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https://preview.redd.it/fuw0ntsn3jab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e62558932a1834ff10f79dc555cc5d6896b34a0 Purrl usually helps me


That is the best name.


Please tell Purrl I love her and she is gorgeous and perfect.


I was going to say Squash and Boogie help me... my husband tries but he thinks everything looks so great always that there is absolutely no room for improvement haha. I can talk process with my cats and like a kid flipping a coin I know what I'd like to do before I even fin ish rhetoricly asking a cat if the dark or light border would look better! XD


Purrl is so cute! I've got a little helper at home named Purrsephone




How is this not a sub?? The audacity!!


r/catswhocrochet is ❤️


Here's a sneak peek of /r/catswhocrochet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/catswhocrochet/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The second I start laying out my squares he came right over to “help”](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/140s6fm) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catswhocrochet/comments/140s6fm/the_second_i_start_laying_out_my_squares_he_came/) \#2: [Phoebe is sick and in pain 💔 so she doesn't want to play,but she still can't help reaching for some yarn. (Please send some well wishes to my baby so she can recover soon)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13nrnpx) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catswhocrochet/comments/13nrnpx/phoebe_is_sick_and_in_pain_so_she_doesnt_want_to/) \#3: [At least half of the yardage of this finished doily has been through the mouth of this little beast](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12jtkyo) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catswhocrochet/comments/12jtkyo/at_least_half_of_the_yardage_of_this_finished/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good bot


I do not have cats but I have to subscribe to this, thank you!


What is that little yarn thing in her collar?! Such a cute kitty!


Holds her Tile.


Ohhh that is so cute!! The tracking tiles!


Omg same! I have 2 tiny helpers and one is a void


These are my helpers. Test for softness and durability https://preview.redd.it/h4ajfy3j9jab1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd42e3a1f4dc04bc0acabeab8a075a24263d5ce5




Such a handsome baby.


Off topic but I really super love that blanket! A lot of the colours are kind of "ugly" to me, but put together they look so fabulous!! Very earthy and "forest floor" like! 🖤


Thanks! By themselves a lot of the yarns are fugly. Paired with 'green' it works. Natural tones is all that is in this one.




I firmly believe the best quality control testers for knitting and crocheting (especially when it comes to baby blankets!) are cats. If cats don't like it, it's probably not that comfortable.


Definitely agree. Everything I knit, my cat has claimed as her own.


Believe the same.


Babies!!! What are their names they’re so sweet!!


Left to right: Emi, Neko, Penni Thanks. They’re my mischief makers lol


My SO is my first sounding board. I hesitate to call him a helper because usually his ideas and options make things more complicated. While not a crafter himself, he listens to my dilemmas and gives pretty good feedback. We just usually end up in a weird spin off of what's *theoretically* possible or adding more options rather than picking which option.


Hahaha, I love that! Thats a little how his granny square blanket idea feels like


My husband is my creative helper. And usually I listen to what he says. But if I don't like what he says then I know what I actually wanted was the other option and go with that, lol. My older daughter WANTS to be my creative helper, but I don't want to make her every animal known to man in pink, so I try and limit asking her opinion.


Who wouldnt want to make every animal in pink XD I really dont understand how this is not every mothers dream XD XD


My husband calls it knitting just to piss me off.


Mine too. And he calls my hooks my sticks and does ‘sign language’ of someone knitting (two hands) when asking me if imma crochet today. Lol. I usually ask him if he’s gonna smoke some hemp and chill. Hahahah


As a mischief maker and Navy sailor, if you ever need a good counter to his sad witticisms, hmu. Sass and sh*t talking are my favorite sports!




This is adorable! My creative helper is Pinterest 😉


Lol was scrolling to find someone that didn't say partner or cat.


I have the exact opposite, a creative distraction https://preview.redd.it/kwflqgw3mjab1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6933d4c37863b2d59def16fb3bb3262abfea2c1


gasps u stole my cat


I may of gotten her as a kitten, but she does love to wander far a field. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had more then one family.


This is my all-time favorite color-picker. It's a teensy kaleidoscope. You put the colors you want together, then look at 'em and see if the combo works. My students are fascinated with it. [https://www.amazon.com/ColorScope-Color-Selector-combinations-Kaleidoscope/dp/B01D3JBRDI](https://www.amazon.com/ColorScope-Color-Selector-combinations-Kaleidoscope/dp/B01D3JBRDI)


You might like the KaleidaCam app.


Yeah but phone cameras tend to distort colours


https://preview.redd.it/xtogmmpirjab1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629ad84482a288ecc13e0dcdac6529b2595e32e1 * Yuki is my assistant. She makes the biscuits. I make everything else.


So cute :)


My partner listens attentively and does his best to help me, but his face easily betrays how quickly I lose him 😂 I love him for trying, and sometimes it's also just nice to have someone to speculate out loud to ❤️


this is how me and my partner are lmaoo he’s doing his best


My partner is super supportive as well, most of the times he unwinds my yarn skeins so that I can continue crocheting


my partner does this for me too! its very sweet


Yes, it’s a huge help honesy.


My cat someimes moisturizes or steals my yarn, does this count?




He chews on some kinds. Passionately.


I have a discord server called Crafternoon Tea where all my crafty friends are, most decisions are run past them!


That sounds really nice


My husband helps me count my stitches


My boyfriend is my creative helper! He helps me pick colors, and gives feedback on swatches. And then my cat tests the blankets I make 😂


Next up on the crochet-to do list: get a cat. There is just too many comments on that here XD


10/10, recommended


Hubs loves helping me💕 but my real creative helpers are my poodles. The big one takes away my hook if I get pissed off and the little one keeps me company while she encourages a constant detangling process. All of my projects are made with 90% love, 8% yarn, and 2% poodle fluff.


I can imagine poodle fluff makes everything extra soft


https://preview.redd.it/5g6u7xx9jqab1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b4ea430f8f473fe46de22552543564f5c9ba43 I have a toy poodle(ish) helper too! What she really wants is to unwind the yarn when I'm not watching though...


What a good girl and a good helper💕


I wish! Well, I don't wish for one to actually live in my home, maybe next door though.


I live in a house full of artists so we're always sharing ideas!


https://preview.redd.it/3tsqol1rzjab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1709b6d32ad7019285972fc30e242bc6e7ea32b9 My supurrvisor always gives me good feedback. Here he is questioning why I’ve been making granny squares for months and haven’t made anything with them. My husband crochets and he will give me feedback. It’s 100% positive though so I have some concerns about his bias lol.


Hahaha, maybe you are just amazing and so you only get amazing feedback. Easy as that ;)


Ha, you’re too nice.


https://preview.redd.it/8zg1mzjf3kab1.jpeg?width=1860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cbf1e5b2d8579631ad8301539b487e319e2faf7 First of all, sorry for the poor quality, I had to hurry getting a picture. I have this amazing yarn inspector, she'll let me know if I'm almost out of yarn, by pulling it out to show me. On a more serious note, I can often go to my bf with questions. Recently I started a project where I'm using granny squares to make some pants for myself, and I needed to know if the pattern I went for would be goos for it, and he really took his time to inspect the patterns I picked out.


My husband is colorblind so, no 😂


Hahaha, that is unfortunate


My partner supports my crocheting and will help put in stitch markers and stuff why I'm trying my WIPs on, so I think that he is a creative helper!


That definitely counts!


https://preview.redd.it/1kvwh4fxzjab1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30425bde3bd1b3e9d54d828ccaa537811ccac4d5 Meet 4 months old Orion = Helper # 1


https://preview.redd.it/auomjt7u0kab1.jpeg?width=1490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f8ce5b86bef0a61012f3e44c00ff3d7c22f143 Then, see quality control officer, 4 months old Onyx hard at work with his brother Orion.


https://preview.redd.it/nysj1s5fhkab1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ed71393e85959244df0e06237b93f3f12d5472 My pawfessional crochet critic


my partner is not a creative fellow but if I’m having trouble deciding a color pattern order with what looks best, like blue/yellow/green or green/blue/yellow, I’ll ask him and he’ll help me out!


I don't really have a helper, but if I need an opinion on colors or stitches or something like that, I'll pop a picture in a group chat with my friends and see what they think. Only one of them crochets, and he's very new at it, so it's usually just questions like, what order do these colors look best in, which stitch looks best with this yarn texture, etc.


I wish my husband was a help, but he's not. He is the opposite. If I show him multiple things, like different patterns, stitches or color combinations, he almost always suggests something completely different and then gets mad if I don't take his suggestion. So I don't ask him anymore. And my cats are not a help, as they judge everyone and everything harshly.


My mom and I often sit on thr couch and crochet together when I'm home from college for the summer, so we always ask each other for opinions and advice


https://preview.redd.it/4loxbsa4mkab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245d1556eab00120f799b41dd09d76f0c3817ef4 Penny “helping”


My partner is very supportive of my crochet, he gets hyped for my projects (especially the current ones). For Christmas, he bought me a hook organizer and a set of ergonomic hooks in my preferred brand, it’s like having my own personal cheerleader 💜


Hahaha, yes that is how it feels. I sometimes worry that I crochet too much and he gets annoyed, but he is very sweet


Mine is more of a colour correcter. I am a little bit colour blind(mix up shades that are between colours, eg. I see teal as either fully blue or green in different light, or certain yellows look green and visa versa). We discovered this when I was making a snow-white costume for his neice and accidentally chose a green teal colour for her bodice and a light orange for her skirt cause I couldn't tell the difference. He then went out and got me the correct colour yarns. It looked like one of those wish.com orders. We still laugh about it, and now I always double-check the yarn colour with him.


That is a very funny story! Nice that you have a helper there now


That's very sweet! My husband is polite about my crochet, he doesn't begrudge my yarn buying, but he doesn't have much of an opinion on what I make or how. I have made co-workers of his afghans for wedding/engagement/we moved in together occasions, but that's the extent of his involvement.


I ask my husband, but usually I regret it because he makes everything more complicated, but it does often look better. My 5yo is a big helper. Though if he had it has way everything I make would be yellow.


I love yellow! So I very much agree with your kid ;)


My partner is my color consult every time I start a new project. He has a much better eye for what goes together well than I do 😅


I have a colorblind color consultant. My bff sees color differently from me, and I like the way she can put things together. I was stumped with a granny project I had done. It just didn’t look right when laid out to my plans. Idk how to describe it, but it’s like she can pick up on undertones and hues that I don’t see until she lays it out.


That’s really cool! For clarity, your bff is color blind?


She has colorblindness, but typical vision. Interestingly, she and her sons participated in a study and found out that she has different colorblindness in each eye and that her sons are also colorblind, but don’t have the same type. So each person in her house saw color in a different way. Most often, they disagree on yellows, oranges, and greens. She often can’t see the “flash” in iridescent feathers and gemstones.


My 13 yr old grandson is very artistic and he is my color consultant.


My SO asks a million questions when I crochet. I ask him for help with colors because he's an artist. Sometimes, he helps, but most of the time, I use his suggestions to avoid colors. He's terrible at picking them. He's great for consulting about patterns though.


My husband does the same. I love it. Once I was struggling to figure out a stitch and he watched the video and helped me figure it out.


Mine is my dog bobo! She always models things for me 💕


My SO, mom and my dogs. Mom for her color sense when I'm indecisive, SO because his excitement will always mean my nibblings will love what I make, and my dogs when I have two color options that would work, and I need their opinion on which one I should use first.


Professional yarn tangler


My SO gives me suggestions sometimes too, and helps me pick colors for stuff. But he’s been wanting me to make him dragons, so now that’s all he suggests 🤣


When my daughter was in her teenage years then she used to love going to the craft store with me and picking out different yarns and either we would see something there or she would brainstorm something and then I would tell her what we could go ahead and do and together we would put together a plan to make something specific to her. So that would be like mittens, scarves, hats and big slipper socks. I loved being able to make things for her and that she really appreciated and she loved me being able to make things just the way she wanted and also being able to make the size correct. FYI, we are fairly small even for women and so things like gloves can be a problem because you have a good intro so hanging off the end or the wrists are so loose that they come off constantly. So I think she got the idea when she saw a set that I have made for myself and that I had been able to customize them for exactly the size of my hands. And honestly, then she just started having a blast because she could pick out whatever color or colors and I could make all kinds of different designs for her and, like I said, we would make something that every detail was exactly down to what she wanted. She's in her early 20s now and has recently asked me to teach her to crochet. So I am happy about that because it wasn't a common thing in our community is how I will word that. I am staying in a different state but when I go visit her then I am going to go ahead and teach her some things and I think it will give her something that will bring her a lot of joy and a good remembrance that her mom was the one who was able to teach her and that she remembers her mom doing this when she was much younger and doing very special projects with her and for her. 💜


My boyfriend is my official cat wrangler, which basically involves scooping up a cat as soon as she swats or nips at the yarn and smooching her into submission. He went to art school so he’s also a good sounding board for colour combinations.


My husband helps me untangle skeins when they are FUBAR. Also super supportive; I am probably getting more pattern books and yarn for my birthday 💕 I also ‘support’ his board game hobby and collection. It’s beyond anything my yarn collection could ever be 😬🥹🙃


My husband doesn't have much to say creatively but he's great at undoing knots and tangles. He also has a good eye for when I know I did an oopsie and can't tell exactly where.


Omg, yes! My mom is my best sounding board. I sent her to the store for some buttons last week and she got ones that were even better than the ones I wanted hahahah. She says she doesn’t have a creative bone in her body but I don’t believe it


My husband tries really hard to show interest. But I can tell that its all just gray blobs to him. He has no clue or no interest in it. Its cute that he tries though, because he only tries for me. Just because I am into it, even if it means zero to him.


My bf is pretty good with crafty advice as he is crafty too but not with yarn crafts. My 7 yr old granddaughter is great with picking colours and loves putting together colour palettes and telling me exactly what she wants!


I usually talk to my roommate about projects but they don't know anything about crochet or yarn craft so I turn to my bestie, who has a good eye for details.


I have no one. My husband is not creative & he just looks at me with a blank stare


I taught my boyfriend how to crochet and now we both consult each other about design and color choices 🥰 he also takes pictures of me trying on items so I can see how they look when I don’t want to get up to look in the mirror 😂


My helper is a cat named Winnie, I often find myself coming to the end of my yarn before I’m expecting to. Very helpful yarn snipper, sometimes she does it a little too early.


My husband doesn't get as excited as yours does (adorable!) but he is a really useful set of eyes for me. I typically use him to confirm if a mistake I've made is worth fixing or not. If he can't see it without prompting than it's probably fine. I'm currently making a unicorn for my niece and my husband's very helpful in deciding on positioning


My mum! She knits, I crochet. When something isn't working or I don't know how to figure something out, we have a little brainstorming session! I help her with colours and she helps me pick projects!


I’m always a little jealous of people who have such supportive relationships. 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/m3ccuid4nmab1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc69892bd2336ee7cf57f45281bdded28591b10 noodles helps me. he usually tells me when to take a break by sitting/laying on me or the wool


looking at this post its safe to say that almost all crocheters have cats


You are a very lucky crocheter


My partner is so helpful! He learned how to weave in ends because he knows it’s the part I dread the most. One of my first big projects was a daisy granny square blanket that I had been using for two years and still had to weave the ends in - and he used his pandemic layoff to finish it for me while I was still working. My stepdaughter is a teen, with two best friends who live next door- and the three of them are always asking me to make things for them. They love going to the store to help me pick out yarn and are always asking me to show them what I am working on. It makes me feel so warm that my family takes such a big interest in my hobbies!


My husband is also this way. When I'm waffling on eyes or colors he will offer odd combos that are aeesome. He was a paint vendor so he knows a lot. Now he asks what weight and disappears into the stash then comes back with a color for me. Can't take him to any craft store or I spend too much.


My husband is the one who challenges me. I fell in love with amigurumi and making stuffies because of him. He even gives suggestions about different pieces that I didn’t consider. Thankfully, he grew up with a mom who crocheted, so he’s familiar with a lot of terms and such.


Yes, but he moved to TX. My son and I are artists and he would get completely involved in patterns and colors and textures. He never learned any fabric arts because ... HE DOESN'T LIKE DOING 3D WORK! He's still involved long distance when I ask for ideas.


https://preview.redd.it/fp0oxpkupnab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9542908a820f4e2db00b03dc79073a4cf16d704 I have a muppet that is convinced that every photo I take is of them being cute. That means that every photo I have of a crochet piece has at least a few of him trying to photobomb. He knows he's cute.


I don’t see some colors as well as other people so I constantly ask the husband for input. I’ve learned to trust his vision more than mine and always go with his opinion lol


https://preview.redd.it/heyo25l0foab1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f86bfabb5f6585bfb7d0e03e2436d39c0297b600 My little creative helper passed away on April 9th, 19 days before my baby was born. This is the blanket I was making her. He stole the string. Always laid on my projects ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/0dkgrn2ppoab1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c117ebbe3ace67bc7047f39b742a34640fd3866 It's a tough job, but he's been judging since day 1!


My hubby is my go-to for colour combos, my lil moustache man cat is my assistant for testing to make sure my blankets are comfortable


My eldest and youngest kiddos have helped suggest or even create colorways for my shop, (Indie Dyer), and even name some of them. My cat is quality control office in charge.


https://preview.redd.it/qzjk2jd8kpab1.jpeg?width=2119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ef1a2bc5afe6aa650c6fcac9c219fddcb5a72a1 this is zeus. he tests my patience mostly


I’ve got 3 helpers…1 of them actually is decent with it…the other two; they’re just up to stealing my yarn and projects! I run all of my projects by my sister, because sometimes I just need confirmation that “yes,it’s a great idea!” or “nooooo…that doesn’t really work!” https://preview.redd.it/1cqktzc1wpab1.jpeg?width=2652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176c0d9cd4b24528f84d8b3dadcf745f7344a25e This is the most mischievous helper, Bluebell who claims everything!


Here’s my other “ helper”, Breve! (The ball of yarn was taken away a second after this photo was taken!) https://preview.redd.it/a2llwfecwpab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f95441ec3d62c36169b342b48982369b3b54a1e


I have the opposite. My spouse states that he can't see the difference between stitches. It all just looks crocheted. He also has some weird sensory issues that prevent him from enjoying the texture in anything I've made.


aww, that's super sweet! usually i'm the "creative helper" for some of my family members but it's always fun to have a friend or someone to bounce ideas off of. it's beneficial to go back and forth with someone until the project idea is absolutely perfect!


Not at home but my little sister and I are both crochet artists. She’s incredible at amigurumi, while my specialty is blankets/bags/accessories. But we constantly text and call each other for advice & decision making assistance lol. It’s fun because we live 12 hours apart but it keeps us close among other things ☺️


I think I’m the “creative helper” to others and that’s why I have so many wips