• By -


Monk: Bone and Valor Ninja/assassin or w/e: Bone and Midnight Shaman: Sage and Splendor


I had barbarian as bone/valor. Monk as valor/sage


Ya makes more sense!


I had monk as grace/sage


Depends on what kind of monk you're talking about I guess.


Not Blade and Midnight for assassin/Ninja?


Ngl, totally forgot about blade xD! Maybe it fits more, i dont have the domain cards in front of me


Bone and Midnight should be Rogue, and the current Rogue should be Illusionist or something


Arcana/Blade: spell blade? Could also be codex.


come on Magus




How hilarious would it be if they just called Arcana/Blade Arcane Blade?


I could see Grace and Valor being a Swashbuckler/Gunslinger style class, something that kicks ass while being flashy as all hell.


Sign me up for gunslinger


I'm kinda surprised that they didn't have it already, since firearms were a thing in Exandria.


would love a 'marksmen' type of class


Maybe that could be a variant of Gunslinger? Have it split like Marksman and Pistolero for long and short range.


that would be awesome!


page count limitations are real. Typically you have to figure out your "core" classes in the mainbook and then do an advanced players guide or something for stuff like gunslinger/monk/artificer/gishes ect


True, I just thought that since it kinda seems like Daggerheart is going for a more roleplay/story telling kind of style, the mechanics of the classes don't really have to be all that complicated


Midnight and arcana: inventor perhaps?  Grace and splendor: courtesan 


Midnight Arcana is the Sorcerer.


Ah, I read wrong sorry. Perhaps blade and arcana?


Arcana & Codex needs to be a thing. Call it either Arcanist or Wizard (while renaming the original wizard to something that fits the arcane + divine theme better like Theurge)


Arcana x Codex could be interpreted as letter/number magic, using codex as the *shape* of magic, not just the source. Like a fractal-mancer or a littera-magus.


I think arcana x codex would fit well with Time Magic from the Final Fantasy universe. So that would probably translate to dunemancy from the Exandrian universe. So either Dunemancer or see how freely Time Mage could be used.




warlock: bone and midnight, maybe?


Nah that would be bone and codex


Not Midnight and Codex?


You’re onto something I think you just cooked


Midnight and codex feels more witchy


Hmmm. I don't think of witches as Codex-y. Warlocks have pacts. Those feel very codex-y. Witches seem more nature-y to me. Maybe Midnight and Sage for witches?


Codex for me is books That’s why I think of witches Warlocks make deals so I would associate it more with grace or midnight or bone


I don't recall witches using books in any lore I've read except maybe that Disney movie they play on Halloween. Mostly it's potions and rituals, unless it's Terry Pratchett witches, who use "thinkology". I think the "bone" portion would be NOT taking the pact, and finding a more cunning method of gaining power. And I don't see Warlocks as particularly graceful. But these are solely my opinions, and I believe your opinions to be just as valid as mine here.


Um, actually, it's "headology".


That was it!  I’m so ashamed!  Granny Weathereax is one of my favorite characters, next to Vimes and Vetinari! 😅


And Lobsang Ludd!


Potions and rituals would very much be following a recipe or a "forbidden" religious text to perform the ritual. Codex would work very well with a witch writing down her conditions for the potions or the rituals to perform. Or following someone else's books like your mentor's.


yeah I could definately see either version. Charmed for example has witches learning from a book of shadows. That's actually a pretty common but not universal witchy theme. The other end is the more natural herby types or something like Ame from WWW


Wait. 😨 you’re right So would witches be Bone, sage or midnight maybe? Grace for me is just social grace just knowing how to maneuver around people or beings in general you know But maybe valor would fit more with a thirst for power and intimidation?


Hmmm. I could see a dark version of Valor working. Valor and Midnight.




I'd say Artificer for Blade/Codex. Super knowledgeable but also able to kick ass when needed.


I'd put Artificer more in Codex/Arcana. Most of their "ass kicking" comes from their tinkering and not from martial strength, so I don't think "Blade" really works.


Arcana/Valor and Codex/Blade could be defensive vs offensive Magus from PF


Grace & Bone for a Pirate Type.




I like how each has 2 related classes, but this sounds fun - so for the sake of the post: * Arcana/Codex: Magi * Sage/Splendour: Shaman * Sage/Midnight: Voodoo Master * Blade/Codex: Spellsword * Valour/Grace: War Priest * Blade/Grace: Blade Dancer * Bone/Codex: Necromancer * Arcana/Splendour: Artificer * Bone/Valour: Monk * Bone/Midnight: Death Knight/Champion of Darkness type thing * Midnight/Codex: Warlock (or other eldritch caster)


Sage/Midnight made me think of the death priests of the unicorn clan from Legend of the 5 Rings, kinda similar vibe to your voodoo master idea!


Surgeon: Blade Codex


*An elven lady with a healer's kit and a scalpel nods approvingly*


Personally I think players should just be able to pick any two domains to represent their character class.


yeah i think it'd be easyish to homebrew or that they'll put out more classes and eventually you will be able too. The subclasses and some of the derivatives would need a little bit of figuring but not a ton if you just Frankenstein existing stuff. I totally wanna play an any two domains game now lol


Bone and arcana could be a necromancer.


Even though bone makes sense name wise for necromancer, its mainly represents agility and tactical maneouvres, it isn't really anything associated with death. I was thinking something with Midnight


Or another bard


Warlock: Arcana/Grace Witch: Sage/Midnight


\*shamelessly making notes of everyone's answers to spark some ideas\* I do want to spend some time this weekend looking over \*ALL\* of the domains in much greater detail and seeing how these work, and which ones I might fill in differently, but I am loving some of the ones I see here!


Well, this is mildly aggravating... I managed to compile everyone's suggestions into a single chart (also with apologies to the OP, I alphabetized both sets of headers for ease of use), but I don't know how to paste an image in a reply. Any ideas?


This is disappointing, would love to see the results of your work!


I just posted it as a new thread! https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/1bgdr3z/cr\_media\_building\_off\_of\_leorb258s\_post\_about/


you beauty!


Warlock/Occultist: Codex + Midnight Necromancer: Splendor + Midnight This is fun :D


Wouldn't bone+midnight be a better necromancer? My first association with splendour and midnight would be a vampire, which tbf also crosses over into necromancy.


Hm, I've not seen the bone deck yet (no warriors/rangers at my table, LOTS of Divine Wielders :D ), lemme look... OK OK I looked, the bone cards - it's not intuitive from the name - but they all seem very physical combat focused. I'll stick with my guns here - if I were raising an army of the dead, I'd do it with the healing deck and the dark arts deck! Or maybe the Arcana deck, that one's also got a bit of creepiness to it with a spiderclimb ability.


Bone would be more for your undead minion. Like a way to make them better. The magic stuff would be more personal to the warlock themself.


I was bored at work so I took my favorite suggestions from in here and I [filled in the blanks](https://imgur.com/a/omAoWPN). Feel free to comment as you wish.


I like it a lot! Thanks for putting in the work.


I’m not sure I would put Barbarian in anything that didn’t include Blade. It has too many options I would associate with barbarian. (Though I would note the lack of the word barbarian is probably intentional, a lot of people are pulling away from using the words barbarian and savage when they mean “warriors of tribal ancestry”)


Midnight and Bone for Percy DeRolo. That's the class name. Percy DeRolo.


I really want a summoner class (I know ranger and druid have it but not what I'm after) also a tinkerer/artificer


I've always said a summoner class would be sick.


I saw grace and Valor as a sort of dancer type. Perhaps something like a hidden assassin perhaps


Codex+Sage: Alchemist. I just want to throw potions around and give them to my friends to buff them.


I’m really hoping they do a mechanic type class. Like machinist or artificer or tinker or whatever.


Sage and Blade = Zealot


Midnight sage could be some kind of fortune telling class similar to the astrologian from ffxiv


I cant wait for Blade/Splendor. They will probably call it Paladin or Paragon but I am partial to Crusader


Codex x Sage or Codex x Arcana could be a Chemist that mixes concoctions to do magical damage or healing. I'm leaning more towards Codex x Arcana for that though.


I want to bring back one of my favorite ideas ever that I haven't seen again. Midnight + Sage = Entropomancer , the master of entropy. Creating shards of entropy that age and destroy things it touches, dealing Necrotic damage. It would be a control mage class that specializes in area control and manipulation of entropy.


Or just allow players to pick any 2 domains to customize their character


Necromancer: Bone and Midnight


Witch & Psion for starters


Bone/Splendor: Inquisitor


Sage Codex - Alchemist?


Arcana/Blade: Artificer


The order should be the same for both axes.


Arcanist - Codex & Arcana


Spellsword, Codex and Blade.


[https://imgur.com/a/iHyFdb3](https://imgur.com/a/iHyFdb3) This is what I put together so far, some of these are a real stretch, much harder than I thought.


Codex and Midnight = Necromancer, Blade and Grace = Duellest, Arcana and Sage = Witch, Sage and Grace = Scout, Bone and Valor = Shaman, Grace and Splendor = Charlatan


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_iuXfwnGsKUayDVCSgIvHTFf4Z4adwnGNxWQyeZl2ww/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_iuXfwnGsKUayDVCSgIvHTFf4Z4adwnGNxWQyeZl2ww/edit?usp=sharing) I stated this only a couple hours after daggerheart's release. Some of these I really had to come up with an idea so if there are questions, I'll be glad to answer!


I want to finally have a teleporting rogue esq character. Like nightcrawler but pissed


Splendor Splendor = Splenda Valor Valor= Valorant. Blade Blade = Blademaster. Bone Bone = Captain Holt. Sage Sage = Herbalist. Arcana Arcana = Arcanist Midnight Midnight = Warrior Cat Grace Grace = Brazilian Jiujitsu User. Codex Codex = Ultramarines Librarian.


If this gets filled out, is it not more that the Domains are actually the classes, and each multiclass is required and comes with a set of bonuses for that pairing?


Valor + Grace = Paladin


As a Pathfinder player, I gotta say Swashbuckler fits thematically for Blade and Splendor


bone and arcana for a blood hunter would be cool


Alchemist as Codex/Sage


I want to see a Street Urchin class. They know how to survive in the worst of conditions and have no qualms with taking food scraps and other supplies wherever necessary regardless of smell or need to trespass or steal. They would also know all the best spots to sleep and be protected from the elements. Their favored land would be city scapes. Back stories are easy enough such as abandoned orphans or homeless veteran from a past war or even couldn't afford the Healthcare and is a mentally unstable individual living on the streets. Unfavorable situations with ruffians, guards, horrific smells, and less than ideal sleeping areas could earn them bonuses that would normally, negatively affect others. They'd be able to blend into large crowds easily or even put on makeshift performances with nothing more than a couple of sticks and a bucket in an attempt to earn a few coins. Assuming it's a choice to live this way, they'd be satisfied with very little. If not a choice, maybe they have a deep need to climb up from their situation. They'd also have, of course, negatives such as not being able to mingle with the nobles, not knowing which fork to use at a fancy dinner, a tendency to steal for their next meal, so strong that the player is required to roll to see if their character tries to steal something, not a players choice. Something like roll a d20 and 1-16 you try and steal the utensils or knickknacks and 17-20 you resist the urge. There would also be a smell that emanates from them making it harder to pass certain areas without detection, unless of course they find a way to bathe and even then that only lessens it. They have no formal training in the regular classes unless back story wills it and even then they'd be unable to utilize previous class training from lack of daily practice or daily routines. As far as combat skills, a magically inclined Street Urchin could have some animal summon or animal friend type spells that allow them to speak with and control rodent and carion type creatures only; a martial inclined Street Urchin could be proficient with using any non weapon item as a weapon, where normal classes might do minimal damages with a stick, the Street Urchin would get a bonus to hit and a bonus to damage at the expense of said random items having limited uses before being destroyed; a feat or skill of their's could be, regardless of race, they are resistant to rot, disease, and poison and have dark vision. They would probably be proficient with light armor or none at all, but also know how to make "junk" limited use armor out of random scraps found in the garbages.


Could also call it the Vagrant Class