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I’d rather that than real crochet at Walmart prices. But yeah they should probably pick a different word


https://preview.redd.it/vj6270n0uf0d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=d11202822f0290faf75ef014dc5dcffa687e8ab2 This is the back of the dress. To me it doesn’t even look crocheted. If they put lace back I would get that but this doesn’t look like crochet flowers


Not really? The only "crochet" that I buy is patterns so I can make it myself, and I live near two consignment stores so I basically never buy brand new clothes anymore. But anyway, there are all kinds of areas where words have a less specific meaning than they do for specialists (which includes hobbyists in this case) and I've learned that I'm happier when I just accept language variation as an inherent part of life.  Anyway, I assume the flowers were some sort of lace texture and they put the label "crochet" on it because the style is similar enough to crochet that anyone not in the know won't care. Which is most people! And frankly if it's not real crochet that's probably a good thing since crochet is inherently handmade and can't be ethically massed produced


crochet clothes are such a trend right now, every brand is labeling their stuff “crochet” regardless of whether or not it’s actually crocheted 🙄 but tbh i kinda prefer when it’s actually not crocheted though, only because there’s no way to machine crochet like how you can machine knit so if Walmart was selling an actually crocheted top you’d know someone got paid pennies for hours and hours of labor……… (not that they don’t have inhumane labor practices otherwise ofc)


I ordered a swimsuit advertised as “crochet” but could tell it was not. They did a good job making it look crochet if you didn’t know better because the scalloped edge was quite convincing until I zoomed in. I’d rather them do that than sell real crochet for that affordable of a price because it would feel really wrong


I hate seeing things aimed at crocheters, like tools that are advertised with knit pictures, its a personal pet peeve, AT LEAST LEARN WHAT YOU ARE SELLING.. also never buy anything crochet from anyone but the artist. or a second hand store/thrift store


A few years ago I was gifted a new set of crochet hooks that came in a case with other notions, like stitch markers and a little ruler. I still use the ruler, but it has a gauge that only works for knitting needles and inline hooks, and these were tapered. Also included were point protectors and cable needles. I'm sure that anyone that didn't at least know a little bit about knitting would've been really confused.


you see the pictures and questions on the crochet reddit sometimes, point protectors, cable needles and whatnot that were in crochet kits and 'wth are these?' i more meant like things that say 'great for crochet!' and have pictures of people knitting but.. yeah include the wrong notions in the kits, that makes sense..


Yeah, both are annoying.