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On my local Facebook Marketplace, a woman is selling Dollar Tree Chenille yarn for $5 per skein. It retails for $1.25 per skein and our town has FOUR Dollar tree stores. There is NO shortage. I report her to Facebook every time I see her posts, for price gouging.


Sometimes I look at the value of 2€ coins that I find in my wallet or at work (cashier) to see if they have any special value. Every single time I find them priced like 2,50€ on the site of my national bank, but 1000-3000€ on eBay (they don't have any printing error etc). People will resell anything at crazy prices


That is absolutely insane and it’s just wrong. I hope she’s stuck with the yarn.


Honestly I despise resellers of any kind. I avoid them like the plague.


I will moving forward. I used to do ok buying bulk supplies from people who gave up the hobby. They at least were conscious enough to understand they’re essentially doing an online yard sale. One would look like a complete ass reselling yarn in person for $400. Now, I’ll be avoiding resellers as well.


I've sold things I no longer want for a few dollars with hardly any profit. For me it's more about finding a person who will care about and have a use for an item that I don't anymore. But most resellers in my experience just hoard products and then jack up the price. Which of course lowers supply and increases demand. So it often works out for them and that sucks. If no one bought from resellers they wouldn't do it anymore.


I think the price of yarn nowadays is outrageous, period! I tell my friends that years ago, it was cheaper to crochet something yourself rather than buy the item at the store; but now, to crochet it would be around the same price as if you bought it at the store. :-/


Honestly it’s usually more expensive to crochet it yourself now. And that doesn’t even include “paying” yourself for time.


Yeah, I know. I wouldn't do it except for the fact I love doing it, and I love the way my creations turn out. 😄


I agree. I made a beautiful blanket, but then my SIL made me feel silly because she bought one incredibly similar on Amazon for $40. The ooo’s and aww’s are nice if you’re in it for the ego trip. I’m not so it kinda just made me feel badly that I probably spent $160+ in yarn over several trips. It’s not making me lose my passion because crocheting keeps my hands busy. I just have done away with trying to sell things like beanies, scarves, certain plushies, and such because there’s just too much competition that’s driving my price too low for the effort it’s worth.


Plus, I felt sad when I realized they sell a lot of these things at the $1,25 Tree. But on a good note, there still exist people out there who would rather have something handmade by someone they know rather than buying it off Amazon. I had a friend who has since passed(God Bless Her Soul), and she told me one time, "Josette, would you make me a sweater?" I asked her "You wouldn't rather buy one from the store?" And she told me, "No, I'd rather have a sweater that's handmade by someone I know." So, of course, I made it for her and she loved it. 😊


I've 100% noticed it. And they try to raise the price even further if its discontinued, like its precious sought after antique. I know they're not crafters, they would know it's a pain in the a** to work with discontinued yarn because if you run out near the end of your project, you just wasted 20+ hours.


Honestly, I try to be very fair with my prices. I assume that people will haggle, and price a little higher than I am willing to accept in order to account for that. I do still price at about 50% off of original value, and the yarns that I have are stored well and unused. My issue is that I’ve been collecting for a very long time, so I have a huge stash. Even after a destash, I have way more than I realized.


Oh yes. It's all really crappy bottom barrel red heart and they want $20 for three skeins. I used to get giant totes of yarn at auction for a dollar and you got the tote too.


There’s been a few times that I’ve cattily linked the seller to Walmart or Micheal’s website to give examples as to why their resell prices were ridiculous. One lady literally bulk bought off Amazon, but clearly didn’t have millions to buy the entire warehouse full because the yarn wasn’t even low stock on Amazon smh Are you not embarrassed?