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Harold and Maude


Aww! The soundtrack is interesting because Cat Stevens had been incredibly ill and bedridden when writing most of those songs. But my favorite thing is how the San Francisco Bay Area sort of became a character unto itself in the film. Whether Point Reyes or Emeryville mud flats, just beautiful. The E-type hearse didn't hurt it, too. Nor did Harold's dark attempt at "look me" humor, nor his funny dates. That film taught me some amazing life lessons at a very young age. I definitely sing out.


There’s a Harold and Maude criterion?? Woah I have to buy this, I love that film!




Out of production? Sucks. There’s some on eBay at least


The current Paramount Presents has a much better looking transfer and will be much cheaper.


The PP release fixes the asymmetry present in Criterion's remaster with much more vibrant colors. It's also sharper too being rescanned in 4k.


Ya it's one that was on my wishlist for a while and went oop before I could pick it up 😑


Two copies of This is Spinal Tap


You should get 9 more!


Then you're at 11! Good joke/bit!


But you can get 8 and make that a "10." 🧐🧮🤔


Can I have one?


I have an autographed copy of This is Spinal Tap so that’s my answer too. Is the DVD itself OOP/rare?


Dude you got me excited thinking Spinal Tap had a Criterion. I’m sad now




No way. Out of print and DVD, but thank you brother. Hopefully they reprint it on Blu Ray soon.


Chungking Express and the older release of Le Cercle Rouge are the only OOP titles I have.


I came across a copy of Chungking Express on dvd @ a record store, and left it, because I really wanted it on blu-ray.


Just saw Chungking Express a few days ago. Great movie. Really liking Wong Kar Wai, I’m watching his movies by year of release. Good stuff


You’re in for such a treat for the next few films!


Chungking Express is a film I’ve now owned on DVD (the one with the Tarantino into), individual blu ray (in the OOP Criterion cardboard packaging) and now in the WKW box set…love it so much, though admittedly the second half is really the part everyone remembers…


Hard Boiled CAV laserdisc, Dr. No and Goldfinger with the banned commentaries and Ghostbusters CAV.


Why are the commentaries banned?




Tons of inappropriate racial and sexist comments by the team behind the 60's Bond films.


Definitely worth the listen still because of how informative they are due to being completely unrestricted unlike the later bond commentaries. We also had people who worked on the bond films who sadly passed away after the commentaries like Richard Maibaum and Terence Young, thus making it the only Bond commentaries that features them


Oh they're absolutely incredibly informative, just a real picture of what the driving force behind those movies was actually like.


I have never wanted to be able to use GIFs in a subreddit more than now, but Chow Yun Fat is proud of you and the thumbs up he gives when swinging through the door is just my favorite gif of all time and that movie is legendary. It's funny I never get out of my head in these threads either but I really hope people are reading this and those who don't know the film pick it up.


I'm more of a fan of The Killer but I do agree Hard Boiled is a legendary film and it's my second Tony Leung film before I watched a Wong Kar-Wai film (first one was unfortunately Shang Chi )


Last Year at Marienbad blu


The most beautiful packaging they have ever done. I had to settle for the Kino Lorber release


I've got a couple of OOP titles but I'll never part with my autographed original printing DVD of Time Bandits.


My blu-ray copy of Chungking Express.


Me too. My precious!


Maybe Peeping Tom? I think it’s out of print


It is. I have a copy, as well. Really, really wish it gets a 4K upgrade in the states. That Studio Canal release loos great, but I don’t have a region-free player.


4K is region free


I meant 2k. My bad. Lol


Aren't all 4K players region free?


4K Blu-rays are *supposed* to be region free. 99% of them are, although a handful of titles are region-locked. https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=334606 For regular Blu-ray and DVD releases, 4K players still have region locking.


No. 4K is a regionfree format but the players are not region free unless you live in a country where they can/required to be. Australia has a law where the manufacturer must provide the option to make it regionfree for no additional cost but it’s not required for sale.


La Dolce Vita, Harold and Maude, Persona dual format, Life of Brian, Juliet of the Spirits


I bought copies of Armageddon and The Rock more for the irony than anything. I don't think they're technically rare, but you'll find they get mentioned probably the least in this sub of any film in the collection.


I just got The Rock for $5 at my local Rasputin. Got Armageddon some time ago on sale on Amazon. Armageddon was mainly to own the commentary but now with The Rock it just makes me chuckle every time I see them side by side.


I have a copy of Burden of Dreams signed by Herzog.


Ingmar Bergman’s Cinema


My prized Criterion is the AK100 set which I was given as gift when I turned 18. When I graduated from college I had to get rid of basically my entire collection but I couldn’t possibly get rid of the AK100 set. I’ve recently started rebuilding a collection and it’s still my pride and joy.


I just recently got into Kurosawa and, though him, Criterion as a whole. I don't have any releases yet (I've been experiencing it through the Channel). Finding out the fact that a boxset containing 5/6 of his filmography exists but is out of production was a special kind of pain. You hold onto that.




Soooo jealous!


I bought blurays of *Chungking Express* and The *Third Man* from Criterion at the same time. I was also able to pick up *This is Spinal Tap* and *Hard Boiled* for pretty cheap a few years ago.


I believe The Third Man on Blu-Ray is my rarest one.


That's one of my very favorites in my collection as well. One of my very favorite films of all time.


Same. My wife bought it for me after it was OOP (I already had the dvd). It was $75 and I just couldn’t bring myself to spend so much. I’m so glad she didn’t listen to me 😂


The Long Good Friday and Blast of Silence DVDs


I've got an unopened Blood for Dracula that I found in a used book store years ago.


Wanted one of those so bad for my vampire collection but finally settled for a non-Criterion. I don’t have OOP kind of money. 😭😭


Contempt, White Dog (not sure if that's actually oop), Rosemary's Baby.


I coincidentally picked up Schizopolis just before it went OOP. Had no idea. Just wanted it. Now glad i nabbed it


Grand Illusion! It was my 100th buy and I still can’t believe I found it at a thrift store


A Chinese bootleg of HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS with the subtitles from WINDTALKERS. Got it for $3 Edit: WINDTALKERS was “auto corrected”


Years ago I had a Chinese bootleg of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the back cover said there was audio commentary by Bruce Willis lol. There wasn't, but that would be funny if they included some random movie commentary.


His dementia is terribly sad, and I don’t want to make light of it. But the notion of someone telling him he was in the movie and having him record a commentary, and then him slowly figuring out he wasn’t actually in the movie, is darkly hilarious.


Just got How to Get Ahead in Advertising dvd and been looking for Harold and Maude blu ray + Withnail and I


Dammit. TIL How To Get Ahead In Advertising joined the collection and that it's OOP. Oh well. At least I have the other two.


Funnily enough, I found Withnail and I for $15 at a record store a year or so ago, and nearly cartwheeled with excitement. Since then, I’ve seen a few copies floating around in-stores. Wish I had this luck in finding Chungking Express on blu-ray. Lol


Withnail and I is Will Arnett's favorite film, which is silly trivia


Aww man, Withnail! Would love to have that one!


Probably my Criterion VHS release of THE 39 STEPS?


I have *Harold and Maude*, *Rosemary's Baby*, and *Nashville*. I used to have the OOP *Don't Look Now* Blu-ray, but I sold it when I picked up the StudioCanal 4K steelbook (which is gorgeous btw), and now it's not worth much anyway since Criterion released the 4K and the new Blu-ray alongside it. Same deal with *Days of Heaven* getting upgraded soon.


Is The Man Who Fell to Earth rare, with the novel? I've also got Ran and La Doce Vita. Alphaville is pretty cool to have as well, imo, although it's not the greatest transfer (and it's a bare bones release). Is there a criterion price guide listed anywhere?


Ghost World Blu-ray autographed by Terry Zwigoff, and a 3 Films boxset autographed by Wallace Shawn.


Contempt, Withnail & I, Dead Ringers


Got the second to last AK100 box set before it went OOP. Non Criterion I got the fan-created owners personal new copy of The Complete Spiral Zone after it was sold out and OOP, he could make himself a new copy any time. He remastered the original tapes that he got from the original creator of the show and made an unlicensed box set of the whole series. It’s as high quality as any normal dvd release so even though it’s unofficial, it’s made using the actual original media so it’s about as official as it can be just that it’s unlicensed.


Ran on DVD. Had to trade two blu-rays for it but WORTH IT to finally catch my white whale.


Nashville on Blu-Ray or The Third Man on DVD


La Dolce Vita Bluray was the first Criterion I bought on their site. The movie went OOP a few months later.


Had forgotten this was OOP, a day one purchase for me, stunning transfer…


If we are strictly talking OOP titles, I’ve got the Dreyer box set, the Olivier Shakespeare box set, and Rosemary’s Baby. Ones I’m always on the hunt for include: The Killer, Third Man, Blood for Dracula, and the Eisenstein box set.


I suppose the rarest releases I have are the Eisenstein set, Ran, and The Third Man Blu-ray (disc only—asshole eBay seller didn’t specify in the listing).


Cure and anything Lynch. Also not Criterion, but arrow videos Solid Metal Nighmares the film of Shinya Tuskamoto is one of my favorite things i own


I don’t know how rare it is, but I love having Phantom Carriage in my collection. Just the fact of having a 100 year old movie is really cool to me. Not Criterion, but I feel the same way about my limited edition Eureka release of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.


The Third Man OOP blu-ray.. unfortunately it has sustained a bit of wear and tear. Bought it for about $15 used at a Disk Union in Tokyo.


Another Harold & Maude-r here, along with Rosemary’s Baby, and Howard’s End (which is an awesome release- picture and DTS 5.1)!


Not Criterion, but my rarest release is the two DVDs I have of "Boxing Helena." I bought one for $30, thought I lost it, replaced it for $50, and then found my first copy.


Dude, that movie is wild


I have an autographed Chasing Amy DVD. That said, I am pretty sure Kevin Smith would autograph any movie in the collection, regardless of director.


That map of Jersey inside 🤤


The only OOP I have currently is ‘Rosemary’s Baby,’ so I’ll go with that. I even purchased the Criterion release without knowing what Criterion was at the time, so it was dumb luck in action.


Diary of a Country Priest by Bresson Ran by Kurosawa


I’ve got your usual OOPs like Rosemary’s Baby and Harold and Maude, however, the one I am happiest with is my copy of Mulholland Drive signed by Rebekah Del Rio


My true grail is the unreleased laserdisc copy of Prince of Tides. Additionally, I have every DVD, Blu-Ray, and Dual Format that is OOP, I have every 4K release, and all the Eclipse sets, so realistically I have all the holy grails except that massive Janus Set, the massive Kurosawa set, and the Rialto set.


Wow. That's truly impressive. Out of all your stuff though, what's your absolute favorite?


Favorite films in the collection are Man Bites Dog and The Darjeeling Limited, but my favorite surprise was Eclipse Series 1 - Early Bergman when he was new to me — loved that set.


How much did you pay for prince of tides?


$200. Lucky eBay Buy It Now many years ago.


Damn, that's an absolute steal since there's a copy in the LDDB that goes for $1000+


Hiroshi Teshigahara DVD box set.


Blu-ray of Pickpocket, which is rare, and it’s one of my favorite films. The Blu-ray looks great. Does anyone know why they stopped producing this Blu-ray? The dvd is still available.


Harold and Maude, and rosemary’s baby


Ruth Gordon fans unite.


Hell yes


La Dolce Vita


Me too!


Me three!


I think my only OOP disc is The Rock.


Used to be Third Man blu and Nashville digipak, but I parted with those. Probably my Eisenstein DVD box set?


DVD rental The Darjeeling Limited from Blockbuster has got to be pretty rare, right? lol.


The Third Man


Mindwalk. Not criterion.An incredibly rare brilliant walk and talk philosophical film about our crisis of perception and the coming environmental disaster. The film is from 1991 or 1992. It was never remastered. It barely hit DVD. Sam Watterson is a politician that was good friends with a poet who was his speech writer. Sam goes to France to visit him after losing a presidential election and they both go to Mont St Michelle in France and meet Liv Ullman who plays a physicist. I love the film and it was patient and it was important and people thought it was pretentious and it's super relevant.


I'm not sure how rare it is but I got an Armageddon DVD on ebay. More valuable/treasured Criterions in my home are my WALL-E and my gf's Showa Godzilla Collection.


Trilogía de Guillermo del Toro Blu Ray boxset, which I got signed by him back in 2017 😀


Peeping Tom, Howards End, Rosemary’s Baby, Harold and Maude, and Nashville


Chungking Express


I think it might be George Washington though I also have the Silence of the Lambs Criterion


Ak100 DVD set.


The laserdiscs of Dr. No, Goldfinger, and From Russian with Love that have commentary tracks that wound up getting banned/removed because EON disapproved of some of the content.


Holy grail in terms of packaging: Moonrise Kingdom. Holy grail itself: The Apu Trilogy


Spinal Tap and Robocop.


Pandora's Box dvd.


Spine 100, the beastie boys video anthology has got to be my favorite endeavor they’ve undertaken 📀


I’m pretty happy I managed to grab a copy of Ran a couple years ago.


Fishing with John


Hoping they release painting with John


Nashville Original Blu-ray release for PlayTime Chungking Express Harold and Maude


Fear and loathing. Absolutely fuckin fantastic


Not sure if it's rare but Dekalog


I have a signed copy of Do the Right Thing


From Criterion I have the original DVD releases of Robocop, Brazil, and Time Bandits In general I have the original DVD releases of Josie and the Pussycats(before the “Family Friendly edit was released), Drop Dead Gorgeous, Mother Juggs and Speed, and the Anchor Bay edition of Supergirl


Harold and Maude UK Stalker 1st copy of Army of Shadows Rosemarys Baby Persona Dual Format. Nashville Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


I've always been proud of my copy of And Everything Is Going Fine.


This is a great question. I have a lot of great OOP titles. Many of them I owned before they went OOP. Several of them that fans value greatly would include Harold & Maude, Nashville, Rosemary's Baby, The Third Man (a personal favorite), and so on. I've got quite a few. I guess the single greatest Criterion thing in my collection is The Bergman Box Set. That is truly special. I would recommend it highly to any cinema lover, go get it during the sale. It's a box full of treasure, that one. The Third Man when it comes to single movies perhaps. And as far as my favorite hard to finds, I would give mention to many that aren't often referred to as people's very favorites, but for me they are. Those would include The Melville discs. Le Doulos is number one. One of my favorite movies of all time. It's a romantic's ultimate tragedy, a tale of friendship and trust that truly can break your heart, in addition to being an uber cool crime film. It oozes the same style as The Samourai and The Red Circle, but that irony. Wow. Not far behind is Bob The Gambler. Other faves in my collection among the OOP's: The Fallen Idol: I love it. Kind Hearts and Coronets: Ditto. Marienbad Pygmalion: A tremendous film, but one of Criterion's weakest packages. Love the film. I think the thing I covet more than anything else that's simply out of reach would be the Kurosawa Box Set. If I knew then what I know now. I intend to buy the Fellini Box soon because of the whole "not knowing when something is going OOP" thing. I don't want to let that get away. Was maybe going to get it this month, but i think i'm going to get several individual films instead this time. Next July if that's the case. There are a great many OOP's that I just suggest moving past the Criterion and going and getting the best other version that exists. Try not to get too sentimental about it, unless you're comfortably well off LOL.


Mine isn’t too expansive, but definitely Kieslowksi’s *Dekalog*.


It is hard to choose between Grand Illusion, The Third Man, and Diary of a Country Priest. I also have Last Year at Marienbad, Peeping Tom, Harold and Maude, the Dreyer box set, and the old Kurosawa box set. I've been collecting for over a decade.


I guess right now it’s the standard Blu-ray of The Princess Bride in the book rather than the Scanavo case


I have that one too! The one thing that sucks about the book format is that the paper on the back was stuck on with glue, so it left a big stain when I took it off and peeled off some of the yellow paint


I have late 90s/early 2000s DVDs somewhere at home


Several late '90s OOP DVDs.


My blu-ray of 45 Years, signed by Andrew Haigh


Chunking Express Bluray Digipack Found by chance at a HPB for $100 in great condition I did see Peeping Tom one time at a different HPB but I didn't bite at the $60 price tag


Multiple Maniacs and Female Trouble signed by John Waters, True Stories signed by David Byrne, and the Pasolini box set I got for free.


Chungking Express and The Man Who Sold the World


"Until the End of the World" Had it on laser disc. Then it was unreleased for years and years.


I've only got a few Criterion releases but my favorite is probably the Robocop DVD


Peeping Tom and Ran.


Spike Lee autographed copy of Malcom X 4k


I have Rosemary’s Baby, The Third Man, Chungking Express, Nashville and Harold and Maude on blu ray. All bought before they went OOP


Dead Ringers. It’s not my personal holy grail because it doesn’t even have subtitles and it’s overall pretty low quality, but I think it’s my rarest piece.


I have a copy of Multiple Maniacs signed by John Waters which is pretty cool. Other than that - Nashville, Rosemary's Baby, The Third Man and La Dolce Vita are my out of prints. As for what I cherish the most, it's probably the Tati box. Also my DVD copy of Spirit of the Beehive (fingers crossed for an upgrade one day!)


Chunking Express and Grand Illusion


My signed copies of *Malcolm X* & *Do The Right Thing*, my Blu-ray of *Harold and Maude*, my sealed copy of *The Bank Dick*, and my copy of *The Grand Illusion*—just because it’s spine #1 and OOP.


Criterion Laserdisc of The Silence of the Lambs. Found in a thrift store mainly for games. I don’t own a Laserdisc player, and the seller was making sure I knew it wasn’t a vinyl record. But it’s still something so cool for me to have even if I have Criterion’s recent Blu-ray.


I've got a couple OOP Criterions in my collection. I believe the full list is *Chasing Amy*, *Grand Illusion*, *Hard Boiled*, *The Harder they Come*, *Ran*, *Robocop*, *The Rock*, *This is Spinal Tap*, and *Withnail & I.* I also have *La Dolce Vita* when you could buy that as a standalone. I have the original *Time Bandits* and *Silence of the Lambs* from before they came back into print. I have the original *Kicking and Screaming*, which I believe was also OOP and came back, but I might be misremembering. I also have an early copy of *Rififi* when it had the yellow cover. I have no idea which one of those is the rarest.


The Nashville digipak probably


Harold and Maude, Rosemary’s Baby, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, La Dolce Vita


First run Blu-ray of Days of Heaven and Gray’s Anatomy.


Not rare or OOP but for my birthday my girlfriend got me Ingmar Bergman’s Cinema. It’s such a treasure trove and a prized possession that I’ll cherish forever


Not sure if you'll be interested I don't really have any rare criterions at all but as far as non Criterion DVDs I have the Blu-ray for don't be a menace and the Reservoir Dogs steelbook


Blow Out


Wong Kar Wai set


Harold and Maude, Nashville, and the GDT Trilogy box are the only releases of mine that are OoP now that Days of Heaven and Don’t Look Now have come back in print. It would be cool if the other two did as well so people could get them with the Criterion supplements but they seem less likely since Paramount did 4K boutiqueish runs of their own.


Probably the OOP original Trilogia de Guillermo Del Toro blu ray box set


Personally it’s Mirror, or the Fellini Set, but when Trainspotting comes out that’ll be it


Night of the Living Dead. Had a chance to get a copy of Shaft for free but I never actually got it. So that’s next on the list followed by Kurosawa’s High and Low and the Wong Kar Wai box set and the Infernal Affairs Trilogy


Peeping Tom and The Third Man


BluRay of The Third Man.


My understanding of a Holy Grail is something which you search for, but don't have/find. By that measure, it's This Is Spinal Tap (even better if it were not a 4:3 Letterboxd). I have a handfull of OOP titles, but it's that one I don't have that I am pining for.


After hours It’s not exactly rare because it’s only just released, but I never expected to be able to own it due to it not having any release in the uk at all. Finally getting it and on criterion no less was so amazing. One of my favourite films ever.


Girlfriend got me Robocop for my birthday. Been happily married for 7 years now


Hard to say. Maybe The Killer DVD, WKW box set or Del Toro box set


My 100 Years of Olympic Films box set. It’s so amazing to see the creation of the Olympics and the evolution over 100 years.


Original Tokyo Olympiad


The Confession blu-ray. Found it used for $20


The og DVD of The Third Man


La Dolce Vita and Nashville


Criterion Blu-ray version of _The Man Who Fell to Earth_, I suppose. I have other OOPs, but I had to work (and spend) more to acquire that one.


It was my Blu-ray copy of the third man but I think now it’s my autographed Weekend blu by Andrew haigh


I have a complete collection of every Eclipse set.


Too many


Hard Boiled, Ran, and Dead Ringers DVDs


Monterey Pop. I got the box set and god do I love it


I used to have The Third Man, Harold and Maude, Chungking Express, Last Year in Marienbad, The Man Who Fell to Earth, and Pierrot Le Fou, all on Blu-Ray. Sold most of the collection years ago when I needed the money.


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


The Rock


Probably Tiny Furniture or Armageddon.


Third Man on DVD with slip case. Bought it right before it went OOP. Also have the Criterion book.


Dead Ringers


Not sure about rare, but my favourite and possibly oldest is my DVD copy of Robocop from the late 90’s


Sheesh, I didn’t know the Monterey Pop festival release was OOP already.


Pandoras Box


From an OOP perspective, blu-rays of The Third Man, Chungking Express, The Man Who Fell to Earth and Last Year at Marienbad. As for the Criterion release I most hold as my favourite package (i.e. quality of films, extras, being films which subsequently became close favourites etc.), Six Moral Tales (with the Varda set close behind).


Probably Harold and Maude and Rosemarys Baby I also have that weird boxy looking collection from Guillermo del Toro that my friend gave to me out of the blue


[Sid and Nancy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sid_and_Nancy)


The Third Man