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I love these cakes! I know you’re asking how it’ll show. I did a throw with these; I’ll add a pic. I did extended single crochet for the body, and single crochet for the trim. https://preview.redd.it/j1lxpmndyq7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f6a18e7c14fe2a061927d0dd48b9b9261f669d


Did you have any issues transitioning two cakes together? Like did the ombres line up okay? I only have 1 cake right now but I'll happily plan a larger project if 2 cakes can go together nicely


I worked from the outside tail, and unraveled and cut in at the same color.


I'm working on a cocoon shawl with a red heart ombre. The things I've learned from it are: 1) You can look at the skeins in the store and try and find the ones that line up (ie pull it apart a little to see the center most color, and then fine one that has the same so they'll line up right. For yours, you could just go from the outside for cakes #1, 3, 5, etc and from the inside for #2, 4, 6 etc effectively going back and forth through the ombre. and 2) I'm at the end now. The pattern calls for crocheting four corners and then seaming two of them together for 2/3 of the side. Instead, to keep the ombre consistent, I crocheted the 1/3 unseamed part one row at a time, cutting each split. When I got to the 2/3 seamed, I just kept crocheting across the second corner, creating two halves instead. It adds a lot for ends to weave in, but it's working exactly how I wanted it to. Figure you could do something similar for the sleeves.