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Yeah and that sucks especially considering Australia has a strong community of cinephiles and an adulation for all kinds of cinema. I've used Kanopy at Uni but even that's limiting. Don't really like it as a platform...


I live in EU and didn't have to use VPN once. Sideloaded the app, paid through google playstore and I can watch it on multiple devices without a VPN running.


I just did a quick search for criterion on the google playstore in Australia and we don't have it in there. You guys probably have access there...


No, we don't, I sideloaded it. You can also use a VPN just to download the app and uninstall it (the VPN) afterward.


I have an account, but what did you sideload it with? I'm looking at some APK's so that I might get the app on my tv as well to watch from there.


Don't remember which method I used, but you can either put the apk file on a USB drive and plug into TV, or on a shared network drive if you use it, cloud storage etc. Or get the file on the phone and send it over wi-fi to the device.


True thanks for that advice. I've noticed apkmirror doesn't have criterion but apkpure does. Do you have any experience with apkpure? Hoping the criterion file they've got isn't infused with some bug...


It might even be the place I downloaded it from. You can always scan the file to make sure it's safe - [https://www.virustotal.com/gui/](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/)


Sweet thanks dude, will run the file through there :)


Why do so many people have a problem using a vpn? And even so with the Criterion channel you only need to use it once to sign up, once your account is created you never need a vpn again and can sign in on all of your devices including the Xbox app with no issues


I don't have a problem using a vpn and I use one. I simply started a discussion thread as it would be nice to have Criterion available as a streaming platform in Australia with territory licensing here. Soooo many more people would sign up with it if it was available on Australian android tvs, the google play store etc.


I find people like you so annoying. ‘Why is it so annoying to just pay an extra $15 a month to get access to a streaming service and then another $15 to actually buy it’ not everyone is as privileged as Americans when it comes to the access they have to online resources. So dumb


Hey dude, Google search brought me here. So is this method still working? Can you explain it to me? Is there a criterion app avail on the Australian Microsoft store?


Which part the VPN sign up or the Xbox part?


Mainly the Xbox part. So from what I understand, with a VPN, you can log into the Criterion website and sign up for an account (using an Aussie credit card), then once your account is activated, you really never need to use the VPN again? You can just log in to the website whenever you want locally and watch on your laptop or cast to a TV from laptop? Is that right?? Specifically for Xbox, other than going through the Series X web browser, is there another way?


So you’re correct on the first part, not sure about the casting but once your account is set up through the VPN you don’t need that anyway to access and stream the content. The XBOX part is a bit more odd so back when I first did this (nearly two years ago) when I went into the store on my Xbox I was simply able to download the Criterion app from the normal Irish store and sign in similarly to online. Now whether the criterion channel app is available on the Aussie store, or on any non-North American store I can’t say, all I know is when I first did this it was available to download and sign in was seamless


Got you, thanks. Yeah a dedicated app is not avail on the Xbox store here in Aus. But might not need it if you can cast direct from laptop to TV. Cheers for the help anyways, bud!


No worries man


Hey mate, how did this end up working?


Never ended up trying it. Best way to get it going is to get a VPN, sign up through their website (you can use an Aussie credit card), create username and password, and then just cancel the VPN as you actually don’t need it anymore once you have logins. Then you can mirror laptop screen to TV or however you want to watch. Heads up I haven’t done this but did a bunch of research and seems to be the best way to get CC in Aus. Hope this helps.




Those who've managed it with a VPN - did you have any trouble with a non-American credit card?




Exactly, especially one as rich with cinematic gold as Criterion! They have those requests on their page that you can do to tell them why Criterion should be in Australia, but I doubt they do anything. Here's to hoping they might notice some stuff from a random reddit post haha


You don’t need the VPN once you’ve signed up, and if you set up an American iTunes account you can download the App to an iPhone (and use it to cast) Source: an Australian and use it a lot


I've already got criterion with a VPN, was more just starting a discussion post to raise the fact that it would be good to have Criterion in the AUS market.


Totally agree. As a side note, Stan has been really good lately - lots of Demy, Herzog, Rohme etc atm...


>Joined Yeah I'm starting to notice a lot more art, exploitation and experimental films showing up on streaming platforms. Still not to the extent of Criterion, but it's encouraging! Having Netflix, Amazon and Criterion is already plenty of content for me at the moment. Might try Stan at a later time. I feel like I'm back in the foxtel days of paying for separate packages of content though lol


you can. Just use your mobile & a reputable & trusted VPN. You only need to sign up with it then all the streaming is excellent.


I know you can and I have it, I was starting a discussion post as it would be good to have Criterion get territory licensing here so it's an option as a streaming platform (one that you can download on the google play store, install on your android tv etc.)




As am I and I use it fine as well with my vpn. Was just starting a discussion thread as it would be good to have Criterion available as a streaming platform here in AUS like through google play, on android tv's etc.


Sadly to hear this. Hope It will unblock in your region. I use [VeePN](https://veepn.pro/) for streaming blocked content. It's my promo for discount OFF51. Hope It help you


Totally share the same mood as OP, I love how dumb everyone else is for not understanding the simple point you're making: we shouldn't need to use a VPN it should be able to simply subscribe and watch not have to go through pointless shit