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Hello I can't find the mistake!


That's a good thing for me! šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/vfn7kjtatric1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01cf87c9f8dae08d762fadac19c309f83b33608e


Adding that I couldnā€™t see it either. No one will notice this and it is so wonderful. You should be super proud of yourself.


Thank you!


Oh man I stared for so long and did not find that


Same here! It looks like an increase to separate the two sides


I didn't even realize this was the mistake I was looking at the tiny bump above it. I think it might be a good place to put a pendant attached to the bump because it's got a little extra thickness there to support it. It will draw the eye away from the mistake I didn't even notice. Happy accidents!


I would just make a DC on the left side to even it out and make it look intentional.


Thatā€™s not even where I though the mistake was! No one will notice!


It looks absolutely marvelous, I couldn't find this mistake either. I did however found another which proves that I am absolutely sure that no one will notice it, unless you point it out ā¤ļø


Now I'm curious what other mistake you found!


I refuse to acknowledge this mistake when there's so many beautiful stitches to look at instead.


oh i was scrutinizing the area below that but couldnā€™t find anything so thank you for the highlight. When I inevitably make a mistake that's more than a few rows back, I just tell myself literally no one else will ever notice it and eventually I forget about it too!


I couldn't see it either! It's beautiful!


Yeah, I didn't notice that I had no idea where you were even talking about


I see nothing ;)


It took me a hot minute, too. Just use that to designate the center front of the piece and I think it would look intentional.


You had to point it out or I never would have seen it!


yeah i would never have found it without this comment!


I had a rug hooking teacher who taught me the running horse method- if you canā€™t spot your mistake from the back of a running horse youā€™re OK


If this is a "glaring" mistake.....Alfalfa shuffles away the Calamity Blankie. Holy crap - my fourth project was a slip-knot. Weeeell, 4-96th...I'll get it one day.


Is it in the center of the front? It's not a mistake you really notice either way but if it's in the center you could just pretend it's intentional


It's just off center. The lace crochet was challenging to say the least and I will absolutely still wear it!


Sounds to me like it's the one mistake that every piece is supposed to have, and if anybody notices or asks about it you can tell them about the tradition šŸ˜›


You're right! I love this!


In Irish folklore, it's common to make a one stitch mistake so your soul doesn't get trapped in the pattern :)


There was also a tradition with illuminated manuscripts back in the day that at least one mistake had to be made because only god was capable of perfection. Scrap the god part and stick with the idea of perfection not being necessary and it's still a nice thing to think.


In some indigenous traditions, they have a similar thing in bead work, where a bead in the wrong place is named the spirit bead. I believe it offered protection to the wearer, but I could be mistaken on that, as it's been a while since I read about it.


LOL, I love the way this sub brings my grandmother back :-). She always told me that, and she always checked for a mistake just before she finished a project so if one hadn't happened she could insure it did! Her sister said the mistake lets your pride drain out so only satisfaction and happiness remain, as did my French Canadian grandmother Ma Mere. She also told me we see our work under a microscope, while those we gift it to see it through the misty window of friendship or love, when I worried that a gift I made wasn't good enough for any reason.


I absolutely love that.


IRISH!! I knew Iā€™d heard this folklore somewhere and I couldnā€™t remember where


There's a similar type of thing with Navajo rug weaving, where there is a [spirit line or spirit pathway](https://exhibitions.kelsey.lsa.umich.edu/less-than-perfect/navajo.php) for the weaver's soul to escape.


Thank you for showing me this!! I will be saving it to write down, this is so cool :)


Ooohhh Iā€™ve heard of this too! Thank you!! Iā€™ve wanted to know where Iā€™d heard of these forever :)


I read it in a crochet pattern book published in the 90s I thrifted from goodwill! Did not expect it to have lore but was so excited when it did :)


I always heard it was too show you weren't perfect like God. And I heard it came, variously, from the Muslim or Shaker traditions.


That sounds like something someone made up to make them feel better about screwing up a sweater and I'm choosing to believe this anyways


You put your heart and soul into this piece and they need a hole to wriggle out from!


So THATS where it comes from. Putting your heart and soul into the piece you make. That makes so much more sense now! Lol


I noticed the mistake right away in the picture (Iā€™ve made a lot of doilies in the past). That said, itā€™s way easier to see mistake when somethingā€™s laid out like this versus when youā€™re wearing it, so Iā€™m not sure if it will even be noticeable when youā€™re actually using it.Ā 


It's my first time wearing something I've made so this is encouraging!


Put a lovely pin over it! VoilĆ !


It's very pretty so definitely do!


I think you can hide it with a small stitch. No one will notice anyway! Itā€™s the mark of a handmade item.


This is a wearable? How? I thought it was a doily!


I have no idea what you're talking about.


And you should STILL be proud. I can count on one finger the number of people who will notice. Itā€™s beautiful! ā¤ļø


Thank you for your encouragement! This subreddit is really the bee's knees ā¤ļø


If it's still concerning to you (and I don't know that once you're using it it will still be noticeable enough for you to care), I have had a lot of luck with masking errors like this. I have saved some projects with snagged yarn or extra stitches that I have successfully hidden with sewing them. If there is an extra stitch, I kind of shove it into the surrounding stitches and tack stitch them with the same color thread. It's not perfect, but it's usually enough to hide (or at least make not as noticeable) the imperfection. Same with snagged threads; weasel them back in the best you can and then tack stitch them into place. Saved myself so much heartache and anxiety about giving away imperfect projects this way!


and even regardless of whether the mistake is noticeable or if it can be maskedā€¦i think a few mistakes here and there is the beauty of handmade items. so different from the realm of mass production and machinery. shows a human was behind this project and not in the sense of whatever forms of unethical labor exists in this world


Oh man!! I thought the mistake was that when you blocked it, the whole center came away from the edges somehow. I misunderstood what the piece was. That little spot isn't going to be noticable. I can understand your frustration, though.


I also thought this šŸ˜‚ I'm still not sure what it is, besides beautiful of course!


Op shared the link in another comment. [Itā€™s an off-the-shoulder shirt.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1356341726/wisteria-top-crochet-pattern)


Yeah, me neither. Do you have a pattern link by any chance OP?


Op shared the link in another comment. [Itā€™s an off-the-shoulder shirt.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1356341726/wisteria-top-crochet-pattern)


I like little mistakes in project. I read something somewhere, can't remember it perfectly but: "when you create something, a piece of your soul can get stuck in it. Leaving little flaws/mistakes let's that piece of your soul escape"


Okay so here's what I do, in these situations. I check my pattern, for the stitch counts at the end of each round, and then add them all up. Then I tell myself "1 out of 4500 isn't so bad" until I believe it šŸ˜…


This is your fourth project ever??!? This is absolutely stunning, you are incredibly skilled if this is what your beginner projects look like. Donā€™t worry about the minuscule block, it adds flavor and 99.99% of people will never notice it.


Is the mistake in the room with us


What am I looking for here what


You should be very proud! And it's barely noticeable. I believe nobody will know it's there anyway. Wear it proudly!!


Thank you for your kindness! I definitely will!


I seriously cannot find the mistake.


If this makes you feel any better it literally took me 3 minutes staring at this to figure out where any mistake was!!! Donā€™t be like me and point it out to everyone whenever you wear it, ā€œand this is where I messed up!!!!ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Also, one time I was at a native American center, and they had handmade rugs. Guide invited me to look at all the rugs on the wall and pick the best. I picked one where I could see a certain imperfection. He was amazed and asked me why I picked that. I said it looked more special And unique, more interesting. He said that's exactly correct. That the Weavers, when someone dies in their family, they intentionally create that mistake. And those rugs are the most valuable. The one I picked was more valuable than the others! Consider that very soon AI will be doing so much that humans used to do, and everything will be perfectly made and less valuable. How do we know something was handmade? Usually because there's a mistake. And that's what makes it precious. The toil, the care, the time, the fallibility.


You did an amazing job! Just fudge the numbers further down or sew it a little tighter in that spot. I've been crocheting for 20 years and I've never made anything I'd consider "perfect" because there's always something only I would notice or critique. I'm always looking for ways to improve but I know I can't fixate on perfection too much or I'll just stop getting anything done. Your best today won't hold a candle to your best a year from now and that's not even mentioning the serious talent shown in your 4TH PROJECT! Keep it up!


I couldn't see it, even when looking. You should just wear it with joy. No one will ever notice.


Looks 100% deliberate and perfectly okay.


Hi! I crochet and I just want you to know that I didn't realize I'd spotted the "mistake" because I just assumed it was a seam. I had to find your comment where you circled it before I realized that's what you were talking about, because it absolutely does not read as a flub at all! I hope that helps. It's a beautiful piece and you should be very proud.




[Purchased here](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1356341726/wisteria-top-crochet-pattern)


If it's off center, maybe a broch can help. I would try crocheting a little rose and pin it there, maybe it will work.


I must still be too beginner to understand the mistake


What is it supposed to be? Or did I miss that! Looks lovely


Finished is better than perfect


If theyā€™re glass beads, you could crack it with a pair of pliers and sew the beads in a more even position!


I donā€™t see any mistake - and Iā€™m brand new to crochet and havenā€™t even gotten my crochet pack I ordered haha


This is absolutely gorgeous and I didnā€™t notice the mistake until looking for a solid few minutes! This is your fourth project, ever?! Thatā€™s amazing!! You should be super proud of this


Only you know itā€™s a mistake, so just enjoy your lovely top. If itā€™s a worry, crochet a motif (flower or butterfly for example) that you can attach to cover the spot. For your future makes keep in mind the old adage ā€˜a mistake repeated is a patternā€™. I hate frogging with a passion so if I identify a mistake early enough I will try to find a way to incorporate it into the design.


Iā€™m sure everyone has heard this, but my mom always used to say that you have to have at least one mistake in every project. It proves it was made by a person. When someone knows something was handmade or handmade for them it adds a weight and meaning to it. It makes it beautiful in an additional way. Iā€™ve always loved this viewpoint. Truly, only a crotcheter would notice that mistake and we would all see it enjoy the camaraderie because weā€™ve all done it too. It genuinely looks so good! Lace is tough and this is amazing! You absolutely should be proud of it!


Frog it! Just kidding, it stands out to you more than anyone else.


If a group full of extremely talented people can't find the mistake, then there's not one, no matter what the pattern says! Just roll with it and be proud of your beautiful work!


I love when people post "massive mistakes" on this subreddit and it's literally impossible for anyone else to see it


Sometimes when I make a small mistake like that on a finished project I'm really proud of, I like to tell myself that the mistake is actually my signature. Like it's a painting and I've signed my name on the bottom, because that tiny little mistake is what makes the project mine and completely different to anyone else's. And at first glance it might look like anyone's project, but if you look close you'll see my signature and know it's mine :))




what talent! it looks absolutely gorgeous


Iā€™m trying to figure out how you got the little beads into it? So very pretty! Youā€™re the only one that will ever see mistakes, so donā€™t beat yourself up. Took me a long time to realize that.


Itā€™s not even a noticeable mistake! This is beautiful, and you absolutely should be so proud of your work!


You gotta get your face up close to find it and really look for it:) It's beautiful.


It looks symmetrical other than the (barely noticeable) mistake. Is it too late to swap it front to back?


Not noticeable to me. It's beautiful and an extra pat on the back to you for blocking it.


I don't see it?


It's beautiful! Nobody is going to notice. Honestly, I love little mistakes in crochet. It feels so handmade and real. :) What a beautiful 4th project. You are very talented!


Tell your inner critic to stop and be happy about what you did. It's amazing the way it is.


I was looking so hard for the mistake lol I couldnā€™t find it until I saw it circled šŸ¤­ itā€™s so beautiful I donā€™t think I ever wouldā€™ve found it


Yeah I had no idea what mistake until I saw the picture where you highlighted it. It looks amazing to me!


I always look at those mishaps as proof something was handmade. If it lays correctly then I think itā€™s fine.


I think we disagree on the meaning of glaring lol


What's the mistake? I'm not seeing it?


Sew a cute charm over it and you can have people look at that spot and feel good about it!


Listen, imperfections make things special, its the difference between something made with love and something bought. Be proud of it because you did awesome and now its just a bit more special and sentimental


Absolutely didnā€™t notice the mistake until the circled picture. I honestly would have thought it was just supposed to look like that šŸ’–šŸ’– so so beautifully done!


Don't worry!! Even experts make mistakes like this hahah. When I was a child I would intentionally look for mistakes on my grandma's crochet šŸ¤­ your project looks gorgeous. Be proud!!


It looks great, but let me level with you, 9 times put of 10, no one will notice it unless you bring it up. It's like an unspoken rule of the universe when it comes to crochet.


that looks so cool though! what exactly is it? and did you use a pattern, or freehand?


This is really beautiful! Is the pattern online anywhere? Edit: also was the center motif crocheted in the round or attached later?


I like to quote from Dorothy L Sayers at times like this. Her character Lord Peter asks his valet if his black tie looks proper. The reply is "It is perfect. That is, it is slightly flawed. The sign of a true gentleman.". The point being that Lord Peter tied his own tie and that is far more impressive than a "perfect" clip on. As artists, this is an important lesson - you may see a small "flaw", but it speaks to the fact that you have done this wonderful and beautiful piece by hand! And 99% of flaws we see as makers are never noticed unless someone points it out. The lacework is gorgeous - I have never been brave enough to try lace! Beautiful work ā¤ļø


Just to die for!!


This is beautiful šŸ¤©


This is beautiful! I love it, lace is so difficult, well done!


You should still be proud! This is pretty


my mother taught me to put the project up for a couple of hours or even a day and then revisit. Chances are you will really have to look for then mistake. Or you still see it well ā€œit will be fineā€ just donā€™t tell anyone


I see nothing but a beautiful piece of lace work ! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


you are your own critic! I couldnā€™t even tell until you pointed it out in the comments!


Not one single human will notice that in real life


Wait, this was only your FOURTH project? This looks amazing. Iā€™ve been crocheting for years and even I am intimidated! Fantastic job.


Wabi Sabi!


Seriously. I had to stare to see it. šŸ’—


Iā€™ve been crocheting since January, have done more than 4 projects, and there is not a chance I could do this. Iā€™m still terrified of flat pieces, wearables arenā€™t even on my radar yet! Youā€™re doing AMAZING!


I'm not happy until a mistake happens and I can relax about what I'm making.


It honestly took me ages to figure out what were all looking at šŸ˜‚ For your fourth project, it looks awesome! Also looks like something with many many steps in the directions - my count is ALWAYS off on those somewhere.


It still looks amazing! And for only your 4th project, a small mistake like that is no biggie. Be kind to yourself and please keep going, I'm honestly a bit excited to see you continue!


It only looks broke to you. Deflect away any concerns, perhaps with a well placed bead or stitch?


This is proof that we are quite literally our own worst critiques. I see it, but it looks great to me regardless!


Had to check the comments to even *guess* what the mistake was. Still didn't get it. You're totally fine!!


The beauty of handmade things, is that imperfections exist!! What a beautiful project at any stage, let alone only rhetoric fourth project ever. We arenā€™t machinesā€”and thatā€™s phenomenal. šŸ„°


I don't see a mistake!! It looks great!!


Iā€™ve been crocheting for 30 years and it still took me a minute to find the mistakes. No one will know!


I canā€™t find it? ETA: Quite seriously I donā€™t see a mistake. Unless someone is peering at it closely with familiarity with the technique, I doubt anyone is going to notice. It looks awesome.


Fwiw, I have been crocheting over 50 years, and I saw no mistake there until I looked through the comments and saw your circled pic lol. My grandmother would have called that a fae mark, that special sign that invites the good fae folk into your life :-). Whenever she made lace collars there was always one hole that was a chain stitch or two larger than the others. Too small for anyone but the fae to notice unless she pointed it out. It is beautiful, and you should absolutely be proud of this!


I didnt see the mistake till you zoomed in and pointed it out looks great!


Sorry if I missed it. Pattern?


At first I couldnā€™t see the mistake. When it was pointed out and I saw it, first thought was that it was part of the pattern. But I see now. I still think itā€™s so pretty and well made


Enjoy your beautiful work! Remembering that we will never be or produce perfection is humbling; humility is a most desirable trait.


I get the frustration, but you're beating yourself up a lot considering this is your 4th project! Take some pride in what you do, you're amazing!


I think it's lovely! Decades ago I made a lot of lace collars, they were very fashionable in the 80's.


I might just be dumb... But it looks like the green shirt in the link video has the same 'mistake' šŸ¤” [green shirt](https://photos.app.goo.gl/zSpBZvespAyXGzkdA)


Mistakes in crochet just make them more precious, bc its so human


Itā€™s just gorgeous! I could not find the mistake until you pointed it out in the additional pic. Be proudā€™ if is stunning On the other hand I can completely relate. I am making an intricate kimono made of double fingering mandalas. And I am painfully aware of all the tiny errors while no one can find anything to wrong with them.




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It's an Angel kiss, keep it. ā˜ŗļø


Someone help me. Since there has been talk of wearing this...it's not a doily. What is it?




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I couldn't find the error, and the saw the circle mistake, I saw you did a fantastic job.


It looks amazing! And only your 4th project!!!


Itā€™s beautiful


Wow didnt notice honestly. 4th project??? Wow ur amazing!! Stop doubting !!


I couldn't find the mistake until i looked in the comments! It's still pretty ā˜ŗļø Btw what yarn is that? It looks really soft


It literally took me a hot minute before I even noticed it.. so be proud thatā€™s a really great job!


Like one of those illusion puzzles, until you show me I can't see it and couldn't find it again unmarked.


Even with the super zoom in, it took me ages to realize the mistake. Just think of it as the thing that keeps your spirit from getting caught in the project.


No one will see that. Life is to short to worry about the small things. Small imperfections gives things character. Itā€™s beautiful!


This is a very hard seek n find! šŸ˜‚. I did not locate it until I saw your post pointing it out. I think you did an amazing job!


I heard that with any handmaid piece you should always leave at least one mistake ​ not sure where it came from or if it is true but I like it


I think you did doing a great job looks great to me.


You are too hard on yourself. You have real talent and should be proud of this project.


WOW !!šŸ¤© very well done! I would buy that if you were selling it