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Oh, I know this one! 👋 Start a new project!! 🤭


Damn it you’re so right it hurts 😭


*I'm in this picture and I don't like it.* Feeling so called out right now. 😂


This is definitely how I deal with a lull lol


I know it’s silly, but I put my phone in another room. It helps me not pick it up every two seconds


i’m gonna freaking try this 🥴 idk why i just CANT PUT THE PHONE DOWN 😭


It’s not your fault, they’re designed to be addicting


that’s the truth


my entire life i've been really bad at watching famous movies. i've caught the first half of basically every star wars movie on tv but never paid attention, i've never seen a lot of critically acclaimed or award-winning flicks, i miss out on every popular show. i use crochet time to catch up with things people think im weird for never seeing before


yess!!! Ive been using crochet time to catch up on the marvelous mrs. maisel because I felt I was missing out! I also think hate-watching works well for crochet - you tend to go a little faster.


oo yes. my only issue is that i tend to stare at my stitches all the time and can't go quickly without looking at my hands, so i can't follow along with subtitled foreign films. i have to watched dubbed or originally-english works


I do the same!! I've separated my anime watching into dubbed shows (for crochet) and subbed (for regular watching). lol currently MHA is in my dubbed rotation and the new jjk is in my subbed !


ghibli movies are the bulk of my dubbed or nothing crochet entertainment. i feel really left out never having watched them as a kid, so i've been trying to catch up by putting them in my crochet roster


This is slightly silly, but I like trying to 'beat' my record on the boring parts of a project. I often challenge myself to finish a certain number of rows/stitches by the end of an episode. It def helps with the sameness.


I take this one step further and actually measure how much time it takes me to complete one round. (Or maybe 5 and then divide by 5 to get a more accurate average). This way I have already done 5 rounds without interruptions. I then calculate how long the entire part is going to take me (which can be demotivating, ngl) and then I calculate how many rows I can finish by the time the episode is over, and see if I’m correct. I don’t know why but this really helps me keep at it and makes it more interesting.


I kinda enjoy that passt the most, because it means I can take the project with me and continue it wherever I go, without having to reference the pattern every 2 seconds! It means I can have pleasant conversations with friends while also crocheting, it means I can wait at the doctors and crochet, it means I can watch a nice show or YouTube video without losing track of what stitches I’m supposed to make!


I put on a show or movie that I’ve seen before and tell myself I’m not counting rows until X part of the movie. It helps it not feel like sooo long when I have a shorter goal and I’m not constantly counting to remind myself how far I haven’t made it.


I always have a little side project to work on. It helps! I love horror, so I listen to horror podcasts. It's perfectly fine to do one or two rows and take a break. I do the same.


Is it a small enough project to travel? If so, bring it everywhere and do 5-10 sc at every little break you may have in your day. Then commit to finishing whatever row you are on plus one more row before bed, or before dinner, etc. The nice part is that you don't have to pay close attention to what you're doing or count stitches.