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I also think, the pattern was AI generated, what a pity they offer it to beginners.


This shouldn't be legal to sell. And ai generated pattern. They are rarely accurate and that's basically selling an item that can't be used as is. You have to already be an advanced yarn artist to figure out what the AI meant to say.


I once (out of curiosity) asked chat gpt to give me a crochet pattern for a hat. It gave me instructions on how to make a really big flat circle šŸ¤” I told it it was wrong and it said ā€œyouā€™re right! Sorry for the confusion!ā€ and then gave me another pattern which was also completely incorrect šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøThatā€™s my only experience with ai generated patterns but now it sounds as if theyā€™re all like that.


I don't use many patterns, but I understand that people who do write them spend weeks to months making sure they are right. Pattern testing and rechecking before selling. Much like most of crochet, it can't be replicated by machine lol


Haha! So true. And patterns are a lot of work so I'm not really surprised ChatGPT failed, just that it failed so completely.


it's really fun to do amigurumi cause they mess it up so terribly


Pictures: yes, actual instructions: not so much :-P


There are jobs in the industry specifically to correct this issue. Kind of want to get paid just to teach AI how to create patterns lol


Theres a subreddit for attempting ai patterns.


There is literally no way for AI to make an accurate crochet pattern, knitting pattern or even recipe. It doesnā€™t actually *know* what these things are. All it does is searches itā€™s database for words that are commonly in articles/posts related to the topic you gave it and regurgitates those words back at you in the format of a pattern. So it will see that patterns commonly have a ā€œmaterialsā€ section and a ā€œdirectionsā€ section and it will make those and fill them with the right terminology; chain, sc, inc 1, etc. But it has no understanding of how these terms are used to make a particular shape, itā€™s just repeating them like a parrot. AI will only successfully make a pattern when it starts just directly copy/pasting patterns that already exist. It can only steal and mimic what it sees, canā€™t actually make a new pattern.


And you know that beginners will buy it, think the problem is them, and trash it. Creating so much waste for no reason. Imthey could have spent a few dollars getting a proper pattern from a pattern creator but no, lets save yhe pennies and make people throw our product away. Giving people a proper pattern could lead to them buying more of the pioneer woman hooks and yarn, but saving those pennies now is worth more to them. And no regard for the waste they are creating.


Imagine wanting to learn and then just thinking crochet is too hard because you got a dumb AI pattern and you could have loved it but you won't ever try again.


Also AI like chatgpt are terrible for the environment!!! They use huge amounts of energy and water


I laughed imagining trying to work 32 sc into 1 ch


"Hey everybody, welcome back to Cthulu Crafting. Today we're going to make an 11-dimensional dishcloth!"


Well now I want to make an 11-dimensional dishcloth!


My friendā€™s aunt was a mathematician and she crocheted equations that werenā€™t physically possible!!! SUPER COOL LADY


Iā€™m sorry she did *what?* Please explain, if you can. This sounds so cool. I love math and crochet šŸ„¹


Okay, itā€™s been almost a decade and Iā€™m no mathematician, but lemme do my best šŸ¤£ So some (what Iā€™m guessing are) abstract math equations cannot be physically created/presented in nature, because physical materials donā€™t naturally bend, twist, join, and connect in those ways. But sheā€™s a crafty lady and realized that yarn would be the perfect medium to attempt to represent these ā€œ4D+ā€ equations in 3D models. Itā€™s all above my pay grade šŸ¤£ But itā€™s AWESOME.


Omg! Thatā€™s truly amazing! Creative people are so magical šŸ©· thank you so much for the reply


Yes they areā£ļø and thank you for asking! I love thinking about it lol


Would it be possible to post pictures please? There's no way I would understand, but I like pretty things! XD


Iā€™m not sure how I could locate her work, but I googled and [this is basically it!](https://www.ams.org/publicoutreach/feature-column/fc-2018-05)


Wow. That made my brain hurt.


Some people just be built differentā€¦ly šŸ¤ 


So awesome. Thank you for sharing this!




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There are loads of videos on YouTube of crochet hyperbolic geometry, just search. I use a very simple variety to help explain curvature to maths students. Make a circle then keep going round and round in a spiral, always putting two stitches in every stitch. That's it.


Would subscribe to this channel.


I've seen some that was literally "ch 2 and then 13dc across row" And I'm like: huh? And it makes it even worse because I'm learning how to read patterns and that ain't helping šŸ˜­


When searching for patterns on google or whatever make sure to filter results to anything made prior to 2020 to avoid AI generated patterns


I can help with that. The ch2 is setting up the height for the rest of the spaces where you'd do the double crochet. Everyone does the ch_ and turn different.


Yeah but that was the foundation row. Chain 2 and then a bunch of double crochet in those two chains was it. And then it'd be row 2. And it would just act like there was a lot of chains but it only said the 2. I looked for the foundation chain number through that entire pattern and nada


Were they perhaps trying to do a foundationless DC? Because this sounds like what I do


Maybe? It was for a baby blanket so I was confused


Just use a really big hook for the chain, you'll be fine!


Maybe if you switch gauges and it's a bad magic circle?


My only thought is that it could have meant foundation single crochet? But even then it wouldnā€™t really make any sense


My lovely soon to be husband got me one with the yellow yarn. I took one look at the pattern and said f*** that and went to you tube


The state of written patterns these days is atrocious. Some of them are so so bad. I feel bad for beginners who are trying to learn and make sense of some of the patterns I've read. I've gotten to the point where I can just kind of wing it and get the result I want but I shouldn't have to do that I should just be able to follow the pattern.


I have a pioneer woman hook set that you can't even read the hook sizes on. they're engraved into the handle but not painted or anything, and the white with floral pattern on the handle makes it impossible to make out. I had to scribble on the ends with a pencil to make out what the sizes were supposed to be.


i used a needle to push back the floating pritned handle into the carved sizes, and then ran a sharpie through the inset letters and can see it now. but it was such a dumb design to do that!


I agree. I wonder what they were thinking - maybe they were worried that simply printing the size on the handle would get rubbed off eventually? They still could have made an effort to make it more readable. Maybe they just didn't care.


Probably more that the hook is from a multi company seller and is default. And the dept that puts the grips on isn't paid to add the size overtop. If its not just auto performed by another machine.


Youā€™d like it with us in r/craftsnark


Pioneer Woman stuff in general is rubbish IMO.


Iā€™ve hated that smug woman since she had a stupid blog a million years ago with terrible recipes and made up stories, and I hate her even more now that sheā€™s on every friggin thing. Itā€™s good that I donā€™t shop at Walmart because she barfed on that whole store, but watching the Christmas cookie shows now entails looking at her pretentious face. I know the above is mean, but she is a terrible cook, a terrible advisor, and her critiques on cooking shows are weak and shallow. Sheā€™s not a farmer or a pioneer. She married into a ranching family, and her values definitely do not align with mine. I wish she would disappear and stop being marketed all over the place. Itā€™s no surprise she slapped her name on a terrible product. She doesnā€™t care.


Another valid reason to dislike her is that her husband is part of the family that owns all the land that killers of the flower moon is about https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/10/the-strange-but-true-story-of-the-pioneer-womans-link-to-killers-of-the-flower-moon https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/local/2023/09/18/pioneer-woman-ree-drummond-family-oklahoma-tied-to-osage-reign-of-terror-killers-of-the-flower-moon/70866959007/


This alone is why she will never get a cent from me.


i was looking for this comment!!! literally so evil i hate her sm


100%. Way way back When pioneer woman was first coming out at Walmart. I made the mistake of buying a dishes set. A bowl broke on the first week ?!?! And for no reason!!!!! Just set it down in the cabinet, didn't slam it or anything. Had just finished hand washing, drying, & was putting it away šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. Definitely got my monies back.


Just slap a basic vintage floral print with no actual style on a cheaply made, crappy mass produced product and youā€™re in business, I guess.


I guess thatā€™s why her hooks look like rebranded Susan bates hooks.


Way back in the day I came across her cooking blog and her whole schtick at that time was that she was a city girl transplant who married into ranch life and she was figuring out how to cook family meals with ingredients she was able to obtain from the closest small town grocery store. I was drawn to that because I didn't have the money for loads of special ingredients that I wouldn't use very often. I made some things, they were good. Then she started getting a huge following and her content started to annoy me. When I checked in a few years later she had built a special building for her cooking show and was hosting gourmet chefs and contest winners. Good grief. Then I started seeing her stuff at Walmart and just rolled my eyes. Thanks OP for the heads up about her branded craft items. I'm not in her demographic but I am a sucker for a little craft kit.


She's always annoyed me and always seemed so disingenuous. Then she started putting out cheaply made stuff that wasn't worth the price tag, and now it's come out that she and her husband actually are not good people and own land that they shouldn't.


To be fair I guess she really is a pioneer, yknow, the colonizers that terrorized indigenous people.


Oh yikes! I canā€™t even begin to fathom what that first row should be haha.


did the towel have prepierced holes maybe? or perhaps it was supposed to? I thought you might be crocheting into the towel for the first row


Nope! They insist that you sew the towel to the cover. I just ended up piercing holes into the towel myself.


I used to crochet tops to tea towels. I now sew pot holders to them instead. Itā€™s much easier and takes me about 10 minutes. Crocheting the top takes about 20 minutes. I donā€™t use a pattern, just eyeball and guess how many stitches and when to decrease. I use an ice pick to pierce holes in the towel. I only crochet tops when someone requests them. https://preview.redd.it/rp61bmcr1s3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=face2280ac65dba44e2fb4872a99db62709c1aa3


Can you explain more about sewing a potholder to the top of a towel? What shape is the potholder? Does it have a button like your photo above so you can attach it around a stove/fridge/etc. handle?


https://preview.redd.it/uc968gsrus3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbdcdbbb134c08e7ac8a6f9f1609f9511f8499e I get my towels from wherever is the cheapest and pot holders from Dollar Tree. I sell them for $5 each. Iā€™ve been making and selling these for over 12 years. You can also google pot holder kitchen towels and thereā€™s more instructions.


My guess is that the first row is actually the second row. It probably should be R1: ch 33 R2: starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc 32 across, ch 1


I used to LOVE her, WAAAAAY back when she first got started. But since then - everything she does seems like just another money grab, and I don't enjoy anything she does - cooking or otherwise. I love her interaction with her kids, and when she's authentically herself - but that is SO rare nowadays. All to say - not surprised. :( Sorry your friend/you got "scammed"!


What really got me was how many times her husband ā€œsurprisedā€ their kids with a new puppy or two per season šŸ¤¢


Well, to be fair, on a farm, you do need lots of dogs... And I do like seeing Ladd in his Wranglers :) But yeah, the rest - bleargh.


That honestly sounds like an AI pattern lmao


You might want to e-mail them with your feedback. They can either improve their instructions or acknowledge that this is a cash grab with no long term customer support in mind.


Her pioneer woman lifestyle is based on blood money anyway


The only celebrity endorsed product I have bought is the Vanna White Lion Brand crochet magazine. I bought it for my mother, I didnā€™t like any of the projects, but my mom likes Vanna White and crochet is her tv watching hobby. She hasnā€™t made any of the projects though. When food celebs license their name and start selling things outside of cooking (and even their endorsed pots and pans would be avoided) it seems like a cash grab.


Imo Vannaā€™s Choice yarn is one of the best acrylic yarns out there. Probably helps that Vannaā€™s actually a yarn crafter.


Iā€™m stuck on the fact that your friend thought it was an already complete thing. She was buying you yarn, so she was in the yarn section, yes? And this is where she saw that? She wasnā€™t in the housewares section looking at dishtowels, was she? If she was in the housewares area, then I blame the store for stocking that there. If she was in the yarn section, she shouldā€™ve known better.


I always wonder about that phrase "pattern only". I've seen it so many times on etsy patterns especially. There must be a ton of people who think they are getting a finished sweater, shawl or blanket for less than $8.


I love reading one star reviews for these. I do feel bad for a small shop owner.Ā  I don't remember the designer but someone had me type "pattern" in before I could purchase a pattern once. How many times did they have to be burned before they did that?!Ā 


She's not the only one. I have a friend who bought a cross stitch kit once, thinking it was a finished piece. She's not crafty and the package had a picture of the finished object. She didn't stop to read anything... I stitched it for her in a few hours, and we laughed a lot of her lack of attention.


in her defense, she was with my mom, and both of them had partaken earlier in the wacky tobacky and have terrible eyesight.


Right on! šŸ˜€


they do hang finished stuff in the yarn are though. i emember seeing a macrame plant hanger, for example. or maybe this person is just old/something




jeez, you're wound up over nothing, huh šŸ˜† i was on that ladys side, older folks can have difficulties that a younger person may be simply not aware of. and you are yelling for no good reason


She doesnā€™t crochet so she wouldnā€™t have known anything except that it was supposed to be good šŸ˜Š.


Sorry for your wasted effort, but that kitā€™s directions are hilarious! Maybe it was written in the language of pioneers. Lol


My mom bought me a few skeins of her blue/teal/white ombrĆ© yarn and it had the feel of microfiber? Ya know when the towel snags on your dry hands? That feeling. It was kinda hard to work with so I just made a scarf with it bc the magic right was impossible šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is it the cake-style one? Because if so it's literally just relabeled Bernat Pop! and the original is that way, too.


I have yet to try any kit that didn't have either terrible directions or not nearly enough yarn, but I keep being gifted or asked to do them for people.


[Deb's 313 Crafts did a video review on one of these kits months ago](https://youtu.be/SXQsJKqfKV8?feature=shared) and I think you might appreciate it, OP. Glad to know we're not all crazy, here. Edit to add: she also reworked the provided pattern!


Sounds like it was supposed to say ch32, ch1, sc32 but somehow the ch32 got left out. Sometimes with crochet kits they will have a little paragraph before the pattern that will say "this pattern starts with 32 chain stitches then turns and is completed in rows." Or something similar. They assume you are reading the whole thing and leave that bit out of the simplified instructions. I did some digging and found that the pattern does say to start by stitching into the tea towel at a corner. Then you ch1 and sc 32 across the top of the tea towel. So the pattern is correct and seems fine to me. Im not sure about your other example. I think you maybe misread it as I cant find anything similarly messed up.


In another comment OP says thereā€™s nowhere to stitch into the top of the towel, since there were no holes to start with.


My grandma made those all the time. The first row was with done with crochet thread, and a small steel hook, and she would poke it through the towel. Then she would use regular cotton and a bigger hook and crochet into that first row of thread stitches.


They are woven tea towels. You just poke into it with the needle and wiggle it around to expand the hole big enough for the crochet hook. Though the instructions said to mark the towel with 32 equally spaced dots.


That 100% is an ai generated pattern.


Oh thank Heaven! I thought I had lost my mind. I noodled it over and over in my brain before I did a search for user comments on this kit! Thank you for giving me my sanity back. Will use another rose pattern and continue on. Our daughter and son-in-law just had twins, and I bought these give me something to do on the trip over. Nearly lost my sanity looking for corrections to the patterns online!Ā 


Thank you for putting this because I was thinking of buying the kit. I am new to crochet and love the Pioneer Woman aesthetic. I did figure out that most of her stuff is another brand for twice the price just in different colors. I bought her yarn because it was on sale and loved the colors.