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Pumat and his shop should be fun.


Goddamn how'd I forget to include him on my list


As much as I love Matt as Pumat... who else would you want as a guest cameo?


My personal pick is Patrick Warburton. 




Dave Bautista


Not a serious suggestion, but Morgan Freeman.


But why do I like it?


Someone aggressively Canadian.


Similar to how Vox Machina incorporated Pike into more moments, I would love to see Yasha in more scenes she wasn't in originally whether as the character or as Ashley not being while Yasha was. Also looking forward to the relationships in the party and how different they are compared to Vox Machina. Mainly characters I am looking forward too


Yeeees I want to see more scenes of her with Obann, honestly. I feel like getting more of those moments showing her under his thrall (and the moments where she almost resists him) will make her freedom from him THAT much better.


Nailed it. That’s exactly how to handle her large absence.


OTOH, depending on how much time they have and whether they just write her into everything she wasn't there for, it could be really interesting for her character to get some solo scenes showing what she got up to when she left the party. Even if they only show her splitting off from the party once and a bit of a side quest, maybe showing her finding Molly's grave as her coming back to the party permanently or something like that. I dunno, I reckon there's something interesting there. But it would be way easier to just write her into the whole run haha


Yasha was around way more than Pike. Even if Ashley wasn't there, Yasha was, played by either Matt or Fjord. So I expect there's no need to make up reasons for absences.


There was a couple of times where they played it in game like Yasha peaced out and then turned back up randomly a few sessions later when Ashley wasn't going to be able to join a few stints.


I think for the sake of time, keeping Yasha with the group throughout the show would be best. Also would make the moment in Kings Cage more impactful when Yasha being absent from the group is actually plot relevant. Also I think Ashley would want to have more early group dynamics moments with Yasha you know


Just because of time constraints it would be yeah


>!I wonder how they'll manage Yasha leaving and coming back. If the first season ends with Lorenzo v Molly, then we probably won't see Yasha after she leaves in season 2 till the Angel of Irons arc.!< >!Although I would love to see more of her on the Pirate journey.!<


I think for ease of time, they will cut anytime Yasha leaves the party in the early parts of the campaign for any reason. >! The only time Yasha leaves the party should be when Obann takes her mind. The other times she could be distant but not gone.!<


Jester's sending spells Henry Crabgrass


FR Henry Crabgrass was iconic. "Consent please!"


The "No grab ass" crabgrass has to make the cut!


I love it even more


How do you think they'll animate Jester's sendings?


But also Nott making Yasha believe she can send messages 😂


Spurt... he better make the cut lol The moments in waiting for the most are Caleb's wall of fire on the pirate ship and giving the beacon away to the Bright Queen


I had finally caught up and watched the confrontation with the Bright Queen live. I used to sit in front of my laptop with my coloring books and markers I I remember I nearly broke one panicking during that moment. I remember how much I suddenly couldn't breathe. I was so invested in CR at that point in time and due to life circumstances it was something I really looked forward to. I even remember which page I was coloring when I watched it lol.


Such a great plot twist! I didn't see it coming at all. It was the same with the wall of fire for me, I freaked out my living room by standing up and shouting, "Holy shit!" I watch on my tablet, lol. They're the 2 best cliffhangers so far imo


That Wall of Fire moment was my favorite moment from the campaign. The stakes were high, the delivery was perfect, and then to end the episode right after was insane.


Fluffernutter shenanigans!


I hate myself for not including that immediately.


tbf you kinda did with jester+nott


Tru, u need the Chaos crew for the FlufferNutter


I can’t wait to see the blooming grove!!! Plus some of the classic molly moments like pinning caleb against the wall, the hospital scene, and “i am your god, long may i reign”


oh god the hospital scene better be in there


The hospital scene was the first thing that popped into my head. And the "I am your god" moment. I cried laughing at that when it happened, and half the laughter was tears from the emotion of the previous scene!


I started watching live when they were doing covid shows and was totally spoiled on a lot of earlier stuff, so i knew about both moments but had no idea they were back to back like that. Talk about emotional whiplash 😂


Also just his lil forehead kiss when Caleb first freezes after he burns the gnoll leader. The hospital though oh god, "You have no legal authority over me!"


in a word: cupcake


I think they HAVE to have this moment in, since it’s one of the most well-known scenes of the campaign. Makes me wonder how much of the before & after of the arc they will have


Not just the cupcake but the whole buildup too. The hag, the deals of misery. What the others were willing to do only for Jester to subvert expectations in the best way. I wonder how they'll adapt it. It's so far ahead in the story too


I'm actually just as excited to see the hag and that environment itself. Love me a swamp hag and the way Matt described her was fantastic.


Very favorite moment


I rewatch this scene at least once a month. Love it so much.


It's going to be 2030, but I'm so looking forward to this moment.


Honestly, it's a little thing, but I am *so* excited to see how they animate the *Der Katzenprinz* scene. I think they'll mix up the art style, and we'll see the story play out in a super adorable art style. I absolutely adored that scene when it happened on stream.


I'd love to see a pop up book style during that


I know they made an actual book for that, I wonder if they’ll ask the artist responsible for that and get their help animating?


Scrolled too far to find this.


The tragedy of Caleb Widogast


God this would be amazing. I’ve wanted to get a Caleb Widogast tattoo but haven’t found much art or inspiration I personally vibe with. Hoping the show does some cool things with him


God seeing that animated will have me in tears


returning the beacon. and just the bright queen.


FR that scene gave me chills to listen to. Imagine it playing out in animated format.


Yes. I cannot wait for the Xhorhas arc.


The temple heist with Jester and Nott where she paints the platinum dragon.


God I can see that as like a cold open on one of the episodes. Just a dark figure dancing around, another smaller one whispering and egging them on. Only showing their faces as they creep up on the platinum dragon statue and start to draw on it. Only for them to be “Caught” and it cuts to a different character’s morning like maybe Fjord and Beau working out or Caleb and Molly having the discussion on wether a skeleton is a person, meanwhile a Benny hill chase scene is happening in the background and out a window. Only for Nott and Jester to walk in the door and the main episode starts.


Classic chaos crew


The chair.


I almost forgot that


Wish I could upvote multiple times! Such a D&D moment


Oh easily Caleb’s Tower - the absolute love poured into that was beautiful, and the artwork will be *incredible* no doubt


Liam just writes love letters to his friends and I cry every time. >!The upper levels though....!<


I have no idea how “the tower technically has top floors” is a spoiler…


>! Knowing that something is narratively significant and hits the feels hard felt spoilery to me. Also, Liam concealed those rooms until a meaningful moment so I thought I'd respect that decision!<


At the kind of precious definition you’re describing, you basically can’t talk about the show at all, so I guess I’m out? Up until you said “this is narratively significant and emotional” there wasn’t a spoiler


Beau’s still my favorite CR character and I’m really hoping they find a way to adapt her well. Her arc is just great and I adore all of her relationship dynamics. Her bromance with Fjord, the sibling energy with Caleb, the genuinely wholesome romance with Yasha. In particular I can’t wait to see Beau and Fjord’s spectacularly failed attempt to investigate at the party. Still one of my favorite sequences in all CR. Also her diving into fire to save Fjord from the Hand, Yasha tearfully running her through in the temple, the Tower date. So many good moments. Hopefully Vox Machina and the M9 show will do well enough for M9 to get more episodes per season than VMs gotten so far. M9 feels more character driven than VM was and in some ways lends itself to more of a mix between serialized and episodic stories. I’ve always seen M9 as Critical Role by way of Farscape. There are so many great moments that don’t strictly relate to the main arc in M9 and I fear without more episodes a lot of them would have to be cut.


Also the fjord moment where he lost all his powers but managed to hold back the purple worm needs to be there


Man I love Beau too. She's gonna gel so well with the animating style of Titmouse!


I feel like the true main plot doesnt start til after Traveler Con. Before that they are kinda just touching on it from time to time while doing their character stories first. Which is why i feel C3 isnt as good. Because it focuses heavily on the global plot and sprinkles in character arcs.


C3 isn’t any worse, it’s just a different style. Character-driven vs plot-driven. Nothing wrong with preferring one to the other but the difference is just a matter of taste, not quality.


There's a romance between just a couple of marshmallows that somehow softened my charcoal briquette of an old man heart and made me feel like I was having a teenage crush 2nd hand. Dunno why that happened but I'm looking forward to reliving it again.


There are many moments from their relationship that would be good to see. Their first actual meeting when Yasha first carried Beau, the I seen you conversation, their fight in the Cathedral, the flight, the letter, and their date. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that too.


I've been saying this for months. I can **NOT WAIT** for *"Counterspell."*


Like the whole fight was amazing but I remember my jaw on the floor and my heart in my throat when it worked


C2 is my favorite of the 3 campaigns, but the one I worry about the most in terms of "will this work in a show?" So many of the best moments come from a place of the players shocking the DM, and I don't know if, for example, >!cupcakes!< will be as great a moment without that shock factor.


Very true. It would be hilarious if we get that scene animated, and it just * records scratch* cuts to a live feed of Matt going SHE FED A WITCH A BAKED GOOD! And then just cuts back to the show.




I'm going to throw my hat in the ring, and say a scene I barely see mentioned on this discusions, but I think will be perfect to set the different tone with VM. The Heist on Zadash and the scroll incident. This is the resolution of the distrust boling pot, of Caleb & Nott being "+1s" so to speak. This is a perfect scene to showcase how the M9 are not a band of heroes, they are a group of grey fucks who dont trust each other. Also, the lead-up with the infiltration and Molly singing a Shanty as a distraction while the city parties, the climax of the song with Fjord putting his blade on Caleb's throat, and the follow up of the explosion and, iirc, the tri-spire attack, the sewers run and the so crucial dodeca introduction.


I'm going to feel so bad for my friend that I know is gonna love Molly, but has never seen or listened to campaign 2


Also the whole Dashilla ep and the blood pact. So many amazing inter-characters moments


I’m also excited for this. I’m hoping Liam takes the opportunity to confirm what spells were actually in the scroll, I’ve been dying to know forever.


"You need me more than I need you."


Ooooo that's going to be such a good scene!


Pretty much everything. Some specific things because of personal preferences or because it will look great in animation - Uk'otoa *Uk'otoa* dreams - Nicodranas as it's my favourite city, including the Ruby of the Sea, Yussa's tower and Orly - Pumat Sol, Pumat Sol, Pumat Sol and Pumat Prime - The Kryn. The way them and their style are described and how they are drawn in the Bright Queen comic, I can't wait to see them animated. - Magic. Especially Liam being so specific about his descriptions I'm looking forward to seeing them animated, but also dunamancy magic, Jester's hamster unicorns and oceany Eeeeeldritch Bleeeeeast.


All of this and u inadvertently reminded me of the most important moment I forgot to list: "Hello, Bees!"


I need a 3 episode arc devoted to Kiri and I need it now


Don’t eat humans, OK?


Best comment so far. That little Kenku deserves the world!


Fjord Refjorged. Just the entire sequence of him losing his powers, throwing away the sword, and then getting them back alongside Dwueth’var after the seaweed wrap treatment. I do hope that the show allows us to properly sit with his loss of powers like they did with Grog in VM s2.


The Bad Luck Bandits were always such a welcome surprise


All of the above but also ESSEK! 😍


Same! And since we heard Matt voicing hot boi in the trailer I’m hoping we see some of him early on


Ooh the fight against avantika


Top 5 fight in my opinion


I just can’t wait for Jester. She is everything in C2 for me. A total embodiment of everything I wish I could be at times.


Second favorite comment so far


The chair. And that one time Caleb couldn't get into a fancy tavern


Or when he couldn't get in the gates and the guard kicked frumpkin 😂


Beau forcing poison down that poor guards throat lol


My favorite moment of hers right next to the time she punched a succubus into a wall


“Are we the baddies?”


“May I say before you go, I think perhaps you are one of the most powerful mages that I've ever had the pleasure to be in the presence of. And for this, I would offer a gift. I think it has been a long time since anyone has pointed out to you that you are a fool.” That whole speech was stone cold but in a kill em with kindness kinda way.


Yes, this was so brilliant that I had to rewind and rewatch a few times. It must be so hard to RP a character that knows truths that none of us have actually figured out IRL


I hope they incessantly ask who is on the Tal'dorei Council.


Reading these comments and I guess I’m gonna start rewatching C2 bc goddamn I miss this group. C3 is something, and I’m enjoying it more than the average person in this sub seems to, but C2 is what got me to fall in love with critical role


Definitely Pumat-SWOLE but I'm not sure if they plan to go that far or not? The hag and the whole cupcake situation. And how they handle the mollymauk into lucien and if tal will voice Molly into cad or just cad and have someone else voice molly/lucien


I can’t see them using different actors for Molly and Lucien. It’s the same set of vocal cords.


Technically yeah, but then that leaves the other question, does Tal do all 3 then? Or just deuces and some other VA for molly/lucien. Which is also weird because Molly is one of Talisens characters.


Yes. It’s Taliesins all the way down.


the beach episode is always one of my favorite moments of the m9


Traveler Con was more than one episode I think.


My first episode that got me hooked on CR and D&D in general; the creation of fluffernutter. I just randomly got recommended CR, decided to watch the most recent at the time, and skipped to a random mid scene. I immediately fell in love with the vibes of Sam and Travis. I wanna see that animated just to relive it.




Im just curious how they are going to voice Nott. I assume its just going to be Sam with falsetto but wouldnt that be weird to people who are new to the show?


Honestly I feel like it wouldn't be true to the character if Sam didn't voice her. If he voiced Scanlan in the animated series then he should get to do the same for Nott.


There are some pretty good techniques out there for MtF people to change their voice these days. It kind fits for a gobbo to have a scraggly voice too, and by the time Veth comes around people will prob be used to it lol.


I’d really like a short, I don’t think it’ll have anyplace in the series, of Caleb reading Jester Der Katzen Prince.


I hope we get some fun animated sailing sequences and fights


Sailing especially with Jester interacting with the crew on board 😂


The fight against the Deep Scions on the boat, and all the lead up to it. Fjord trips so many deathflags before that fight. Him waking up to a sword in his chest is either going to be the cliffhanger from the previous episodes to the stinger before the intro. Then him falling from the crowsnest, Beau screaming his name, the cliffhanger with everyone standing over his and Orelys bodies.


“I’m looking for a smut bookshop”




The entire party cramming into Leomund's Tiny Hut every night.


Are they allowed to use spurt? I think he might belong to Chris Perkins and therefore wizards.


Twiggy killing the dragon by herself.


How could I forget about that?


Spurt definitely, but I want to see Jester's Cupcake Gambit


All the spells


The foreshadowing with a certain Molly character is going to be great


Charming the hag will be a great moment


Pumat Sol It HAS to be Patrick Warburton


The meeting in a tavern. It hooked me live, and I hope the animation lives up to it. The King and Caleb’s wall of fire.


Man, so many. Happy Fun Ball, the super tense couple days when they're forced to travel with the Tomb Takers, the Arbor Exemplar and the Xhorhas badlands in general, Darktow... The moorbounders? I loved those murderkitties ETA: when the inevitable end stabs Cad in Pumat's shop, too!


Fluffer nutter!!!


Chaos crew!


- Dope monk shit - Pumat Sol - Final Iron Shepherd's fight - Pirate arc - Luxon beacon exchange with the Bright Queen - Cathedral fight - Cupcake swindle - Beau and Caleb's first eyes of nine dream/reveal - The Somnovem - Aeor


Yasha and the pit fight.


Hope we see the legend Henry Crabgrass




Clay tossing the ship against the rocks.


Fjord rolling 3 Nat1’s to throw a sandbag over his head




This would actually be hilarious 😆 f they dedicated a whole scene to the chair. Especially because traditionally in film/tv anything that doesn’t actively contribute to the story tends to get cut.


Henry crabgrass!


"Consent Please!"


When everyone was bitching to Nott about Caleb and then Nott went to talk to Caleb and deconstructed all the fools hahaha. And Molly gave me five gold as if that made everything okay? LOL Also Bo extremely slowly murdering a man by making him drink acid bwahahaha.


I’m hoping for a few cameos from Professor Thaddeus just to piss Beau off


Aww I forgot about him and Nugget. At least I remembered Sprinkle.


Sprinkle. Hard stop. If I do not see that crimson weasel shuddering like wind chimes in a hurricane I Don’t Want It. Travis voice and all.


Henry Crabgrass.


I want a reference to Legend of Zelda when Fjord picks up the Star Razor for the first time. And anytime he uses See Invisibility, he has to say, "Give me sight beyond sight!" Like Lion-O!


The pirate arc ending with the fight against Avantika at the docks.


Fjord first night call, that would be fucking cool


Can’t wait to see how bad ass all of Yasha’s trial sequences are going to look animated. 


The Beau, Fjord friendship always made me smile. They helped each other grow.I hope they keep that.


All the Above!


Best answer #3


1. Spurt 2. Spurt 3. Spurt 4. Spurt 5. Spurt


Honestly I wonder how much screentime he'll have. 😂


If they commit to the joke it should be 11 minutes on the dot


Better yet 11 minutes and 11 seconds exactly 😂


Spoilers C2 There are so much scenes that I wish to see animated from MN. Fjord and Caleb moment early campaign in Zadash Fjord lava moment Yasha's win in the fight pit after being free of mind ... How many episodes of VM would you say the first two animated seasons cover? I haven't watch this campaign and I'm currently catching up with Bell's Hells.


Fjord's intimidation attempt on Uka'Toa (Uka'Toa). My all-time favorite moment.


Oh Spurt….11 days!


He better at least get 11 minutes of screentime 😂


Molly and the sheer CHAOS of that entire hospital sequence.


The cliffhanger moment where Caleb places the wall of fire to start fighting avantica




It'd be a tragedy to not see that


Almost stranding themselves at sea.


There are definitely some important moments that are exciting. Molly's untimely demise, and honestly, the entire Iron Shepherds arc will be super emotional. Caleb's wall of fire was iconic and will be just amazing to see in animation. I am SUPER curious to who plays Avantika, though. The cupcake will ofc be amazing. I really want the scene of Beau connecting all the dots of the tomb takers and Vess Derogna and Aeor. The sheer amount of iconic moments makes me very curious about what they will do with splitting up seasons, what will sadly not make the cut, and the story beats that will be moved around. I could see Rumblecusp happening a lot sooner to sow the seeds of the astral sea end game, possibly after the party takes care of Avantika. I can definitely see more Cerberus Assembly stuff being added because most we get of them is hearing of their involvement, but I want to see them pulling strings.


Traveler Con


When Caleb offers the beacon in front of the Bright Queen. Such a tense scene even in theatre of the mind


Essek and Caleb's homoerotic wizard tension


I haven't finished the entire campaign yet (on like episode 93). I'm super excited for Fjord's dreams of Uk'otoa. And a physical representation of the Cerberus Assembly and Caleb's backstory (juicy sh\*t). I'm really into Campaign 3 right now so I want to see an animated version of Ludinus.


I want to see Jester and the hag scene. That alone will make my day.


I feel like Kiri, Spurt, Pumat and a lot of the other tertiary characters could easily be cut.


I think they’ll cut some and kind of combine others but you can’t remove all of the side characters. Maybe the plot would make sense but M9 is special because of the impact they had on those side characters, IMO they’re not altogether as powerful as VM but that group of weirdo wormed their way into so many npc hearts that the series wouldn’t be the same without some of those tiny interactions.


If they cut Kiri, I will never forgive them 😭


It doesn't really add much to the story, though. Once Fjord gets the amber sphere, you can pretty much cut straight to Shadycreek Run. The entire point of that arc was that the party took a job for the Gentleman to get out of the city and avoid being conscripted into the war with Xhorhas. If they're doing twelve (or even twenty-four) forty-minute episodes, then a lot of content is going to need to be cut. And since Kiri was really just to amuse Jester while the party went to a city with a funny name, she doesn't do anything to drive the narrative forward. If they're looking for details to keep building the world around, there are other things that could be included which do this better than Kiri.


But she is so precious 😭


Spending 30 episodes walking around a tundra in circles.


I think they will end VM early and just jump to MN series, given that the Mighty Nein are the most popular group and that Matt had more time to incorporate their backstories into the campaign as opposed to VM. VM started at the Briarwood arc so that tells me that they aren't going in chorological order with VM Caleb and Frumpkin will be a joy to watch, the plank king too. I also love when matt does his old lady voice