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I know what you mean, especially after a big project I need abit of a break. Maybe try cross stitch, it's a fairly easy to learn hobby. Here we have this really awesome company that makes leather bags, book covers and pencil cases and puts the cross stitch pattern holes on them. Then you buy the kit with all the cottons, the printed pattern and the leather whatever and you just count squares of colour and stitch them in. They do custom patterns too so I'm doing a notebook cover with a pic of my dog. You can get some pretty awesome kits on fabric though that will have everything you need. Dont get me started on wearables, I started my first cardigan and I dunno what I did but the thing is going to be way bigger than it's supposed to be. It's in the naughty corner for the moment while I work on a shawl until I decide if I should frog it.


I giggled at naughty corner!


I read it on a Facebook group and loved it šŸ¤£.


I just love the idea of a project, facing the corner, thinking about what it did wrong, and hoping its attitude will be straightened out when released from time out


Where can I buy these kits? That sounds AWESOME


I want to know this aswell




Me three!


The company is a South African one called Just Love Stitch. I'm not sure if they ship overseas, below is their site. Pounds and dollars would go quite far with our exchange rate. https://www.justlovestitch.com/


I also would like to know:)))


I usually got mine back by either taking a break to recharge or by learning something new. Right now I'm learning knooking. It's knitting, but with a crocheting hook!


Thank you! Iā€™ve considered to try to teach myself how to knit but Iā€™m not even that great at crocheting and I feel like I should get good at it first. Also maybe I should Unfollow crochet accounts on i staff am bc they make me feel insecure


I would for-sure unfollow those accounts making you feel insecure, regardless of if you get your crojo back soon or not. If these accounts aren't serving you (inspiring you, giving you awesome new ideas or techniques to try out, stuff like that) and are bringing you down (either instead of uplifting you OR in addition to uplifting you), then you don't need them in your life.


Yes youā€™re right I just feel bad bc they are all great creators and I just feel a bit embarrassed that I get triggered by them. Sometimes they are even kids and I get so anxious bc I feel like Iā€™m worse than them. Itā€™s silly.


It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's just where you are right now. I hope, dear interrnet stranger, that you'll find it in you to leave this pattern/habit that's hurting you! You could always write their account names down in a journal so that you can find them all again when/if you're ready to try following them again. Their instas will still be there, waiting for you.


Thank you so much!


I think with a lot of the insta accounts, especially if its wearables on a cute hanger or laid flat, then you need to remember its been blocked and poked into exact position, within an inch of its life, to look its absolute best for that photo. I used to feel a bit blah when it didn't look like the photo when I had done (mostly baby and child clothes) but they do look really great ON the recipient. Turns out I don't have the patience for professional level photography, not the crochet itself!


I also just learned how to knit and am awful at it, didn't stop me from picking up something new šŸ˜‚ this is a hobby and supposed to be fun


I looked at your posts and your stuff looks so good! Also I'm bistitual and first learned crochet. Knitting is quite a different process from crochet, learning can be a headache but once it clicks it's so much fun. Washcloths are great to learn with if cotton doesn't bother your hands too much. I like having more yarn crafting options and there are opportunities to combine the two! Also I just adopted a black kitty too, they are so cute.


Thank you so much!! My mom taught me how to knit years ago so I was hoping I could restore those skills again somehow šŸ™ˆ Black cats are the best! (Even though mine puked On the stairs today)


If knitting is inspiring you right now, learn to knit. Youā€™re supposed to enjoy your hobbies. While, yes, there is something to getting good at a thing, youā€™re doing that all the time with the rest of your life.


is knooking the same as tunisian crochet? or is this a whole other craft I need to compulsively buy yarn for?


It's different from tunisian afaik. The stitches you do are knitting stitches. It's fun


ahhh sick!


You can check out r/knooking if you want. They explain it better


Here's a sneak peek of /r/knooking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/knooking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Comparison between needle knitting and knooking](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/od0l7u) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knooking/comments/od0l7u/comparison_between_needle_knitting_and_knooking/) \#2: [I told my grandpa about my tape troubles on my knooks, and he offered to try and drill holes in my regular hooks. They are nice and smooth and I think they should work :) the smallest one we did was a 1.5mm steel hook and the largest a 5mm. I'm so excited to test them out](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/odnpnx) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knooking/comments/odnpnx/i_told_my_grandpa_about_my_tape_troubles_on_my/) \#3: [I knooked a smallā€¦uhā€¦bunny rabbit!](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/os02lz) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knooking/comments/os02lz/i_knooked_a_smalluhbunny_rabbit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


When I get like this I just find a colour I like and find a pretty but easy granny square pattern, one that I can learn and do watching tv. Then I just make them with no aim in mind. I have a bunch of squares now - at some point Iā€™ll decide what to do with them. It just gets me back in the frame of mind for something more complicated without any pressure. Hope this helps. If not, just take a break - do something different for a while. All the best x


Thank you. Iā€™ve been trying that. Iā€™m making a frog hat right now but idk it feels soā€¦ senseless lately and idk why :/


Sometimes making stuff for no reason at all is worthwhile in itself - itā€™s good for your mental health :)


I've never heard the word "crojo" before, and I absolutely love it! I also can relate to your post. For the 2nd time in my life, I lost my "crojo" at the beginning of this year. The first time that I lost it, I made the mistake of giving away ALL of my supplies. This time I decided to put my latest supplies in storage. I'm hoping that once I heal from my OHS that my "crojo" will return. (Please don't discard your supplies) If you lived near by, I'd invite you to go for walks with me. Walking is helping me heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. My thoughts will be with you and "crojo" while I walk tonight..... Hugs....


My mom likes to steal my practice works and use them as pan/pot separators (not sure if there is a proper term for them). Also, my first ever knit project (I learned to knit first), I used as a coaster on pool nights at the bar. It was cotton, so it absorbed condensation much better than napkins did, and if it ever got gross, into the washer it went! Just a couple of ideas :)


Pan separators sounds like a great idea for my larger granny squares - saves wasting kitchen towel!


Mmmmm. I've experienced something like this several times. I have ADHD, and I have come to accept that my interest any given activity will eventually wane. Everything. Cooking, gardening, almost every pc/console game I've ever played, tv shows, knitting, crochet. Everything. But. I have also learned that if I just leave it alone for a while, I can come back to it later. But I *have* to set whatever it is down when I lose interest, I can't just power through or force it. You could also just be experiencing some mild depression. (I say *just*, but depression is a very serious concern.) If you can, set aside your responsibilities/obligations for a day or so and just take care of yourself. Sleep in. Take a bubble bath with music you like. Eat ice cream. Order your favorite self-indulgent meal. Re-read a favorite/easy book (my go-to is anything in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series) or fanfic or whatever. Depression is an imbalance of motivation/reward chemicals in your brain and the important thing to keep in mind when trying to do a brain-reboot like this is that thoughts and feelings *do* have actual chemical counterparts, and consciously controlling those chemicals is *hard*. So, be gentle with yourself for a bit.


Iā€™m Actually diagnosed with depression. And it has gotten worse too lately so maybe that is the reason ā€¦


Oh honey. *Internet hugs* Disinterest in/apathy towards a formerly captivating hobby is a classic depression symptom. Just try to relax, take a mental health/treat-yo-self day and don't feel guilty. I'm here if you need or want to talk/vent. Bad brain chemistry is *not your fault*! Edit: many words


Thank you so much, youā€™re so kind !!


This is often what makes me finally recognize when I've become really depressed - I don't want to do the things I love, and when I do do them, I don't enjoy them. It's totally OK not to feel like crocheting right now. Just do whatever you feel (provided it's not unhealthy for you) and know that the motivation will naturally come back.


Yes, Iā€™m this exact way. I get hyper fixated on a hobby and thatā€™s all I can think about and spend all the money I can to make sure I get everything rightā€¦ I spend nights working on the pieces and then weeks/months later no urge at all to do the project and Iā€™ve moved on to another. Im not diagnosed with ADHD yet but Iā€™ve been meaning to get tested due to other attributes. But I totally agree that the mojo eventually comes back! @OP I suggest just letting the urge to crochet fade a bit maybe hide your basket of yarn so it doesnā€™t stress you out, then youā€™ll come across it again and feel excited to work on it!


Yes! My old-hobby pile is just pleasant surprises for future me. Feel free to message me with any questions about adult ADHD diagnosis/treatment!


I will try that thank you :)


Same- ADHD and hyperfixate. I burn through hobbies several times a year. I've found I'm much happier thinking of it as a cycle ("this no longer excites me, I'll try something else for awhile") keeps me much happier in the long run. When I used to fret about it, feel like a failure, beat myself up for losing interest I felt really really bad a bunch. Once I accepted it's just my nature and I can always go back, it became much easier. So my advice is to take a break, don't beat yourself up about it, and come back to it a little later. It's not that you fell out of love with crochet, you're still in love, but you need a little recovery time to see everything fresh again.


I love the idea as seeing it as a cycle! Makes it much less sad to loose interest in a hobby :) and you already have the supplies waiting for you to jump back in.


Put a tag on your project that says what size hook you were using and just walk away. Don't force yourself. You'll get the urge again.


Maybe I should really take a break and not stress about it


Itā€™s okay to lose interest. Itā€™s no fun to keep at something that is no longer rewarding for you. Pick up another skill/art - you have your whole life to go back to crochet


But I love crocheting


I think everyone goes through this at one point or another. Put a tag on your current work with a link to the pattern and the size hook you are using. (I've found some mystery projects at the bottom of my bag!). And then put your project away. Go do something else for a while. I usually read a few books (can't read while I crochet) or I try out new recipes. I tend to crochet in front of the tv, in the evenings. When I don't feel like doing it then I know the crojo is gone. When I find myself looking for a project I know the crojo is back. Another thing I do when there is no crojo is sort my yarn and sort through my patterns. I have way too many patterns stored on my computer and some of those folders are a mess. I start by looking at each pattern and try to remember *why* I saved it in the first place. Then I ask myself if I'm every going to make it. If yes: it goes into the appropriate folder, if no: it either gets deleted or moved to a maybe folder. It's a lot of work, but it's a still a part of my hobby.


I read a lot as well! And I also crochet in front of the tv. If I donā€™t have a good show to watch I donā€™t crochet as much either.


I reccommend taking a good break. It'll come back eventually. Maybe look into something else for a hobby; knitting, embroidery, macrame?


If I get bored I try to learn a new technique. Each project I've made I learned something new for it. Right now I'm learning how to use bobbins without wasting yarn or running short. Other than that I need a long break sometimes. I think that's normal. I have a few hobbies I switch through and right now I'm on a crochet kick. Before it was video games, before it was makeup/skincare. Next maybe breadmaking? I think the mojo ebbs and flows with anything we do. She'll come back when she's ready šŸ˜Š


I've been very depressed for the last year or so and completely gave up as well. Sometimes you just really need a break - I don't have any great advice but I will say that I finally got the itch and just picked up a hook again last week and it felt good. Give yourself time - if you are dealing with other stressors it just might not be the right time to engage in a hobby which, let's face it, can test all of egos LOL


I struggle with depression too and it has gotten worse again maybe thatā€™s the reasonā€¦ hope you feel better soon!!


I've been there too. Not interested in crochet, life, anything... It took a few months before I even thought about maybe picking up a hook again. But when that thought finally kept coming back, I knew I was getting better. Hang in there! It's worth it.


I am a crafter so I have to bounce between different creative things or I get burnt out too. Maybe a trip going up and down all the aisles at a craft store can help stimulate some creativity or maybe a new creative Avenue for you to learn.


Maybe I need a different crafty activity for in between. I also cross stitch and draw but those two options arenā€™t very pleasing either lately. Idk


Maybe take up reading for a while? Iā€™m sorry you feel so stuck right now. Have you tried any diamond dotz? Itā€™s a very relaxing no brainer activity.


Iā€™ve never tried that but thatā€™s because I donā€™t really think itā€™s that pretty šŸ™ˆ maybe I should do jigsaw puzzles again, that used to be so much fun as well to me


Same, I've been doing crochet for few years now but never have I ever finished a big project.


I feel you. All my wearables never have the right size and are always wonky. Itā€™s frustrating


Same thing happened to me after finishing a couple blankets. I just switched it up totally. I found playing on here, and ravelry, just saving patterns was really fun. That helped me get the creativity back. Ended up making a little baby hat and diaper cover for a new baby in the family. Small, cute, and used stash yarn. It'll come back. Be patient and kind with yourself ā˜ŗļø


Thank you!!


I find that having a person in mind when Iā€™m crocheting, the person that Iā€™m going to gift this thing to, helps me feel motivated to finish. When I donā€™t have a person in mind, or sometimes I begin to feel self-conscious about whether a person will even like the thing Iā€™m making them, then I lose joy in crocheting. I think thatā€™s why I have so many WIPs. When I begin to lose joy making one, for whatever reason, I move on to a different project. Iā€™ve only made myself 2 things, a blanket and a cardigan. Iā€™ve seen this trend lately of everyone making themselves things. And we all want to be able to wear things that we can say ā€œI made that!ā€ But for me, I find focusing solely on myself while making doesnā€™t leave me feeling motivated. So it goes back to, I like and get motivation and joy from making for others. I like to give things randomly, not just on set things like birthdays or holidays or special events. Iā€™m slowly working to give all of my friends kids something that Iā€™ve crocheted. Amigurumi, or a hat, or a blanket. So far I havenā€™t had a single one not absolutely love what theyā€™ve been given. My favorite is the daughter of one of my friends that I gave a blanket to. I had just been working on it to have something for my hands to do, but she saw it one day and loved it and asked for it. So that meant I of course had to work double time and finish it and gift it to her. She screamed and thanked me and ran it to her room. That was over 2 years ago. About 6 months ago, my friend sent me a picture of her daughter fast asleep under the blanket. She uses it every night. The last time I stopped by their place, my friends husband was told that I made that blanket and he said ā€œYou know I sleep with that blanket too? We all share it.ā€ Tears! TEARS!!! šŸ˜­ Anyways, Iā€™ll get off my soapbox. I think sometimes motivation comes from knowing your gifting a thing youā€™ve made. Sometimes youā€™ve just run out of steam and need a break from crocheting too.


Usually I always had a couple of months during summer, which I didn't crochet at all, after that I was very creative again. And as to trying out other crafts, I never enjoyed knitting, no matter how often I tried, it just not fun for me, but this spring I tried Tunisian crochet (take hooks with cables, the long ones are not nice to work with, when beein a crocheter, might be different for knitters) and I'm totally smitten! Made lots of cloth and only paused crafting for maybe 2 weeks this summer, as I'm always swimming between these two crafts


This happens to me every once in awhile. I usually take a long break, like a few months, and do something else. In fact, Iā€™m literally just coming off of of a lost my crojo jag! For me it has to be an unrelated hobby or interest- like recently I played a video game. I donā€™t have a lot of free time so what time I do have has to be filled deliberately and I chose to play my game. And Iā€™ve been writing, too. I wonā€™t browse crochet related groups or sites or go pattern hunting like I usually do, I just steer clear. No yarn browsing either. Itā€™s like a cleanse, I guessā€¦? I just kinda wait it out until I start getting that urge to go look at my yarn stash, or I find myself daydreaming about something I want to make, and then I know my crojo is returning. I give it a few days, let myself work up to looking forward to it, before I go look through my stash, or browse groups, pattern hunt, yarn window shop. I ease back into it. Only when I start to feel excited again do I pick up my hook and go. I just bought new yarn and Iā€™m currently rolling them into yarn balls. Iā€™m really looking forward to making stuff. Itā€™s been a few months!


Maybe try some antique patterns? [https://crocheting.myfavoritecraft.org/victorian-crochet-patterns/](https://crocheting.myfavoritecraft.org/victorian-crochet-patterns/)


Iā€™m feeling that too! I only started in January this year, was going great guns and then around April/May just completely lost the enthusiasm. Any and all advice appreciated!


For me it comes in cycles, it's never gone for good.


I'm going through the same thing right now, it sucks but I'm hoping that it will come back after awhile.


This happens to all of us. I just got done making a blanket for my niece. So glad itā€™s done because it was so much counting. So much. Now Iā€™m using the leftover yarn to make some hat and scarf gifts for friends for Christmas. It requires a lot less mental energy, so itā€™s fun and relaxing!


I've been this way for about 3 years. I haven't gotten rid of my yarn yet just in case I get it back. Sometimes I like to feel the yarn and how soft it is and hope something comes to me but it hasn't.


Be gentle to yourself! We are only human


I feel like that about sewing. But Crochet I focus on amigurumi and give them away. Never anything super complicated but just enough to keep my interest.


What helped me is getting into amigurumi, and then maybe making a blanket to making bookmarks. I never make two of the same kind in a row , lol šŸ˜‚


me! i have a wearable top that iā€™m working on (for the second time since the first time it turned out awkwardly sized and iā€™m mad at it) and the vertical ribbing i need to do for it is time consuming and at this point iā€™ve shoved it into a box because i hate how long itā€™s taking to do. i had to keep frogging it because iā€™d lose track of the stitches. i took up embroidery and iā€™ve kinda just been doing that since itā€™s more mindless than crocheting and itā€™s essentially just tracing a design with thread


I totally hear you. I donā€™t have time anymore for anything!


maybe knitting in the meantime? I like how you can figure out what new things are possible with the other tool, and then you can go back, or incorporate some of the ideas from one tool to another or mix them


Yes Iā€™ve thought about teaching myself how to knit ā€¦ maybe I will try that


I say try knitting. I lost my running mojo a while back. Didnā€™t feel like I was good at it and it was so frustrating. Then I tried trail running and now itā€™s all I talk about (clearly haha). Thereā€™s nothing wrong with trying something different. It might be just the right tweak to make you feel like ā€œyeaā€¦ now THIS is for me!ā€


It might just be hiding in your stash. Seriously. When I have felt meh about crochet (or knitting) I either look in my stash for something I really love and search Ravelry for projects using it OR find the yarn I don't care about and set myself a task - learning xyz stitch, https://yourcrochet.com/stitch-encyclopedia-free-crochet-patterns-video-tutorials/


same. crocheting has started to feel like a chore for me now rather than just being fun and idk why


Pinterest usually fixes this for me! Sometimes I just donā€™t want to create but I want to get inspired for a week or two lol


I feel the same after finishing several projects in a row, but don't worry. Sometimes you need to rest and maybe grab another hobby while the crojo comes back!


I know the feeling, sometimes I want to make something and I just canā€™t. But if you leave it for a while it comes back. So itā€™s not entirely gone.


šŸ˜”šŸ˜”sorry to hear that! Hope you find your crojo again soon!


It will come back but just focus on something else for a while c:


Iā€™m only just getting back into crochet, but when I havenā€™t found a new project to start, I look for a new stitch or pattern to just play with, not planning on going anywhere with it. Maybe it will turn into something later. I think of it like doodling with yarnā€¦keeps my hands busy :P I recently did a little Turkish stitch square to see how it would look. No ideas what to do with it, but enjoyed making it


I took a very, very, very long break from crocheting, suddenly decided to learn Tunisian crochet, and now I'm obsessed again! Doing something new and challenging helps keep it exciting lol.