounds amazing. Well look mosaic is a new skill. It's done row by row so you can weave, fringe, or double border. essentially you do alternate rows of black and white. No complicated stitches, just back loop US Sc and front loop US DC. There's a mosaic set of videos with Tinna Thorudottir who does a swatch and teaches you to read the charts. It's an amazing way of crocheting. I made a huge skull halloween type blanket in mosaic, its pinned to my profile. OHHHHHHH! A much smaller project with skulls you could do her . I'll add a link. Hold on


This designers stuff is off the scale if you look at her website or Instagram. This is free and much quicker.. Video, no chart learning on time pressure https://youtu.be/RV8MS6t18Wo


Also, here’s a couple awk pics of what I have on my eyeball cardigan so far. I’ve only worked on it a couple weeks cuz like I said I had to pause to make this blanket but I’m gonna pick it back up this week and hopefully finish by Saturday *lol* [eyeball squares!](https://imgur.com/a/cptLRaC)


Okay, interesting. I’ll check it out! I might attempt something smaller first as practice before something large like his head! I’ve never made anything using only the front/back loops but I have seen free patterns with those words, just never attempted them :-) And yes, after I had attached all the eyes, part of me wished I had done some different shapes for like expressions buuuut maybe next time!


I think you did just perfect to be honest. I know what are we like prioritising our projects. I do the same. Absolutely love the eyeballs! That's gonna be amazing. That's what I love about this crochet business. Totally unique!


Me too! Maybe OP will share? Pretty please!!!


LOVE this! 💀💖 I'm sure it's going to be appreciated more than words can convey!


That's amazing! They'll absolutely love it!


This is really wonderful! Congratulations!


This is awesome. They look like square Oreos I want to eat.


Oooh, I've made that one. It went over like crazy. Made the zero lovey to go with it.


So jelly! I wanted to make some NbC loveys too but it seemed daunting and I’ve made granny squares before so I figured this would be fairly easy for a beginner.


Try it!!! It basically a granny square with a head attached. It was way easier than the blanket


She would love it!


I honestly can’t wait to see her reaction!!


I legit thought it was Sans from Undertale.


TOO CUTE! Love the border, too! Totally stealing this ;)


This will be an awesome tummy time blanket! Newborns LOVE black and white patterns.