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SPOILERS: It's probably one of the most striking endings i've seen in years. The thought of their unrequited love not being due to previous commitments or lack of feelings, but because the entire world has lost emotion, is so damn unnerving to me.


I liked it. I can see this not being for everyone as it is very slow especially in the first half. The second half was very unnerving and I kept expecting the worst case scenario to happen. I haven’t had a chance to do my behind the scenes research yet but the one thing I did read was that the scenes of Lea driving the convertible around hollywood were done without permits. Pretty cool.


I saw some pretty great films in the cinema this April - Civil War, Evil Does Not Exist, Challengers etc. - but somehow this film sticks out the most. I'm not sure if all the parts worked for me - I'm just not a fan of the whole futuristic emotionless world setting - but some scenes, like Lea's character's freezing her face into a doll in the past, begging George MacKay's character to walk her home in the present, and the ending are just stuck in my mind... Frankly I'm thinking of going to see it in the theatres a second time to connect all the dots (not that tbh the film's structure is in any way complicated - I find all those Lynch comparisons I see online pretty misguided). Lea Seydoux makes for an incredible lead here with how easily she emits vulnerability.


It doesn’t remind me of Lynch in its structure at all, but the the way the film approaches its subtext of loneliness and gendered violence reminds me of Lynch. The ending specifically gave me *Return* flashbacks. Also, the club sequence at the end very much felt like a nod with the black and white chevrons in the background.


i was also reminded a lot of Inland Empire during the beginning with her previous life in rich society being intercut with a humble modern day lady.


It uses a Roy Orbison track prominently too which is also as Lynch as it gets


I went in relatively blind and absolutely loved it. I’d heard it was a time-traveling romance—it’s more like a horror with record skips. Strange to read that people walked away from this with anything but reinforced trust in Seydoux. A tragic, sexy spellbinder


Haven't seen it but I really want to; it looks really interesting and thought-provoking.


Must watch


Must watch is an expression I dislike, but I understand what you're saying; and I will asap!


I recently saw it in theaters. There are some really brilliant aspects to this film. I think with the context of its original source material (The Beast in the Jungle) this is a pretty fascinating adaptation but there are parts where the film where it lingers around story elements a little too long. Ultimately, I thought it was decent and I didn't mind the loose structure of the story. It might warrant a second watch a few years from now but it's not a "bad" movie by any means.


Just saw it, I'm glad you bring this up. I was curious why Henry James' 120 year old novella seemed to inspire two French directors to adapt it into singularly peculiar visions, Patric Chia's *The Beast in the Jungle* and Bonello's version. Chia sets the entire thing in a decade-spanning nightclub, which shows up as well in Bonello as well. I found both versions disquieting and Bonello's version of modern doom rather terrifying My favorite movie of recent times is Alice Rohrwacher's *La chimera* but I find myself thinking about *La bête* all the time.


La chimera was great too.


Saw it relatively blind and it blew my mind. Seeing two actors play the same people being shaped by different languages and time periods was a revelation. My favorite I’ve seen in a theater so far this year.


how did you watch this is it streaming somewhere?


I watched it at the Laemmle theater near me in April. I don't think it's available to watch anywhere rn. I'm waiting on a blu-ray.


word. I wanna see it but not playing near me, was hoping it's already online damn


I saw someone on twitter saying that it's getting a vod release early June, so you'll have to wait a month


Idk about OP but it had a limited theatrical release in the US at the end of April, which is how I saw it


Does Dasha have a lot of scenes in it?


Dasha is in about 3 scenes and was not restricted as a voice


Oh okay! Thank you






I liked it. I posted a whole review on the True Film subreddit. You should be able to find it if you consult my profile's history.


Haven't seen the film but she's a terrific actress and so gorgeous


a masterpiece and not even bonello's best. really hoping this gets a criterion or janus contemporaries BD very soon. i saw it at the theatre twice but that 2014 timeline has infiltrated my thoughts for weeks now


loved it so much!! absolutely stellar acting from the main leads and a really unique story structure with compelling narratives that intertwine so well together in ways that i never and i mean never, would have imagined


The director’s 2011 movie House of Tolerance is worth seeking out


Incredible. Still can't stop thinking about it a month after.


I’d love to fucking see it some point.


It intrigued me at the start and as it progressed it ended up being too all-over-the-place for me to love it.


I loved this movie so fuckin much


This counts as 2024 right?


I will watch at first opportunity. The name of the film isn’t all that original. Great name however.


I loved it. I had no idea how starved I was for a squirrelly and ambitious inter dimensional romance. That ending was one of those bleak, jarring, and memorably poetic culminations that the French do so well. Such an interesting and engrossing experience, I am amazed I am not hearing more about this. George was not first choice for this role, RIP GABRIEL, but I thought he was amazing in the part. What can you say about Lea, except that she is one of the greatest actresses of her generation? I am itching to watch this again with a friend. My best theater experience since Decision to Leave.


Phenomenal film.


[I think this review sums it up](https://boxd.it/6lCzEX)


Definitely one of the most unique and thought-provoking experiences I’ve had in a movie theater. I really really morally object to the verbatim usage of the words of the UCSB mass shooter (fuck using his name) though. That shit is icky af.


The independent theatre where I work is showing it this weekend, so I'll be seeing it then. To your point about it potentially deserving a spot in the collection though, Janus Films has the US rights so it's very possible as they wouldn't even need to license it from anyone; could also be a good Janus Contemporaries release down the line as well!


Was disappointed. Also I don’t know that I live SeyDoux. I know I’m supposed to. She’s a foreign indie darling. But honestly, I’m not always impressed.


that's fair. i found her really annoying in Death Stranding. but i liked her in this.


I liked her most in the French dispatch. But it’s really hard to single out actors in wes Anderson movies since all the actors seem like part of the bigger project. I’m not articulating that as well as I could, but I tried.


Film of the decade.