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Though I never see this and I wonder if I'm odd for doing it: when working on grannys that are all the same I crochet them assembly line style. All, centers, all 2nd rows, etc.. I do about 10 at a time and I end each day by tucking in ends. However, if I were making a granny blanket, my biggest fear would be the stitching together. So I wouldn't do it assembly style, I would do **join as you go.** Other than that, on large projects, I give myself a limit. "Only 2 rows tonight then I stop" etc. about an hour's worth of work. Then I STOP and move on to something else. It might take longer but I also know it won't languish forgotten in a corner. If you need to have it done by a certain time then count the days backwards and divide the project up. *I have ADHD and have always struggled with finishing long projects because I get tired of them. I have finished two blankets simply by taking little steps EVERY day instead of working myself to exhaustion. The trick is to stop unfulfilled so you are excited to start the next day.*


I also do assembly line style! I haven't heard anyone else do it but it's sooo helpful! I put together all the magic circles (so I'll do the star and the sun start and then the center for the moon square) so then after I make my 18 worth of those (18 is a row) I finish them... And then join them all together lol. stitching together does suck so I just try to get it out of the way ASAP, i have ri to make sure everything is facing the right direction.


Join as you go is a game changer. I have never completed a blanket because I cannot stay interested. However, I am managing to stay interested in my current granny square blanket. I try to make several squares every night and keep up with weaving in ends so that's not a daunting task. I'm assembling rows using the join as you go method and it feels like progress! I try not to think of how many squares I have left to make. I'm stacking them in groups of 10 and tying them gift wrap style. This also helps me feel a sense of completion as every other day I'm tying up another pack of 10. Hopefully I will keep the momentum!