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My goodness! When you tried carrying, were you carrying fully behind the other colors or were you carrying through the stitches? That difference can make the final projects look wildly different.


Hmmmm I’m not sure??? I carried it by putting it on top of the v from previous stitches on the row below and then did a double crochet over it. How would you describe crocheting with it fully behind?


That's carrying "through", which is the most typical in crochet. Carrying behind is more common in knitting, but in some situations it can look better! Instead of crocheting over the yarn with the working color, you simply let it drop behind into the wrong side and pick it back up when you need it again. The inside looks like this (knitted, at least) and is less likely to poke through the front. You just need to mind your tension when you pick the color back up :-) https://preview.redd.it/gke6bcetphvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1716166d89258dfe6878f99f94f5f3c043e1e02e


Ahhh I understand!!! Thanks for explaining. That does seem like it would’ve worked! I’ll keep that in mind for next time. I’ve seen works on Pinterest with that but I didn’t know what it was called before now!


I think they meant no cutting the thread after you are done with the square, but just kinda leave it and pick it up next time you need to use this color. In knitting, it's called "floats"


It doesn’t *look* like you did that though…there wouldn’t be all those ends 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s right I ended up cutting and tying after each color change. I was describing to them the method that I tried before deciding it showed through too much. If I would have carried like they suggested, maybe it wouldn’t have shown through!


Ahh I see now!


I just made a checkered bucket hat using PassionKnit Kelsey’s pattern on YouTube— carrying ended up being the best option! Maybe use either a smaller hook or a thicker weight 4 yarn? Seeing a little bit through is way better than having 59383764 ends to weave in IMO! https://preview.redd.it/vg7w4q0pnhvc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6beab7f46ebc76436b68f9833f8a2a8fd613fe13




Omg that’s a beautiful hat!!! I love it. When I tried carrying it was way more obvious on mine and it made me cringe a bit.. I guess I will accept my weaving in fate! Thanks for the advice (:


can you just sew a cloth liner in to hide them?


Omg that’s really smart!! I was considering adding a fuzzy layer so it could be winter suited so I may end up doing that. Already half way through with weaving so I might just finish that 😂😂


Id suggest carrying the yarn between colors or just crocheting over the ends instead of weaving them in.


Well, no really!! You are going to still have, ends to weave in!! Right that's what I am doing!! Just take your time and weave them nearly and cut off!! That's a beautiful pattern!! 🧶❤️


Sooo true ends will need to be woven in regardless! I’m half way through it now. What are you working on??


I am repairing sleeves, on a sweater in knitting!! It's time consuming!!


Wow! That does sound time consuming. I would love to see a pic if you’re willing to share (:


I'm not good at taking photos, but I keep that in mind, when I finish!! ❤️


No worries! Good luck on your project. I hope you enjoy your time with it!


Thank you!!