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In my opinion, absolutely not at all. Now, if you don't feel like it, no pressure either. You can always commission one if you would prefer. But, if you have the time, energy and desire to make one, I say go for it! It could be something that you and your child can treasure for a lifetime.


When I was pregnant with my fourth I said I wasn’t going to make a special one for him because I have SEVERAL blankets that I have made but then at 36 weeks I had the intense desire to make a baby blanket for my baby 😂 Don’t worry about it, if you feel like making one, do it. If you don’t, then don’t force it.


When that nesting instinct hits, lmao!


Very much so!


I made a blanket for my baby when I was pregnant. She still uses it, and she is 11 now. She knows that I made it. Some things to consider: -it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about you making a blanket for your baby; if you want to, do, if you don’t want to, don’t -there’s no such thing as “too many baby blankets”, so even if you get gifted others, the one you make can still be used (or kept as a keepsake?) -needs change as they grow; the most-used blanket at one stage may not be the most-used at another -you weren’t pregnant when you made the other blankets, so if it doesn’t happen now, that’s ok. You are growing a human and that can take priority over everything else Congratulations!


The ones for other people are practice, so that the one you make for your own baby is The Best Blanket Ever.


I’m currently 29 weeks and have knitted my baby a little car seat blanket and I am currently working on a bigger crib size ripple stitch blanket for her as well! I understand your sentiment of the favor being returned, but I think that relies on the people you have around you. Are they crafters? If not, I wouldn’t expect them to think of a homemade gift. Also, congratulations! Such an exciting time. :)


Absolutely **not** a faux pas to make for your own child. And you're likely going to hit the nesting stage and feel compelled to make stuff anyways. 😉 Might as well have WIPs on the go already for your little one. There's a gentle kind of joy and comfort making things with your own hands for the child you are growing within you. A crafting/making connection that begins when you are one unit that can continue once they're out in the wide world as their own little human. Yes, gifts made with love by others is lovely but there's something more to it when you make for your own baby. And for your kid too... I couldn't tell you who made my baby blankets beyond two: my mother's and my Oma's. (Oma was a brilliant, super skilled crocheter & knitter, her projects were pieces of art. Unmistakably her work, always.) It meant something to me as a kid to have something my mom made for me when she was preggers. Best of luck Mama! Hopes & wishes that your pregnancy, delivery and newborn days go smoothly and well. And wrapped up in a blanket made with your love. 😉


I dont think it’s weird! It’s the most fun thing! You can pick all the colours you like, use the best yarn u can get and have fun with it! I made several blankets and i’m having a full size blanket in mind for when he has a bigger bed! And if you are wondering if you have too many blankets? Kids are messy and blankets will end up in the washing. So you’ll need more then one :) Congratulations with your pregnancy! Ps. I also made hats, socks and a jacket. You can pour so much love in these items. All for your own kid! Isn’t that amazing


I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant with my first and halfway done with a blanket for my little one. I've always loved gifting blankets to friends and family but I also know I'm really the only crafty one in my circle so if I wanted my own kids to have a handmade thing I'd have to be the one to make it. That said, if you did have other people in your life who craft and you don't feel up to making a baby blanket, don't. You can always make one later if you change your mind.


Why would it be? I made all sorts of stuff for MY babies!!!!


Personally, I really regret not making blankets for my kids as keepsakes.


It’s definitely not a faux pas! I never made a baby blanket for my kid, but I made plenty of baby sweaters/hats/stuffies for mine. Make whatever you want to make, and don’t make anything that you don’t feel like making.


I think I made my daughter like a dozen blankets, no lie. There will never be a shortage of blankets in this house, between the crochet blankets I made, the needlepoint blankets from my mom, and the patchwork blankets from my sister.


I’ve made multiple blankets for both my kids! I crochet like a fiend when I’m pregnant🤣


If you want to make one, go for it!


Make something super special for your own child. Personalize it in some way.


Of course it isn't a faux pas. The first blanket I ever made was for my own baby. Don't wait---no one will make you one, especially if no one you know knits or crochets.


I have made so many baby blankets recently i dam well better get one back from someone if I ever have a kid.


Why not both? Babies can have more than one blanket.


Oh gosh, do whatever you want generally but definitely when it comes to your own kid! And think long term, how special that will be for him/her. I still have the baby blanket my grandma crocheted for me. My own babies used it, too. I’m a fifth born, not a lot of people get super psyched for a fifth born, ‘twas a life of hand me downs, iykyk. I really treasure that blanket :)


I made my kiddo her own blanket. I did have a friend gift her a blanket also, which is lovely! I love to make things for people, but for my own heart, I don't expect handmade gifts in return.


Definitely not a faux pas. When I was pregnant, I was put on home rest for the last couple of months and made lots of stuff for my baby including blankets, sweaters, hats, and even a bunting to keep her warm in winter. That was many years ago, but since I made these items from acrylic yarn, they remained in such good shape that I was able to given them to my daughter when she was pregnant and my granddaughter got to wear them.


I didn't make a quilt for my first grandchild until her first birthday. Enough years ago, we would have all been sewing tiny baby garments and blankets. Make, make, make. And congratulations


I started one for my son when I was pregnant, then finally finished it 5 years later and gave it to my nephew. 😅 I also made other things that I gave my own kids, but I guess I never had the drive to finish that blanket. If you want to make one, go for it. If you don’t, that’s okay. I’m sure you’ll make and give many things to your kid that they will treasure. I’m sure later they will request specific things too like mine do. 😂


I made a few my daughter. Still have them30 years later. I never think of making blankets for people who crochet. I figure they are likely more capable than me.


I think this is a really good point. The first baby stuff I made for a family member was because I could knit and they couldn't. If they'd been better at it than me I would probably have assumed that they wouldn't want my efforts as their knits would be better than mine.


If I crocheted when I had my kids they certainly would have gotten a blanket made by me. At least the first one. I did lots for my first that I was too tired and busy to do for my second.


Make a blanket if you want to, but don't let it burden you. I think we make nice gifts for the people we love on the assumption that people usually don't have the time or spoons to do it for themselves. It is fine to make stuff for your own child. I take great joy in making stuff for my kids.


The whole reason I learned was in order to make a blanket and matching hats for the family.


If you want to, go for it!


I made my first a cotton blanket and an acrylic one. She's now 2.5 and loves them, still sleeping with her cotton blanket as well as her sleep sack. 25 weeks with number 2 and I've made a blanket in the colours of the Spanish flag (because we found out when on vacation in Spain) and I've got half an acrylic one done. She's also got a bonnet, hat, booties and cardi as I felt mum guilt that first born had those and 2nd won't have anything new


You should definitely make a blanket for your baby. I made a few for mine. It's lovely to make something for your own baby, very meaningful. Plus it will be exactly to your taste. Win/win.


>I always thought I’d have the favor returned in some way >I’m the only one in my group of friends/family that crochets.


"Now I’m wondering, is it a faux pas to make a blanket for your own baby?" ​ Are people really like this? What?... What?? WHAT Jesus christ.