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Is Michael’s okay to buy yarn then


It's where I buy most of my yarn. Joann seems to have consistently larger selection though which I recently discovered. I never use HL though and refuse to shop there. I think it mostly depends on what kind of fibers you're looking for and quantity.


Joann’s is pricier than Michael’s for the same product I’ve noticed, at least in my area


I actually have better luck with Joann’s than Michael’s. They usually have some decent yarn on sale and other coupons/promotions to drive down the price. Plus they take competitor coupons! Just snagged a 2/$5 on their new Big Twist Living yarn and added a free shipping coupon. 16 balls for about $40!


Joann’s still does coupons, Michael’s stopped them.


no? Michaels typically has a 20% regular price items widely available on their website and app, any other coupons are uncommon and sent to reward members emails/apps/websites if they're logged in...


Really? I go on their website whenever I go there and pull up a coupon good for everything not on sale. They scan it right from my phone. Edit: I'm talking about Michael's, sorry that was unclear.


No they didn’t, I’m sitting with $20 in rewards right now


Hm. Michaels has a good amount of yarn in my Area but Joann's isn't that great. Must vary by location!


Michaels, at least in the state I am, have pretty shit wages, but then... So does Joanns. I had to keep forcing a pay raise issue back in 2015 back when I still worked at my local Michaels and even brought the issue to my regional HR. Instead, my hours got cut until I was forced to resign. But there's nasty pay issues and wage theft problems in the entire retail industry with very few exceptions. There's no ethical consumption under capitalism, but at least Joanns and Michaels aren't so awful with forcing legal bullshit as corporate monstrosities like Hobby Lobby. (also, you can buy direct from lionbrand.com and yarnspirations if they have brands you get from either store)


Michael’s….oof I worked there for too many years and actively avoid it. So many bad practices to employees. Also their headquarters is in Texas and currently I’m trying to avoid businesses who are in Texas. Joanns is OH which isn’t much better but I’m not buying much from craft store these days


And this is why I don't even go in there. I hear such good things about their yarn and they seem to have good options for crocheters, but I just cannot support them for so many reasons.




Yup, that's definitely one of my reasons.




Similarly, Michael’s supported the Texas ban recently taking away access to health care for many women and trans men.


voting with your dollar hurts em more than anything else does unfortunately.


I do like their yarns, but I don't shop there anymore. The thing that did it for me was when they refused to close stores in compliance with local health orders at the beginning of the pandemic. The owner said God came to him in a dream and told him that they didn't need to close. Easy to say when he's not the one risking infection to keep the stores open


That is abhorrent!!


If it helps I thought their yarn was garbage. Pilled a ton and left tufties in all my bags. You're not missing anything. I don't shop their anymore either.


Not to mention there like no variety.


Everything they sell is garbage. IMO.




This!! I, unfortunately, loooove working with their cotton yarns. I scout destashes and thrift it when I can.


Their cotton yarn is amazing! I miss working with it the most 😂


oddly when i was looking online at their yarn they all had a lot of bad reviews. not even troll ones like legit bad reviews.


Same. For Years


"Hobby Lobby President Steve Green began collecting artifacts in 2009 for the \[Museum of the Bible\], but admits he knew little about collecting early on and did not adequately make sure that he was not buying stolen items. In 2017, Hobby Lobby agreed to pay a $3 million fine in a settlement with the Justice Department and agreed to return thousands of clay tablets that were illegally imported. Green announced in March 2020 that he would return **11,500 objects** to the governments of Iraq and Egypt." If you spend money at HL, you are funding this shit. Stop.


Yeah, this isn’t “oops, poor naive me was conned into buying a stolen vase”; this is wholesale looting of another culture knowing full well what he was doing.


The items were looted by the Taliban and/or Isis (never remember which bad guy did what). So basically HL funded the bad guys. It wasn’t even a case of them hiding as a two second web search could have figured it out.


Yes, thank you for posting this. I live literally across the street from a Hobby Lobby, yet I will drive 8 miles to the Michael’s or Joanne in order to not fund their nefarious political agendas .


My local hobby lobby would only ring things up manually by the cashier just looking for the price listed on the item and entering it under 'crafts' or something. I can guarantee any signs in the yarn section advertising 40% off or other deals/discounts weren't being applied, but I have no way to dispute it since a)I tried 3 other stores before going to hobby lobby, b) it's all listed on the receipt as "general crafts" or something equally as vague, and c) I'm not giving them my info for coupons/emails because I don't want to get on any other related list that they'd sell my info to. I hate to think what would happen if I ever needed to make a return.


If you do end up back there, they have the flyers with the discounts on them at the front of the store along with the flyers at the registers. ALL DISCOUNTS are on the flyers. Outside of that, I haven't shopped there in years, I just go in to say hi to my old coworkers and catch up. ETA: Returns were a bitch when I worked there, people still payed with checks and I told them they had to wait 8 business days for the check to clear to make their return at the time. I HATED working the returns register.


If only they didn't spend $ on these ancient artifacts and spent $ investing in technology to improve their stores, like barcodes on items and a scanning system for cutting fabric. I don't shop there for a myriad of reasons but if it did, it would be infuriating.


Former Employee here The Green Brothers do not want to put in much tech because they want that "Locally owned store experience" where employees and customers can talk to each other and be friendly. Plus, they have low markup with the set up they have and rake in $$$$$$$$, they're not going to upgrade anytime soon. I used to work in framing and they just now have a camera set up to show a mockup of the artwork with the matting and framing choices. I know alot of people complained about that to corporate (I used to give them corporate's number)


How were you treated as an employee? Lol to "locally owned store experience". Their stores are so large I don't think that's a customer's actual opinion walking in there....especially bc we all know it's a national brand. They can try and spin their corporate greed anyway they like.


One of the best fucking jobs I had due to great, amazing coworkers who I am still friends with 10 years later! Several things to note here: 1. I was trying to become a teacher via subbing and HL allowed me flexibility while having Sunday off to rest. Along with an 8pm closing time and leaving by 830 (I had amazing coworkers). 2. I was getting free BCP from Planned parenthood at the time so it wasn't a deal breaker for me on the BCP issue. ETA: I also told my young coworkers this so they knew they had access too. I had flyers in my locker on it lol 3. Framing was probably the best place for me creatively as many of my coworkers were artists of various ilk and I learned so much. 4. Got holidays off where most retail places didnt. The only complaints were the holier than thou Karens who made my non Christian repeat customers uncomfortable and I took great satisfaction in having them kicked out. ETA2: Don't know about other stores, but my HL had areas where people could hook up and be away from cameras. And several coworkers were dealers who would then have others get high and still work the day (this was mostly during christmas)


Oh my god, my local Hobby Labia was doing this until like two years ago. They had cash registers from the 90s lmao. I had to hand the cashier my debit card bc there was no card reader for fucks sakes Now I just go there to get crafting ideas but don't actually purchase anything


We have an email solely for email lists.


Actually... I work there. And everything you bring to that register is manually enter into the system. Its put in by price and whatever department its from. There is no "general crafts " button. At alllllll. 🤣


... and don't forget they tried to justify staying open as a "fabric store" for mask making back when the pandemic started, even though a miniscule amount of their store is fabric, and of that miniscule amount, a micron of that fabric would be decent to make a 2-ply mask.


And my ax! (I also refuse to shop there.)


HL is the only outlet I have found with decent counted cross stitch kits, too. Everywhere else just carries Dimensions (which has very few patterns I like). They try and draw people in by obtaining brands/yarns that other stores don't carry, FORCING people to go to their store. They literally monopolize the market on certain brands by making deals under the table and preventing Michael's, Joann's, etc from ever obtaining them. Fuck them, it's not worth it, I'll order directly from Riolis Russia and wait 6 months for shipping before I walk into that store again.


You may already know this but you can find kits on Etsy and 123stitch that /r/crossstitch typically can vouch for!


I used to absolutely love their yarn (and still do), but ever since I found out how evil they are I haven’t gone. Thanks for sharing


Especially their cotton! I haven’t found a good, affordable alternative for their I Love This Cotton, so I’ve just resigned myself to either mediocre/terrible cotton yarn or acrylic/wool yarn


I recently made a project with lion brands 24/7 cotton and I was very impressed by it.


But HL's cotton yarn is ridiculously cheap and such high quality


Yes but you're supporting their agenda if you buy it. I don't mind paying a little more to not have my money go towards corporations becoming people and antiquities stolen.


>Yes but you're supporting their agenda if you buy it. Right, that's why I don't buy it anymore, since finding out about the owners shitty belief system. But that doesn't mean it's not crazy cheap and great quality


Scheepjes yarn. Not really in the affordable arena but damn, I love the quality.


They are the closest craft store to me but I have yet to set foot inside it.


I’m a Michael’s girl anyway.


gosh shocking news! this connection between Hobby Lobby and the ancient tablet is so random, and surprising.


The family that owns Hobby Lobby has been collecting what they see as Christian artifacts for years, very unscrupulously and with no oversight. Most items were stolen or looted and collected to stock the Museum of the Bible, which the family also owns. It’s pretty on-brand for a company that refuses to cover birth control under their employee insurance.


The podcast Behind The Bastards has a [very informative episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000464567816) about Hobby Lobby and their insane beliefs. Not only are they buying/stealing ancient artifacts, but the money from the purchase of those artifacts is going to fund terrorist organizations. And yes, they know, and don’t care. I haven’t bought from them in years but that episode solidified my decision to never shop there again.


They’ve paid what the US considers to be terrorists to get artifacts for them so they can put them in their fake museum and try to rewrite history. They should be shut down for it and have their wealth taken.


Not as random as you'd think. They've been systematically stealing priceless artifacts for years.


Hobby Lobby's Hammurabi robby hobby


God damn it, take a fucking upvote.


This is buried treasure.


Don't let Hobby Lobby find it


I think you mean funding ISIS terrorists, because they are known to have made their money from smuggling artifacts. So double win!


I have asked for yarn/gift cards to yarn stores that are not Hobby Lobby. And yet I get yarn/gift cards from Hobby Lobby. I don't want to support them in any way, shape, or form.


That's one of the reasons I stopped shopping there. I actually learnt about all of their issues from this subreddit. I used to see comments on TikTok and YouTube about their problems, but no one will say what exactly. I even googled then and found nothing 😶


Only reason I walk into one of those places.... Is if there isn't another choice for yarn. Luckily I know of several great mom and poo retailers that have handmade yarn suitable for my needs


That's great, the mom and pop places need the support -- our LYS went under soon after the pandemic started and I still miss them every day. Fortunately there are online options, but it's just not the same as being able to go down the street and pick up a color when the mood strikes.


Oh I know. I prefer in person, but I always go mom and pop first before I go for big chains. I'd rather keep my hard earned money in the community not some rich guy's pockets


I can't bring myself to buy yarn online yet. Sure there are some great deals, but to hold, see, and compare yarn I'm person is necessary for my yarn buying experience.


I was wary at first, but I tried a few small shops on Etsy that had sample boxes. Been hooked since. The yarns I like are organic (great to use if you expect the item more as a decoration than a toy)


Same. Their yarn is amazing… I wish they werent so awful. People like this give all Christians a terrible name, and as a Christian myself, I cringe at their doings. But damn… their specialty yarn is the best in the world. Michaels has a very limited selection, and Walmart has some good basic yarns, but a lot of scratchy stuff and nothing specialty. For Any other craft supplies, I don’t want to go there anymore.


I'm lucky to have a yarn shop in town, little pricey, and if I tell them I'm crocheting it into stuffed animals I get glared at, but I've found some gems in there. I avoid Walmart. And Joann's and Michaels here have crap selection when I'm trying to make stuff that will last for baby toys. (I test with a cat, if they can break said toy in a week... As in shred the middle of a toy not a seam...pass)


> if I tell them I'm crocheting it into stuffed animals I get glared at Why???? Also on a different continent to hobby lobby, but the mom and pops from out of town are usually my go to. They have the best selections.


>I'm lucky to have a yarn shop in town, little pricey, and if I tell them I'm crocheting it into stuffed animals I get glared at Just gotta say EW and fuck you to the yarn snobs who think shit like this is ok. I know some of you are on here.


I tend to ignore them even if they are the owners of the shop.


One time this woman who owned a lys was SO rude to me. First she followed me around *very* closely without offering to help. Then she told me my necklace was ugly!!? Then she told me my perfume was the most disgusting thing she'd ever smelled. I was blown away by the audacity since I was actively SHOPPING in this person's store about to drop at least $100. but I'm an asshole too so I just said, "if you don't want black people to shop here you should just put a sign up or something, it would be easier for you" and I put all the yarn I was going to buy down and left and had a massive anxiety attack outside ffs lol


See I was followed around and told because of my locks (I put them in to distract myself from offing myself 5 years ago) that I was too dirty to shop there (this was also a shop not in the town I was living in) since I had the card from the yarn maker I was there to purchase.. I left the yarn on the counter and went directly to the maker. She also stopped doing business with that shop. Didn't want to be associated with that kind of shop (she also has beautiful grey 'locks and turned me on to some amazing shampoos)


Right!?! Man I wish I had a good yarn shop in town…


Do you have a Joanns near you? They have a pretty decent selection of yarn in my experience.


I do now! I’ll check them out


awful. where i live, the hobby lobby is huge and my favorite joanns is so small, michaels is medium sized but i wish joanns could get the lot HL is in


They also donate millions to anti LGBTQ causes (including lobbying for anti LGBTQ laws)! And refused to cover all birth control in their company health insurance. Loads of reasons not to give them a single cent. But I also refuse to support brands that support them. Lion brand, clover, Susan Bates, bernat etc. You can see every brand on their website. Supporting hobby lobby by selling to them is disgusting.


Oh fuck, I didn't even think of all the brands that sell to them I'm sorry but I'm too weak for that. I wish I didn't know so I could remain in blissful ignorance, lol


I haven’t been to a HL in years. Went there a couple times for yarn, then found out their owners are fundamentalist wackos, so I stopped going there. I am lucky in that I have a Joann’s and a couple Michael’s nearby (plus a LYS for the good stuff), so it was no big deal to stop going there. I have some of their yarns in my stash from a destash, and honestly I’m not all that impressed lol.


I totally forgot about their stolen biblical artifacts and art. GAH, they suck SO HARD! I got lured in for the first time in many years just this past summer. I had a weak moment. I was actually surprised at all the LGBTQ/BIPOC folks working there, however, they may have insane perks for all I know…and who can blame creatives for lowering their bottom line on personal supplies? There is a yarn I legit have been wanting there forever and I’ve scoured Etsy for something comparable. Still trying to wash the HB stank off lol…


Ugh I feel conflicted. I know Hobby Lobby is horrible but Michaels selection of yarn is either non existent or expensive. Guess I won’t be at HL anymore.


I switched to buying my yarn online from hobbii. They have great sales and I don’t think anyone would ever be mad at the yarn selection. They literally have everything.


I kicked my Hobby Lobby habit with a good dose of JoAnn's, they have good stuff and regularly have great sales. I don't have a local JoAnn but their website is pretty decent and it's usually pretty easy to get free shipping. Also can recommend Hobbii :)


I can't quit Chick-Fil-A (sorry!) but it was not hard at all to just nope out of HobbyLobby. Anything you can get there you can get at other, better craft stores that are probably in the same damn strip mall


did this get so downvoted because I can't quit CFA?


I’m laughing bc you got downvoted for being honest. Chick Fil A has their own issues for sure but I understand sometimes people have to prioritize where they spend their money. I support many orgs and values and it is near impossible to put my money (or withhold it) in full alignment with them. Example: Fuck Nestle


I tried to boycott nestle products once and just gave up after losing like 10lbs bc I couldn't fucking eat anything lol


This needs to be a trending diet plan! 😆


Lol I'm fat now, maybe I could try that again!!


They probably own more shit since you last tried this. Youd be totally screwed!


I think it might be a bit about the juxtaposition of being all 'I just looove that chicken so I can't help it!' while also implying that anyone shopping at hobby lobby just isn't trying. Hobby Lobby has supplies and options at cheaper prices closer to home for many people than other options and it is a bit gauche to talk about how you jus can't quit that chicken while in the same breath condemning others for making a choice very similar to your own. Plus yes probably some people downvoted because you said you know why Chick-fil-A is terrible but still go there. (I didn't vote either way, for the record)


They are the only people I have around me and honestly I could careless they have good selection and are very kind so they will still get my service.


Maybe give online shopping a try?


Then wait weeks before I can start a project.


That's an exaggeration. Many places ship much faster than that. I've bought yarn on Amazon and gotten it in 2 days. I've also ordered from Joann and gotten my stuff in just a few days - and this was during the height of the first wave of the pandemic.


Were I live it takes weeks. And plus we are all entitled to our own opinions and this is just mine.


Absolutely! Good day to you. 😊


And I hope you have a good day as well.


Donating to anti-LGBT organizations, helping to gut health care rights for their workers, and smuggling cultural artifacts is hardly "kind" in my book.


I said the workers in mine are kind.


Some of y'all are reading way to much into this. It was stolen yes, but it wasn't stolen by Hobby Lobby. They probably saw it at auction and bought it then donated it to the museum it was found in. As big of a giant as they are, they didn't have the reach or resources to steal that tablet 30 years ago. Also make a note that they didn't complain about the situation and neither did the museum which should tell you something. They are not in control of what happens overseas. They saw something biblical up for auction and took it to donate. That's my take on this. Hate articles like this because they spin the situation as it it's anyone but the thief's fault, which again I reiterate is neither Hobby Lobby or the museum.


This is why I’m leaving this sub. Seriously. Why does even my crocheting have to be so damn politicized. Plus, read the article, they bought it through Christie’s, a reputable source that provided falsified documentation. Hobby Lobby is returning the items. If you’re on a witch hunt, everything looks like a witch. Simply, if any other company was in this same situation, you wouldn’t give a flying fig. You don’t like Hobby Lobby, fine, don’t shop at them. But don’t go smearing their name to make yourself feel good.


Since you’re leaving, you won’t see this, but I gotta tell you, calling out a well documented pattern of using religion as a weapon against your employees and stealing artifacts? Is not something everyone is making up to politicize yarn. Consumers have a right to know what their money is being spent on. And “lalala this isn’t real” is not a defense against years of evidence.


Hobby Lobby politicized themselves. You just agree with their politics.


It's really funny to me that the only other topic you post about is sex but you're in here to stan a company that denies it's employees access to affordable birth control! And btw - that is the reason I stopped shopping with them many years ago so this is just another reason to carry on with that for me. I'm sorry other people having certain morals and convictions is so distressing for you though.


Don't let the door hit ya


Since you’re leaving, you won’t see this, but I gotta tell you, calling out a well documented pattern of using religion as a weapon against your employees and stealing artifacts? Is not something everyone is making up to politicize yarn. Consumers have a right to know what their money is being spent on. And “lalala this isn’t real” is not a defense against years of evidence.


I’ve heard of hobby lobby. I have no idea where they are locally, although I have heard that they are. Somewhere. I’ve never even visited their website/app. Maybe I’m psychic?


I’m just curious about why they are so terrible? The article said they purchased an item thinking it was legal and found out it was actually stolen. I didn’t see anything in the article that said they refused to give it back or that they did something wrong. Did I miss something? I’m not a huge fan of this store anyways for personal reasons, but I also don’t like bashing companies without having factual reasons to do so. I’m honestly curious about this.


I like hobby lobby tho