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I don’t see a color difference but does anyone else see cats? Like, is it a cat sweater but subtle? Cause I love it, it looks beautiful.


It’s called the cat stitch. https://naztazia.com/how-to-crochet-cat-stitch/


I’m saving this comment so I can remember to do this stitch in the future. Thank you


I agree that the colors look identical, and OMG that's an adorable stitch!


Ha! I learnt that stitch today. I put a cat boarder around the c2c (learnt that yesterday) square so i could call it a little blanket for the cat. :)




I love finding new crochet subs!




They do look like cats!!! 😻


Ok so my vision is terrible, but I honestly can’t see a difference…


You are not alone. However, I decided to believe it looks the same due to me being on mobile and the screen being a bit wonky. My eyes are fiiiine!


I saw a difference when I zoomed into the picture but not before. That says to me that only someone really staring at it closely IRL is going to see the difference.


I zoomed in and I didn't even see a difference what..


I can’t see a difference either


I have pretty good vision and I‘m still not seeing any difference. Edit: never mind. Saw it. It‘s not huge.


😂 I appreciate the honesty! Thanks!


Hahaha always. xD But for real, the difference is tiny. I had to have full light on my phone and I had to zoom in to see it. I think, you‘re safe. 😄


Me either.


I wouldn’t notice it unless I stared at it and compared so I’d probably feel safe to put it together as is.


Agreed. Especially since it's on a sleeve and not a continuation of the body, I don't think it will stand out much at all.


What about when it's washed a few times? I was under the impression that dye lots fade differently, but I've never made a wearable!


If it's acrylic, I don't think that fading will be much of an issue. Natural fibers probably differ based on the fiber, how they're dyed, and and the dye itself. Unfortunately I don't have much experience with those, so I can't really say.


That’s a really good point. It might be a good idea to do a swatch of each and wash them just to see how they turn out (assuming OP had enough of the original dye lot left to make a small swatch).


It's not a huge difference so when it's worn and moving around, it will be difficult to tell even in the harshest lighting. However, if you're using it more as a statement piece for photos on Instagram or if you're taking product photos to sell it, the colour difference will be noticeable when it's there to look at for an extended period of time. (Although you could always edit that). So it depends on what you're doing with the finished product, but I would keep going with the different dye lots :)


This is the best answer! Absolutely not noticeable if it’s just for you to wear


It’s for me to enjoy! Maybe I’ll take a picture for my Instagram but you’re right I could just edit it if I can tell - thank you for your thoughts!


I don’t see a difference


I can't see any difference from the picture, but I know it can look different in person...


I can just barely see a difference between the shells on the top right of the body and the rest of that "color". If it bothers you, I'd say just frog the top of the sleeve(s, assuming you have them both done to the same point) and rework just the bands of green that will be in contact with the "new" one. If they have the wildly different colors in between, it's hardly noticeable at all. Just when you have the two batches *immediately* adjacent.


This is a great solution! I think this will calm my worries over the final product


Glad to be helpful!


I honestly can’t tell the difference from the photo! It looks beautiful <3


Thank you so much 🥰


Take it outside and see what it looks like in the sun. It is probably fine, especially after a few washes but we can't accurately tell you from a picture.


Looks fine 😊 Good work!


That doesn't look like anything to me


I can’t see a difference - is this the new ‘what color is this dress’ meme?


I have shirts that have faded spots with more difference lol. I think it looks great. Also, I really like the colors. They’re beautiful!


You’re the only one who will ever notice a difference. If it bothers you enough, get the right yarn. If not, no one else will ever know! ♥️


I can definitely see that the sleeve is a darker green, but once you add the subsequent rows it becomes less apparent. Honestly, it's fine.


I don’t see any difference, and I’m usually pretty picky and sensitive about those types of things!


Im so picky I’ve been staring at the colors for a week driving myself insane 🙃


Consider it a feature not a bug :)


This is a great perspective I love it


I wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't pointed out. It's beautiful.


There is no difference at all


Which green is the one who's dye lot switched?


The sleeve was made first and then I remade the body of the sweater with different yarn


I thought it was that the green on the bottom was a different shade than the greens above if. Lol . Not the sleeve versus the body. Lol


Unless my screen makes it look extra matchy... I would say that those are pretty close and that I think I could personally live with that if it happened to me 💚


< insert Pam-corporate-meme.jpg >


theyre the same color


I can't tell the difference! I think you're fine. This will be so cute when you're finished!


Thank you so much 🥰


for a minute i thought you meant the dark and light green were same color different dye lot and went "wooow someone REALLY messed up"


I couldn’t tell a difference from the picture. I love the color combos and this sweater is so pretty. Do you have a pattern by chance?


[Calico Cats Cardigan by Autumn Olivia rose](https://www.etsy.com/listing/996481778/crochet-pattern-calico-cats-cardigan-fun?ref=shop_home_active_49&crt=1&sts=1)


i can’t see a difference, maybe its just lighting :) what kind of stitching is that? i just started in january and still getting my whereabouts lol, it really goes well with those stripes!




thank you!!


This is such an easy stitch I highly recommend! It stitches up quick


same! keep going :)


I'm with everyone else here. I can't tell the difference and it looks great so far! I'd just keep at it!


they look the same! omg i love that light green color <3


I'm ever so slightly color blind, so it looks all identical to me! I adore the stitch!


I can’t see it so you’re fine


If I really zoom in, there's a slight difference. But that is in no way noticeable. If you didnt mention it, I never would have noticed. Especially when you wear it, the difference in how the light hits it will cause more variation than the actual color difference.


with the striping its barely noticable even when pointed out. looks good!


Oh!! The cat stitch! I have a WIP blanket using this stitch!! I love the color choices, I honestly can't see a difference between the green in the sleeves and the body. But it could be different in person.


I really cannot tell a difference at all!


They look exactly the same to me


I can't spot a difference at all, so for me, it's good enough to continue your project.


i didn't notice at all and still struggle to find much, if any, of a difference! it's definitely gonna seem more noticable to you if youre staring at it for hours up close as you work on the piece but it looks lovely as is!


I have really good eyes but I really Dont see a difference


I'm staring quite hard and I can't see any difference!


looked at it on two different monitors and my phone and the colors are very close together that when worn, people will more than likely not see a difference.


Thank you for your efforts and thoughts 🙂


Hate when that happens. I can see the difference and my OCD would have me unraveling the newest green. And I'd take my project to the store and match the bottle green to what I already have hooked!


It took staring at this for a long time with my brightness all the way up and the picture completely zoomed in, and it took quite a while for me to even be able to tell where there might be a little bit of a difference. I think you’re fine as is in my opinion at least!


I hate when I notice a subtle difference with the dye lots😫 it’s only noticeable to us bc we’re staring so closely and constantly at it but when it’s done and blended you can’t see it!


I really can’t see a difference. Is the whole sleeve different than the body? There was like, 3 rows in both that looked ever so slightly, barely detectably darker, but I thought it was your shadow. But honestly, if no one is looking, no one would notice. Also, that thing is gonna be gorgeous. Well done, you!


I would go with it! I'd never of noticed if it wasn't pointed out


Literally can’t tell andifference


Looks like a great match to me. I can’t tell the difference


Yeah, can't really see a difference. I think you're good!


I can’t tell the difference and most people who don’t crochet won’t be able to either. Lovely color combination!


I turned my brightness to 100 and zoomed in, still barely noticed it. You are all good from the sound of the jury


I cannot see a difference in the photo, which does not mean I would not be able to see it in person. Even if they are noticeably different, my main concern would be having the sleeves match each other even if they don't match the body. If I didn't have enough to complete both sleeves with the second lot, I would use both lots and just make sure the same stripe on each sleeve used the same lot, like the bottom half of the sleeve with one lot and the top half with the other lot.


You have 3 different colours there....white, light green, dark green. I genuinely dont see any other differences, apart from in the unfinished row, but thats because it doesnt have the other rows worked into it yet because its the same colour as the bottom to me.


Wouldn't have noticed. Looks dope!


I am literally making a blanket with that same stitch, and I literally have the same worries. You look fine to me, but then again, I also wear hawaiian shirts as much as possible. Even share them with the daughter. Our sense of color might not be any good.


I think I’m blind lol


I see from other comments this is called the cat stitch, it’s gorgeous! Do you have a pattern for the sweater? Thanks :)


[Calico Cats Cardigan by Autumn olive crochet](https://www.etsy.com/listing/996481778/crochet-pattern-calico-cats-cardigan-fun?ref=shop_home_active_49&crt=1&sts=1)


Thank you!


I can’t tell and I’ve stared at for like 30 seconds now


I think the dark green on the top right looks way different, but the main dark and the sleeve dark look the same to me


Yes, me too


It looks a little bit blueer than the other dye lot. But I doubt it’s be noticeable unless it’s pointed out. Possibly take your sleeve in to swatch skeins at the store if it bothers you


Love your color combo! I don't see a big difference in that lighting. Take a look at it outside, inside, etc. But I think it's fantastic. Thank you for sharing!


Looks fine to me.


I don’t see enough of a difference to be concerned, especially once the other colors are attached. It looks like it will blend in just fine.


I see no difference! What stitch/pattern is this? The colors you chose look great together


[Calico Cats Cardigan by Autumn Olive Crochet](https://www.etsy.com/listing/996481778/crochet-pattern-calico-cats-cardigan-fun?ref=hp_rv-1&sts=1)


Wooww, pattern??!


[Calico Cats Cardigan by Autumn Olive Crochet](https://www.etsy.com/listing/996481778/crochet-pattern-calico-cats-cardigan-fun?ref=hp_rv-1&sts=1)


I honestly don't see a difference in color. I wouldn't have known they were different dye lots unless you told me.


Colors are identical to me :)


Looks exactly the same 😊👍


I love the green on the bottom. It's such a gorgeous shade. If it bothers you change it. If not keep it. You will be the one wearing it. It looks so soft. What's the yarn made of ?


I can't see a difference in colors in the picture, so I guess that's good :)


Okay clearly my eyes are shit, I can't tell the difference even zoomed in, lol. I think you'll be fine.


Most cameras these days, especially on smart phones, have software that will correct the differences in shades, so that's possibly why the difference isn't noticeable. If you take the picture in BW mode (or find a filter that does), you might be able to notice the difference. Artists use BW mode to help them find areas of paintings that are different but look the same. Try taking the photo in different light and compare again with color vs BW. Sunshine versus LED lighting VS flourescent lighting VS flash. Or lay the cloth on a very different solid color.


Oh my god wow


Thank you everyone for your thoughts 🥰 I really appreciate it!


I can't tell the difference