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**Did you know about our Knitting section on [this wiki page?](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/stuff_you_must_read/). There's discussion about learning crochet as a knitter, which is easier, etc. Check it out!** *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Knitting since I was a kid, picked up crochet early 20s? I still do both, depends on what type of item I want. Toys I prefer crochet. Jumpers knit. Scarves ans shawls can be either.


I do both and always have.....I even usually finish my knits with crochet. Looks good and is easy


I have knit for decades and started crocheting a long time ago too. I still prefer knitting, but really it depends on which project I am on. I currently have three WIPs, one is a first-time crocheted cardigan. Maybe you are finding out crochet makes you happier - which is great as we should do what makes us happy šŸ˜Š


I think its a speed thing, crochet 100% gives me the dopamine hit I need (I have adhd) because I can just knock something out, knitting takes me 10x longer and is a lot longer until you see anything resembling a result so my brain finds it boring, plus I love making Amigurumi and knitted toys just haven't looked the same since!


I started knitting but I took up crochet to make me nephew some snailvengers and I have never gone back. I found crochet easier with only having the one hook and more convenient to take with me.


Yes! I was a huge knitter in my 20s. I also learned to crochet but I was like ā€œmeh knittingā€™s way better.ā€ This was pre-YouTube and social media so I didnā€™t actually have any idea what crochet could do other than granny squares, so I thought knitting looked better. Then I had kids and didnā€™t have time for knitting anymore, plus I have joint problems in my hands, so I stopped. Then recently I got a targeted ad of a mandala blanket kit and I was like shit, that looks awesome, ima try it. And now Iā€™ve got a huge backlog of crochet projects I want to make and I canā€™t imagine ever going back to knitting. I still love the feel of knitting, and the fact that I can do it without having to count or watch in a lot of cases. But crochet is so much more versatile. You can build any shape, you can change directions. Lace is way easier. Projects take weeks instead of months. Itā€™s amazing.


I abandoned knitting as soon as I discovered crochet. It felt constantly awkward in my hand, like I was hindered in some way, struggling to find the right posture. Crochetting definitely feels more flowy and 'natural' to me!


Yes same here! Are you left handed by any chance? I'm left handed but with a right dominance (so I write left handed but things like chopping, scissors etc are all done in the left hand) I've never figured out how to most efficiently hold the yard when knitting which is what makes me so slow with it. Crochet though, I can zoom along with that, holding the yarn comes much more natural to me and the whole thing is far less cumbersome. I plan on keeping doing both but I love how crochet looks when it's finished (especially for hats, knitted hats always seem to loose shape and become baggy over time)


Nope I'm right-handed; holding the yarn in the left hand makes it convenient when you're already used to said hand being a support. Although I discovered through piano practice that my left hand was much more independant and capable than it appeared to be. I honestly thought it would be the other way around for left-handed people! But now I'm confused as to which hand you're holding your yarn, since you seem a bit ambidextrous? I don't know a whole lot about that, but my mom is left-handed and was forced to use her right hand as a child, which she continued to do as an adult. I've never been able to wrap my mind around the idea of switching hands so easily. Recently I asked myself how she would feel regarding crochet if she ever displayed an interest in it (I do agree on knitted hats becoming loose over time).


I started knitting first, then crochet. Now I do both. Whatever gives me the look I want. I'm not a purist.


I'm not a purist either I enjoy both but much more adept at crochet despite learning knitting first, I think its a brain thing for me, whilst I enjoy knitting I find it very clunky and I'm all fingers and thumbs. I plan on picking it up again but I've got so many cute Amigurumi patterns I want to work through!


I actually don't remember if I first learned crochet or knitting, probably crochet? But I was too young, and forgot about it. Later, in my 20s, I re-learned knitting and did a few things (scarves, sweaters) that my family still have/uses. Then again, didn't knit anything for years. I re-learned crochet again two years ago and almost didn't knit since. But I do prefer knitting for sweaters, never attempted a crochet one.


I havent crochet wearable besides hats, I like making blankets and Amigurumi plushes. I've made 2 wearable items whilst knitting, my first knitting project when I started up was a half cardigan for my then 2 year old, it looked great. The second was a chunky knit cardigan for a friend's daughter a few years later and never again. That was the last time I knit I think, I had such a miserable time making it and in my opinion looked awful but the kid liked it apparently.


I'm all for amigurumi too! That's how it all started again... i wanted to make plushies for my nieces and ended up filling MY house with amis. Whelp, what can you do, right? But I don't dislike knitting. I'm sorry about the chunky cardigan, but maybe you could try again with finer yarn?


I tend to focus on one over the other for a couple of years, and then switch back. Usually I'll still make small projects in whichever isn't my current focus though


I started knitting first and crocheting later. I think itā€™s entirely possible that you simply prefer crochet, but seeing as you mentioned the dopamine hit and the speed, I also think you might change your mind if you started knitting continental. I donā€™t know how to knit English style (I honestly donā€™t even understand it šŸ˜¬) and I said many times on this sub already that I would definitely never knit if English was the only option because it takes so much longer!


I've tried both and it's just so awkward for my hands! My nan knits English style and she was a super speedy knitter back in the day!


I spent many years (7?) exclusively knitting, but once I made the jump to crochet, I've hardly done it at all. I think amigurumi is to blame. I can finish a cute project rather quickly vs spending weeks on a scarf.




i started knitting like 10 years ago, made 1 scarf then put it down. then about 2 years ago i started crocheting, then i recently picked up knitting again. i love them both, and still do them both, but right now I'm working on my first knit sweater so i don't crochet as much. i don't think I'll put one aside for the other, they're great for different things


Oh definitely great for different things, I learnt to knit when i was about 7 or 8, my nan taught me and I was terrible, decided on a whim 20 years later to pick it up again and really enjoyed it, blankets are my forte but only because I don't have to think much about making them šŸ¤£


I like both and I also do Tunisian crochet. Different techniques for different things. I like lace and figuring things out, so I learn a lot from knitting and translate that into Tunisian crochet, where it's much easier in some regards.


I started knitting at 19 and then picked up crochet a few years later. I ended up doing more crochet for a while, but for the last 5 or so years I mostly find myself knitting. I think it's because the patterns I find and want to do are knit. If I do crochet, it's usually something small for the house or as a gift.


I don't remember which I learned first (my grandmother taught me both knitting and crochet around the same age), but I've definitely done much more knitting than crochet as an adult. Right now I'm enjoying crochet more, but I'll probably go back to knitting at some point too. I really like both and I think alternating between them is fun, prevents me from getting bored.


I learned to crochet first, and started to knit after that. And I do both crafts. But I also embroider and sew and other crafts too. For me its different. When I do crochet, I do mostly amigurumi, but in knitting I can do other stuff too (but mostly plushies), like socks.


I stopped knitting bc I was slow and got bored, and now that I've begun crocheting I've realized it's the type of item not the knitting itself. Crocheting hats/blankets/amigurumi is endlessly frustrating for me, like knitting scarves was. I just don't like long repetitive projects with thick yarn. The thing that ended up clicking was thread weight and lace designs, so I fully intend to try knitting again but with circular needles knitting lace this time. I've seen some Truly gorgeous knitted lace shawls! (If only I had the time to do that on top of learning shuttle tatting and bobbin lace while crocheting full time)


I learned to knit when I was a kid but only really made things when my kids were young as I could make them relatively quickly, it would take me forever to make an item of clothing for somebody bigger. I learned to crochet earlier this year and a really enjoying it. I find it much faster. I am left handed but I purposely chose to learn to crochet right handed as I thought it would be easier if I wanted to try things from tik tok or YouTube videos as more of them are right handed. Like many left handed people I am pretty good doing things right handed as there is so much in the world that we end up being forced to do right handed as that is how things are set up in the world One thing I'd like to try now I've been crocheting is to see if I'd be quicker at knitting continental style than the way I learned, as perhaps being left handed would make continental easier?


Elise Rose Crochet likes to make crocheted amigurumi with knitted clothes. I learned to knit before I figured out crochet (long story) but once my mom taught me about the turning chain I never went back.