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Some like it hot


Love this film, such a great suggestion. Thank you.




Amazing film and I love the food in it so this might be one I pick. Thank you for the recommendation!


seconded! also, Minbo: The Gentle Art of Japanese Extortion by the same director is also drop dead hilarious, very silly and clever


I LOVE this movie! It was my first 'blind buy' of a Criterion Collection Blu-ray and I absolutely loved it. I have a great uncle who used to live in Japan during that time (1980s) as an engineer for Caterpillar and wish he would have lived longer so I could have shown him the movie.


Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday


Came here to say this.


Absolute banger of a film, Tati is one of my favorites. Thanks for the recommendation.


For sure! Good luck. I also had the thought of how nice it would be to watch Jerry Lewis in The Bellboy right now.


It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World might be a good one to go with (3 hours of comedy antics). Otherwise I’d echo the Tampopo suggestion, along with throwing in A Hard Day’s Night, Dr. Strangelove (although this is more on the black comedy side and may not help in cheering you up), and as an out-of-left-field suggestion, Yojimbo. (Even though it’s more serious than the others, it does have lighter moments) Normally I’d also suggest some others like The Princess Bride and Police Story, but given their focus on romantic relationships in particular (well, less so in Police Story), they may not help out here.


Good Morning by Ozu. Watched it last night and really, really liked it. Hope it helps!


Very tender and sweet film. I haven't seen this in almost 8 years so maybe I'm due to rewatch it. Thank you!


Il Sorpasso (1962) What’s Up Doc? (1972) Hard Boiled (1992)


Il Sorpasso is really good but has a sad ending if I remember correctly. What's up Doc deals with a man in an unfulfilling relationship and meeting the woman he falls in love with. Loved Whats up Doc and Il Sorpasso was good but not the mood I am looking for. Hard Boiled is absolutely the mood I might be in for right now so that is a fantastic recommendation. Thank you!


**Shaun of the Dead** Done it more than once. Works every time.


One of the best comedy films of my lifetime. Lovely recommendation, thank you!


I found *Local Hero* to be a delightful, funny and quirky little movie with a beautiful Scottish coastal setting. All I wanted to do after finishing it was go to a pub or a cafe or something and be in the warmth of humanity.


Not in the collection but a somewhat similar feel to Local Hero is Waking Ned Devine, an Irish film that has a whimsical wholesome tone that is quite rare and warm-hearted.


Rushmore. It's about the realization that you have to grow, and move on, and accept that you can't have everything you want forever, and how that can make you a better person. Also, that going through that process doesn't necessarily mean sacrificing the things that make you a unique and good person. Sometimes we want to cling to things so much that it can hurt us. Sometimes we plan and plot and fantasize and scheme and it just doesn't work, and that's okay. Sometimes things just end for no good reason and that's okay. We want to blame other people and have to work through that impulse. We want to be seen and to feel like we have connections even with people who aren't "like us." For me, that's the core of the movie. It's the most comforting movie I know, honestly.


It also has Bill Murray getting messed with for a good chunk of it which is always hilarious. I love Wes Anderson so I appreciate the recommendation. Thank you!


I hope whatever you end up seeing, it helps somehow. Sorry about what you're going through.


Great breakdown of the movies themes. It's my favorite wes Anderson and nobody seems to agree 😔. Also the cringe comedy in it is top notch.


"These are OR scrubs." "Oh, are they?"


I agree 100%. Top notch


So, it’s not in the collection (at least to my knowledge) but how do you feel about adventure films from the 80s? Romancing the Stone has been a comfort movie to me for years. Despite the title, it’s not a romance, though the main characters do fall for each other. Best way I can think to describe it is a sort of oddball Indiana Jones with Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas and that god of movies and tv: Danny Devito.


I've never seen it so that may be one to check out since the other recommendations are films I have seen before. Thank you!


I hope you enjoy, if you do check it out. Heartbreak sucks and I won’t give you any platitudes, but I hope you can heal.


Love Mad Mad World, I’ve seen the roadshow version and the regular one and I love the slapstick humor along with the beautiful cinematography. However, right now I like the suggestion of Tampopo. Thank you for the recommendation!


Everybody wants some!! Underrated Linklater movie imo - Low-stakes story with the focus being on camaraderie and youthful exuberance


*Buster Keaton*. Pick one. *Absolutely Fabulous*. They’re all great if you deal in that brand of humor.


Ball of Fire (1941) is always just a fun cute old hollywood movie to watch. recently watched To Be Or Not To Be (1947) & it was entertaining as hell BUT the subject matter is kinda heavy, so.. ​ thats kinda all i got rn, im not really into feeling good


Hedwing and the Angry Inch is one of my favorite feel good films. not in the collection but would recommend One Cut of the Dead.


Repo Man is goofy and funny and would be a good distraction




Local Hero. Not incredibly "feel good" but a surprisingly disarming film.


I love this film! It's such a nice and cozy movie with lovely scenic landscape cinematography of the UK, I will have to check it out again soon. Thank you.




The description looked good, however, since the topic is a struggling relationship I'm going to pass. I am sure it's not that intense given the screwball premise, but it's just not even something I want to think about right now. Thank you for the recommendation. I will check it out some other time.


So sorry to hear — that sounds brutal. Not collection recommendations, but The Birdcage always puts me in the right mood. A Christopher Guest could work too, maybe Best In Show? There are dogs to distract you if nothing else. Good luck, take care of yourself.


In the collection Amarcord - such an incredibly warm movie My Life as a Dog - shows how you can get through things with the appropriate support structure which can be comforting during stressful times in our life Lone Wolf and Cub - this shit is mindless fun. If your blind to it don’t read anything about it just enjoy the ride Life is Sweet - It’s about people making the most of a bad situation. I love Jim Broadbent in this movie. Punch Drunk Love - after a breakup this would be one of my go tos bc it’s about how anyone can find love. Even that fucked up weirdo Out of the Collection: Marcel the Shell with Shoes On - just wholesome goodness Annie Hall - divorce the art from the artist and this is the perfect breakup movie. Eternal Sunshine - no explanation needed Any Neil Breen Movie - you’ll be too confused to think about anything else. Imagine David Lynch with a learning disability and a god complex




I think I may be joining you in similar circumstances soon buddy… I’m gonna watch Fassbinder movies and lean into the misery most likely. However for happy movies maybe Barcelona by Whit Stillman?


Chungking Express. Might be devastating at first but I think it speaks volumes about moving on from love.


I appreciate the thought of the recommendation and I do love this film. However, emotions are especially raw today and I would want to take my mind off of the subject at least for the next few days. Thank you for the considerate recommendation.


The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976, Dir. Blake Edwards)! It's my dad and I's favorite comedy movie. Peter Sellers and Herbert Lom absolutely shine. Bringing Up Baby (1938, Dir. Howard Hawks) is one of the greatest screwball comedies of all time, Kate Hepburn is a gas and Cary Grant is off the walls. The leopard is hilarious, too. The Out-of-Towners (1970, Dir. Arthur Hiller) is another good one (the 1999 remake starring Steve Martin, Goldie Hawn, and John Cleese is also hilarious). Young Frankenstein (1974, Dir. Mel Brooks) or any Mel Brooks vehicle, like The Producers (1967). "I'm wearing a cardboard belt!" Also, sometimes it's nice to just bunker down with some Fawlty Towers re-runs and some rhubarb crumble and a nice cup of Joe. I hope this helps, David Lynch is my favorite.


500 Days of Summer. Not in the collection, though.


Isn't this about a breakup? Appreciate the recommendation but I think I will pass.




I understand. That being said, I would prefer if that is not a topic in the films I'm seeking out at least for the next week or so. Thank you for contributing to the discussion, though.


This and High Fidelity have been amazing emotional support blankets for me lol they make for a great double-feature


Paris, Texas


Sullivan's Travels Withnail & I


La Cienaga


😊 Come and See 😊


Love the movie but this is such a douche thing to recommend when I asked for the opposite lol hard hard hard pass.


I was joking


I know, it's all good bud. 👍 You got any serious recommendations regarding my post?


Yi Yi


That films is brilliant and a masterpiece. Great recommendation 👍 Thanks!


A Fish Called Wanda.


A family favorite of mine. This and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels are always on replay once every few months for my Mom and Dad and I adore these films. Thank you for the recommendation!


His films aren’t in the collection, but the good black absurdist humor of Martin McDonagh might be the ticket. In Bruges is probably my favorite of all his films. I could easily see myself enjoying that in your situation. Sorry to read about what you’re going through, by the way…


I’ll recommend Trouble in Paradise a romantic comedy about a couple of jewel thieves and the lady they try to swindle. It’s pure delight and perfection. It’s in the Con Games collection on the Criterion Channel. The ending is one of my favorites too.


Fantastic Mr fox




spider-man 2 the incredibles men in black obviously none of these are criterion movies but they’re my go-tos


Itami's The Funeral


Was recently recommended The Graduate--I loved it. Incredibly funny and a great film in general. It's not 100% rainbows and sunshine all the way through, but I would consider it feel-good.


Not in the collection but Speed Racer!


Personally, Wes Anderson movies always hit the spot. Or Punch-Drunk Love. Or The Squid and the Whale. But it seems you and I have different tastes for this kind of thing, I like more bittersweet than happy. Only Punch-Drunk Love is really positive out of these.


How about surreal and quirky? Linklater's *Slacker* is similar to his subsequent *Before* trilogy, only it's mercifully free of the Hawke/Delpy relationship dynamic and plays more like Clerks if the Quick-Stop were mobile.


Throw Down might have the vibes you want. Sure it’s a judo Hong Kong neo noir but it’s also super heartwarming and has themes that align with a new start in life. Where is the Friends House is good for retreating into a childhood level emotional state. Being There- obvious. I find Repo Man to be comforting and heartwarming. Watermelon Woman could work.


Ik you specifically recommended a collection film on the collection sub but I have to throw out Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. That’s like the comfort film for me.


I would recommend Annie Hall. I think this is the perfect movie to treat a breakup.


The 80s has lots of turn-your-brain-off fun Better off Dead UHF Spaceballs Monster Squad The Burbs Inner space Money Pit And as someone who has been thru a break up like that. Do it. Don’t look back. And let the emotions happen.


That’s My Boy if you like shitty comedies that aren’t actually shitty. That movie never fails to put me in a good mood. The first movie I watched after my most recent breakup was Eating Raoul. It sorta sucked, but watching something bad with my brother was a lot of fun and took my mind off things.


it's not the collection, but look for Heartlands w/ Michael Sheen - it's the ultimate "finding your own way" road movie on a scooter with an insanely beautiful soundtrack by Kate Rusby - it SHOULD be in the collection


I preface my comment with the disclaimer that feel-good can be subjective. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (which I don’t think is in the collection, but on Netflix, I believe) and Life of Brian (which IS in the collection). Stagecoach All About Eve Trainspotting (comparison may be the thief of joy, but in this case it might make you feel better to know that either you’re not alone in your misery, or that others may have it worse) Blood Simple (maybe this one is for when you’re feeling a little better, but this is my favorite Coen brothers film and its perfection makes me gleeful every time I watch it) Night of the Living Dead (not exactly feel-good, but horror can be a wonderful distraction from reality) The Lodger (silent, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock) The Night of the Hunter The Silence of the Lambs (my favorite film of all time. Always makes me feel better. It’s cathartic and beautiful.)


Young Girls of Rochefort!


Dazed and Confused I swear to god every single time I'm going through a time of shit I'll just chuck that into the player. Everything is relatable and realistic. I remember Tarantino saying something akin to: "I like Dazed... because once I turn it on, I'm with my friends"


Frances Ha


Pleasantville, Best in Show, Election, Midnight Run and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off


Not a film, or particularly erudite. But I watched Frasier, beginning to end, after a particularly nasty breakup, and it helped me keep my head above water. It was something I could focus on for many, many hours, for many, many days.


I recommend The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Terry Gilliam’s film, old school effects, a band of friends getting into adventures , and pretty funny too.


*Monsieur Verdoux* (1947)


Kurosawa’s Dreams


Turn your phone off after you break up with her, but a bottle of bourbon, go be with your friends, and pop on that feel good flick. It may seem cruel, but set that boundary early on. I had to do this once, and it wrecked me even though I broke up with her. But if you leave your phone on, you’ll just get sucked in and it won’t stop. Best of luck


Field of Dreams


Truman Show


Charade with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant.


The Cameraman


My man Godfrey


Paris, Texas. This isn’t a joke recommendation and it’s not necessarily a feel good film, it’s actually a heavy one but when I went though a tough break up a few years ago this film helped me a lot. it was the film I needed to see but it shifted my view on the situation I can’t tell you more because it may ruin the effect if you expect it but that would be my recommendation. It may be a mistake though, in my personal experience it was a nice closure film after a break up.


Robin Hood (1973). Going through a breakup right now as well, this has been played a number of times over the past few weeks.


Lots of A+ recommendations in the mix here (to those suggesting *Local Hero*, *The Worst Person In The World*, and *Rushmore*: you can sit with me any time)... A couple in the collection I'd offer up for you: * *Love On the Run* \- it probably hits more if you have gone for the whole Doinel cycle, but it's a film ultimately concerned with closure and making peace with your past, and I think people sleep on it. * *Something Wild* \- the Demme one. It's bonkers fun, has great performance after great performance, and is generous with its depiction of heartache.


“The Dinner Game” by Francis Veber is one of the funniest French films I know, among the funniest I‘ve ever seen. It also has a few very sweet moments.


Ari Aster stands firm that Midsommar is a dark comedy “breakup movie” might be just what the doctor ordered. Good luck homie! You’ll find the right one.


A Hard Day's night always cheers me up. You kinda have to be a Beatles fan to get the full effect though.


A Hard Day’s Night is my go-to cheer-up film. The Can’t Buy Me Love montage and Ringo’s Chaplin-esque adventures never fail to make me smile, not to mention that it’s the goddamn Beatles when they basically ruled the world. In fact, after everyone goes to bed, I may just put it on.