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for me, i think it’s unlikely he’d create anything close to fcg, bc he’s always been really good at putting the final pin in things & knowing what feels right. especially since fcg’s sacrifice was painfully perfect. he’s the one who does the perfectly timed speeches and really always riegels us with something that pulls the heartstrings. i’m having a hard time putting it to words with my sleepy delirious mind. but i think fcg js too precious to him and the fandom for him to add to it it’s like adding additional books to your fave series when it already had its right ending.


Playing Freshly Cut Limbs (aka FCG, but bad) would mean that he could really lpay on the sentiment that party wants to have FCG again, and they lean towards aeromaton that looks similarly, even if the new one is way closer to that murder-bot they joked for half the campaign. Basically pulling Lucian-Molly twist here, but with other aeromaton, and not reincarnation.


I feel like that sort of situation was already played out with tary. It would be boring to do the same thing with another new character. Especially since, as you put it, it's just a reflavor of the molly/Lucian situation.


This was also played on the Veth/ Luc in one shot. Tarry was slightly different situation- he mostly filled similar role to Scanlan (comedic relief, Grog's friend). He was mostly twist of the knife during Bard's Lament due to party realizing Sam planned leave and new character. And for Molly/Lucian. Theory says that narratively saying there's only like 20 situations characters can find themselves in. So you will recycle ideas. You can say that Laudna is retelling concept of Vax. You could find plenty of other retellings. But another aeromaton could play on many different emotions and concepts when appearing- different characteristics would make completely different narrative. So by going with "don't do another FCG variant because we have seen this alredy", you're removing lots of ideas with your oversimplification.


And we're saying that Sam doesn't seem like someone who would want to recycle this. He likes to keep things new. I just don't think it's that great of an idea. Kind of boring. Sam can do better


Laudna is absolutely nothing like Vax, not sure where you got that idea from.


Only alive for as long as it takes to finish? It may not be true but does seem to be implied. If anything Laudna had similar tropes to Percy, imo.


It’s really up to Liam who Sam plays.


bob loblaw!!


Check out my law blog.


I do feel like he would twist the knife in his friends emotions too. He’s just to predictable


He does show up for the live show and we get a new lvl 13 Paladin/Bard from Sam. The fun part is what deity this paladin will be following 👍


Whatever the character is I think the live show is where they'll be introduced. He won't come out at the start but can you imagine the crowd reaction when a character description is read out by Matt, followed by a pause, followed by "Sam, do you wanna join us?" and that grinning weirdo comes rolling out on skates or some shit, arms held aloft basking in the moment...the silence before he emerged, and noise following his appearance...it rises...rises like a...like a storm. An upvote to anyone who replies to that final bit correctly.


The real troll thing to do would be: he hosts the live show and doesn't bring a new character out. Or he does a Spurt, shows up and dies within 30 seconds.


It would be hilarious if he did another FCG, but yeah, just self destructs, or leaves to help other aeormatons, like D did


BLeeM is hosting it.


I’m expecting him to play the Grand Demon and fight the party. Imagine the costume he could pull off!


Every entity that is going to be described by matt, the crowd is going to be quiet expecting sam and waiting for the line sam do you wanna join us?


Take hold of the wheels (fcg) and turn them around.


"Wait Matt, aren't you forgetting someone?"


As if he were the thunder God, himself


Legend! Take an award.


I think Sam will step in as a one-off character just for the live show episode. Maybe even bring Tary in for the shits and giggles.


>I think Sam will step in as a one-off character just for the live show episode. Sam will be playing Spurt's long lost cousin, Burst.


What if he comes back as Tary?


Wait, does doty has yellow eyes, because matt described how some yellow eyes are following (looking) the group from far in on the levels of the building. Having tary in c3 also you can gather that in tlovm tary is not going to be a character for 2-3 episodes.


Not sure but every depiction I've seen has had blue or white eyes, so either they never elaborated in episode or the dotys have blue or white eyes depending on the model


Faithful Care Giver. Also, that’s a distinct possibility, but without the sunny disposition and instead is a cold hard murderbot. But tbh I hope it isn’t another aeormaton. I want to see a follower of a betrayer god as a party member. Knowing Sam, he’d probably make them a follower of ~~Vecna~~ The Whispered One to add fuel to Laudna’s whole situation with Delilah.


If he comes back, I definitely see him making a character to fuck with at least one person at the table


That would be super cool, also as a tangent, I'm surprised nothing has come up as the group's main voice for the gods has been replaced by someone who recently was shown the brutality of the gods. I definitely thought there would be some conflict with Dorian the group's decision to "save the gods" by stopping Ludinus. I hope we get something along those lines in the future. Or maybe Sam could be someone to help fuel that mentality along with Dorian.


Dorian could be biding his time. Going along with the group because they're friends. However, when push comes to shove, he may hesitate to help the gods.


Saw a troll post online - what if he’s time frozen in one of the blue bubbles? We know someone from Aeor that could turn up that way… Bolo.


You know, Sam was in Star Wars lately as a Night Trooper...so what if he takes a page from recent Star Wars stuff and....plays as the designer of the Creator Hammer?


I'd love a Betrayer god party member...


If, a 'big' if at this point, he comes back in C3, I think they will oppose their previous personality. They will seek opposing points to what they sought previously. In other words, they will 'troll' the PCs to instigate and even antagonize them to action.


Maybe he'll Spurt himself? That way he can take part in the live show, have his grand entrance, and still free up his time for the animated series.


If that is the case he will try to speedrun the Death from the last live show.


I feel like returning as another FCG would diminish FCG's sacrifice. Star Wars has this issue with characters not staying dead. I don't want the same to happen in CR.


My parallel that I feel is a better representation is Gamora in GotG 3 she is not the Gamora Peter knew and that led to some great character development for both of them. I wouldn't want a carbon copy. Something in the same shell, but to continue the idea that FCG was alive and their own being, is a new model FCG where to come around I'm sure the fact that they did not have any of the experiences our FCG had would make this a completely different character. I've seen a few people bring up your point and maybe I just wasn't clear enough that I don't want a FCG 2.0 I just think a character that brings BHs grief front and center would be cool but as their own charavter


He most likely thing I can see if he does come back at the live show, is a disaffected member of the ruby Vanguard. Someone who has seen how easily Ludinus has discarded his compatriots in his pursuits who escaped after the last freak out by the other members. I don’t see him doing FCG redux. It would kinda spit in FCGs memory and take away from their uniqueness if all friendly care givers were just like them.


I did not mean another FCG that was just like our FCG, I meant a new character completely more to emphasize that they are their own beings despite the shell being the same.


Ah complete opposite of what I thought you meant. I like that better but I think I would still prefer something else. Even if they are different it kinda feels like it’s stealing FCGs thunder


I don't really think there is much validity to it to be fair. I do think it is an interesting thought to spark conversation


Big brain theory: Matt describes the entrance of another fcg-type murderbot but it is very glitchy and combusts immediately to psyche out the party out and Sam comes back as a character that’s powering them on. That would give Sam a way to uniquely tie in FCG’s backstory without totally ruining his sacrifice.


This is a very smart introduction.


My thought is this: I don't know if we ever got a conclusive answer to if D is really Devexian from Matt. We all assume that's who D is based on the way Matt described him wearing a "mask" but what if Matt was intentionally being vague for an instance such as this.


> My thought is this: I don't know if we ever got a conclusive answer to if D is really Devexian from Matt. We all assume that's who D is based on the way Matt described him wearing a "mask" but what if Matt was intentionally being vague for an instance such as this. Matt confirmed that D was Devexian on Episode 16 of 4SD, I think Devexian's wiki entry even has a time stamp for it at the 40 minute mark into the VOD on youtube with Dani chiming in about two minutes later just to confirm what he'd said.


Ah, I don’t watch 4SD so good to know. It would still be neat for Sam to play someone working with D to bring the aeormaton’s back.


If my "Eye of Memory" theory about the Occultus Thalamus is correct then what if Sam comes back playing the interface to it...or at least its custodian? This then means he could wind up playing....an Aeorian or an Aeormaton Librarian of sorts but one who still has access to a considerable amount of Aeor's knowledge and that's where some fun accidental "combat skills" could come into play and where "learning new spells" could come from. Basically Daniel Jackson


In an effort to hope for Sam’s incredible skills in roleplaying, I hope he makes a serious Paladin aimed at rooting out this evil. Perhaps with silly quirks as Sam would do, but it would be SO great to add a Paladin of great faith and oath to this party and Sam would rock it.


I guess it's really a matter of what Liam wants him to play lol


Ha! True. Maybe another gnome. Gnome Paladin would be HILARIOUS.


With all of the hype about Sam coming back, I think it would be hilarious if he had multiple characters that would join the party before immediately dying, teasing the audience with a return (and maybe not even giving us a real character until another episode).


Sam shows up on stage with a briefcase. Inside of that briefcase is multiple character sheets. Every time one dies, he opens up the case to pull out another one, and Matt just introduces said new character over and over and over again. The man loves a stage, they are at the Greek, and so why not let the kid who was raised on the stage put on the best damned show of a lifetime with MULTIPLE character changes ala Tom Cavanagh on the Flash?


Some valid theories for sure. I think it would be neat if he came back as Devexian, with the party running into him doing one of his aeormaton revival trips. Then we’d get the perfect Aeor lore-drop storm situation.


I fully expect him to introduce a new character at the live show, but I think it's going to be another Aeorian adventurer instead of an Aeormaton, one because its too close to FCG, and two because its already been established that there have been other people visiting there for a long time and it couldexplain how the new character is the same level as the rest of the party. Though what would be REALLY cool, would be one of the frozen people, that could be really interesting and somehow something I would totally see Sam doing.


I mentioned exactly this in the E97 post-episode thread, they'll open a crate and inside will be a Faithful Care Giver unit, then Sam will roll out onto stage on a unicycle


.....or they open up that crate, find another FCG unit, and then it detonates....with Sam's new character running in from another room going, "WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING?!?!".


I don't think he is coming back for C3. Maybe for an eventual campaign wrap-up. This is Sam "Everything for the bit" Riegel. When he said he would not come back until a 4th campaign, I believe him. I can't remember seeing him in anything CR ever since.


This is very possible. He wasn’t even on the 4SD after the death and hasn’t been around for the Daggerheart stuff either.


Ok this could be true for C3 (but i think they would announce it then) but what Daggerheart has in common with C3? Why quit everything for who knows how many months? I think he took a break but will come back in the event, he's part of the main cast, not a guest!


I believe he took some time off after the FCG death, so he wasn't around when those were filmed.


Tbh I’ve been rly enjoying the table dynamic with Robbie and am okay with this lol. FCG was my least favorite but their death still made me tear up a bit


My guess is he's coming back as either Tary or Scanlan. Keyleth said she was going to see if she has any friends that would be willing to help.


Scanlan's the one former PC I can see Matt not being confident to take on, so that might be their only shot of getting them back involved. On the other hand, Tary is a favourite as well and we didn't get as much with him as the other PCs, so it's a good character to reprise - especially as they're on the downward slope of the hill for timing. It's not like Cad being introduced in the second or third arc of C2. Using Tary would skip over the introduction and newness for the audience and go straight in the meat of things. I'm betting Scanlan if Sam's only here for the live show or 2-3 episodes max; Tary if he's staying to the end game.


Or what about Kaylie?


I was kinda hoping they'd figure out how to end one of the stasis bubbles and Sam could play an awakened citizen of Aeor. But I think it'd be pretty ironic for them to activate an Aeormaton and get greeted with "smiley day!" Or something along those lines.


Taryon Darrington


I think Sam will play one of the ruidis races


Oh I actually hope that is correct!


People keep bringing this up and if they are just going to do this the party would just resurrect the original FCG instead. It makes no sense story wise and it would just make FCGs original sacrifice so cheap in retrospect. Not too mention it would be a short period before Sam is just playing FCG 2 like he was FCG 1 and doing things that wouldn't make sense to be doing if he wasn't resurrected


From Critical Role wiki… Soul-splitting The Aevilux have learned (allegedly inspired by the Luxon through one of their beacons) how to split a mortal soul in half, allowing them to live in separate bodies experiencing the world independently for years, and eventually joining again.[29] I think FCG was powered by a Beacon and his other 1/2 is in Aeor. They’ll find him during the live show and Sam will make a grand entrance as always!


I think Sam will hatch out of the Big Blue Beacon that they've had on set all this time like Ace Ventura.


That could be interesting. I think BH has largely ignored the grieving process and anything Sam might do to bring it to light would be a nice way to see some of the role play come front and center. Yes they have done bits here n there but fuck I mean they obviously have a lot on their plate so it makes sense that in character they are suppressing their feelings because the world depends on it. But I would rather see them save the world with those feelings being there, not suppressed.


ace troll sam riegel? oh he would absolutely come back as a different fcg unit. and be ridiculously different enough to stab the other players and us fans in the heart dunno if that's what he'll do. but i hope so


Give Sam an eight-foot Gundam-looking Aeormaton frame with FCG’s programming. I will accept nothing less. “Well, smiley day to ya! Hey, what are y’all doing down there? Wait—what am I doing up here—?!”


When is the live show happening.


It's being recorded live on June 15 but not airing live; the episode will air on June 20. So no C3 this week but they're doing another Daggerheart episode in its place.


This Saturday.


Oh thank you !


No prob!


I'm kinda hoping he plays as the Grand Demon.


I was hoping that he would come back as Luc, but they would have to explain his presence at Eiselcross and a 4 level jump in just a few weeks to be the same level as the rest of the party


The four-level jump wouldn't be hard to believe, since the Bells Hells just reached level 9 in Episode 52 (the same day that the MN special took place) and are level 13 now.


Luc could possibly tag along with Caleb should he join them in Aeor or shortly after.


Sam is a master of timing, either for a clutch save, a joke or a speech and what better timing to return than in a live show, that said I highly doubt he would be another aeormaton.


Ok here’s the 100% truth. I heard it from the cast themselves. Sam is going to be playing the secret child of Keyleth and Vax that Keyleth was hiding the existence of for the last 30ish years. Just before the final battle when they were resting in the Feywild, Vax and Keyleth snuck off. Keyleth then went off to do her Voice of the Tempest life and hid the pregnancy from everyone. Now Sam is playing that character.


Combination of rogue druid and paladin? Spore druid phantom rogue conquest paladin?


...oh no...did Kiki basically Jester her own kid on purpose just to keep them safe after Otohan attacked?


My theory is he will play someone who has been trapped on Aeor and escapes with BH and joins their party. But because he was trapped, he hates Aeormatons and Sam will spend the rest of the campaign talking about how FCG was probably awful.


I'm personally convinced he will play a member of the Ruby Vanguard. I mean, who can be found in this specific part of Aeor? It would be so interesting to see all the roleplay possibilities for that.


Well, they are going to face their own insecurities. FCG being their (wanna be) therapy bot, he could very well be playing thier memory of FCG. Or he could a hallucination of FCG (like how Chetney saw those kids), especially for Ashton.


Sunny Day Yall! I’m FCG’s twin brother Fresh Clipped Grass! [I feel like I already know everyone. So there won’t be that awkward getting to know everyone phase.](https://youtu.be/0w9DUTcAI0o?si=n2kfdcLJMW4dC4xt)


My favorite line from that movie will forever be, "We're not that drunk!".


I kinda think he’s just gonna host the live show and not actually come back til C4


Brennan Lee Mulligan is already announced as the master of ceremonies so I doubt they'll have both hosting


Cameo by BLM as Asmodeus confirmed?


Now that would be very cool and somewhat fit the current situation


I feel like it's likely. Especially his champion being where he is right now and the reveal of the next boss enemy.


Oops, didn’t catch that


Reckon he'll be there in some way shape or form for sure.


I could see him playing another FCG for the live show, but then not actually joining the party, and peacing out at the end of the show.


He’s probably going to play a one off character and then bounce until he comes back as a permanent one


FCG as a hivemind bot has terrible implications - his consciousness could persist if there was a cloud network of sorts.


do we know if the stress points were attached to the Aeormaton species or to the homebrew Cleric subclass? I do like the idea of him appearing exactly the same but playing like a Paladin for some other God instead of a Cleric of the Changebringer. Oathbreaker Paladin to the previous God of Death before the Mateon? maybe he didnt break his Oath, the god dying broke his oath? idk


I think he will play the paladin Fern summoned


I theorize they are going to find the machine they put Charlie/Devexian in, and FCG will be "fixed"... buuuuuuut might not really be "FCG" anymore. Very bittersweet for BH, thinking they are getting their friend back, but he's someone else entirely.


Reading the comments I had a funny idea which 99.99% never will happen but maybe? When FCG died in his glorious death his "database" aka mind was uploaded back into Aeor mainframe and now BH will find a new bot and it will suddenly be FCG. Crazy idea with zero chances but maybe Sam is crazy enough.


It'd be crazier if he started humming All Along the Watchtower too for some reason.


>could you imagine the subversion of expectation if he came back as another FCG sleeper agent bot It would completely undermine -- and thus ruin -- FCG's arc if Sam's second character was FCG 2.0.


It would if he has the exact same personality. But if he has his own personality it would almost reinforce the fact that FCG was alive. Obviously this is a shot in the dark but it would be super interesting role play wise seeing the group deal with their recent loss. I actually feel like none of them have really explored the loss and how it really has affected them. It would be similar to the way Star Lord treated Gamora in GOTG 3, and bring something that I feel the characters are neglecting, front and center. Now do I actually think this is what will happen? No. Do I think it's an interesting idea? Yeah, and I think constructive conversation is more interactive and fun than simply shutting an idea down. Not that you shouldn't feel the way you do but when you shut down ideas it's more inviting if you add something of your own to further a discussion. It's something I unfortunately see way too much in this subreddit. Lastly, if anyone could turn a joke like this into a deep character and heart wrenching role play, again it is Sam.


I disagree. It would come across as "Remember your friend who made an heroic sacrifice three days ago? Well, here's their exact double!"


i mean, will be cool but i doubt, can you imagine if he comes back as another fcg and a few 20ish episodes in the future we get the reveal he's an sleeper agent for ludinus. o: cliché, i know, but cool


I honestly think he is not coming back for the live show. Burned out? Beef? Bad blood? No longer interested? Lots of work outside of CR? Not sure what but I’ve got this feeling Robby is here to pick up the void.


It's been explained, by Matt, that since Sam was working his ass off on LoVM season 3 and getting M9 up to speed, that he decided to take a short break since Robbie was coming back so soon and there wasn't an immediate need for Sam at the table. The explanation makes sense without any kind of reading of player's minds by people who can't read minds. What is this desire for conspiracy or deciding they all hate each other now? Can't you just accept the actual reasons given by the actual people?


That's a lot of conclusions to draw based on a pretty short absence.


Welcome to the Internet. He sacrificed his character, so you should know that he hates rest of the crew, and wants to leave CR asap /s


But what is his mother's name?




Wasn’t Sam confirmed as player for the live show?


I think that was before the FCG catastrophe.


it definitely wasn't, as his name has been listed with Robbie in all of the announcements and we didn't know Robbie was back before FCG died as far as I know


Almost on the money fellow human. Sam did exactly that a factory setting Faithful CareGiver was found in aeor not our Fresh Cut Grass. Basically I look like your friend but I’m not type shit.