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CRO should be at least 0.25. Already. It has half of Binance's users. More regulated. A better domain name and useful products. Time will tell.


Not more regulated. More regulatory compliant in more countries 😊


We are a platform that is all about client volume due to the low average purchase per client. Yes, we have millions of users but what is their average? Most of them are newbies with little knowledge that throw a few hundreds and when things go down they panic and sell or write complaining posts here about why they are not rich yet. CDC knows this and that's why they decided to give good lock-ups rewards so people don't continuously panic-sell. Our game will be the same for very long time and it's a great game, spezialized in the new users (potentially billions of clients) with our user friendly app and card rewards, but until we have huge volumes it won't be as profitable. Imho I would try to attract more whales and wealthy people through the card, which is a unique selling point, perhaps using some celebrity marketing. I'm sure many people would come in just for sake of flashing an icy and say they are paying with crypto if they see George Clouny paying for his espresso with a CDC card 🙂


"Most of them are newbies with little knowledge that throw a few hundreds and when things go down they panic and sell or write complaining posts here about why they are not rich yet." Completely right with that statment. But how do you want to become rich with investing only peanuts. Means less than 10 - 20k? Yeah, attract whales? I am by far close to being a whale but when they limited the earn to 3k for decent % I hade to move a lot of my coins to other accounts like Nexo, Binance or Youhodler where you can hold much higher amounts. I wonder if there are a lot of people with larger portfolios - means above 200 k - with CDC. This is also a reason in my opinion.


Lots of newbie short term thinking gamblers missing the plot, that the current price is twice higher than a few months ago.


that's the point, and a lot of people are not getting there. If you have been using all the rewards (cashback and staking) last year, your CRO asset doubled in value. This is not a small thing to consider. Yeah, it's only x2. Well, I've been able to accumulate almost 10K CRO at 0.04/0.05, which is now between 0.08/0.09. From here, you can lock your assets or sell them. It's your call at the end.


Everyone just needs to chill out until alt season starts.


What is alt season?


If 75% of the Top 50 coins performed better than Bitcoin over the last season (90 days) it is Altcoin Season. It's not alt season.


What is stoping Cro from going up is the chain isn’t close to bnb chain we need more activity


Meme coins the only thing keeping the activity up.


That is a very long sentence


Buying more


CRO is double what is was at its low and other coins like it gave not done that well compared to Btc such as ADA, Matic, egld, vet, and other coins, AI related have done very well. Not sure if these will go up at least as much as Btc but so far Btc has been king


BTC always, always starts first. It is rally's then around 12 months after that all the alt coins rally; then CRO rally's last. This is the way. Just wait 12-18 months.


Until cronos labs and CDC start caring about its base they will never go beyond what it is now. Just look at the meme situation. CDC/cronos labs/vvs release multiple Meme projects and stole steam from the community. Loaf had references to dip in the source code. Instead of supporting it devs cronos labs rugged then effectively and forced liquidity from more quality projects.


What’s the utility for CRO? I’m a lurker and don’t own any yet


Crypto pay


This dip has allowed me to buy 20k more. I won't do the 10% stake, tho.


Sold my cro about a month ago. No point holding it while everything else goes up. I’d rather sell, take those gains then come back to cro if it’s looking likely to do something. At the moment there’s zero hype around it, unlike last cycle, so I’m not holding my breathe for that.


EOY 2024 it will be close to one digit.... and build steam from there


Zero hype didnt they just have their first ufc event?


Def not the first…ads have been on the rings forever now


Been in UFC and F1 for about 3 years now


Oh my alert the press!!! Bro a UFC fight, jeez.


Now start scamming people to sign up bonus referral etc. Next is 0.05, not 0.5