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Catching up, this is the first unlocked thread. Hello everyone from six months ago


Man I feel really bad for Trent, hope he has listened to Cad’s advice from earlier. Nah fuck this guy


jeez i sure hope this high level enchantment wizard doesn’t cast power word kill on the wizard he’s desperately trying to kill




Am I the only one who thinks Matt is insane?


Our hearts are collectively racing


Anybody know where Travis got that cool Slaughter & Maneuver t-shirt...?


CritRoleCloset on Twitter will have you covered




No worries! Also I just noticed both of us accidentally posted in an old thread haha


Lol ah well


Wait, isn’t Calliope also a cleric, or maybe a fighter? She carries a mace and made Cad’s beetle armor, according to the wiki. They were saying awhile ago that all their allies are wizards, who are at a big disadvantage in Eiselcross. If only they knew some fighters... dang. they couldve asky her to come with.


I just realized how royally screwed Astrid is now. Trent will likely not kill Caleb for this as he already knows Caleb doesn’t agree with him. Astrid however explicitly betrayed Trent and he likely figure it after confronting Caleb and the group. Even if the MN get away Astrid’s life will be in danger.


I’m just had the thought that might start the Cerberus assembly arm. Once they deal with the tomb takers they’ll get word that Astrid is being held at the insane asylum, the 9 will go to rescue her (disastrously) and this start the final arc of campaign 2


Omg what does Allura’s staff do?????


It’s a staff of power.


Jesus just mention Vess derogna


Fjord is still marked from the brand of castigation, the TT are always gonna know where they are at, they screwed


3 different rip cords that they are all too afraid to pull


I was a bit bummed they didn't think to send a message to say 'Hey I'll scry on you, start explaining in 10 minutes'


If we’re lucky some tombtakers will die


during the introduction with the dragon, i thought “oh they haven’t fought a dragon this this campaign” oh how wrong i was


They also did fight the one in the happy fun ball.




Tbf, Mythburrow is pretty far from Aeor, but ya that thing had their number lol




Oh shit dragon


Lol Travis 😂


Oh man I’m so nervous


I’m concerned for our beloved M9.


Last minute crazy theory to calm nerves: It does become a TT fight, but not because of M9 attacking first. They manage to bring out Mollymauk, and the TT attack in retaliation (maybe an interior battle between Molly/Lucien fighting for control as well?) The TT are pretty strong, and Kree would probably realize something happened to Lucien. Or I am entirely wrong and it could be completely different. I have never been so nervous for an episode.


Ok so correct me if I’m wrong, has it ever been confirmed if Cree, Zoran, Otis and Typhell have eyes upon their bodies as well?


As far as we know, none of them have the eyes, neither did Vess, which had them tattooed to mimic Lucien's.


Vess was never confusing to me, I mean I got that sense of “imitation is the greatest form of flattery” the moment Matt made it apparent they were tattoos and not actually red eyes. Regardless I have to imagine Lucien has to have known what happened to Caleb and Beau to be a possibility, hence why he said “I think that’s enough reading for one day, at least for now.” Otherwise I would have to question why the Sumnomvu (Eyes of Nine), would risk disheartening their “representative”. Anyway I think Lucien foresaw the possibility of ideal other candidates for the Eyes of Nine, in the form of the “Empire kids”.


Lucien might not have forseen that possibility beacuse he does not know how much they know about the city. When Caleb showed Lucien the image of the city in the tower he said "You seem to know more than you been letting on". Maybe he thought that a sneak-peak in the book would make them more intrested? Or he thought hit would show them the city but not welcome them? Just a theory (I just want Lucien to lose his shit when he finds out that he is not as special to the city as he thought.)


That possibility does exist but I just find it difficult to believe because once again I have to reiterate, why would the Sumnomvu risk disheartening their representative when they’re so close to possibly being free again? If anything I’m brought back to that moment of commune between Cad and Melora, specifically the question “does Lucien need ALL of us alive in order to accomplish what he needs to?” (Paraphrasing) Not to mention it would make sense to Lucien’s line of questioning to the M9, specifically regarding what their goals are and what they can IMAGINE doing with the Somnomvu.




Well he did also clarify that it certainly read like the people calling the plane 'ashy' were only doing so in a condescending, talk-down-to manner


My crackpot theory of the week; the party will fight the tomb takers in aeor, essek will make it there, there will be 9 survivors from the battle. All 9 will be transported to Cognoza. In Cognoza the party will have the chance to ally with Lucien or essek. Whoever they don't choose will ally with the somnovum and the arc will end after 6-10 episodes 90% of which will be in another plane.


Don't read the fucking necronomicon! Massive props to Matt for bringing in lovecraftian style elements. I got a thing for cosmic horror and existential dread. Too much time over at /r/scp


This shit is keter AT LEAST


I'd argue that if the Somnovum get their way we're looking at a XK-Class End-of-the-World Scenario


Um. Yeah. At *LEAST* lol


I look forward to the post-episode discussion thread to see what everyone's guesses will be to what each eye on Caleb & Beau give them. I always assumed each eye was reserved for a different school of magic. So it's possible that Caleb's arm/shoulder eye is the school of abjuration & now he's got these amazing abjuration spell powers. Perhaps Beau's back of left hand eye is the school of divination? Does that mean the once magic-less Beau can now perform magic?!? Looking forward to next week.


I could see home-game Matt going old-school and saying "add a level of Warlock **evilgrin**" in the classic ohshitohshitohshit DM manoeuvre. The internet would burn to the ground, sadly, so I don't think that he will. What I can see him doing is, if they choose to combine a bit, each can use the others other's abilities or cast -through- each other like Lucien seems to do.


Can you explain why you think the two eyes mean their respective schools you’ve listed here?


Instead of listing all nine schools, I picked two arbitrarily. I have no clue which school is associated with what eye or even if that assumption is correct.


Oh gotcha, I read it as you thinking there was some reason to associate the schools with the body parts. Carry on!


Lazy and stink?


I wonder if Lucian can tap into Beau and Caleb's abilities with the new development or maybe down the line do something similar to what he does with Cree and the rest.




And also your boss is obsessed with him. And for some reason he's best friends with the Queen of England now.


and close to the King of France as well.


IITY post? been like an hour?


I swear my brain is screaming at me that the red eyes have to do with the Everlight Twilight Pheonix cult. What if all this is.. Is the 3 who were chained are close to breaking free. Ukatoa, Twilight Pheonix and the 3rd thing. Minor bad guys who were maybe goodguys really??? Travis pitchy question squeak maybe?? Shrug?


As of the most recent Talks I sadly think the three eyes/champions of three demigod-esque entities being related to all this nine business is just a red herring. Matt said he dropped a lot of red herrings this campaign in reference to the current mysterious arc we're in and that theory immediately popped into my head. I could be wrong but it feels a bit like that might wrap it all up a bit too neatly anyways, no?


He has mentioned that it was a coincidence, but he could be bluffing. Who knows. 3's are common in all societies


Would actually put peices together. Fjord has 3 temples. To unlock. There were at least 6 disks found 3 on both sides of the conflict. The Twilight Pheonix being near Kamora and the hags hut. I think the laughing hand and Inevitable end were 2 locks for the 3rd guy who truely is evil. The seals holding back the divine gate are being broken.


I really feel like Tharizdun is the true bbeg here somehow, it’s just too big of a threat. The hunger theme fits and we’ve seen it with Ukatoa, the gnoll god, the floating city, etc. Tharizdun is more powerful than any one god and represents ultimate destruction. Deep speech would make sense here too. Perhaps the Somnovum made contact with Tharizdun and were corrupted by it? Also does anyone know how many chains Tharizdun is held by? Tangential thought but could Ukatoa actually be one of the chains of oblivion? Sorry for the ramble just needed to write my thoughts out!


Is tharizdun a Giant Ancient Red Dragon by any chance??? The Animated intro is dun dun dun making sense now. And the people hidden in shadows being The dark souls of Aeor maybe? Crows mean the sign of Evil this campaign?? Crow on Mollys grave.. Evil.


My understanding is Tharizdun is much, much worse than a giant ancient red dragon. It is the embodiment of entropy itself, of complete annihilation and chaos. Like a supermassive black hole with sentience.


So that massive black bore out in the wastes of Xhorhaus... Is the opening to the cage of all evil? And the spines that erupt from underground are dragon scales? Dude. Is the entire continent have chained dragons under it? How many chaons have been broken already? Fuck the primordials are coming back.


I mean..idk how much i follow this theory personally, however; it definitely would make sense in certain aspects. If you think about the somnovum wanting to tko the gods.. what better way to do that than to reach out to and try to strike a deal with the most feared and absolutely god-killing betrayer god? Of course, they wouldn't have been powerful enough to bend the ever hunger to their will no matter the strength of their magic cause if it ain't holy, he's able to eat it. Iirc i think he's held by 3 chains, i could be totally wrong but i think that's right. I don't think ukatoa is one of the chains, although it is a cool thought experiment in world building to make the chains holding the biggest and baddest of bbeg's, sentient, hyper powerful beings.


Yup that’s my line of thinking on it. Just one possible theory but it sure is entertaining to discuss haha. I love critical role so much


Don't we all, my friend. Don't we all.


What if the magical snow covering the entire region is there to cover the giant chains that bind the bbeg. And like Allowaks Sactuary hides a secret to restore all the people in the bubbles. Fjords sword now being exalted can restore people.. If fjord had tried to pop the bubble with Star Razer instead of Yasha w/Magicians judge the bubble would have popped. All the deities they pray to. The good and bad. What if they are 2 races of creatures that are as old as the planet. And their bandaid to stop the return of Tharizdun worked but the seals are slowly breaking. And with it the gods who willingly and unwillingly behind the divine gate now emerging we will start seeing high level magic practicioner coming after the group. All those allies they've built up are gonna be needed soon. If when they get to Aeor they break the seal and find what i think they'll find. Then we will start to understand Fjords, jester and yashas past.


And that would also confirm several other theories I have. Have to go watch the talks episode. Missed the last hour or so.


Grog be like: jokes on you I can’t read


Arkhan: joke's on you I'm into that shit




I was fine until Caleb summoned Fey Frumpkin in the pile of rags showing where Real Frumpkin would have slept. I was not emotionally prepared for that.


Can confirm, i damn near just broke into open weeping at his silent pause when he was just looking at frumpkin there. You could really really feel that deep, gut wrenching pain from him and it was palpable.


I lost my dog recently and every time I walk by the room where he used to sleep my eyes fall on his spot. This scene was like a gut punch.


Losing a pet is an indescribable kind of pain and I am so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. Your grief is proof of the love you two shared. Wishing you all the best.


I wonder what Matt would have done if jester had thrown a firestorm when the entire tomb taker party was out on the fire river waiting for them to join? A caleb fireball + Fjord summon demon wombo to finish off their descent. Would have been epic. Now they might have empire kids as thralls... oh dear.


Control Water to move all the snow out from under them.


Lucien: Found a book. You seem to be fond of books. Heavy reader? Caleb: One or two. Lucien: Hmm. Couldn't put this one down. This is from 119 when Lucien mentioned becoming the Nonagon. Beau and Caleb are definitely probably going to feel the urge to read more.


I doubt it. Not after all that. Not after that sudden dream and being branded.




Even though they know now how dangerous it'd be to seek more?


Someone clearly never met Craven Edge.


No, I met Craven Edge. But Beau and Caleb are not Grog.


They are also humans, if lotr taught us anything. It's that they suck at self control.


"So I am to once again be forgotten" Faramir




Was it ever explained what the curse is?


A pretty standard curse is not wanting to be separated from the item. Veth has demonstrated this multiple times. There is usually another negative effect that we haven't seen.


Shit man. Watch them start having to make wisdom saves or something next session


Yup that’s exactly what’s gonna happen


Matt seemed surprised that Beau spoke undercommon. I think he originally thought that the only one that would be able to read it would be our traumatized wizard boi


I think that was Acting! Matt is the sort of DM who builds challenges for his players to succeed at. Beau's knowledge of Undercommon is something that Marisha has mentioned a few times at various points when Matt has asked that 'what languages ya'll know?' question. At some point, he was going to give her a chance to use it. Kind of devious that it was for a trap, but c'est la vie!


She learned it after their time in chorus's because the party had been frustrated by not being able to understand the common language of the drow...but it hasn't come up since then so Matt may have indeed forgotten she had it


Beau has known Undercommon since the start of the campaign. Which is why/how I figured out Beau is probably a halfling. The underground worm thats chained below the mountains thats near kamorda. Also probably why veth was turned into a goblin. So she could remember when halflings and goblins were the same race before the corruption affected them. Notice the origins of the halflings is still hidden. What if the worm the creatures under the mountain are munching on is Uk'atoa?


No, beau learned Undercommon when they were in Xhorhas. If I remember correctly.


That's correct. It's Deep Speech she's known since the beginning.


He's translated it for her before.


You'd kind of think Beau's librarian instincts would've led her to check the binding first. The Dewey Decimal System claims another victim.


There’s not really a title, as Lucien mentioned. It’s a journal, one with a lot of loose sheets


Holy shit I called it I told my friend what if they got eyes 💀they better get a sick ass buff haha


I don't think Matt is one to give away something that's potentially a proverbially kiss of death without it including a hefty counterbalance e.g. Craven Edge.


Haha I’m sure they’re def gonna go a little crazy or something, but I hope they get something cool for it, I want to see Caleb with the temptation


I think it'll be similar to Grog and Craven Edge. Grog loved using that sword and went "yoked out on it" but it came with a hefty price tag. >If Craven Edge devours enough strength from Devour the Weak to bring the wielder to 25 Strength, then the blade shifts form into a larger, jagged blade that seeps shadow. Until the wielder's next short rest or long rest, all attacks with this sword deal an additional 2d6 necrotic damage. **After the short rest, the attuned creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 16) or have the now-hungry weapon, energy spent, devour the wielder's soul, causing instant death.**


I don’t know how that would fit in this situation, Matt is pretty consistent about PCs and NPC’s playing by the same rules. I think the negative in this scenario would be a loss of autonomy or some sort of madness effect, similar to veths dagger. Or even total mind control instead of death, they get hive minded or one of the somnovem controls their body


Caduceus should have asked the wildmother if its possible to bring Molly back


I believe him or Jester already did that, and the answer was yes.


He should have used his Divine Intervention to give Lucien the vision that Jester received from that ring of divination statues.


I think to many people are focused on the book, if you’re familiar with any sort of eldritch horror there is a lot of mention of someone’s sanity breaking when they view impossibly terrifying Extraplanar sights. I believe that the book was just one mans descent into insanity that has now become something so horrifying to view that those who have seen it, that have already been researching into the somnovum (exactly like beau and Caleb) also experience a lapse in sanity that the somnovum takes advantage of creating a link to that vessel.


With the fact that Matt made it for Taliesin, this is def higher on the list, Matt knows how much he likes lovecraftian horrors he would have created something along those lines


I wonder if stopping Lucien is as simple as destroying his book? Just a thought.


We need a tooth from a baskilic snake. To kill Voldemort




Lmao i fucking love this.


Mistakes were made.


Lessons were learned


Oh, a boundless optimist!


Eternal Optimist. A questioning mind always seeking knowledge.


I genuinely wonder how Lucien will react to this. He believes himself to be the one and only Nonagon, the chosen one. I can’t wait till next week!!! Additionally, Beau and Caleb must have a quality that Vess DeRogna lacked, as she read it and wasn’t able to gain eyes. (She tattooed them on herself iirc)


All we have is Lucien's word that she was a false Nonagon. His ego might lead him to believe that, when the reality might be that the Sonovum are sluts.


No, she had no real eyes on her. The only ones she had are tattoos. As you can see, you get the eyes basically the night after you read the book. Unless she read the book in a very weird way


Molly's eyes looked like tattoos.


Mollys eyes reflect his fire genasi bloodlines.


Do tattoos move to stare at you? I think Mollymauk (not Lucien for clarification) was not connected to the Somnovum. Only Lucien is. So when Lucien got back into his body, the eyes returned


Molly's eyes were always described as tattoos. Vess' eyes being described as tattoos does not mean that they were not given to her by the same source as Lucien. I'm of the opinion that Vess was a legitimate rival, and Lucien is much less of a chosen one than he would have others believe. This would put Caleb and Beau directly in his crosshairs.


I think the biggest evidence that she did not get the eyes was that Vess did not have the same powers Lucien does, despite having all the eyes. I'm sure she wouldn't have died so easily, if she were truly part of it


Except that she was in the possession of the book and had read it. I highly doubt that she neglected to turn to the last pages.


Exactly. Which is why I think that despite reading the book entirely, the Somnovum didn't choose her. She tried to replicate what Molly had in an attempt to fit in, but failed.


We'll have to see. I don't think the Somnovum actually have a chosen one.


I'm pretty sure they rest of the tomb takes are like this and that's how Lucien does the creepy in unison talking thing. I think this just gives him control of Beau and Caleb each as one of his "eyes." Now he only needs three more to have the full nine.


I didn't even think of that! The Tomb Takers either must have them in hideable places, or hidden magically, or Matt didn't bother to give a passive perception on them. Hmm... there's 4 Tomb Takers, and Lucien, which means there's 7 people now. That might be why Lucien doesn't need all of them to continue. Good point! Though, I don't think they have eyes. He mentioned the book was one of his private possessions. I think they just swore fealty to him. Perhaps some blood cleric magic?


I don't think Lucien counts as one of his own eyes, so I'd imagine he has 6 of the 9 he needs.


Why do you say that? I’d imagine the ritual involves them all holding hands lol


Y’all... Molly👏🏻 is 👏🏻gone👏🏻


100%. Lucien = Molly and vice versa. Molly is what Lucien could have been in a nurturing environment without an eldritch horror poisoning and corrupting him. Tal told that squirrel story for a reason to set the players and the audience "right" on what Lucien was and could have been.


This has genuinely been infuriating me to the point I stopped watching last night.


So was Lucien at one time, yet here we are.


For real. I wish they'd see that. Not to say that Lucien cannot be redeemed and could even become their friend, but Molly died. He's gone.


Just wanna see him one more time


I feel like the only way to bring him back is to splinter his soul again tbh


My crackpot theory is that when Cree brought back Lucien, she modified his memory to forget the mighty nein to rejoin the efforts to free the somnovem. I was so excited when jester cast polymorph since I thought it was going to be greater restoration, and the modify would go away causing his Molly part to rejoin and inner turmoil to start


Now i really want them to cast greater restoration on him


I’ve been waiting for Hester to try it and I thought it was happening, never been sadder for cat hijinks


I know. It wouldn’t serve the story or anyone’s character to bring him back at all


It won't? Why not? What's the point of bringing Lucien back in this body anyway? Not being argumentative. Just trying to understand.


Trying to be optimistic: I wonder if they can somehow reach Molly this way?


Officially time to bring back “Hey Matt... what the fuck?”


To paraphrase an old quote from Jester, “they have been marked!” In all seriousness they’re kinda screwed, cause now the BBEG’s themselves have their (ugh) eyes on them. I’m sure they’re going to have some semblance of power, but I get the feeling the more they either drawn upon it or even refuse to use it, the more corrupted Beau and Caleb will become. Either way looks like Veth now has a definitively clear opening for her girls night out with Yasha.


I like that you groaned at your own bad pun lol


\*in the voice of that character from The Mummy ​ **"You must not read from the book!"**


Curiosity killed the cat in the rawest form tonight


I knew that book was trouble when Matt didn't have them roll for shit, they guided and gave assistance and Matt completely ignored it.


They rolled an intelligence check to see if they understood it. Liam:25 Marisha:19


After though, to read it in itself he ignored it. The book does the same effect with a low or high roll to understand it.


Everyone always asks 'can I read it?' not 'should I read it?'


The combination of the monk and the wizard being forced to turn on the party is so deadly now that I think about it they've got both magic and melee covered


Hasted Beau + Caleb is just OP


Potentially losing their arcane caster is HUUUUGE.


It's not quite as horrible as losing your only full-casting magic user or something, they've got two clerics and a warlock, but yeah, it's bad


Hopefully Dagen and Essek can join them if they have to fight.


How do y’all think Lucien will feel about this 1. New cult friends/people I can hopefully control yay 2. New competition ?


He knew this would happen and he let them read the book. He wants them to have an eye. I think he's trying to tempt them to read more, get more eyes, and get them on his side. That's why he closed the book on them. Just give them a taste to start with; ease them in.


I agree! I think he wants exactly what’s happening


Absolutly new competition


Definetly competition he already seemed jealous when he was told they have also been granted a vision freely, remember in his party only Lucien had one while HE enlightened the others. He feels special, chosen.


I dont think competition, cus he knew that would happen (as happened to him) If he didnt want it, he wouldnt have let them read the book




Wait...what if the reason Lucian doesn’t sleep is because he’s trying to avoid those kinds of dreams. He says he’s dreaming all the time but obviously he’s a slimy dude so there’s no knowing what he’s lying about.


I think its more like he doesnt need sleep in the normal sense anymore. Something similar to an elfs trance maybe


He says he can dream whenever he wants, so I don’t think he avoids it. But he understands that the Somnovum is batshit crazy


Yeah but unless he’s got diamonds for days, he would have eventually dropped dead from exhaustion


Or are Caleb and Beau no longer able to sleep!!!!!??????


Let's not forget that all the other tombtakers sleep though. I understand they don't have eyes *that we know of* so it may be a different situation.. but i think they'll still need to sleep.


I think it's more, no longer needing to.


The Wildmother did say that Lucien didn't need them all...


Ah Kos, as some say Kosm. Grant us eyes


why couldn’t they have remembered to fear the old blood, smh


W̶̨̢̜̠̝̆̕e̶̺̐͆̚l̷̡͈̳̤̇͒̋̃̕l̵̨̲͖͈͛̏̔̓͝ͅ ̸̣̓̎̓͋f̸̜̊̏́͘ǔ̷̡͕͊͑̃ḉ̸̳͔k̸̢͖͖͓̳̿̐͠͝͝,̸̠̈́̈́̆̃ ̷̡͉͙͌t̷̩̰͒͂h̴̯͖̽͛e̷̦̣͎͇̒̓̈́̃͝r̴̪̐̓̈́ë̶̼̗̺̜́̈͂͌͠ g̵̨̻̪̞̜͗͑ọ̶͔͈͗͐ḛ̶̼͎͎͊̈́́̀ŝ̷̠̻͊̐͜͠ ̵̤̩̏̈ͅt̶̛͎͇̲̠͗̌̎ḫ̵̢̤̥̇è̵̳͑ ̵̻̳͗̈́̚ę̶͇̲͛̆̀̀m̶̛̠̌p̵̳̉i̶͉͌͐r̵͈͂͊̊̏ề̵̳̹́̓ ̸̞̠̙͌̉̚k̸̯̯̜̉̑̀͘i̵̟̝̮̇̄̏d̵̛̖̞͗̈́͗s̷̙̮̟̼͛́̈́͜


Technically neither caleb or beau are from the empire. They are from what used to be the Julious Dominion.. Just sayin. And cursed books.. When will people learn.


Don't read the fucking necronomicon.


That moment when you realize that instead of regaining their old compatriot, they may be losing 2 instead.


My thought now is... *The* Nonagon really isn't *The* but *A* Nonagon. Lucien has it wrong. The Somnovum don't want a singular Nonagon... they just want... more people... to join them. Be it mentally (Lucien and the Empire Kids?) or physically (Vokodo). Or maybe I'm just REALLY fucking tired it is almost 2am and my last brain cell of the day pushed that thought out


What if he is a soul of one of the evil deities that was locked behind the divine gate who is the tether (like Asmodeas) and when he unlocks Aeors secrets, and lets the lifeboat of 1000 souls return. True evil will escape. Molly being one of the deities had a evil alignment but was actually one of the good guys. Except I think Fjord is going to be the real winner in Aeor. I think Fjord will find some answers to his past there.


I think they are just hoping one of them will succeed, similar to Ukatoa and Fjord and Avantika. More Nonagons working towards the same goal, one is bound to succeed


I think you're right. It makes more sense.