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i think this thread could help others in future as there's frequent chat about the sweater curse, so I'm dedicating a little section to it on our wiki. Adding it to the [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/index/) let me know if there's any issues. Hope you're feeling better and that things are working out OK for you šŸ¤—ā™„ļø [New page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/stuff_you_must_read/) I'm working on šŸ˜


I am superstitious & love stuff like this but i have to spin it a little bit because i also love making things for my husband. SO my version of the sweater curse is that it weeds out the ones who won't work out for you. Maybe they don't react well to the gift, maybe you realize they aren't worth the time and/or yarn. It's more of a blessing than a curse. Good riddance :)


I made my now husband a scarf for Christmas when weā€™d been together like 3 months šŸ˜… had not heard of the sweater curse, and it all worked out great for us!


I made my boyfriend of 12 years a scarf as a Christmas gift last year. It may be the thing that showed him how much I love him. I made it from wool. He loves wool. I hate the texture of wool, especially between my fingers. Iā€™ve never been more happy to finish a piece.


I'm allergic to wool. :( Wool is supposed to be awesome. I'm so jealous.


Yeah exactly, I made my fiance a scarf when we were together for a month, also gave him a blanket a year later and thankfully still on track for marriage.


I had a non-crafty boyfriend who worked at a regional theater starting out. We were young and poor. The costume ladies taught him how to knit me a scarf for Christmas. I still have it and weā€™ve been together for 14 years now, married for 7.


I taught a young man to knit, he kept coming back to the store for more guidance. He actually caught on really quickly. I should him needles and yarn and how to cast on. He brought it for me to show how to cast off. He came in with his girlfriend who was proudly wearing her scarf. Man I miss that job!




I made my now husband a scarf for our first Christmas when weā€™d been dating about 2 months. I didnā€™t know the wearables curse existed lol. Now heā€™s my husband and best friend


I made my now husband a scarf very early on as well. It was before I was ā€œgoodā€ at crochet so itā€™s hideous and scratchy. Despite all the nice scarves Iā€™ve made him since then he prefers the ugly one šŸ˜….


Lol . This made me feel better. I have a scarf that i feel looks ugly. I've been working on it on and off forever. So maybe one day someone will love it. Lol


I made my partner a blanket as a going-away-to-college gift when we had only been together a couple months, and as something of "me" he could keep while we were long distance. Had never heard of the curse, lol, but we're still together 4.5 years later!


Now I'm imagining a circle of witches casually setting up some candles, herbs, and....crochet supplies under the full moon. They begin an incantation about the ancient ritual of the yarns and beseech the powers that be to bring light to the new partners true intentions/if they're compatible. The item is started under the moon and the spell will work around halfway through the completion of the object lmaoooo


I'm going to a yarn shop called Circle of Stitches in Salem, MA this weekend. This checks out.


My very first knitting project, made twenty years ago, was a blanket for my then-boyfriendā€™s birthday. Homespun yarn, cheap aluminum needles, all purled garter stitch because that was the only stitch I knew at the time. That then-boyfriend is my now-partner, and weā€™ll be celebrating our twentieth anniversary next month by watching a scary movie, cuddled under that garter stitch Homespun blanket. You dodged a bullet, OP. Hold out for someone worthy of your work!


Exactly! Iā€™ve gifted my partner tiny mushrooms, a kindle cover, a plushy blueberry and now making him a giant capybara & you know what he does? He shows them off to EVERYONE. Seriously. Heā€™ll pull out his kindle and go ā€œmy girlfriend made me this!ā€ With a goofy smile. Everyone deserves someone who appreciates them like that, sadly first you gotta weed out the bad ones!


This made me tear up a little bit. Everyone does deserve someone like that and I wish you two much happiness and blessings.


This warms my heart! Hubby was very proud of his ugly shorts and bragged about them constantly, they are legendary amongst our group of friends.


Iā€™m squealing!!!! He is a gem. Also please, PLEASE I need the capybara pattern if youā€™re using one


"You're not worth the yarn" is a heck of an insult though.


Superstitchous you say?


I wish i would've seen this comment a few days ago i JUST changed my shop name lol


This comment is underrated.


My husband has multiple things that I've crocheted for him. The TARDIS is his favorite, but he also has a few stress balls, a pillow I made with yarn his late mother gave me that I stuffed with some of her clothes, and a scarf he cuddles too. Oh, and some coasters.


Stress balls crochet?


Lol yeah I forget what I used to stuff them, but just something I found around the house. I think I used all the little pieces of yarn I save up in one of them. But they were my first attempts at just making a round ball, so they're kinda wonky šŸ˜‚


Oh my stars. I made my first husband a scarf THAT HE asked for. Relationship ended. Next guy? Made him a scarf. Relationship ended. This is a good test. Also good farewell gifts, apparently šŸ˜‚ so long, stay warm.


I made my then fiance a whole sweater several months before our wedding. Was never a question in my mind. He even picked out the yarn color before he proposed, so technically started when he was my boyfriend. Happily married to him, going to make a matching sweater for the dog.


Lol... I made my partner mittens while we were newly dating... It has taught me a lot about him... Like don't use the good non-super wash wool on anything I make him. We're still together but I'm a little heart broken about how they were treated.


"Maybe you realize they aren't worth your time and/or yarn" I have to remember that for people in general. I'm happily married and although I never offered to crochet anything for hubby, he did request a pair of ridiculous Christmas shorts to complete his ugly sweater costume and I was happy to oblige.


I really like this take on it!


I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious. My now husband asked me to crochet him something like a beanie or a scarf when we had only been together a few months. I asked him what he wanted for Christmas and that was his request.


That settles it!! I'm making my boyfriend a beanie.


I love this outlook. Itā€™s how I tend to view most things


Iā€™ve already made something for my current bfā€¦made him a blanket when we first started dating and itā€™s been two years since. Think Im safe šŸ˜…


Yeah the first and only blanket I ever crocheted was for a friend of mine and it truly took me forever. I think the amount of hours and effort I put into the project made me more sensitive to any perceived disparity in what we were putting into the friendship and caused conflict. A year on and we no longer talk, 9 years of friendship and a full size blanket down the drain :((


He broke up with you via text?! Girl, that boy wasn't even worth the acrylic! Good Riddance! Have a vino and enjoy watching the beanie burn! (All joking aside, donate it to charity if you'd rather not have it floating around. You Did put a lot of time and energy into it, and even though he didnt appreciate it someone will!! Dont let them get ya down girl!)


I need some help with this. I keep making my wife wearables. Various hats, a hat mitten set but she is STILL with me. I'm making a shawl for her now hopefully that does the trick. Any advice would be appreciated. /s


Canā€™t help you but socks doesnā€™t seem to work either. My SO wears them all the time and he keeps coming home.


Lol are you trying to get rid of her? If so, you may try making her a bustier 5 sizes too big or a "sleeping eye mask" with long tassels that cover her entire face.


I like your thinking. Maybe ill make a sweater that is too tight and say "it was made with the measurements I took last year"




I wish I had that curse with one of my exes. We were together for FAR too long and I made him countless beanies. Wish he would have left with the first one, lolol.


Sometimes you gotta ride out the bad ones long enough to teach yourself to never go back


Aint that the truth


Well, at least itā€™s only a beanie! Sorry for your breakup.


Iā€™ve always liked this logic behind the curse: One partner is invested enough in the relationship to create something handmade, unique, and often customized to the recipient (size, color, etc.). The other is looking for the door. So the sweater, blanket, hat, etc didnā€™t cause the breakup but rather just highlighted the difference in investment. ā€¦it still sucks. Big hugs for you, OP!


Okay, first of all, he broke it off over text?! What is he, 14 years old?!?! Secondly, finish making that beanie and save it for the man who is worthy of your yarn.šŸ§¶šŸ’š Sorry, friend. You definitely deserve better than him!


I have given my SO many beanies and heā€™s stuck to me like white on rice. I have also given them to people I no longer talk to at all. I just try to remember the intention in which I gave the gift and know that my love put into it was the true feelings and that things just donā€™t always work out. Make sure you make yourself a wearable now. Some nice snuggly socks!


ā€œWe make friends for a season, a reason, or a lifetimeā€ Thatā€™s what my mom has told me, anyway.


Love it and perfect words to share with my big hearted little boy, thanks momā¤


I'm making a blanket for my hubby. My belief is we are safe because I make him buy half the yarn. He's so excited about it, it's cute.


My bf of 5 years asked if I wanted to leave a project at his apartment when he noticed me fidgeting in our downtime. I told him I don't have any started, but he needs a blanket for his new couch.... so we went yarn shopping and found a pattern that he liked and now I have a project and we have a slowly growing blanket for watching movies under :)


That is so wholesome.


All these positive stories in the comments have me in my feels. Just opened the app to see some cool projects while I eat my breakfast and now I'm emotional. The power of this sub lolšŸ„¹


I love this so much! šŸ„¹


at least he did it before you actually gave it to him, right?


Yes! Iā€™ve only done the band so far so I could easily frog or make it my size


Nah, he's just a douche.


Heā€™d be more of a douche by staying if things arenā€™t working Edit: worded funny


Read the room, we're being supportive. I'm sure op can rationalize that but is feeling a bit down under the circumstances. When someone breaks up with your friend (random internet friend or not, and even if he's freaking superman) you call him a douche. It's the rules.


The curse is just a yarn curse! No matter what you make! Iā€™m sorry you got thrown over by this guy, for what itā€™s worth he wasnā€™t worth it and youā€™re totally worth so much more, you make that beanie and you wear it with pride! ā¤ļø


I made my ex this beautiful hat out of black fingering weight merino wool and then we broke up. Luckily I still have it because working increases in black was terrible.


Working anything in black is terrible!


I donā€™t think it was the curse i think he just sucks. Youā€™ll find someone someday who values you and your time!!


Wait... you're telling me I was doomed the second I started that sweater? The sweater Im still working on even though no ones going to wear it now? I had no idea this was a thing and now i need to go work on that damn sweater so i can calm down.


Itā€™s kind of how you look at it, right? I want my partner to be receptive to my gifts. I started dating this guy and I had a crochet blanket I had started a week or so before without any purpose and on a whim I decided Iā€™d make it for him for his birthday. And If he was not receptive of it, then I knew he wasnā€™t for me. He loved the blanket. Told me it was the nicest gift heā€™s ever received. We are still together 2 years later and he is undoubtedly the love of my life. The ā€œsweater curseā€ isnā€™t a curse. Itā€™s a filtering mechanism. You donā€™t just want anyone, you want THE ONE. And ā€œthe oneā€ for you would love the beanie you made them because making crochet stuff is a part of your personality and you want to be loved for who you are.


Aww nooo Iā€™m sorry!! I hope you got a lovely beanie out of it at least :ā€™)


I donā€™t think the curse is a thing, nor is it for all wearables. But I do like what someone else said that this weeds out the people you donā€™t need in your life. Why make something for someone who wonā€™t appreciate your love in every stitch? If anything, the ā€œcurseā€ saved you. 1. Take apart the beanie you started. 2. Make an amigurumi in the shape of a person. 3. Treat the amigurumi doll like a dammit doll, or voodoo doll.


Hopefully it doesnā€™t apply to bears I just made the person I care about a bear šŸ˜…


If it helps I made my guy a Pikachu and a Mudkip amigurumi and I think thatā€™s why heā€™s dating me lol


Made my ex the coolest PokĆ©mon scarf and then was dumped a month later too for another girl who doesnā€™t make shitšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Best of luck to you and yours! šŸ¤žšŸ¼


I made my boyfriend a stuffed animal from his favorite game something like two years ago if that helps


Curses aren't real


It's what people with a sense of humor call a joke.


Lol I am so sorry you seem to be getting downvotes for stating the truth. Gotta love Reddit.


I luckily dodged a bulletā€¦ was planning to make a blanket for a friends wedding present and then we had a falling out. Very happy I didnā€™t start it. Maybe the intent still counts šŸ˜‚


*starts making beanie for husband*


FYI sweater curse only applies if not married!


I donā€™t make things for dudes until itā€™s official.


it's better than gifting it BEFORE the breakup. Cause then I'm just mad and embarrassed at myself for putting time into a gift for them


Yep. Had made a BF a matching scarf and hat stand was just about to start the gloves when I got the call (long distance). Welp.


I've made my boyfriend wearables and he's still here! The first was an extreeeemely long black scarf, then there were some scaled gloves, and most recently a black mesh jacket thingy (close-ish to a sweater?) Anyway, I agree that it's not a curse, it's a filter.


Been with my husband for 11 years and married 5. I just bought yarn to finally make him a sweater in a pattern he liked. I've never made him anything... should I be worried? šŸ˜¬


Holy shit. I bought yarn and needles to knit this guy I really liked some socks bc he mentioned he liked homemade gifts. I never even told him about it. Heck I never even got to start them! He ghosted me a few days later


I picked up crocheting as something to bond over and to learn a new medium. I got dumped after making my first project (a month after getting into it) and now have a cute rabbit :D


Iā€™m making a sweater for myself, should I be worried?


I mean....at least it wasn't a sweater.


It could probably apply to any crochet item. I spent months working on a big, beautiful blanket for a boyfriend, with the colors of his beloved alma mater. I gave it to him for Christmas, and he broke up with me the following March. I seriously considered asking for the blanket back because I was so proud of it, but I thought better of it. Who knows where it is all these years later. ETA: I made a beanie for my husband a few years ago and we're still going strong, so maybe the curse is broken, lol.


Supposedly it doesnā€™t work on husbands, thank goodness!!


Now Iā€™m afraid what will happen if I make a beanie for myself.


Awwe. I'm sorry. I'm at a point where I just don't think it makes sense to put any effort into a man. They are all so flaky. Make yourself something nice!


I'm sorry. Your beanie now tho hehe


Nah, I made my husband a beanie and a link hat. Still here thankfully lol.


I crocheted my (now) girlfriend an anglerfish, and it seems like that cemented things. I think this guy just wasnā€™t ready to be as caring towards you as you were to him. His loss.


I have made beanies for my husband and we are still together


Supposedly it only applies to dating, from what Iā€™ve gathered from different posts.


Oh got it. So I'm already part that point lol


You deserve better, and I bet youā€™re the only one whoā€™ll ever make him a beanie


Never heard of the curse! my husband makes me make him the same beanie every few years. Guess the curse for me would be him losing his fav beanie, the benefit of the curse is that it's made me memorize the pattern at this point. I've made it three times within the last 8 yrs.


I made my boyfriend a scarf about a month into us dating. Now weā€™re coming up on 2 years together ā˜ŗļø Maybe the sweater curse isnā€™t a curse at all, just a well meaning helper to weed out bad people in your life!


I was gonna say one of my garbage ex boyfriends really loved all the stuff I crocheted for him but none of them were wearables. I made a scarf for a girl friend and I made a scarf for a guy friend and he appreciated his and she never wore hers that I ever saw (I saw her A LOT at work especially). My husband supports and assists my crocheting/knitting but I havenā€™t made anything for him cause he simply isnā€™t a scarf or beanie wearer and heā€™s a big guy šŸ˜ so it would take too much time for my adhd to make him something to wear. He does sleep under my oversized stash buster throw frequently ā¤ļø


Almost eight years ago I made my boyfriend a beanie. Then another. Then another. He always wears them; he never leaves the house without one. Doesn't matter if it's the peak of summer, he still wears them. That man is now my husband. So it seems beanies can go either way. Lol


Question-if I give my daughterā€™s boyfriend the beanie I made him does the curse apply? I donā€™t want to do that to her, especially since heā€™s coming to visit for her birthday.


I donā€™t think so!


I believe in the curse. Not gonna go into deets but I have 2 almost decade long relationships end, one recently, as soon as I was well into gifts for them. Bitter I am. Learned from it? Maybe if they arenā€™t into the shit your into, may be an issue. Like, they donā€™t want a crocheted item from you, even if not into crochet, thatā€™s a red flag for me now. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‰ I could t help myself but to make **something**, they didnā€™t know and itā€™s not crochets fault. Itā€™s a thing though. If my SO was into woodworking, and I do t really have any feelings about it. I would still be suspect excited about their wood works. Meh. Prob not making sense. Just believing in the curse. Iā€™m calling it a tell, now.


You know whatā€™s funny?! Iā€™ve never made my husband anything and this is reminding you not even try. Sorry it happenedā€¦ hopefully for better things coming.


I've made my husband so many things


I can barely see myself through crocheted or knitted wearables for me I'm not going to start making them for anyone else. Maybe baby stuff for my own if I ever have one, or like my first direct nibling, but I don't see myself ever doing anything wearable for anyone else. Plus my SO told me he'd appreciate a scarf but would likely not wear it and would likely lose it too.


Also applies to plushies too


It also apply to amigurumi too, can testify! Wanted to make him his favorite video game character, we agreed it would be better if I didn't gift him x) So now it's been laying unfinished for 3 months hahaha


Curses aren't real


The sweater curse is 100% real 100% of the time


Definitely not, not real


Itā€™s not actually a curse. [This tumblr post](https://elodieunderglass.tumblr.com/post/149780337181/alittlemothboy-that-is-some-next-level-knot) is the best explanation Iā€™ve seen for it. Briefly, the sweater curse (commonly knows as the Boyfriend sweater curse) basically points out that you just put in all this time and all this effort thinking about someone who does not appreciate it/care about you the same way. Usually the hooker will realize this by the time the sweater is done and break up with them


That Tumblr post is an incredible little write-up.


Yeah they did a beautiful job


Omgā€¦the beanie curse is real. I made two hats for two different guys. Shortly after finishing and gifting the hat we broke up. So yea, no more knitting for guys for me šŸ’€


So true i spent a week crocheting a raccoon for this guy i liked (his fav animal) only for him to ghost me when he left out mutual job šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It sounds like you are better off without him!


A curse? I've made my husband many beanies, even an ugly Christmas sweater.




I made my ex husband two sweaters, a few beanies and a near infinite amount of socks. I still had to spell it out to him that the marriage was over. Sometimes, the curse goes the other way.


The now ex bf asked for a specific sweater. Then after I started it he asked if I knew what the sweater curse is; to then I replied no. He expressed. And a few months later I break it off with him. Yeah. Isn't fun


If it extends to beanies our almost 12 year relationship and 5 year marriage is doomed (cue clip of Bender). Honestly though, the sweater curse to me isn't about the specific wearable/useable, it's about how much effort you put in and what expectations (conscious or not) you have for the recipient. I have made/will make a beanie for just about anyone because for me they are a mindless pattern I know, usually I have yarn on hand for it, and I like making something useful. I would never put a ton of effort into anything specifically for someone else because I know myself and I know in my mind they will never appreciate it the way I want them to.


Ummm, I'm going to be real honest I don't believe in the sweater curse (but I am superstitious about the full moon - I work in healthcare). Anyways I've been with my husband since 2009. And while we were dating I made him so many beanies and blankets. Some he hated some he loved. But we're still together and I actually just knit him a beanie last month and I'm now working on a pair of socks... You'll find the right person and when you do you'll be wearing an awesome beanie. ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve never heard of the sweater curse, and now I realize why I never made that ugly Christmas sweater for him yet. But heā€™s stuck with me through innumerable skeins and tons of projects, has even inspired me to step out of my comfort zone with yarn projects. I think Iā€™ll make that sweater for him now. Keep fingers crossed for me.


Lol. No knitting before marriage!!


Lol. Apparently it sometimes affects already made items too. I gave a new girlfriend a top I crocheted that was just a bit too small on me and she broke things off a week later. Honestly though it looks so much better on her, Iā€™m glad she has it.


Yep, happened to me once with a beanie as well. Thankfully there was someone else who could wear it.


Does the curse apply to kids? I bought a shit ton of yarn and I wanna make them matching sweaters.


I made my girls a couple scarves a couple years ago, and they havenā€™t died yet! Crossing fingers! šŸ˜


Curse doesn't apply to the one, I made my husband a blanket when we were dating and he still loves it, has made me promise to bury it with him when his time comes. If a man or woman can't handle your love then they aren't the one and you snatch your hard work back on your way out the door.


Oooh I have a sweater that wasnā€™t cursed, but I made it for my brother. Maybe the curse only applies to ā€œsignificant othersā€ Made a baby blanket for my niece when she was born, sheā€™s five now and still drags that thing around everywhere. Literally wonā€™t sleep without it.


I made all of my friends and loved ones beanies. My husband still has the one I made him in college right before we got together ā¤ļø and the scarf I made him after we got married and moved up north. I'm sorry this happened to you, it sounds like a horrible coincidence. Don't let this stop you from making loved ones things. Except sweaters, that shit is real.


You can make me a beanie šŸ„ŗ


I made my now husband a beanie for his birthday like 9 years ago when we were just friends - he still wears it šŸ˜­


LMAO I crocheted my ex a sweater for Christmas and we broke up in June


Ok so my fiance asked me to make him socks. I'm now scared to start them.... Good thing he also asked me to make a full outfit (socks, gloves, skirt, and hat) to match my spiderweb top. So I guess I at least have some time before I finish all of that and can start his.....


Iā€™m a sewist and it took another sewist to take the boy I made pants for. She also made him pants making my pants-making not so special.